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that totally wasn't because I sent it from [email protected]
ah that must've been it. yeah, I don't see how else "frick" to joemama69 would give away who sent it
anyone and everyone would have done that
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

gregsdennisOutput a random integer in a range that is a multiple of all in one set and not a multiple of any in another set Given an integer range and two sets of integers, generate a random integer inclusive within the range that is a multiple of all the numbers in the first set but is not a multiple of an...

Can someone upvote this answer, so that Community doesn't bump it? ಠ_ಠ
Bumping is one of the most annoying things, especially when its on questions with a status tag :/
does downvoting work :P
I don't believe so, it bumps anything with no positively scored answer :P
I'd do it myself, but...
oh, I understand. My password is
it bumps if the maximum answer score is 0
that is, there must be at least one answer, no answer may have a positive score, and at least one answer needs to be neutral
if all answers are downvoted it no longer gets bumped
according to this MSO post
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Downvote it for all I care, it's meta :P I just want Community to stop bumping things :P
1 hour later…
Q: Sum of the first 1000 pairs' product of sexy primes

kadlaansadhi would like to ask how to find the Sum of the first 1000 pairs' product of sexy primes. I can find the sexy primes pairs from L to R. But I don't know how to find the first 1000 pairs. And how do I sum it? Thank you.

CMC: ^
With number of pairs as input
( I have 14 in Vyxal)
this is not very clear
sum(x * y for x, y in sexy_prime_pairs) ??
@emanresuA is the answer for 10 146?
No, it's 8794
[5,7,11,13,17,23,31,37,41,47] is the first ten sexy primes
[[5,11],[7,13],[11,17],[13,19],[17,23],[23,29],[31,37],[37,43],[41,47],[47,53]] is the list of pairs
Then [55,91,187,247,391,667,1147,1591,1927,2491] is the list of products, and the sum of that is 8794
Oh wait lol I was generating it all wrong
@emanresuA flagless?
13 with flag
14 flagless, 12 with 1
I have 14 flagless, 12 with 2
What do you have?
λ6+"æA;ȯƛ6+* with s
That's pretty much exactly what I had
What flags?
Except : instead of ƛ
Wait nvm, I thought ȯ didn't work the other way round
No r needed
13 flagless
@emanresuA nice
@hyper-neutrino yeah I was about to comment that
or equivalently, 13
same 12 with s flag by just dropping the sum off the end of the former
Dot product? Nice
#1 is what I had
@hyper-neutrino why is there a byte count for the input?
Do you want me to install vylight on vyxapedia?
You'd have to change the colours a bit
They currently work well on the dark background of my site, but they may not work as well on the white background of vyxapedia
Fortunately I have a nice stylesheet
i mean, does anyone use my site other than myself
everyone still just uses tio#jelly or lyxal.PA lol
@hyper-neutrino I'd use the jht site for jelly
But I know all the useful Vyxal builtins and Vylight is nice
And if the on screen keyboard was nice, I'd even use vyxapedia
lol yeah i need to fix that for mobile
for me the main appeal is being able to type everything without needing to copy-paste
Guess what the third-most-used language tag is?
the one reason i prefer tio over your site is i can't see much output without scrolling down too far to click the run button
though this is more relevant for jelly where I actually know some of the built-ins
Is anyone working on a 4th blog post?
@hyper-neutrino One thing lyxal.pa has that vyxapedia doesn't have is epic codemirror stuff like multiple cursors and autoindent - stuff that people definitely use when they code golf
@RedwolfProgrammed I believe both WW and DLosc mentioned some interest in doing so, but I'm not sure how that's going
you have multiple cursors??
@hyper-neutrino yep
ok that's really cool
Basically everything a code mirror editor would have
Gotta love getting a Smokey ping just as I'm going to bed :/
I'm wanting to write a user spotlight (one of ideas mentioned in the "what should we write about") to go along with the next blog post, sort of like the underappreciated answers.
@hyper-neutrino most stuff here works
Ah yes thank you autocorrect for absolutely screwing up my link
I should probably get rid of that userscript
So should I lol
It's actually supposed to detect if it's re-added and diable itself, but so much for that
Heh, I just remembered that today is the 3rd anniversary of the release of my first golfing language :D
Doesn't feel like 3 years since I released Keg, but it is
Happy birthday, Keg! :p
oh wow
@lyxal cool,we should have keg for the lotd
@PyGamer0 It is a fairly simple automaton. We've seen many such challenges. How about prohibiting pieces from hanging in the air, instead specifying that they fall down?
@Adám hmm ok
@PyGamer0 What do you mean by "we randomly remove the ones"?
@Adám lemme fix that lol
@PyGamer0 "(i use @ for this)" should be expanded to say that here, you're using @ to indicate which pieces will be removed, but that the answer shouldn't indicate this.
@PyGamer0 "NOTE: The bottom most rock particles are touching the ground, hence we don't count these particles." seems to contradict that there are @ on the bottom row.
@PyGamer0 You still haven't explained what "Then we randomly remove the rock particles" means. Does each particle have a 50% chance of disappearing? If so, say that. I also don't like this aspect, as it throws in randomness for now real reason, and makes it hard to check/compare answers.
@PyGamer0 You should explain what you mean by "care about gravity", i.e. that if any particle ends up not touching any other along a side (not diagonally) or the ground, it falls down (but how far? until it touches a side or until it rests on something?)
@Adám no they are touching air on the either side
Ah. Maybe explain?
@Adám i think i fixed most of those things
Looks pretty good now. You might want to proofread for spelling and punctuation, and I still think the randomness isn't worth it, as it prevents test cases, but it isn't bad as-is.
> 2022 - HTML5 finished
> 2016 - Windows Phone overtakes iOS in smartphones
looking forward to the second coming of christ
> 2100 - Gillette introduces 14-bladed razor
I'm really looking forward to this one
@emanresuA Can you use proper JSON?
+1 to ^. A common JSON formatting for matrices is
[[1, 2, 3, 4],
 [5, 6, 7, 8],
 [9, 0, 1, 2]]
Sure, will add
Aside form that?
@emanresuA Can b be bigger than a?
No, I'll add that
@emanresuA Can a and/or b be empty?
@emanresuA Test case with negative numbers or restrict to positive.
@Adám Restrict to positve, no zeroes, no empties.
@emanresuA Care to explain why overlaps shouldn't occur?
Simply because I didn't want to overcomplicate the challenge and/or cause ambiguities.
If you remove them one-by-one, then you'll end up with some left.
Yeah, more fun.
@emanresuA Test case where a≡b
Probably not a duplicate of codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/178173/100664 - counting != replacing
Btw I'm editing proper formatting into that
@emanresuA What?
It's annoying me, and <pre><code> works for multiline even with html tags.
But then the grey areas are wide.
The real problem here is that SE increased the line height ⍨
Ok, if you like it like that :p
Q: Remove submatrices

emanresu AGiven two integer matrices a and b, your challenge is to replace any occurences of b in a with a matrix of the same size filled with 0s. For example: Given: a: [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 3, 2], [3, 5, 4] ] b: [ [3], [2] ] b occurs once in a: [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 3, 2], [3, 5, 4] ] Fill that ...

^ Go forth and golf!
@emanresuA Huh, might have found a bug that lets me save a byte.
Don't report it then /s
Nah, turns out everything was OK. Removed the byte.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenFill the (possibly leaky) bowl Tags: code-golfascii-artstring Challenge: Given an ASCII art of a (possibly leaky) bowl consisting of a distinct random non-whitespace and non-~ character, fill it completely with ~ characters. If the bowl is leaky, fill the bottom row below the bowl and a stream of...

2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

tshFloating point indexOf Give an array of sorted unique positive integers \$A\$ (\$A_0 \cdots A_{n-1}\$, \$A_0<A_1<\cdots<A_{n-1}\$), and an integer \$t\$, which \$A_0\le t\le A_{n-1}\$. If \$t \in A\$, output the number \$i\$ where \$A_i=t\$. If \$t \notin A\$, output the number \$i\$ where \$ \l...

1 hour later…
Q: Credits java coding questions,please write coding solution for this question

shwethatp 79In a university, there is a certain system of credits. Each student is given a 'credit limit which specifies the maximum credits of a subject they can take. A student can take any number of subjects which are under his/her credit limit. There are N students and K subjects. Each subject has a spec...

VTC pls
you know now i hate the word coding
soooooooooo close
apparently there's a JavaScript variable that has the property x == null is true, although x === null is false and x === undefined is false. Note that null == null is true (obviously) and null == undefined is true.
1 hour later…
anyone got a good zsh scripting tutorial?
pagin @pxeger
@Neil Isn't it the document. something?
@PyGamer0 it's an invalid answer, flag it after a day.
It's like...document.activeElement or something, idr
@RedwolfProgrammed document.all, but you were close
Ugh I hate the usage of the word "cannon" as the plural of "cannon"
It's like using "data" as if it's plural
It feels so weird and outdated
just posted this. feedback appreciated.
@RedwolfProgrammed that's an academia thing to my knowledge, and yes it definitely feels weird
For challenges without a catalog, is there a quick way to check if a given language has an answer, short of going to each page of answers and Ctrl+Fing?
@Mayube go to the question, and then in the search box, do inquestion:this <language>
TIL about inquestion:this :p
it's pretty handy
also TIL, thanks!
@Razetime I'm not aware of any particularly good full tutorials, but I'm happy to give you a bit of an intro. What are you trying to achieve?
hmm... there was a bounty put on the "Interpret Whitespace" challenge. Y'all know what I have to do now.
@AaroneousMiller Interpret whitespace? :P
more specifically:
Sep 15 at 20:46, by Aaron Miller
I like doing stupid stuff in Vim :)
I was half-expecting you to go for this:
> Also, ill bounty if you make Whitespace interpreter in Whitespace
nah, I don't know whitespace well enough to do that
but i might by the time I'm done with this :P
to be fair the question contains a comprehensive specification of Whitespace, so you could learn :P
I suppose before I start yet another random project I should probably finish the one I was working on earlier
pfft where's the fun in that
I mean, you're not wrong...
If you don't start projects at least twice as fast as you can finish them you're not living :p
I just follow the dopamine, and it doesn't stick around long enough for me to finish anything
*looks at pile of unimplemented language ideas*
I just had to talk myself out of starting yet another new language based around matrix manipulation
@RedwolfProgrammed so what's 1/0?
A related quote from an old friend:
> I get laid twice as often as I finish projects... because 2 x 0 = 0 :(
@AaroneousMiller I bountied
@Fmbalbuena I don't really expect to get the bounty, since a Vim answer is probably going to be ridiculous in size
@LeakyNun And @PyGamer0 Hi
@RedwolfProgrammed I suspect it's technically a collective rather than a plural, like "cavalry"
@DLosc According to oxford dictionary, who tend to have better info on pluralization than other dicts IME, Cavalry is a singular noun with no plural, while Cannon is a singular noun, the plural of which is either Cannon or Cannons
@Mayube Hm. Well, maybe "horse" is a better example, if a bit more obscure--it can be used in the singular form to mean "cavalry," a usage which Wiktionary describes as "sometimes uncountable."
I guess the difference would lie in whether you could say "four cannon," as that would have to be a plural.
In which case, the appropriate comparison would not be "horse" but instead "sheep." :P
@DLosc Except to my knowledge, "sheeps" is never correct, while both "cannon" and "cannons" are valid. I think the horse comparison works, and highlights that it seems to largely be a military thing
@Mayube Okay fine, then "fish" :P
@DLosc "fish" is closer to "people", where the pluralized form "fishes" is typically used to refer to multiple types of fish, not multiple individual fish. Note that while Wiktionary does acknowledge "fishes" being used to refer to multiple individual fish, it labels this as nonstandard or archaic
people vs a people is fun then
and Oxford agrees
> Fish is the usual plural form. The older form, fishes, can be used to refer to different kinds of fish.
yea but oxford has that comma thing
@thejonymyster I've got to agree with them on that one
@thejonymyster the Oxford comma's proper name is the Serial comma, and it's also referred to as the Harvard comma :)
adding "Serial" and "Harvard" to my hitlist then :P
and ironically the "University of Oxford Style Guide" advises against using the serial comma
thats actually really funny
@thejonymyster If you succeed, would that make you a Serial killer?
also i dont actually care that much, i just find it funny to pick a side rlly adamantly
in particular i always found the example id seen kind of weird
like uhh rough example but "We brought the pigs, abraham lincoln, and george washington" where the second comma is used to clarify that the pigs arent abraham lincoln and george washington
Both ways can create ambiguity
It's just a matter of personal preference. Switch between them at random if you want everyone to hate you :p
oh for sure thats the idea
i just think the example is weird cause you can just change the order
and also because id probably use like a colon
@RedwolfProgrammed Example from Wikipedia: "To my mother, Ayn Rand, and God" Is this a list of 3 people, or is Ayn Rand the writer's mother?
the pigs: abraham lincoln and george washington
or no punctuation
the pigs abraham and george
@Mayube I like that if the sentence were instead "To my parents, Ayn Rand, and God" the ambiguity would be the other way.
@Mayube to my mother, who is ayn rand and god
(but never at the same time)
@RedwolfProgrammed that's a good one
We just need to use polysyndeton for everything. "The pigs and Abraham Lincoln and George Washington"
i dont even disagree
sentences with a lot of ands in them are usually more fun to read anyway
Let's use prefix notation instead: and and the pigs abraham lincoln george washington
For maximum clarity
We should replace all punctuation with clarifying vocabulary
@RedwolfProgrammed laughs in Lisp
or I guess
Laughth in Lithp
we should remove the oxford comma from arrays
[1, 2 and 3]
[1 and 2 and 3]
@RedwolfProgrammed But I can parse this as (and (and (the pigs) abraham) lincoln) and then george washington is left out :(
then somebody throws a wrench in the works:
[1 and 2 *or* 3]
@Mayube i can see that beigng the grammar of an esolang or something yea
@Mayube sweats
@DLosc Not if you parse abraham as an adjective
@RedwolfProgrammed That Lincoln is very Abraham
wow such abraham
@RedwolfProgrammed What if there are two friends, one named Abe and the other named Lincoln?
what if our first names are actually just functions that take our last name as input?
And our middle names are optional parameters
if you have one or more middle names it's up to you whether those are nested function calls or multiple inputs
@RedwolfProgrammed oh god, optionals going before requireds
Mary(Todd, Lincoln) or Mary(Todd(Lincoln))
oh wait my bad
Mary(Todd and Lincoln)
Don't want to confuse people :)
Todd(Mary(Lincoln)) could work too
After all, so far the precedent is that the more important information (last name) is what's being passed, not the function
Oh, we could just use currying!
what if we use `S` combinators?
`Todd(Lincoln, Mary(Lincoln))`
@RedwolfProgrammed It is interesting to think about which name is the head noun and which is the modifier. Is Bob Smith a Smith who is specifically named Bob? Or is he Bob, specifically the one who happens to be a Smith? I suspect different cultures will have different answers to that question.
or actually I guessi t'd be Mary(Lincoln, Todd(Lincoln)) for S Mary Todd Lincoln
@DLosc Interesting. Maybe we could add words to english for making tuples and objects.
Wouldn't you love having to remember to close parentheses in your speech?
@DLosc in most western cultures, to my knowledge, it'd be the former. Bob Smith is a Smith (a member of the smith family, and possibly historically, a smith by profession) who is named Bob.
IIRC Japanese is notable for being the other way around
@thejonymyster (laughs in HBL/Thimble's cons builtin)
@RedwolfProgrammed Wouldn't you love(having to remember(to close(parentheses, in your speech)))
what even is this conversation anymore
Let's bring things back on track
@Mayube See, I always thought that in your standard medieval English village, you'd have a guy named Robert. And if you had more than one Robert, you'd specify that the one you were talking about was the smith (or had black hair, or various other things that became surnames).
@Mayube it came from usage of the word cannon as plural, and has progressed pretty linearly since then
CMC: Given an array of signed integers, return the lowest item in the array that is greater than the sum of the array. Assume there will always be at least one such item
oh, back on track like that lol
@Mayube Ohh, signed integers. That part is important. :P
yes it is
interesting challenge
Example: [10, -3, 4, -9] -> 4
@Mayube a=>a.sort((x,y)=>x-y).find(x=>x>a.reduce((s,y)=>s+y,0))
good ol js arrays
if x and y:
  if not x:
where's Adam when you need him, I bet this'd be like 2 bytes in APL
@Mayube Pip, straightforward implementation, 11 bytes: MN:_>$+gFIg
@AaroneousMiller ??
@AaroneousMiller not knowing what lang this is, wouldnt it never meet both conditions?
or is that "not x" as in "everything/anything but x"
Q: Rotate N Values in a List

nullSimilar to this. Input a list and rotate N numbers in it given their indices. Rotate means the second number goes to the first position, the third number goes to the second, ... the first goes to the Nth. Test Cases [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [1, 3, 6] -> [3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1, 7] Rules You can assume t...

Oct 26 at 19:51, by Aaroneous Miller
x = 1
if x:
I wish had been made a synonym of and not the other way around
It's just so inconsistent with , , , , etc.
perhaps worth a meta post?
the fact synonyms can't easily be changed is stupid
just get a bot to fix it
technology is there
Mods can do it
CMs can mass retag too, but I don't think that's needed here. Delete the current , remake it, and make a synonym of it
@Mayube I'll write one I guess, this has been bugging me for years lol
"low quality posts" needs a fourth choice
codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/236895 is 1) not ok; 2) not "not fixable and needs deletion"; but 3) I can't edit it to fix it, the OP needs to
there isn't even an option for "other action"
Q: Can we change [array-manipulation] to [array]?

Redwolf ProgrammedCurrently, we have some tags which can be used to indicate what sorts of data answers will work with: number, string, array-manipulation, date, and so on. One of those sticks out from the rest: array-manipulation, which has -manipulation unnecessarily appended. Interestingly, array does exist...b...

> "Low quality" does not even begin to describe this post. The word "quality" does not even belong in the same sentence as this post. This post is so bad, it makes other low quality posts look like Game of Life in Tetris. I would rather parse HTML with regex than look at this post ever again.
@pxeger it looks like that user simply re-posted their answer to a post on SO, which doesn't even do what the challenge is asking
> Also published it in a free service json2enum.com Feel free to inspect source.
ah, the SO post reveals they made the site
so the code golf answer is just spam
nuke time
well, at least it's disclosed?
it's not disclosed on code golf, so it's spam
I don't think the code even does what it's supposed to
I don't know though because i can't test it because it errors on TIO
@pxeger that was my initial thought too, but given the site has no ads it seems odd to so blatantly try to drive traffic to it
@hyper-neutrino it expects the root JSON object to be an array, and correct it doesn't do what it's supposed to. If you go to his site and run the example you can see what it does
Is there some sockpuppetry going on? That post had an upvote when I got it in the queues.
The asker hasn't been active in a while, so it wasn't just the normal upvoting-all-new-answers
It didn't even have proper code formatting when it was first posted, it's clearly ungolfed because of that variable name, and there's no header and a link indicating it was taken from another source and not intended to be golfy, so I can't imagine somebody upvoting it genuinely
well 1 vote isn't enough to detect anyway
could've just been drive-by upvoted by someone not paying attention
His code doesn't even correctly answer the SO question he originally posted it on
@hyper-neutrino Probably most likely...I can't imagine they'd know enough about the site to get two legitimate upvotes on another account
He originally didn't even post the code on the SO question, just the link to his site directly, but that was nuked in review so he edited it
@RedwolfProgrammed they could've gotten those upvotes with a sockpuppet maybe /s
Maybe it's sockpuppets all the way down. I'm a sockpuppet, you're a sockpuppet, it's just a chain of socks that goes all the way back to Jeff Atwood :p
Can you prove there isn't a hand up your ass controlling your every move?
I can't be a sock because I'm a plate.
@NewPosts @RedwolfProgrammed Honestly, retagging a tag on 650 questions because "it sticks out" isn't worth it IMO
Plus, idk why, but "feels" like a nicer tag than
Does making a tag a synonym not retag the ones currently tagged with it?
@cairdcoinheringaahing To me it doesn't... feels short and to the point. It's like if there was a tag called
Only when the challenge gets edited
@cairdcoinheringaahing "worth"? what are the costs?
I mean in theory they don't even need to be retagged, we could just make them synonyms and use from now on
it's not really a problem if any old challenges don't get retagged - that's no worse than the status quo
I think mods could merge into , but not sure whether that would work if it's a synonym
We could delete and then make a new one, right?
@pxeger what's the point?
It cleans things up a little
If all it takes is a few actions by a moderator, that's five minutes, and then an important aspect of the site is slightly nicer to use
@cairdcoinheringaahing it looks better. And even if that's not a very good reason, there is precisely zero reason not to, and there are no costs
It doesn't. Unless there's something negative about that isn't there with , it's just a vanity change
in theory, I should be able to merge into (if it hasn't been done already), delete the synonym, potentially wait for tag cleanup script to remove , assign , and then merge
so it'll only take a few minutes, or if I need to wait for cleanup, a day
@pxeger Unless there's a proper reason to do something, I disagree that it should be done
"Zero reason not to do X" isn't a reason to do X
It makes things less confusing, and it looks better.
It's a small improvement, sure, but it's a small amount of work too.
@cairdcoinheringaahing getting a proper site design was just a vanity change, and yet we did that
I don't see how "vanity change" is not a valid reason to do something.
I believe pretty strongly in keeping tags tidy, so anything that helps with that is justifiable imo.
I disagree that this makes the tags any tidier
You literally type out "ar" into the tag editor and it'll spit out , so the length isn't an issue
I remember the first time I used the tag I used the synonym because I was sure was wrong since it was inconsistent with the others
Consistency is a part of tidiness
You can't do that anymore, cause is a synonym
That's why it's a synonym
array-manipulation is the only "-manipulation" tag to exist and it doesn't really make sense. i personally agree with this change just for consistency; i don't think it really matters because of the synonym anyway but it makes more sense to be the other way around
we don't have string-manipulation even though string and array are pretty much identical in how tag usage would work
And we even have ...as a synonym of
Is it a minor change? Yes. Does that mean it's not worth doing? No.
Idk. I don't see any justification behind changing it, other than "it sticks out", which IMO isn't a good enough justification. But, if y'all disagree, there's not much I can do to oppose it
Plus, personally, feels like 'wrong', whereas doesnt
Probably just familiarity
I don't see any justification for letting it stick out like this either :P it's a low-effort low-impact change that makes things look a bit nicer so I think it's fine
@hyper-neutrino I mean, I disagree with the tag as a whole, but that's an aside :P
i mean, I've already spent more time justifying this change than I'll need to commit to making this change
My view is it doesn't matter how good the justification for making the change is if there's no justification at all for not making it, beyond maintaining the status-quo, which is not justification at all
@cairdcoinheringaahing Jelly user discovers data types other than number and array?
@Mayube and here we run into a classic paradox: no reason not to is not a reason to, but no reason to is not a reason not to
, , , these kind of "type" tags - I disagree with the idea that we should even have them, and that they should be broken down into sub-categories
@pxeger Hey, Jelly has characters :P
sorry lol
@hyper-neutrino my point is when there's no reason not to and there is reason to, it doesn't matter how trivial the reason to is

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