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@Fmbalbuena Sorry it took so long, I had to go grab something to eat. I'v edited the post, feel free to change anything
I'd suggest adding some more test cases
1 hour later…
If this person ever joins the site, are we allowed to ban them on sight? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Thanks
So uh TIL Dennis made TIO from a Christmas tree
As you can see, that clearly says TIO and not T10 /s
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm done to upload? or wait more?
@cairdcoinheringaahing i saw that post a week or two ago and actually just died for a bit
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don’t even see what their goal was
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm Already done?
@Fmbalbuena Yes?
@user Why you say?
Oh, was that your deleted message?
I got a notification showing a message from you that just said “@ user”
Didn’t see the message was gone
@user Hey is this Sandbox post correct?
Idk, no such thing as correct
Why ask me specifically? I’m no authority here lol
Hmm yes I do love it when utf8 scoring is used
Very cool
Jelly is a supported language on that site too btw
Just in case you want to get gamed on by Unicode
@pxeger Can you install some basic modules (At least numpy plz) on ATO?
@lyxal Maybe we should add "Vyxal core" or something
Basically Vyxal's most important stuff
@RedwolfPrograms i have my copy of NPSP up since yours died
@emanresuA a ascii-only sub version for each release?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No idea :P
you don't need that
just make a version of vyxal that reads in the byte range 00-FF instead of its own codepage
There's already a flag for that
But the scoring for that site uses utf8
wait does that even work
nvm if it uses utf-8 that's only marginally better
What happens if you submit invalid utf-8 sequences
I don't know -
@hyper-neutrino besides, there's no options for cli flags anyway
i know
that's why i'm proposing a side version to get around the encoding issue on this site
i already know about the flag but it wouldn't work, you're the one who brought it up lol
I don't think there's any getting around it without having a completely different version
CMC: Cause a OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long error in python
I can get OverflowError: cannot fit 'int' into an index-sized integer pretty easily
but I can't get that one error
raise Exception('OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C')
wouldn't you raise OverflowError("...") lol
It was meant to be a joke but lol yeah it works
@hyper-neutrino yeah but where's the fun in that?
fair enough
@PyGamer0 here's an attempt: Try it online!
gotta use some C bound thing like numpy or time
outgolfing feels good
@PyGamer0 Try it online! for an easy -3
getting outgolfed feels bad
how does python have these expandible int sizes?
CMP: Favorite practical programming language?
Rust, followed by Haskell and Python
I'm in a language identity crisis but most of the time I'd say Ruby
it's been too long since i've actually programmed in a language of my choice but i'll probably end up falling into the rust camp
i have programmed in rust before
languages with different paradigms are cool
than the usual python/c/java
rust is quite good but i got little experience
i cant judge about rust
python has libraries for every paradaigm afaik
@Razetime hmmm graphics paradigms
so haskell in python?
That would be more like hasthonofproblems
@hyper-neutrino Oops, sorry about that. That was just 10m of planned downtime, I had to restart after some updates.
can(should) i take down my copy now then?
Sure, go ahead
i have earned the excavator badge
> The M10 [grenade fuse], used during the interwar period, and the M10A1, used early in WWII, sometimes prematurely detonated when the flash from the primer hit the explosive charge rather than the delay fuse.
Ah yes, because that's exactly what you want to hear
Someone probably was like "heyo there's something majorly wrong with these grenades" and the manufacturers were just like
Or just replied with wont-fix
idk man didn't happen when we threw the grenade so
I mean there's wasn't a single person alive who'd had that happen :p
vtc as needing more details lol
1 hour later…
@PyGamer0 JS
@Anush Actually I don't. I thought it was the same as your last cmc (this one) and my answer to it uses a very simple closed-form formula. The main challenge is totally different (by adding the parameter m) and it doesn't have one. (It is possible to directly calculate the necessary numbers but it takes worse time than plain DP)
I did try to solve it but it now feels like horrible waste of time.
why do i feel like writing input().find_index('a').to_arr().reshape(2,2).set_0((0,0),(1,1)) in python
@Bubbler oh that’s a shame, I was really looking forward to your answer
@Bubbler what is your answer without the m?
@PyGamer0 covid?
@Anush lol no
We should have a covid counter for TNB
i dont think i ever got covid
That’s great!
I haven’t had it either
@Fmbalbuena No, it is not. It counter-factually claims that ~ is ASCII 127 when it is in fact only 126.
@Anush The closed formula is: For given l and s, the number of arrays with the first entry being >=i is (s-i+l-1)Cs. Then we can bisect i over 0..s and iterate for each entry to get O(l*min(l,s)*log(s)), which can be better or worse than plain DP depending on input.
I thought it would be O(l*log(s)) but no, calculating combination takes time...
@Bubbler that is cool
I like l*log (s) as a possible time complexity!
Honestly DP is way too OP
way too OP?
I am missing some street slang :)
Are rank and unrank equally fast in this approach?
For unrank you can skip bisection and count things directly, so O(l*min(l,s))
That is cool
I was wondering if this question was easier. Given an array , compute the next one
Do you think that might be faster/simpler?
Q: Golfing Expressions

JayWe can write mathematical expressions using the standard math operators (,),+,*,/,- available pretty much universally. We allow the symbols a, b, c, d and integers (e.g. 1, 45, etc.) but will restrict to just these four symbols. (Bonus points if you can handle more.) The goal is to take an expres...

well thats ^ a start which probably will never finish
@Anush With length l, sum s, element max m?
@Bubbler yes
Maybe that can be done in l+m+s time?
Or better :)
That was going to be a fastest-algorithm question but I feel bad I don’t know the answer
I think it can be done in plain O(l)
@Bubbler would you be able to write this out in python please, I realise I am not 100% sure I understand it yet
Identify the "ultimate suffix" i.e. the longest suffix that cannot be incremented, increment the previous item, and distribute the rest in smallest possible way
And... the wifi starts working again!
Also why have three people starred ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^?
@Anush Basically this but you don't need to sort the suffix, you just calculate it
@Bubbler thanks
@Bubbler I feel a golfing question coming on :)
Hmm…. Say l =m=s=3 and we start from 0,0,3 . We want the next array. We need to decrease 3
@Bubbler wow! Thank you
@Fmbalbuena Always leave posts in the Sandbox for a minimum of 3 days
@Adám That's my fault, I can never remember which one ~ is. Feel free to correct it
@Bubbler could I ask for the same awesome service for unrank please?
It’s so much easier to understand in code for me
CMQ: Lets say you made a cool progra. on TIO, now where do ou save the link?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'll give you an easy mnemonic: Back when code was written on punch cards, you would "delete" written patterns by punching out all the positions, i.e. 1111111 which is 127, so 127 is Delete, and ~ has to be right before that at 126.
@emanresuA sure; what other suggestions do you have?
@cairdcoinheringaahing One way to remember it: 127 is DEL and could have caused every challenge to be solved in Lenguage, 0 bytes
@PyGamer0 I use HackMD as a cloud scratchpad
@pxeger Idk, just someone posted a Python 3.8+numpy answer and I couldn't find anywhere that supports both.
@Bubbler ty
@Anush What kind of unrank?
PIL and other image stuff maybe?
hmm yeah, ok
@pxeger sympy, pandas
and maybe integrate the jupyter console :P
for graphics
Can someone write me an SEDE query for all Python answers on the site?
@PyGamer0 It's an online interpreter service...
@Bubbler without the m. The one you had a simpler solution for
@emanresuA that can do graphics :P
Not easily.
ok, I've got numpy sympy pandas pillow, what else?
One moment, I have to (ugh) write SQL
@pxeger tensorflow :p
> NumPy. NumPy is mainly used for its support for N-dimensional arrays
wrong, numpy is used as it is an Iverson ghost :P
I don't particularly fancy the CPU usage
sympy is really basic. sage math is a little better
sagemath doesn't work very well as a Python package, it's installed separately
That is sadly true
sympy just needs coding volunteers
Does SQL support regex?
Very few people code for it
Or, how do you do an or clause in SQL?
select xxx from yyy where zzz union select xxx from yyy where aaa?
Time to leave btw
@PyGamer0 lol imagine using numpy. Made by Sympy gang
@Anush And please don't ask me more about anything similar to those problems. I have to live life
@lyxal Can I have a copy of the corpus code? I lost my copy by accident while cleaning up my filesystem.
:) but I am hugely grateful!
You coded rank but I better not mention that
numpy, sympy, scipy, pil, imageio, dateutil, xkcd, requests, opencv, selenium, passgen, flask-env, gmpy2, drawille, inflect, Pylab, matplotlib, flask
@Bubbler thank you
@lyxal imagine using numpy or sympy, made by ....err.....
I want to limit disk usage a bit, so I'll go with numpy sympy scipy pillow
@pxeger what is this list?
@Anush modules for python in ATO
@pxeger Why would you want flask, selenium, or opencv on an online interpreter service???
@emanresuA I won't be at my computer for a few hours, so I'll give it to you then
@lyxal for performing funni thing on codegolf
A: Find vowels count in each given country names using Java6 and Java8

dariosicilyWelcome to Stack Review, the first thing I see in the code is the following: List<String> VOWELS = Arrays.asList("a", "e", "i", "o", "u"); This is correct, but from the uppercase VOWELS name you chose for the variable it seems me you meant this as a constant, so you could declare it : private st...

> Welcome to Stack Review
Yes, that's definitely a site that definitely exists.
Actually ø⁄ now
ø⁄ = dab
OK, let's not let this get to our heads or get out of hand.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdámFrom my CMC. Given a regex and a text, return one bit per character in the text, indicating the positions of beginnings of non-overlapping matches, and also the positions of beginnings of sequences that are not part of any non-overlapping matches. You can: take the regex as a regex object, strin...

Q: Digit small numbers

Grain GhostA digit small number is a positive integer \$n\$ such for any two numbers that multiply to \$n\$, their total number of digits is more than the digits in \$n\$. In otherwords: there are no two positive integers \$a\$ and \$b\$ such that: \$ ab = n \$ and \$ \left\lceil\log_{10}(a)\right\rceil+\le...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JitseOpen or close? Every phone needs a calculator app. Because of the limited screen real estate, the developer of mine has decided to save some buttons. Instead of having two dedicated bracket buttons - one for open ( and one for close ) - there is just a single bracket button (). It looks something...

Q: Convert codepoint to UTF-9

nrgmsbki4spot1UTF-9 was an April Fool's Day RFC joke specifications for encoding Unicode suitable for 9-bit nonet platforms. Challenge Your task is to implement a program or a function or a subroutine that takes one integer, who represents the codepoint of a character, to return a sequence of integers that rep...

@cairdcoinheringaahing Ok i'll wait
@emanresuA precisely
2 hours later…
All of infosec.se:
"Hey, can I not use HTTPS? I have some other security thing set up anyway."
"No. You are an idiot. Just use HTTPS."
Also, morning!
@RedwolfPrograms night!
@cairdcoinheringaahing I edited a bit of test cases, can you fix my sandbox post?
CMC: Given a number as a input, output its digits as subscripts and superscripts alternatively. Ex: 234 -> ²₃⁴
@PyGamer0 Can we assume at least 2 digits?
@PyGamer0 Retina 0.8.2, 37 bytes
@Adám yes
@PyGamer0 Extended Dyalog APL: {⍵⍎¨⍛⊇⍳'₉'}@(∊∘⎕D){⍵⍎¨⍛⊇'⁰¹²³',4↓⍳'⁹'}@(~2|⍳⍤≢) Try it online!
@Neil why is ¹ i?
That's a mistake because 123 are not in the expected locations in UCS.
@PyGamer0 sorry I didn't have my glasses on and misread it as a superscript 1
@PyGamer0 Retina 0.8.2, 40 bytes
@PyGamer0 I presume we can take a list of digits?
@Adám yes
CMP: Do you like symmetry?
@PyGamer0 Extended Dyalog APL: {⍵⊇'⁰¹²³⁴'…'⁹'}@{⍵∊⍳10}{⍵⊇⍳'₉'}@{2|⍳≢⍵} Try it online!
@PyGamer0 Yes, and I suspect that is an objective answer.
@Adám yes
@PyGamer0 Only if it likes me back
@RedwolfPrograms Hey
Can you fix my sandbox post?
The BF explainer thing?
@RedwolfPrograms Yeah
What's wrong with it?
Read all please.
I did
Is there any part of it you want feedback on specifically?
read the second testcase and i didn't add the rule.
(Or better last edit)
So the new rule is that all no-ops should be grouped together?
I changed my mind because is ugly.
Do you want me to edit that in?
@RedwolfPrograms Thanks, but I need to wait 3 days (2 days remaining)
@RedwolfPrograms I edited a bit.
Well I just spent way too long solving the world's ugliest equation and then remembered it was in a calculator-allowed section of the assignment >:|
CMC: Do this sandbox post
@Fmbalbuena it turns out my rough estimate of 1000 bytes was a bit off.
@AaroneousMiller Whitespace interpreter?
@AaroneousMiller And chaotic
And, TIO's blocked again :(
*Sad Redwolf noises*
@RedwolfPrograms What happened?
I guess it was unblocked by mistake
It never fully worked, you still couldn't run code, only view it
I't worked for me.
bad internet?
@AaroneousMiller Don't post because empty program does infinite loop.
@Fmbalbuena With the exception of the arithmetic commands, the challenge guarantees a valid program as input, and the empty program isn't a valid program, so I'd say that's acceptable.
@AaroneousMiller Sorry
@RedwolfPrograms I have an idea for golfing language.
Making a golfing languages is fun
But only specific challenges.
That's fine, we have golfing languages like Canvas that are specific to certain challenge types
(I would say Charcoal except Neil exists)
this was unbulit.
Called "Sequencel"
Ooh, so it's meant for sequence challenges?
That's a neat niche for a language, there's lots of cool functions that are really useful for sequence challenges
and patterns of data flow
Like heavy usage of infinite generators
empty code will do the counter.
A: Write a Whitespace Interpreter

Aaroneous MillerVim, 2366 bytes :let@z='' :%s/\S//eg :%s/ /S/& :%s/ /T/& :%s/\n/N/& $xo"Zyl:if"<C-v><C-r>z"=="SS"||"<C-v><C-r>z"=="STS"||"<C-v><C-r>z"=="STN"||"<C-v><C-r>z"=="NST"||"<C-v><C-r>z"=="NSN"||"<C-v><C-r>z"=="NTS"||"<C-v><C-r>z"=="NTT"<C-v> norm fN<C-v> let@z=''<C-v> elsei"<C-v><C-r>z"=="SNS"||"<C-v><...

why would you do this to yourself :p
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ why not?
Also I guess I have a new longest hand-written answer lol
@AaroneousMiller Thicc vim answer
wow such thicc
many unprintable
@AaroneousMiller i can't program Vim

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