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Well tnb has people from some pretty niche communities
TNB is a pretty niche community
It's pretty crazy how much overlap a lot of our interests have, though
Mmm I wonder why so many of us like code golf /s
First thing I think of when I hear mice is now maus and mauswheel
Wait what
I thought you were Snoopy
Oh this is a different Leo, the one I meant was the Husk person
I only just noticed this is a different leo lol
I suppose I can't get mad at someone else for using the same copyrighted image, but... :P
@user There are no less than 15 Leos on this site.
Go to the Husk room
@AaroneousMiller That is beautiful
> cengage
Oof, is that for textbooks?
> orteil.dashnet.org
Cookie clicker
h and p are redacted because they're subdomains of my school website
And I kinda don't want y'all to know what school I go to
@RedwolfProgrammed Pretty sure a good part of TNB and CGCC is under 18. Most adults probably don't have the time to golf
Q: Pretty print a grid of polyominoes

loopy waltWrite a function that accepts a rectangular grid of ids in any reasonable format, for example a multi-line string IIILOO ILLLOO and a string or list of box drawing charcters ' ═║╔╗╚╝╠╣╦╩╬' or [0x20, 0x2550, 0x2551, 0x2554, 0x2557, 0x255a, 0x255d, 0x2560, 0x2563, 0x2566, 0x25...

@emanresuA 🍪🍪🍪
I currently have ~150B cookies - running it in the background is battery intensive, so I just got Twin Gates Of Transcendence and open it ~once a month
CMP: Should Nominations for Language of the Month be community wiki? Pros/cons? Does it matter?
My school district recently blocked it (along with a ton of other sites)
@DLosc Yes, because that one user isn't the only one who wants that language to be LotM. Other people should be encouraged to edit nominations
@user There's a petition going around to unblock Coolmath games. It's supposedly got thousands of votes, so who knows, perhaps the games will be back someday :|
Can someone check I got the date right on codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/23785/100664?
Maybe link to the event too?
@emanresuA Looks right. It's 14 days after the previous one.
Hilarious, it looks like this didn't actually happen though
> I didn't get the job.
Oh cool
@emanresuA AKA "Shooting a fly with a guided missile. And missing."
@DLosc The model may be "guided", but that's a pretty loose interpretation of it here :P
@user Well, the analogy traditionally uses "cannon," but I figured I'd give it the 21st century equivalent
We need a video of well-dressed Indian man showing how to use the bidet. — JonathanReez ♦ Jun 6 '16 at 14:42
It's a reference to another question on travel.se
I know, the one about squat toilets, but it just sounds weird out of context :P
@RedwolfProgrammed wait, like you mean between when you gave my last ranking and now i've sent enough messages to overtake previous 2nd?
No, my data's just a bit out of date
how many more do i need to overtake spaghetto :P
And how many do I need to overtake lyxal?
@hyper-neutrino Not many at all, about 4k
You should do it in like a month or two

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