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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@pxeger that doesn't flatten it
ok, a.flatMap(x=>a.map(y=>[x,y]))
TIL js has flatMap
afaik list comprehension is the only 1-line way to flatten a list in python
@Mayube map is shorter than a for loop though
Array compositions are just a longer map
@Mayube sum(list_of_lists,[])
@RedwolfPrograms not in python :P
Uh oh I just made a networking-related infinite loop lol
I SSHed to my server and opened a screen session which displayed the total number of packets sent over SSH. So it'd count up, then send another packet to show that it'd counted up, and so on, making a loop :p
List comprehension is much shorter in python, partly because of the overhead of typing lambda for every lambda :P
try plugging a switch into itself with an ethernet cable, that's a much more old-fashioned networking infinite loop
AFAIK most decent new switches these days will detect that loop
@RedwolfPrograms It's actually a pretty good way to test latency lol
> old-fashioned
and by "AFAIK" I mean "according to my networking undergrad housemate" :P
If networking was a small field, in order to get to know people, would you need to network? :p
networking's an IT field, good luck getting them to talk to anyone :P
@Mayube I feel personally attacked :p
@NewBountiesWithNoDeadlines asm2bf go brr
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yep.
@emanresuA œṣF works
You might need œṣF¥ if you need it as a single link
@Mayube Cartesian product?
I guess
@pxeger yeah but it could do filtering and mapping at the same time, which was neat. I think some of my answers used it
@lyxal can you change the code to fixed code of @AaroneousMiller
still 70 - 1 bytes
@pxeger in regard to your comments on my Zsh answer, I have a few things to point out. 1st, the ! operator has a higher precedence than %, so you need not enclose !n%i in parens. 2nd, my solution works perfectly for many test cases, while the very last one you gave does not even run
@Seggan are you definitely putting the input in the command line arguments and not stdin? because I changed that
@Seggan also I think I misunderstood the !n%i part, and I was wrong that it didn't work, so sorry
Ok, I've worked out it's the (($#e+$#f<$#1&&e*f==$1)) part that broke it
@pxeger What is your origin of your name?
I'm not really sure why, but everything else still works
@pxeger (this is why I thought yours didn't work, actually - I forgot to change the input method!)
Here's a fully working golfed one: ato.pxeger.com/…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Alan BagelEscape the maze code-golf Here is a random maze: ##### #M.#E #.##. #.##. #.... ##### Here M is the starting point and E is the endpoint. # is a maze wall and . is a path. Now we can get out of this maze by following the sequence sssdddwww. (s is dow, d is right, w is up, a is left.) Your challen...

@pxeger thanks for the tips :) ill make sure to use them next time. i was litterally coding in bash with some zsh shortcuts ;)
@DLosc close to what?
Tying the best score
oh, to beating 05ab1e?
@DLosc yes
@Seggan :)
why did those messages get combined? Am I going insane?
no, theyre separate
@Seggan after I edited to fix it, yes...
hmm, you solution fails the test case of 40, its not digit small, but your version says it is
@Seggan ah, this time I'm definitely right: yours gives the same output for 40
mine gives 2 0s, yous gives nothing
never mind, i was using the wrong version. sorry for the mixup
haha no problem
it's not like I would ever make a mixup using the wrong version... ;-)
as somebody who uses Zsh as my goto shell when I'm on linux, I should probably learn Zsh scripting
@Mayube I'm happy to help with anything!
I want more regular Zsh users!
wait, you bountied, zsh, right?
@Mayube i am in India
currently north india
news: the train has been delayed by 5 hours in total
that doesn't sound very fun
SOCK² is only working for a few minutes at a time, which is really odd.
SOCK² is something you made, right? How does it work?
Is it what it sounds like - a SOCKS proxy nested inside a SOCKS proxy?
socks5 over a websocket, with some fancy stuff on top
It's kinda jankily patched together, so I wouldn't be surprised if I should be buffering something somewhere or something
I'd guess the problem is the network dropping the connection after a few minutes?
No clue
I'm going to do some testing at home, to see if it's sock² itself or the school wifi doing something odd
How do I downvote a comment
Ooh, my AoC id has four consecutive identical digits
CMQ: Should all non-zero numbers be truthy in my language, or just positive numbers?
I'm actually considering making 0 truthy in an upcoming language
And only ..-1 is falsy
@Mayube All numbers that do not contain a zero are truthy.
function isTruthy(n) { return !(n==0||n.toString().split("").map(c=>isTruthy(parseInt(c))).reduce((a,b)=>a&&b));}
numbers are truthy only if divisible by pi
@Mayube Why .map(...).reduce((a,b)=>a&&b)? That's a really long way to say .every(...) :p
And .toString().split("") is so ungolfy I wouldn't even use it in production code :p
@RedwolfPrograms (Note this should be +z not z)
@RedwolfPrograms wtf that's existed since 2011!?!?
Oh wow, didn't know it was pre-ES6
Or, preS6 lol
> every was added to the ECMA-262 standard in the 5th edition
@RedwolfPrograms Golfy™
Look man, I'm a C# programmer by day, and used to be a PHP programmer by day. The most exposure I've had to "modern" JS is TS :P
I guess that explains the worrying lack of type system abuse in that code lol
Although I'm kinda confused as to why you used recursion there
cos recursion is fun
git gud :p
f=x=>+x&&[...x+""].every(f) is shorter actually, and uses your method
(why am i doing this)
CMQ: What's the name of an operation that would take any number of arrays, and return every way to choose one item from each? E.g., [1, 2], [0, 4], [1, 2, 8] to [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 2], [1, 0, 8], [1, 4, 1], [1, 4, 2] and so on
@RedwolfPrograms doesn't work very well though, base case is a bit wonky
@RedwolfPrograms All the way up to [2, 4, 8]
Also f=x=>!/0/.test(x+"") is shorter
@Mayube Wdym? It's just if x is 0, return 0
@RedwolfPrograms and what happens if x is 2?
It's truthy, so it returns [...x+""].every(f)
it calls ["2"].every(f), which calls ["2"].every(f)...
@RedwolfPrograms ...oh
Wait, doesn't your original do that too?
probably lol
I was just golfing your approach :p
well regex is shorter anyway
@lyxal edit the explanations of how bucal code work?
Hey @RedwolfPrograms there seems to be a problem with your SOCK²
It's just sitting there doing nothing
@Fmbalbuena maybe later. I'd need time to see exactly what's changed
@Mayube You know .test casts to string right, you don't need the +""
But yeah, regex wins, and even more so with that :/
Can we get a couple more VTDs on this?
woah I just managed to keyboard interrupt python on a comment
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "...Python\Python39\lib\runpy.py", line 197, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "...Python\Python39\lib\runpy.py", line 87, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "...vyxal\vyxal\vyxal.py", line 48, in <module>
    # Vyxal REPL ftw
last time I checked, you're not really supposed to be able to KeyboardInterrupt on something that's supposed to be ignored
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerSolve the halting problem for Minyrinth code-golf decision-problem interpreter halting-problem Introduction Minyrinth is the stripped-down version of Labyrinth. It has the same routing semantics as Labyrinth but only four non-wall commands, and only one register (that can hold unbounded signed in...

00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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