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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

CMQ: Why this question has 40 downvotes? (question)
@Fmbalbuena The interest check felt to us like a way to try to rush the community past its anger at SE and replace the old mod team, thus silencing complaints and making the situation stable enough for them to keep ignoring us.
The timing and the wording angered a lot of people thus drawing so many downvotes.
Even though DJ specifically personally requested it from the CMs, it still left a bad taste.
@hyper-neutrino is there elected mods on this question?
@Fmbalbuena well sure, i answered it, if that's what you mean
@hyper-neutrino thats i mean.
why not answering?
honestly i have no idea what you're asking
y'all ever just forget where you got SVG icons from?
Q: Bubbler and 3 others are typing

BubblerTask Implement a kind of "some users are typing" system, which can be found in Discord and some other chat clients. If 1 user (say, Bubbler) is typing, output Bubbler is typing... If 2 users (say, Bubbler and user) are typing, output Bubbler and user are typing... If 3 or more users are typing (...

looks like i am too late :P
nvm i see no one is typing… lol
Meanwhile I had to use homoglyph attack again because the trailing dots are snipped away by SE system
Those dots are \u2024
@Bubbler Posted. sandbox?
@Bubbler Bleh, please let them be ascii dots instead
I mean only in the title. Every dot in the question body is ascii
Ah, thank golf :P
Now I have four challenges of mine that mention the word Bubbler :P
@NewPosts See. The problem with Bubbler's challenges is that its a lot harder to find stuff to edit. Meaning that, if I answer, its a lot harder to get 1/500th closer to Illuminator :P
Lol :P
Also forgot to mention that I got my second 10k on Puzzling :D
Nice :P
@NewPosts I have rewritten my explanation to this 3 times, all the time staying at 47 bytes, because I keep finding "cleaner" versions of my Jelly code ಠ_ಠ
13 hours ago, by pxeger
@cairdcoinheringaahing hey I'm not really available right now, is it ok if we postpone Zsh being the LYAL until next time?
Given ^, does anyone object to LYAL "continuing" for another day? It didn't seem like there was much engagement today anyway
Well yeah, yesterday's LYAL is officially skipped I guess
You can save the message for 2 weeks later and pin it again :P
Oh yay :P
@pxeger Are you going to be somewhat available for a Zsh LYAL if we "redo" it in 2 weeks? If not, we can pick a different lang, and redo Zsh at a better time
I just got the weekly "what's in OSP's inbox?" email, meaning that I essentially got a email containing 9 random messages from lyxal. Fun :P
you're welcome
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh are we not doing Zsh? Great, let’s do Scala then :p
yes let's do Scala
great idea
See, unanimous agreement. Let’s do it! :p
Btw there’s a tie between answers with 6 upbotes: Lost, Vyxal, and a couple other ones
Scala only has 4 rn though so it’ll be a while until we get to do that :(
45 secs ago, by user
Btw there’s a tie between answers with 6 upbotes: Lost, Vyxal, and a couple other ones
> upbotes
Yeah, let's do Scala!
@hyper-neutrino Did you take your Vyxal server down 'cos ACE?
no I just never put it back up
I think I didn't configure it right and never bothered to fix it
i fixed vyxapedia alongside JHT cuz the two are configured identically
and I only fixed JHT because like all of my jelly answers from the past few months link to it instead of TIO and I don't want a bunch of dead links
How to get some badges and rep:
1) post a simple challenge in sandbox
2) wait until it gets to +5
3) move it to main
4) watch it gain upvotes
5) ???
6) Profit
How to get rep:
1) wait for Bubbler to post a challenge
2) post an answer
3) ???
4) profit
@hyper-neutrino *note: only works with python
and maybe javascript sometimes
(might work even better with APL/J/K/Jelly)
@Bubbler historical evidence says otherwise
(also works better for mathy people)
Well maybe APL
I think this was the highest voted answer over all my challenges
@AaroneousMiller no your not, i wanted to build a redstone computer once
@AaroneousMiller holy frick squid game prediction?!?!?!?? /s
TIL I have the locations of keys so ingrained in my muscle memory I can pretend to type on a desk or a piece of paper and I still know exactly where all the keys would be. I don't use the home row thing, I move my fingers to each key.
So in theory I can type with my eyes closed or looking away, which is what I'm doing right now
Oh wow, every word of that is spelled right!
yeah I can type pretty much perfectly fine with my eyes closed lol
I can also type with my eyes closed, but I use much more conventional finger placements.
interestingly I will sometimes miss keys but i can tell when I've made a typo and fix it even without seeing what I'm typing
@RedwolfPrograms Same :P. CMQ:: Can you type perfectly without looking> (hopruflly thi sis spelled correctly :P
sorry to break it to you but
Clearly I'm worse than you
like eyes closed as in just not looking at your keyboard or not even having your fingers in your peripheral or seeing your screen
i assume you mean the latter
@emanresuA No you can't :P
Ik lol
Also I have a weird habit of typing some unrelated but specific words (and then hitting backspace) repeatedly while I'm thinking about a task
i used to have a habit of spamming space and backspace (usually in the pattern S S B B S B)
now i just spam caps for some reason
@Bubbler Ok, I'm gonna try and copy this message without looking
Mine is more like typing "what" or "whatever" or "wtf" and then deleting it
Also I have a weird habit of typing unrelated but specific words ( and then hitting backspace) repeatedly while I'm thingking about a task
Lol I made one typo
> thingking
King of things
i'd have more difficulty memorizing the message than typing it down i think lol
I memorised about half then looked at the rest
@Bubbler JoKing's cousin probably
Oh wait you need the ..., I still win
Argh my villagers won't breed
And zombies have been picking them off slowly, so the population's dwindled
@emanresuA idiot you forgot to include the flag in the link
@emanresuA the real winner here is Vyxal because we have 1st and 2nd
True lol
also I can't updoot til tomorrow because vote limits
Or to be specific, Vyxal
> In many stack-based languages, including 05AB1E and Jelly
C&R thing if anyone wants to try
The above message is now invalid
I got a captcha while trying to post AoCG #17
I guess they're half correct, since I'm the ultimate challenge spamming bot now :P
Also a reminder:
2 days ago, by Bubbler
For anyone interested, please regularly visit the AoCG2021 event sandbox and leave feedback before December.
@Bubbler same lol
@emanresuA ah yes my favorite stack based language jelly and my favorite tacit language vyxal :p
Yep :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah, in 2 weeks is better (8th), or most other days before christmas are fine too (just not yesterday unfortunately)
Idea: Challenge where you have to post multiple irreducible quines that are anagrams of each other
Easy: use a language with explicit entry point
...probably not
> multiple irreducible quines
I know, I mean you can rotate the entire source to get the code that does the same thing
But the rotated source would print the original source, which makes it not quine anymore
Like, if the entry point is X, Xabcde and cdeXab would do the same thing
True. Should I sandbox it then?
Yeah, it could probably work
What's the current consensus on proper quines?
@emanresuA Zsh, 2 × 40 bytes: ato.pxeger.com/… ato.pxeger.com/…
@emanresuA You can still use it with common sense I think
@pxeger Those are invalid - Their code is 1=1='... and output is 1='1=...
@emanresuA oops, moved a quote incorrectly: ato.pxeger.com/… ato.pxeger.com/…
I just realised - the irreducibility requirement is almost useless because if you remove a comment, the output still contains that comment
@emanresuA but you could just reduce it by removing the bit that prints the comment
@Bubbler but couldn't you just rotate the string literal that is formatted into the quine at the same time?
@pxeger Well yeah, it would be certainly possible by adjusting something else, but then you might as well not need to choose that language in the first place lol
I found funniest thing
(Github copilot)
beatifully done
@FrownyFrog but that's not valid binary lambda calculus interpreter
and there is no input
and one last thing is this programming language is Total (can't do infinite loops)
the ai put their favorite things in the name
@Fmbalbuena It's called sarcasm.
@pxeger Yeah, what about the bit that inserts that?
@emanresuA wdym?
@pxeger Never mind, actually. I'm not gong to post it 'cos logisitical problems, but anyone else can feel free to.
BLC becoming Binary Line Correcter
@RedwolfPrograms is this eligible for your bounty?
Wow, an answer in Whython lol
(haha very punny amirite)
Actually ø⁄ now
CMC: ISO week number. (Current UTC or local, or given a date.)
Bash: date +%V (source)
Zsh: date +%V
dammit, ninja'd!
APL: ⎕SH'date +%V'
@Bubbler I have one less byte than that.
Uses ⎕DT, I guess?
> `%p` : locale's equivalent of either AM or PM; blank if not known
> `%P` : like `%p`, but lower case
> p uppercase
> P lowercase
Ah, what would we do without GNU coreutils?
wat lol
CMQ do any programming languages use binary search trees as their implementation of Map or Set?
yes haskell
Yes C++ (also has hashmap/hashset)
Rust uses BTrees instead of binary trees
IIRC Haskell's (in containers package) is quite different from conventional binary trees
1 hour later…
anyone know what happened to the js1k competition?
There was a js1k competition?
Better question: what is js1k?
make a js game in 1kb
Well I'm gonna go do the sleep challenge
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pajonkAll distances different on a chessboard code-golfsequencegeometry Inspired by this Puzzling SE question: All distances different on a chess board. Introduction Lets define a sequence \$a(n), n\ge 1\$ as how many pawns can you put on a \$n \times n\$ chessboard in such a way that all the distances...

@RedwolfPrograms I can do you one "better": In 7th grade, I started using Nitrotype, and I wanted to improve my typing skills, so I had the brilliant idea of typing in the air to practice. Somehow, that later turned into me typing random phrases I read over and over without realizing it. It's hard to explain, but now I find myself grouping chunks of those phrases, dividing them into 2 and inserting presses of the shift key to keep them even without being able to help it :\
this is me typing without lookiung at my fingers nor the se chat box oops I forgot to capitalise SE
This is me typing with my eyes closed. It's really not that hard...
Though I apparently don't have the spacial reasoning to do it in the air, I need a keyboard
Yup, typing needs very short movements
It's writing that's harder, because you might go above or below the line or not put enough space between letters
@user I hate writing. My handwriting was always super messy
It's a good thing we live in the age of computers, then :)
My handwriting is legible, but I can't write more than a few sentences without my hand hurting
sometimes I mentally write things, and try to use vim keybinds inside my head
it would also be great if I could :earlier 10s every now and then
Oh yeah
I wish I could use Ctrl+Z in my life so bad
1 hour later…
Why would they make people install an add-on to opt out?
to make it more difficult?
@user Wait, is that real?
Okay yeah, but it's annoying
@Adám Yup
I bet the add-on requires permission to monitor your traffic.
I turned off marketing cookies on cyberstart.com and it told me that I had to manually opt out of Google's cookies
After clicking on the Google link, that add-on is what you get
@user CyberStart looks like a total rip-off of joincyberdiscovery.com
they've just copied all the content across
/shrug You can supposedly win scholarships there
@pxeger Might be the same organization, then?
yeah, both run by SANS
but given they were paid for it by the government, it seems pretty scummy to resuse all that for a for-profit site
It's not even a rip off, the Cyber Discovery page talks about using Cyber Start
@pxeger bruh
The SANS Institute (officially the Escal Institute of Advanced Technologies) is a private U.S. for-profit company founded in 1989 that specializes in information security, cybersecurity training, and selling certificates. Topics available for training include cyber and network defenses, penetration testing, incident response, digital forensics, and auditing. The information security courses are developed through a consensus process involving administrators, security managers, and information security professionals. The courses cover security fundamentals and technical aspects of information security...
Hmm, how do they teach without an institute? And why are they advertising that in their very name? :P
it is almost 2022, and PHP just got support for enums
proper sum-type enums, or shitty java enums?
> Because enums values are actually objects, it's currently not possible to use them as array keys. There is an RFC to change this behaviour, but it hasn't been voted yet.
ah, typical PHP: omitting one of the most important features of a feature
@pxeger How are Java enums shitty?
they aren't proper sum types
I find them much nicer than the C ones where they're just numbers
@pxeger shitty java enums. Basically classes with special case syntax
@pxeger You want ADTs in Java?
@user ok, C enums are shitty too
@user basically
No, C enums are shitty, Java enums are meh but tolerable
I want ADTs in everything
I do too, but let's not hold our breaths :P
Everything is a linked list if you try hard enough
Java is only now starting to get some momentum to maybe add a basic form of something almost approximating something like pattern matching
@Mayube Damn, I just turned into a linked list myself
Also, does it have syntax sugar to access an enum member without specifying the enum class (e.g. Swift and Zig have this)?
I have a tail now
@user what about switch expressions?
@pxeger I don't think so
@user u-- uwu?
@pxeger Good progress, but not real pattern matching, I'm afraid
@pxeger /disapprove You know full well the pun I was trying to make
it looks like PHP are also moving toward strict typing, oddly enough
Good for PHP
in 8.1 functions not specifying a return type throws a deprecated warning. In php9 this'll be a fatal error
Let's deprecate all PHP code
Let's deprecate all code
I'm honestly kinda surprised, though, this is weird for a scripting language
@pxeger Can't get bugs if you don't have code ;)
Time to deprecate humanity
Can't get crime if you don't have people >;)
@user I'm sure it's gunna be a mess once PHP9 hits. They're basically tacking strict typing onto a language that barely has a type system
Oh dear, any idea what their rationale for that is? (enforcing types before working out the kinks in their type system, I mean)
@user Does this mean that linked lists are catgirls?
@user ironically, tail user would return feet, not a tail
Feet are just leg tails anyway
@cairdcoinheringaahing so toes are foot tails?
Indeed. And toenails are toe tails :P
legs are just torso tails, and so are arms
@user Well as of 3 days ago, PHP is managed by the PHP Foundation, which was founded by JetBrains and is an assembly of various major PHP projects, such as Laravel, Symfony, and Zend. As far as I can tell changes are decided upon by members of the foundation voting on RFCs, with a default threshold of 2/3rds yes votes to pass
So I guess either the foundation considers PHP's type system to be strong enough for strict typing, or they plan to fix it as they implement strict typing
or maybe it's neither and they just thought it'd be funny
Q: Permutation of all the number which separated by ':' and ','

obnewsThere is a string, format is like this: 1-2,11,44:110-113/321:11-13/401-403:33,45-46,111-113/511:13/ The '/' splits the string into 4 parts, I shorted the string, actually there might be 40 parts for example. Each part contains only one ':' in it and has to be one, the ':' splits the into 2 sub...

The annoying thing is, ^ was sandboxed for over a week
@Mayube Huh, TIL JetBrains made the PHP foundation
I attempted and failed your cmc - see Vyxal
@Mayube Wouldn't they return everything below someone's head?
I know in some contexts tail is the last element or the last 5 elements, but the specific definition of tail I'm using here is tail = a => a[1 : len(a)]
@cairdcoinheringaahing /disapprove
Catgirls are linked lists, though, according to the Mayube Hypothesis
@user Nikita Pipov, one of the lead contributors to PHP throughout PHP 7 and 8, works for JetBrains. Part of the reason the PHP foundation was founded is that he's moving away from PHP toward Rust.
JetBrains had been toying with the idea of a PHP Foundation, slowly putting the pieces together, since May. When Nikita announced he was leaving at the end of the year, they kicked it into gear and got the ball rolling. source
is there a CGSE discord server?
Yup, that's where this happened
Wait I should censor those usernames
@user Identity theft is not a joke, Jim
heh, just found this easter egg in discord: youtube.com/watch?v=qhJbPjrYzL8
@hyper-neutrino bountied.
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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