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idk why am i awake rn
2 hours later…
Q: Bijective meets mixed base

BubblerBackground A bijective base \$b\$ numeration, where \$b\$ is a positive integer, is a bijective positional notation that makes use of \$b\$ symbols with associated values of \$1,2,\cdots,b\$. Bijective base 2 representations of positive integers look like this: 1 -> 1 2 -> 2 3 -> 11 4 -> 12 5 -> ...

Ugh more illuminati spam
(...is a sentence I didn't really ever think I'd say)
Looks like the community bot protected the question
Should it be unprotected or just left as is
Probably leave as-is, since it does have a keyword that seems to attract spam of some kind
yeah, probably a good idea to just leave it protected
How to choose the bounty award answer
button not working
You need to wait a bit
(And if you leave the bounty for a week people will probaly come & upvote your challenge ;))
@emanresuA lol bounty investment
I think we should discuss the current policy that you shouldn't post answers that you disagree with on meta questions asking if something should be done
It takes a lot more effort to write up a post disagreeing with something than it does to vote on one, so if you're posting an answer for a side, I don't see any problem posting one against it too, especially if you can summarize reasons for opposition, and make it CW
"especially if you can summarize reasons for opposition"
And in some rare cases, I could see it creating a bias, like if a proposed idea were mainly opposed by the same sort of people who wouldn't want to post an answer themselves
Sometimes people post the opposition without proper reasons
Well then it can be commented or edited in
But it's better than nothing imo
Since people can still vote on that
To me, editing an existing post by someone else has a higher barrier than writing up a fresh answer
And, if the opposition doesn't get a good argument from someone who actually supports it, it's destined to accumulate downvotes, which doesn't help even if the supporter comes later
Maybe for things that require a lot of discussion sure, but for things where it's more or less yes/no
Like tagging questions
Yes/no decision can be perfectly done with a single answer. If it is a high plus then it is the consensus, if it is high minus then it's the opposite (and someone would have posted the opposite answer by then already)
And if there is no immediate consensus then there would be, erm, discussion anyway
4 hours later…
Wait, so do I check the types of advertisements that I want or that I don't want‽
that you don't want
"I would prefer if the Barclays group DIDN'T contact me by telephone", "I would prefer if the Barclays group DIDN'T contact me by post", "I would prefer if the Barclays group DIDN'T contact me by email", "I would prefer if the Barclays group DIDN'T contact me by sms/text"
That's what it sounds like, but they're unchecked by default. Surely I don't have to take action to avoid spam?
Anyway, I'll try that. Hopefully, I can change my preferences if it turns out wrong.
1 hour later…
hi @Bubbler
Can't believe I just got jumpscared by my phone's wallpaper
Because it changes daily (Microsoft launcher gang), I don't know what it is until I go to my home screen
I go there and this is what I see staring at me
A friend of mine rickrolled me through my ipad wallpaper
The old background switch?
Heh, reminds me of how I used to prank my friends by doing things like inverting the colour of their screen, making their mouse pointer as big as possible, increasing the contrast all the way up, inverting scrolling and other stuff in system preferences if they were stupid enough to leave their computer unlocked next to me
> inverting scrolling
You can do that?
Go to trackpad settings in system preferences
Why does this exist?
Because some people (like me) use scrolling the other way
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess
I bet y'all the next great startup's going to be a tiny device that does one thing: Play Rick Astley, really loudly.
@emanresuA I had gone from using a mouse scroll wheel and Windows to being unfamiliar with how Apple trackpads worked. Inverted scrolling seemed to match what I was familiar with.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's one of those things that makes sense both ways.
In other news, I just got jumpscared by my wallpaper again
@emanresuA no comments on my question....
the sandbox as yet to prove its worth :)
@lyxal What now...
@Anush If there's no comments, no ambiguities and it's probably good. Leave it in for a bit longer tho
@emanresuA no, it's the same picture
I tell you what, it'll soon get unbearable if I keep getting jumpscared
Nah, only three more hours
No, it's only just changed
It's gonna be like that day until tomorrow night
Is it on alaska time?
Idk when it changes
Well, I should slep so o//////////////////////////////////////////////
(I took a 2% tax from your organisation's income)
You work here too?
Wow, small world
Welcome to the team then
@Anush Looks good to me
> You've earned the "status-completed" tag badge
I think that's my rarest badge across the entire network: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/help/badges/108/…
@cairdcoinheringaahing can I just say that there is some exceptional versioning going on in the Add++ repo
only one release and it's skipped 2 major releases
oop nevermind I just found the vers folder
and it gets better
mmmm yes the fresh smell of vMajorvMinorvPatch /s
I didn't discover the "Releases" functionality until like, way too late, then couldn't be bothered with it :P
@lyxal That's to enable to --version= command line option
Imagine not being able to run your code on past versions of the language
yeah well imagine only having 56 releases.
made by 59 releases gang
Add++ hasn't been in dev (on GH) in 3 years, and it's still only 3 "releases" behind :P
Also, did you really count the number of files? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing m...maybe
I mean, kudos :P
is it actually 56?
idk if I missed one or two
I have no idea
You could've said any number and I'd've believed you
well I counted 56 when I went through the entire list
because I'm too lazy to clone it and use file explorer to check the actual count
Well, my computer's dead, so I can't even check :P
why would you name your computer "dead"?
that seems like a horrible name for a computer /s
I'm sorry SE, what?
full screenshot:
Try refreshing?
still happens
1 hour later…
@emanresuA but how much???
mornin' folks
@Bubbler thanks
Is there a free tool to illustrate a number per country? (Like a circle overlaid.)
Excel might have a thing
Ah, right. I'll check it out. Thanks!
@Adám "Surely I don't have to take action to avoid spam?"
Said nobody ever :p
Compressed air cans are fun
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DingusValidate a Metroid password code-golf decision-problem encoding checksum Released in 1986, Metroid was a popular action-adventure game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Owing to the technical limitations of the day (and a cost-cutting decision not to include a battery in the cartridge), game...

I should really clean my laptop
It's logged like 2500 hours of use by my estimates, and it's looking kinda gross
Black plastic isn't the best material for hiding dust and stuff
that moment when your code is broken, but you fix it by doing x[i] = x[i]
@user Id does, but completely misunderstands my country names.
Only problem is the can of compressed air I found behind a desk at my house has a faulty straw thingy that occasionally detaches and flies at random objects at a dangerously high speed
Compressed air cannons are fun
Q: Concatenation Coincidence

Don ThousandThis code-golf challenge (and test cases) are inspired by the work of Project Euler users amagri, Cees.Duivenvoorde, and oozk, and Project Euler Problem 751. (And no, this isn't on OEIS). Sandbox A non-decreasing sequence of integers an can be generated from any positive real value Θ by the follo...

oh, no wonder this isn't working, I incorrectly implemented thanos-oriented programming
Where is that wiki?
Jul 23 at 22:38, by Aaron Miller
@cairdcoinheringaahing From the README for flipbit: “Check the wiki for all commands”
There is no wiki.
The horizontal screws are so janky in smb3
Aaaaaahh I hate the airship 7 boss
I've done it before, but I haven't played in a while
fun fact: a + e = Æ: Try it Online!
True, but it should be æ
Q: Compute matrix blockiness

Luis MendoConsider a non-empty binary matrix M and a natural number n. For the purposes of this challenge, M is said to have blockiness n if it can be built using adjacent square blocks of size n, where each block has equal entries; and it cannot be formed using square blocks of any larger size. Intuitivel...

Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh I hate ittttttttt stopppppp it iggy
It keeps stunning me
And shooting cheerios
The screws are so janky
Wtf I try ten times with a fireflower then crawl in there powerupless and beat it no problems
Well, time for world 8
@AaroneousMiller I see you've maintained the basic character of the language while making improvements ;)
that was at least my intention, so I hope I succeeded :p
Nooo I beat 8-1 with 3 lives and 4 tanooki leaves left, then lost on 8-2
And I know 8-fortress is hard, that's the farthest I've ever gotten
My phone usage. Too bad they don't give percentages.
mine is 0MB of - since I don't have data
@Neil I'd love such a deal. My phone cannot consume data.
I made it to 8-fortress and died :(
What even is world 8, this is impossible
I'm just going to savestate after each level
Anyway, I think we have a consensus on
It's been 24h, and there's no support for keeping it as -manipulation
And +13 on the answer that's for it
Yeah. As long as we don't accidentally merge and , we should be fine.
(Hyper mentioned that merging tags is irreversible, so that would be one of the most destructive things they could do as a moderator)
We'd have to get the old tags from SEDE for all but the newest 20 or so questions
It's one of those things that would take months to clean up.
I'd imagine SE would step in if something that destructive occured
I guess there's only one way to find out
CMQ: For ranges, is [n, N] or [n, N) more useful?
If you can only pick one
[n, N)
(N, n]
[N+2, n-1)
@RedwolfPrograms [n. N) so you can use it for indexing
hi all
> ...sing one of his popular songs, Never Let You Down
Is that a different Rick Astley song, or is the author just dumb :p
Also, iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://bit.ly/e0Mw9w") looks very sus
The author could decide at any time to replace that script with something malicious
and there is no other reason for them to just
put the script in directly
**not just
I'm sure it's a really long script
They should at least do a signature check first though
@emanresuA are you sure I can't post the question now? :)
@RedwolfPrograms That doesn't stop them from changing the snippet too, but the author (or whoever steals their lapsed domain in 20 years) can't silently change the downloaded code to something dangerous for people who've already copied the snippet
@Anush you'll lose out on 2 upvotes from me and emanresu!
@pxeger noooooo
I might have to make another sandbox question to give me something to do
You could learn Vyxal
after the absence of a vyxal answer to my last challenge I am disillusioned
@Anush which challenge was that? I shall attempt to rectify that
Well usually my school has thankgiving-type food once a year at lunch, and they're doing that today for some reason despite being like a week into november
I just love eating turkey with a plastic spork
I tried explaining to my family that I know two plates named Aaron and emanresu and they got confused
I guess they just aren't ready to is plat
I think the school wasted all the flavor our food's allowed to have on the green beans
I got this milk carton again with the cannibalism and/or abortion joke on it ._.
that's rather disturbing
it's not even funny lol; it's on a milk carton with a cow on it just make the much more obvious milkshake joke smh
Therapist: Diagonal thwomp doesn't exist, diagonal thwomp can't hurt you
Diagonal thowmp:
I did it!!! I beat 8-fortress!!!
1 hour later…
@AaroneousMiller codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/236734/… complete with a lovely python answer
@Anush i am smol brain and don't know mathy things to solve the challenge, but I'll try and port one of the existing answers to Vyxal and see what happens.
@lyxal Is this how you lost all your friends?
Because I used to do this too until one day I realized I didn't have anyone to troll
@user nah my friend count only went down because I no longer was at the place where it was mandatory to see them every weekday
Ah, bless the pandemic
No it's called graduation
I am siltameously looking forward to leaving home and dreading going to college
I've figured going to college would be where I make friends
Given that I have basically none atm
@RedwolfPrograms pretty hard to make friends at a place you can't go to
Make sure you find a dorm without heating/cooling
At least that's how it is over here
@RedwolfPrograms Thanks to a combination of the pandemic and my middle school being right between two high schools, so half of them went to the other one
For some reason, I've been told by students from like 3 different colleges that they had no A/C in the summer but it was all good because everyone hung out in the lobby and made friends while sweating to death together
@lyxal Imagine starting college right after the pandemic, made by high-school-class-of-2024 gang :p
@user Or, if the college were in Texas, at the funerals for their fellow roommates as they're slowly picked off by heat stroke
@RedwolfPrograms Imagine having half your friends from middle school go to the same high school. Made by moving to a different country after sixth grade, making 2 friends, and then going to a different high school from your home school so only one other person from your middle school goes to the same school now
@lyxal The state college near me already has in-person classes (and makes its students go there in person)
@user my uni will be doing that next year (probably). It's just this year/semester that has been at home
I actually would've had all my friends end up going to the other high school, aside from some friends-of-friends who I wouldn't hang out with except with our mutual friends, except that one of my friends in 6th grade who was pretty boring at the time now has the same bus stop as me, and it turns out he's interested in most of the same things I am now.
Does that mean you became boring after 6th grade too? :P
Quite possibly :p
I'd been meaning to switch to an uppercase :P, although I'm not sure if I should. Onions?
@RedwolfPrograms Yup, you just confirmed it ^
@RedwolfPrograms Lettuce
@RedwolfPrograms r/onionhate
Wow thank you chat for pinging me 5 and 7 minutes after those messages were posted
@RedwolfPrograms hey can you make quine in brainfuck but with only 3 cells (wrapped)
It's TC with 2 cells IIRC, or maybe three
So you should be able to produce any string as output
but show me code.
Is it possible? - Very likely. Can you do it? - No, I can't :P
^ :p
I say "quine"
Your best bet is to write a slightly higher level language compiling to 3 cell brainfuck, then write a program that prints what it compiles to
idea: a lot of pluses
Yes, I mean it is very likely possible to write a quine, but I don't have the ability to do that
[ and mod by 93 (Max ascii "]")
That won't work
You'll need it to grow faster than a bunch of +s
is possible to mod by 93 with only 2 cells?
oh i forgot one
Possibly, but I'd imagine the representation of integers is a little less direct when using so few cells
oh i made a quine
using 3 cells
That's not how quine works
You also have to print all the stuff doing the copying/moduloing/printing too, yeah
Can you recreate that?
Oh i found a bug
mod by 94, not 93
Also, won't that print the wrong number of +s
Because you're +ing it n times then printing n / 93 +s
third cell = n // 94
second cell = n % 94
You'll only print a 94th of how many +s you need
is possible to do that
Your current approach just won't work, because the number of +s will grow the number linearly, while each one adds an amount of information to any representation of the program so that, when written as a number, what you need to output grows exponentially
@RedwolfPrograms oh
You can possibly use some loops to grow the number to something much bigger without adding too many bytes
Then use those to encode a number which encodes the whole program
Including the decoding and printing stuff
On second thought, it would work if you properly code the decoding part and compute the number of pluses (which is exponential in the length of the decoding part), and add that many pluses to the front
idea: print random stuff with unprintables and cells store 8-bit
How would that make a quine? or is this something else?
3-cell BF with unlimited cells is TC, but the same with 8-bit cells is not
@RedwolfPrograms Wait what, 2 cells?!
Q: Make a Scrabble World Finder

SegganScrabble Word Finder Yes, I know there is a similar question, but this one specifically concerns any possible words, even with letters left over, while the linked one restricts to a permutation of the input Objective Have you ever had those moments in a Scrabble game where you're staring at you...

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