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Maybe they're arsonists
I certainly hope not... I'm on the 15th floor
(timmies is on the ground floor)
Oh look, children! Must be arsonists.
I think I'm gunna set up a TIO mirror this weekend
CMQ: How to get Review queues?
@Mayube i have 500 rep but the queue is empty.
Reviews are pretty rare
You might want to download Generic Review Tool, a userscript I wrote
It opens new review tasks in a separate tab, and pings you
@RedwolfPrograms What?
The Late Answers queue is also pretty useless for CGSE
@RedwolfPrograms Can i get Generic Review Tool?
@RedwolfPrograms Love the name, very original
@Fmbalbuena Sure! If you have Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey, you can install it from this link
@RedwolfPrograms What is Tampermonkey Google Extension?
it's a browser extension that lets you run JS scripts
@RedwolfPrograms After that, just open codegolf.stackexchange.com/review in a pinned tab, and wait for review tasks
@RedwolfPrograms or beter type "javascript:".
sure if you want to do that every single time you load the page
ok then how to get a lot of rep
Q: List of bounties with no deadline

randomraThis is a list of unofficial, deadline-less (hence not searchable) bounties offered by users on various challenges on the main site. Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that the user will award the bounty for you in case you fulfill its requirement. Especially if the user isn't an active member any...

@Fmbalbuena Ask good questions, write good answers, and stick around for a few months or years :p
@RedwolfPrograms how many time do you take to get 10k rep?
It took me two or three years, but for most of that I wasn't very active
You can pretty easily get 10k in under a year
it took me I think about a year of activity to hit 10k.
@RedwolfPrograms How many user with 10k rep there?
@RedwolfPrograms Trivia: i got 288 rep in a week.
emanresuA joined February 1st and now has 17k+ rep
@Fmbalbuena Nice!
@RedwolfPrograms i'm top 1 of week rep (ignoring users with less than 1k)
@Fmbalbuena but you're a user with less than 1k, so that's ignoring you too :P
They got that pretty recently I guess, since they're an active user
Too bad they're not in chat
they got a good chunk of rep from this masterpiece
@Mayube do you think you can answer this
@Fmbalbuena I mean I probably could, but I don't particularly want to. My go-to languages for golfing are braingolf, C#, and Rust, and none of them are going to do that well.
Curse you Dennis making me learn Fedora
@Mayube if you do in brainfuck. @thejonymyster will bounty 200 rep.
@Fmbalbuena I'm definitely not doing it in brainfuck
oh fedora uses yum, that's not so bad
@Fmbalbuena I'll do it
Siri, set a timer for three hours
@RedwolfPrograms Okay, your timer is set for three hours. Starting... now.
Y'know what, it's four minutes to 1300. When the clock strikes one, I'll begin.
@RedwolfPrograms i'll begin. better.
Siri, set a timer for 2 hours and 55 minutes.
oh man, TIO needs 2 servers
@Dennis make a server
@Fmbalbuena I mean to host. It has a main server and an arena server
Time starts...now! (and ends right as school is over)
Wish me luck
@RedwolfPrograms Good luck!
I stuck
(Give up)
@Fmbalbuena Can you clarify if I have to take the strings as input?
Or can I hardcode them?
@RedwolfPrograms they have to be taken as input
It might be safe to assume each explanation string is single-line? So you can "split" on \n?
@RedwolfPrograms you can use backticks, <pre><code> or four leading spaces.
that's output, he's talking about input
@Mayube Yeah i know
@RedwolfPrograms the tape and cell size is unbounded
tio mirror is installing languages... the suspense is killing me
@Fmbalbuena I don't understand the question
@Fmbalbuena You can delete chat messages, you don't need to edit in (Removed)
a good chunk of these languages are failing :/
whistles nonchalantly as he reads the edits
also greetings TNB!
@ThomasWard Howdy!
oh boy even CJam failed
What's the TIO clone for? Just testing, or an actual instance?
well if I can get it working my plan was to host a mirror and keep languages updated in Dennis' absence, but we'll see
I'm not sure if this question is on topic for puzzling (link)
because of fear.
@RedwolfPrograms What SE site is on topic for this?
I don't think it would be on topic for any of them
There's no single answer, which rules out most sites
@RedwolfPrograms uh Area 51?
No, I just don't think it's a viable challenge for an SE-like site
@Fmbalbuena definitely off topic for Area 51. That site is specifically for suggesting new sites
@Mayube ok so what now?
@Fmbalbuena wdym?
what now?
repeating the question does not help me to understand the question
wtf how did perl fail
@Mayube Hey
PERL is better than REPL
Because Print(Eval(Read()))) Loop
sed failed :|
@Mayube works for me.
No, they're talking about installing TIO
@RedwolfPrograms do you like learning random lang using esolangs random article
Not really
I'm more into making random langs than learning them :p
What about making interpreter?
I guess for some reason tiosetup didn't install pip successfully, so that would've caused a good chunk of languages, including Jelly, to fail
and sed failed cos no C compiler
What are you running it on?
No but like...your laptop? A dedicated server? A cloud one?
I went with exactly as tiosetup suggested, a Linode server running Fedora
I figured the safest way to minimize troubleshooting was to mimic TIO's setup as closely as possible
although according to the repo TIO runs on Fedora 26, and Linode only offers as low as 30 these days
Huh, must be an outdated guide, since TIO runs on DigitalOcean.
oh no
oh no, now I can't get into my server
@Mayube this is karma for not using the obviously supreme piece of software that is ATO
@pxeger Talk to me when ATO has 10+ languages :P
Or the random pile of unfinished but obviously very good scripts that is RTO :p
(Which will be shipping with 35 languages, btw)
@Mayube talk to me when your TIO has 10+ languages :P
@RedwolfPrograms that's better, but it's still not the ~600 that TIO has
I'll be adding one a day for the next few months
@pxeger I'll have you know that >50% of the languages succeeded... but then the server died
Plus people can submit their own languages to RTO
That's its whole thing lol
I think something else is actually going on cos I can't access either of my Linodes
FYI, adding languages is easy on ATO and I could probably get a lot of them done very quickly, but it's actually so simple that it's boring and I don't want to do it
Y'all gotta be careful saying people can have their languages added to your TIO clones, else you'll get me popping up asking you to add 10 different unfinished languages of mine :P
Cool, just click the button on RTO, upload the docker image, and you're done :p
@RedwolfPrograms this sounds like actually quite a good idea: if I can just get myself to do one a day every day then it'll be routine and not boring
> docker image
good one
> just upload the docker image
@RedwolfPrograms I got it in ~5-6 months
Or paste in the code if it's based on JS, Python, or any existing image
man, have you seen the internal structure of a docker image??
@RedwolfPrograms k yeah i got nothing for that cos all of my languages are JS or Python based lol
that stuff gives me nightmares
@pxeger What do you mean?
Why would that matter?
pxeger couldn't get ATO working in docker so now it scares them :P
If you mean the layers thing, just use the flag that condenses them all into one
@Mayube I could, but it took like a whole second to spin up which was unacceptable to me
RTO spins up the common ones, then just has them wait for instructions
and all you see there is the result of some squashed commits! It took like two weeks for me to get that working properly!
@pxeger What happened to
> It cannot be run in Docker or similar. If you do manage to get it working inside a container, please let me know as it would be very useful for me.
@Mayube oh no, that's in docker, not with docker
that's what I said
@RedwolfPrograms So if you're using an obscure language, you get a second or two of additional lag, which is basically insignificant. But for JS or Python or a JS/Python based languages, that's not going to be a thing.
because you can't easily run containers inside docker
@RedwolfPrograms You'll be hearing from me when I eventually get Braingolf v2 up to spec
Well, and a few months into 2022, since RTO currently isn't in development because my monke brain can't stay on task
K I have no idea what's going on with my Linodes. I've tried rebooting them but SSH keeps timing out
and of course as soon as I say that the other server starts working again
> a few months into 2022
I'd be careful with timescales that concrete!
so now it's just the one with TIO on it that isn't working :|
just say 6-8 weeks!
I'm thinking I'm going to do what I did with Ash, and start seriously developing RTO as my main project on January 1st
Over thanksgiving break I'll probably try to do a lot of work on it
But I'm not expecting a working release until 6-8 weeks into 2022
My one real request for either/both of you is for latest stable Rust, because TIO's rust is very outdated, and Rust Playground sucks
Y'know what, I'm going to stop working on the bf explainer in bf, this is the exact sort of pointless project that's distracting me from RTO lol
@Mayube Already one of the planned 35 :D
@RedwolfPrograms or alternatively: RTO is the exact sort of pointless project that's distracting you from the bf explainer in bf
@Mayube Dammit, you've fallacied me.
@emanresuA get fallacied, nerd :P
welp, guess it's time to hard wipe my TIO main linode and start over
is 0 the only natural number that starts with z in american english?
zillion :p
but is that a real number?
I think 0's the only one, yeah
zillion was my first thought too, but I was sure it's not real
Welcome to Freaky Fridays, staring Mayube's caffeine-fuelled stream of consciousness ramblings
I mean, english is what we make it. We can make zillion a thing.
We can make it saturday forever
I'd like that
@RedwolfPrograms it's saturday until we get 12 hours of daylight
I hate the sun. Let's kill it with fire.
Opinions on RTO's UI? Something feels a little...empty to me, I just can't place what
header and footer?
That's going to be built-in to the code section, with add/remove buttons
@RedwolfPrograms It'll be (visually) in the same box with an hr dividing them
@RedwolfPrograms Take some inspiration from here, it's much less empty
dark theme?
I'm not as much talking about the boxes that are there, those aren't final (not even any output box or run button lol), more about the layout/appearance of them
Maybe a little less whitespace?
gotta golf your UI my guy
@RedwolfPrograms I like this plan though
As for args vs. input, it's per-language configurable
BF doesn't need args, for example
okay I think I see what went wrong with tiosetup now: It configures a repo for dnf that only supports up to Fedora 34, and I'm running Fedora 35
and that repo has skip_if_unavailable=False, meaning once it's configured tiosetup will fail to install any packages
guess I'll rebuild the linode with Fedora34 then
CMQ: Light or dark theme for RTO? (I'll add both at some point, but for now)
I think I figured out the problem with RTO's appearance. It's feels like things are just sort of floating there, there's nothing dividing it up
@RedwolfPrograms yeah, I'd say there's a bit too much margin between the elements
and could do with maybe some backgrounds to some of the elements, or just borders
Give the header, where it has the Run/Post/Info tabs, a slightly darker background
Ok, I've sucessfully broken Jelly.
ugh, this TIO setup is gunna need some tweaking. I'll have to fork the repo and modify the scripts over the weekend
CMC: Take a nonnegative integer as input, and return the closest even integer (rounded down)
0 -> 0, 1 -> 0, 2 -> 2, 3 -> 2, etc.
@RedwolfPrograms wdym
If n is even (0, 2, 4, ...), return n. If it's odd (1, 3, 5, ...), return n-1.
@RedwolfPrograms JS 8 bytes: n=>n-n%2
I have one byte shorter
I figured you would
Python3 without % 15 bytes: lambda n:n//2*2
oh wait C# can do the same thing but better, cos types
C#, 8 bytes: n=>n/2*2
of course, your 7 byte JS answer, and my 8 byte JS answer are also valid as-is in C#
I suppose I should start learning all the weird bitwise tricks. I've figured out recursion, so I suppose I should become one step more Arnauldlike
@Mayube that's pretty short. except that what's missing is you have to still define x = (the lambda) to use it, but other than THAT it seems to work heh
wish i had your python golf skills xD
CGCC's rules allow lambdas which aren't stored anywhere
@ThomasWard This is true. We tend to omit that in other languages because other languages will gladly accept a newline inbetween the x= and the start of the lambda, but Python has to be special :P
@RedwolfPrograms Unless you're doing recursion
@Mayube backslash
CMC: Given integer n, output the largest square number smaller than n
@UnrelatedString good point
@Mayube n=>(n**.5|0)**2
Wait, smaller, or smaller than or equal to?
@RedwolfPrograms x<=n
you can also assume n is positive and skip the 0 check
If it had to be smaller, that'd be four more bytes lol
@RedwolfPrograms Try it online! 23 bytes
@Mayube No, that's to floor it
please mark accepted.
@RedwolfPrograms right yeah
@Fmbalbuena you can save bytes because you don't need the || around the output
@Mayube || is used to fix one * bug
oh actually yeah I guess you do :/
* will print *, not (empty output)
@Mayube we can actually fix that, with tio.run we put in header x = \ then it functions
i totally derped on how to use lambdas fora moment then i realized that :p
@ThomasWard yep! That's what we do for most languages, I just didn't think to use a `\` to escape the newline
now, if i had extra compute here in my server farm i'd MAYBE be able to mirror tio.run but :P
alas my compute is at max
And then there's C# which takes it to a bit of an extreme
I'd mirror it on my server, but I'm already working on RTO lol
@ThomasWard I'm working on setting up a TIO mirror, the setup scripts are quite outdated. Built for Fedora 26 and use a few repos that either don't exist or have since changed format
I'd mirror it on my server, but I don't think I could handle it with my budget server with like no disk space or ram lol
given the size of the servers I'm using for the mirror, and the free credit I got from Linode, I can run it for 4 months before having to start paying
Dedicated server in your bedroom gang where you at
not counting the fact that I already bought tio-mirror.run for $4
@RedwolfPrograms I have a dedicated pi4 in the basement, does that count?
I got an R610 with 24 GB of RAM and two CPUs for like $100 used, would recommend
well technically it's my housemate's pi4... and the basement is my housemate's apartment... but it's running my ethereum trading bot, so it's still sorta mine :P
I have no server rack so I set it on a table, and now I use it as a table
So it's just a noisy table
my housemate wanted to set up a server rack at home, but our ISP won't give us a business line
not that we need it
My ISP just doesn't care apparently
And I somehow have a static IP
woo! home time
I almost always forget to pay attention to CGSE when I'm not at the office, so I likely won't see you guys much until tuesday
so uh.. have a good weekend folks!
@RedwolfPrograms points at his VMware cluster sitting here in his apartment
@RedwolfPrograms Light, because that's what most websites have. idk about y'all, but I keep everything on light mode because of that, so dark mode would be annoying because I'd have to keep adjusting the darkness and stuff
Besides, it has been scientifically proven (don't ask me to provide sources pls) that white on black is harder to read
@RedwolfPrograms Arsonist.
@Mayube Wait, you check CGCC at the office?
user image
but it's fake
github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal it has 68 70 68 70 68-- ---70 68-- ---70 68-- ---70 68 70 ---68-- 70stars
No it's 69
For the memes
@Fmbalbuena still 69
At least let have my funny number for a while
became 68, 70, 68...
Idea: second account
Nerd I have a second account too
Y'all admitting to voter fraud?
@Fmbalbuena please just stop for a bit I've been waiting for weeks for this moment
@user no to github fraud
@lyxal you can't stop hahaha
@lyxal wtf is this supposed to be lol
@user each week a fugitive is named fugitive of the week to promote bringing them in
Q: Why programming puzzles is off-topic in CCGC?

FmbalbuenaSome questions like this is obviosly off-topic, but some what sees on-topic but not on this site (CCGC)? Like: “ What programming language is? +[.+] Prints ascii table. but what programming language is? ” Is off-topic in CCGC but why?

@Fmbalbuena undeniable proof that it happened: web.archive.org/web/20211119225243/https://github.com/Vyxal/…
The archive hasn't updated yet, but it's got a copy of the page with 69 stars

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