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oh, okay :p good to know I have statistical proof that I don't have a life
I think I'm (numerically) the first or second most talkative person normally in this room, so if I continued to be active for the next decade and nobody's amount of chatting per day changed, I'd reach first or second eventually
Although that's probably because I'm 16 and have literally no responsibilities other than some high school work which is mostly a joke
So I can afford to spend 8 hours a day or more here
CMQ: Should donuts have holes?
Yes, but I like bagels better
@emanresuA at least two in my opinion
@emanresuA Yes, otherwise I wouldn't consider it a donut
I know it is, technically, but in my heart it's not a donut
@DLosc But...that's like comparing apples to tomatoes. They're totally different foods, just with a similar shape.
@emanresuA I like my donuts with donut-sized holes in them
I like my donut-holes with hole-sized donuts in them
@RedwolfProgrammed Bagels are better than apples and apples tomatoes:p
@hyper-neutrino Really? Most like their donut holes with donut-sized donuts around them :p
But I like donut sized holes in my donuts because I hate donuts
I wonder if donut holes are ever actually made from the holes of donuts, or if they're just formed out of separate balls of donut dough
@RedwolfProgrammed Sure, and I'm saying "you asked about tomatoes, but I'd much rather eat an apple" :P
Yeah but...you'd eat them in totally different contexts :p
topographically, a jelly donut is the same shape as a mug filled with jelly
A handle-less mug?
Oh wait I'm thinking of a different kind of jelly donut
The kind that pretends it's a donut but actually doesn't have a hole and is therefore just an ambitious pastry
@JoKing how tf you gonna fill a physical mug with digital bytes?
Doesn't make sense does it.
Okay so hopefully now I start getting 5g reception on my phone
Because nothing changed after the first covid vaccine, leading me to suspect the free 5g from the government only comes into effect after the second
1 hour later…
@emanresuA holy donuts lol
@lyxal No, you become a 5G tower after the second.
@emanresuA ah so that's why I'm not getting 5g reception
I feel scammed
When's your next dose booked?
@emanresuA 2 hours ago
Nice! It takes a couple days to finish transforming you, so give it a bit.
ah okay
good to know
CMC: Make a perceptron.
Hi all
also i have my ieolympiad
@Anush hi o/
How things?
@Anush internet == down
I am confused :)
I don’t understand the close votes for codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/236734/…
why would two people vote for that?.
@Anush they are voted to close the question as a duplicate of another
They are saying it's similar to codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/236563/…
Right but it clearly isn’t a dupe. How can I explain this more clearly?
Well the comments already acknowledged that, so there's no need to explain further
Apart from anything else, the rule for whether something is a dupe is if an answer to one would be a competitive answer for the other
answers to the linked question aren’t answers at all to the new question!
Just that you'll see that two votes lying around forever
@Bubbler Check again :p
I retracted my close vote, but IMO, "find all x" vs "find the best x by a certain criteria" aren't that differrent
@emanresuA thanks! The new question isn’t “find all x” really in the sense of outputting all possible solutions
There is no way to use brute force to solve the new question
whereas you can for the linked question
... There's a way to brute force almost anything, including this
Simply iterate over all combinations of 12 integers within the range, check if valid for each
@emanresuA how ? You would need to be able to check a proposed solution
how would you do that?
Oh wait, I reread the question and now it makes more sense. Mind if I edit it a bit?
Sure. What edits will you make?
Just clarifying it a bit, you can rollback if you don't like it
@emanresuA Just think of this: finding finitely many solutions in finite time vs. finding infinitely many solutions in finite time
in the meantime, we need to have a challenge for mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/66564/6933
@Bubbler very nice description
Also you need some number-theoretic knowledge to even have some solution. You don't need any in the previous one
Yes. Or the ability to Google :)
@Anush Nevermind, I don't understand it now :p
@emanresuA can I help?
which part is confusing?
I don't understand whether for multiplying the tuples it's (n0,n1,n2), (n0,n1,a), (a,b,n2) or something else.
It is n0*tuple1 + n1*tuple2 + n2*tuple3 = a,b,c,d
So then why do some of your examples use a and b?
Do you mean in the “Answer” parts?
I might rename that to Math. The Answer is not what your code should output
it is just a mathematical answer
which we then translate to the output format
Q: Write some Genetic Quines

Redwolf ProgrammedIn this challenge, you'll create some programs which behave similarly to genes. When you run one, it will return one of its two "alleles" (a half of its source code), and concatenating any two alleles from your programs will result in a new, functioning program (which returns its own alleles). As...

@emanresuA does that make more sense?
I edited the question . Do you think I should add more clarification?
@emanresuA unless you are solving it now?
Nope :p
@emanresuA bother :)
@lyxal Error code 418
But... Jelly isn't a type of tea
You could put Jelly in tea
Do you think it makes any difference how big a bounty is?
If I put a bounty of 500 would I get more/better answers than a bounty of 50?
Selection criteria:

If anything occurs in column one multiple times, then all of the associated rows will be deleted.
CMC solve the problem above
(for general inputs of this form)
@Anush where is the problem from?
I am not sure. It was sent to me a while ago
@pxeger ^^^
But it's just a normal coding question turned into a golfing problem
It's horribly cursed, but it actually works
The a flag is only for convenience of input
The answer would still work if you gave it a list of strings
The output is horrible :)
It's just a list of lists of characters
Because lists are delimited by the angular brackets on the strings are delimited by backticks
Yes I understood
[['f', 'g', 'h'], ['x', 't', 'k']] if you like square brackets
CMQ Is there any advantage in giving a bigger bounty if your hard question has no answers?
@lyxal f,g,h would be better
@Anush vf:ÞTƛĊ'tċ;vh;f£'¥∩¬;⁋ if you want nicer output
Same link as before with the above program
Looks good. The input is in the wrong format though :)
It's a CMC and I'm on mobile. Input and output formats don't particularly matter :p
But if you really insist on strict IO,
Thank goodness there's a built-in for splitting on commas
I am amazed you are doing this on a mobile!
@Anush I've done more impressive things than this on mobile :P
A: Print X without X (robber's thread)

lyxal><>, -v 1, cracks HighlyRadioactive's sixth answer :::-n:n::+n:::++n::::+++n:::::++++n::::::+++++n:::::::++++++n::::::::+++++++n:::::::::++++++++n:+:+:+:+:::::++++++:::,+:::,+:::,+:::,+:::,+::,:+:+:+:+:+::,+::,+::,+::,+::,+::,:::::::::+++++++++:*::,:::::::++++++++:::,::+++:::,:::::+++++-::,:+:+:+...

@lyxal :)
@lyxal Do you think the interpreter frontend on mobile is as good as on desktop?
Do you use an app for this greatness?
@Anush I also made a scratch answer (drag and drop) on my phone once
@emanresuA yes
@Anush I just use my Web browser
Very impressive
@emanresuA screenshot coming shortly
Next betting question, will there be an answer to my challenge before I can put a bounty on it?
@Anush depends if people want to do it. Logically, one would expect that a bigger bounty would indeed attract answers
@lyxal I should do an experiment
@emanresuA do you see how it's actually somehow responsive in design?
@lyxal Hm, it resizes really nicely, even the codemirror textareas. That's honestly surprising :p
@lyxal Yes
now internet == fixed
2 hours later…
CMQ: Golfy and useful string-string functions
that is, a function/operator that takes two strings
return type is up to you
Most look not too useful, unfortunately
A regex-related thing that Vyxal doesn't have already, maybe?
what though?
we already have most of the useful stuff from re
Hmm, maybe just apply some array-array function to strings then?
in Dinoux Room, 2 hours ago, by PyGamer0
i want to make a infix lang
@user is [Any] -> [Any] -> [Any] how you search for array stuff?
> Yo dawg, I heard you like LISP so I put a LISP in your LISP so you can eval while you eval
@lyxal I don't think Any exists in Haskell, but [a] -> [a] -> [a] might work
@lyxal joining shortcuts? like join two strings on space, comma, newline, etc.?
@pxeger hey now that's a good idea
dang that's genius
lol thanks
there are quite a few hoogle results for join on space, which is what inspired me
I'm actually kinda surprised joining on spaces/newlines isn't a common builtin for golflangs
well that's me done for the nightr
@lyxal I think you accidentally starred pxeger's message
@user fully intentional
@user what? my message fully deserved to be starred!!
I am indeed, a genius
and the most humble one in the world, at that
@lyxal Ah
@pxeger correct
@pxeger No, I am!
Anyhow I'm going to go sleep for real now
bye lol
/ \
Is it just me, or is CR populated by older people than CGCC?
Would be interesting to see demographics of sites other than SO
wait I forgot about uppercase letters
Q: Collatz problem one-liner

Piotr WasilewiczI heart that all programs in Python can be written with list comprehensions. Create collatz sequence with one list comprehension. Assume that the initial number is already known. x = 17 collatz = # YOUR LIST COMPREHENSION HERE print(collatz)

@pxeger ??? Is this about joining on characters?
@user no, it was about my deleted message (which was a CMQ about choosing the most appropriate short letters for command line flags)
doesn't matter
Oh ok
1 hour later…
Yay, chat's back
Was it offline for maintainence for anyone else?
the main se site is still down though
while I'm here, I have a collection of s relating to the maintenance
search on StackOverflow (only) was broken:
maintenance started an hour later than they said it was going to
(timezone confusion?)
Area 51 didn't have a maintenance banner
Chat was down (but we already knew that)
(these things should probably be in present tense, actually)
@Mayube Charcoal, 4 bytes: ⟦θηθ or with list input: A‖O↓
@pxeger Why the ---'s?
@user to separate the bugs
But they're in separate messages anyway?
some of them were multiple messages
@pxeger that's not really a bug, they often start maintenance at (roughly) different times to those stated
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

yejaxeyFast Matrix Multiplicator Evaluator code-challange A triplet of real tensors (A,B,C) of size $\gamma \times \gamma \times sigma$ represents a matrix multiplication algorithm with $\sigma$ elementary multiplications iff the following function evaluates to zero: $$ \text{error}(A,B,C) \equiv \sum_{...

@Anush Pip -rl, 11 bytes: @_N@Zg=1FIg
@DLosc that's great. How does it work?
evening all (and all other times of the day)
up to a massive 5 upvotes :) Current betting: an answer in the next 14 hours?
          g  List of lines from stdin (due to -r flag)
        FI   Filter on this function:
@             First character of
 _            Each line
  N           Number of occurrences in
   @           First sublist of
    Z          Zipped
     g         List of input lines
      =       Equals
       1      One
             Output result one element per line (-l flag)
@Anush ^
For once I'm asleep while the maintenance is happening :p
Any more thoughts on this question?
21 hours ago, by DLosc
CMP: Should Nominations for Language of the Month be community wiki? Pros/cons? Does it matter?
Community wiki seems a good idea
What is the argument against?
@RedwolfProgrammed I'd confirm that I'm under 18 if you paid me sufficiently :P
come to think of it, I'd also confimr that I'm over 18 if you paid me sufficiently and bugged me every year, but I'll warn you that it might take up to 18 years
Me too:)
I'm going to try to compress a 2m video into 6mb
Wish me luck
Wezl, what have you programmed Redwolf to do?!
I did it!
It's still watchable, even
120p and 16 FPS, but you can tell what's going on easily enough
Time to try 60p. Not 60 as in 60 fps, 60 as in 60 pixels tall.
Okay I'm down to 60p and 10 fps now, it's watchable in the sense that you can see what's occurring, but in enough detail to be able to read text, make out faces at a moderate distance, etc. It's only 2.6 mb for a 2m video, though.
I wonder if dropping the audio bitrate would save some precious bytes
@RedwolfProgrammed Related
I'm down to 1.2 mb now
32k audio and stripped metadata
I'm going to try a second 2m video now, with me talking and showing some text to the camera. My test video doesn't have much audio I can judge the quality from.
Oh nice my sister was playing with a bottle of superglue on my desk and now it's glued (probably permanently) to a book
I wonder if it would make the file smaller or bigger if you didn't have audio and used intertitles instead. In theory, I think it would be less information even if it makes the clip longer, but the movie format might not be optimized to take advantage of that.
redwolf at this rate you might as well just make a powerpoint presentation
@RedwolfProgrammed Solution: superglue sister to something else
Problem solved :P
Interesting, this second video's a lot larger (190 MB vs. 140 MB), but it compresses way better (instead of 10 MB, the 240p one is 8 MB)
Trying 60p now
Okay, as I'd said before, text is almost unreadable, unless it's very large or you get the angle exactly right
Time to test audio, with the 32k bitrate
1.074 MB
Speech is audible
But you need to talk loudly, which I did not do
Okay, I'll try a compromise. 120p, since 60p is basically unusable for most things, 8 fps, 32k audio
I wonder if 90p would work...
Okay, I think I'm done experimenting. I've got 2.2 MB for a 12 fps, 120p video, which seems like it's close to the bare minimum. Cutting the frame rate down a bit and using a slightly more nonstandard resolution would probably let you upgrade the bit rate a little, and fit something like 6m of video into that 6mb.
But, if you use the minimum you could reasonably watch (60p, 8-10 fps, 32k or around that much for audio), you can use basic steganography to fit 10m of video into a 4k wallpaper.
And that makes me very happy
can't you get the audio much lower than 32k while still being understandable?
or would it not really save much space
Idk, probably. I don't know too much about audio. (or video for that matter)
32k seemed like the minimum anyone would realistically use though, from what I read while googling, and I was trying not to use anything so ridiculously low (like 1 fps or 20×40 resolution) that it wasn't practical for any purpose
I'd try it but I already shut my laptop down lol
I just find it crazy that you can actually fit any usable video into a single image
And with steganography too, so you only get a small fraction of the bits for the video
CMC: Speaking of steganography, anyone feel like decoding this? (hint: unzip)
I've tried unzip and gunzip, guess it's something more complex than just changing the file extension and opening it
unzip should've worked
I probably messed up, gimme a minute
unzip banana.jpg worked on a computer that had Kali (an old version, though)
@RedwolfProgrammed Could you move my first image to trash? The second one should work
Still not working for me
The unzip command should do it if you have it installed
Anyway, dw about it, it's just a dumb joke (made by someone else in my class)
@RedwolfProgrammed 8000 Hz is totally usable although of course the frequencies sound really compressed but you can tell what it's saying
sounds almost like listening to it through an old radio :P or at least what I think that's supposed to sound like from movies
lol, I was totally unprepared for that rickroll
which, if I'm not mistaken, is just due to old radios (specifically AM) compressing frequencies right?
@RedwolfProgrammed gottem :P
Now I'm curious...time to go see if I can get below 1 MB
@RedwolfProgrammed So it did work, nice
731 kb
For a 2m video
Is this for some stupid Flipgrid restriction?
I don't think ffmpeg knows how to properly handle 8k audio though, it just sounds like muffled warbling
Oh, it's hz vs. kbps
We're using different units
It's not 8 khz...it's 8 kbps, which is 1200 hz
8000 hz would be 53.3kbps
@RedwolfProgrammed probably an issue with the choice encoder; ffmpeg shouldn't fuck anything up on its own
yeah that makes sense too
but yeah intelligently compressing things with ffmpeg is hard
@user potassium.
@RedwolfProgrammed oh well that's awkward
oh you said 32k bitrate lol. oops
I got a laser printer for my brithday a few years back, and shortly after my parents' inkjet printer stopped working, so now I have a monopoly on printing in my house. Considering charging people for it.
75¢ a page seems reasonable
@RedwolfProgrammed for a moment then I thought you were saying that you were printing monopoly money
And I was thinking "why are you using a broken printer to print monopoly money"
But then I reread the message

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