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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

haha american nerds doing it at like midnight
i'm still conflicted on if I want to use a library for python / my solver or just vanilla python
on one hand i am aiming to get as high of a score as I can but on the other hand it lowkey feels like cheating :p
My JS library is going to basically completely overhaul the language, so it feels less like cheating because I basically wrote my own language lol
I wonder how well codex will do for aoc
my "solver" is really just a super scuffed lisp heavily based around step-by-step processing with the REPL lmao
but given how limited it is and the fact that i'm too busy to write enough utility to make it useful by dec 1st i'll probably just stick to vanilla python
I'd use vanilla JS if it wasn't total frick
lol python... rare to see a CGCC person say they'll use vanilla python
@hyper-neutrino who are you and what did you do with the REAL hyper-neutrino?
@ThomasWard wait wut
i love python tho
ok that's a lie it's the only language i kinda tolerate tho
lol as i said who are you and what did you do with the real HN?
is the real HN supposed to dislike python o.O
well crap my cover's been blown
@ThomasWard I use vanilla python :P
But only because I suspect my course won't let me use Jelly instead :P
lol accurate xD
Actually tempted to ask, just for the shits and giggles :P
Python + jelly is the only programming language that is perfect
pretty much all the personal project code i've written in the past like couple years has been python lol. jelly and vyxal for golfing and racket, C, and C++ for class, but python otherwise
@hyper-neutrino python for most of the stuff I do, minor Bash scripting for some quick admin scripts.
... which reminds me i need to finish my aiosmtp based replacement for the workplace home-grown IMAP-driven listserv solution xD
Nothing wrong with using snakes for the purpose of computational processing :p
bruh just use the app
is it an api call or did they forget to actually remove the data from the page itself
It has to be an api call, cause the app still shows exact numbers
@lyxal true, or for dissecting email messages and doing stuff with them
like listservs need to work xD
("exact" if low, but still numbers)
@cairdcoinheringaahing it is
Apparently it's still working
combine asynchronous processing and redis driven workers for actually processing individual messages and BAM things work great and nmake listservs much more functional than waiting on a never-cleaned IMAP inbox to respond to commands xD
@lyxal ah did you see that on truttle's server as well
just saw the ping for it
@hyper-neutrino not gonna lie, Python sucks for golfing, but for pure easy readability, ease of learning, and expandability and flexibility for different tasks you can do on it, Python's a pretty good language
that and most linux distros ship it xD
@hyper-neutrino lol yes
@ThomasWard that's true. but TBH these days i do more non-golf coding than golf coding
but yeah python isn't great for golfing; i usually just use jelly
@hyper-neutrino yeah that's me too. i will admit though that i had to take a lot of time to learn how aiosmtp and its constructors work recently
THAT was pain xD
mainly 'cause i had to build a StartTLS compatible constructor for it heh
@ThomasWard As someone who only really codes for fun, you could've just shuffled the dictionary, chosen some words and put them together, and I'd believe that was something tech-y that you probably do/did :P
as someone who is in CS for my degree, same
CMC: Given positive integer n, determine if n*n and n have the same units digit
@hyper-neutrino using pure C, build an email listserv system. :P
shows self out
@LeakyNun APL: 10=.|⊢,×⍨
Or Try it Online! for multiplication
@LeakyNun Vyxal, 4 bytes: 5%1≤ (Try It Online!)
(because I totally didn't accidentally read it as n^n not n^2)
@hyper-neutrino cheeky
@hyper-neutrino w....h...how?
How tf does that work
units digit of product only cares about units digit of factors
the working units digits are 0, 1, 5, 6
you get units digit by doing % 10
and then units digit % 5 must be 0 or 1
but %10 %5 is just %5 because 5|10
therefore %5 <= 1
you can do it in jelly for shorter with %5Ị
So that's 1≥5| in dzaima/APL with a trailing in other APLs.
oh you need a trailing
that's why i couldn't get it working
i wanted to outgolf adam in apl first :p
@hyper-neutrino never going to happen xD
'course if it does that means the Codepocalypse is happening so we're all doomed
I'd take that over code golf contests on sites which score every language (even the ones with SBCS) as utf8
vyxal has a %5 built-in but it's a shame it checks ==0 because fizzbuzz overspecialization smh
Shh don't say that.
We're focusing on more generalised overspecialisation, remember? /s
in Vyxal, Oct 31 at 13:01, by lyxal
yeah I figured that we should stop overspecialising for just fizzbuzz, and start overspecialising for more challenges :p (that's a joke please don't quote this out of context lol)
CMC: Given a positive integer, return the alternating sum of the digits starting from the units digit. e.g. 43134 -> 4-3+1-3+4 = 3
starting from units digit as in 1234 becomes -1 + 2 - 3 + 4?
@LeakyNun Using a palindromic number seems like the worst possible test case choice lol
What's the LYAL this time?
@hyper-neutrino yeah
@LeakyNun can we take input as a list of digits?
Zsh, Stack Cats and Lost are the top voted
@LeakyNun f=x=>x&&x%10-f(x/10|0)
def altsum(num):
sign = 1
s = str(num)
total = 0

for i in s:
total += int(i) * sign
sign = -sign

return total
(not golfed)
ctrl-k to fix the formatting
def altsum(num):
    sign = 1
    s = str(num)
    total = 0

    for i in s:
        total += int(i) * sign
        sign = -sign

    return total
there we go
(still not golfed)
I can see that
f=lambda x:x and x%10-f(x//10) port of redwolf's lol
@AlanBagel i think you didn't start from the units digit
Integer division is something I really wish JS had
|0 is so scuffed
I've always thought \​ would be a great integer division operator
@LeakyNun how about

def altsum(num):
    sign = 1
    s = reversed(str(num))
    total = 0

    for i in s:
        total += int(i) * sign
        sign = -sign

    return total
I really wish python would let list return a list of digits if given a number
@LeakyNun Jelly, 5 bytes: UNÐeS (Try It Online!)
@AlanBagel sure
@lyxal Me too. It would probably save a lot.
@AlanBagel Error
Hmm, I wonder why :P
@hyper-neutrino haha nerd
@Fmbalbuena You copied the wrong thing
def altsum(num):
    sign = 1
    s = reversed(str(num))
    total = 0

    for i in s:
        total += int(i) * sign
        sign = -sign

    return total
@AlanBagel but you used backticks to mention.
well obviously you're not supposed to copy that part lol
you can't multi-line codeblock part of a message without the whole thing
Anyone object to Zsh being the LYAL this time? We've definitely got an "expert" (i.e. pxeger) around, at least later
@hyper-neutrino i have 3 bytes
2 hours ago, by lyxal
looks like we learning Zsh today
@cairdcoinheringaahing ^
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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