Write a program that processes an ASCII art representation of a tangled string and decides whether or not it can be untangled into a simple loop. The tangle is represented using the characters - and | to represent horizontal and vertical segments, and + to represent corners. Places where the stri...
An acquaintance of mine has been very adamant that viruses can't be caught and continues to link me things like this Ickonic video, where Jaymie Icke interviews Dr. Andrew Kaufman M.D. who claims:
I lived my whole life believing we can pass these infections from person to person [...] but intere...
Sometimes authors will write (s)he as a stand in for singular they. This is ok for the nominative but doesn't work so well when you want to write "her or him". You can write h(er)(im) which covers both cases but gives two extra "pronouns"
In formalizing these patterns we will s...
so here's me, and I'm making a custom vs code theme right. I've spent a good 20 minutes making everything either black (00000) or my favourite shade of green (beedab). btw I'm using a theme generator online because I don't know how to make one with just text because yes. Anyhow I go to click the save theme button and it wants me to log in via github. That's fine - I'm chill with linking my github account to stuff. But then when it's logged me in, my theme is gone.
welp I think it's time for my sleeping to happen. if I had a funny joke to sign off with for the night, I'd insert it here, but I don't have one. Feel free to insert your own funny joke here
@thejonymyster thx! tio doesn't actually have syntax highlighting, this is a separate site made specifically for Vyxal. Also, I forgot that this is valid: Try it Online!
without the space, the backslash would make the lambda a string, which is highlighted differently. You could replace the space with anything though and it would still work: Try it Online!
this is a good joke to you and your family calls for the exams for the channel's and the end and the other's of butter and jelly you are not the name of serial no and the other's is the best and that we are winning the world of our life and the end.
> The General Purpose Technology-3 (GPT-3) is a missile interceptor designed to protect the continental United States (CONUS) against ballistic missile attacks.
I can inject arbitrary advertising into All of the lols by including "lol" in soms spam, which is why you should use Honey, the free borwser extension that lets you get insignificant discounts on various things.
@Milk you aren't really pxeger's sock are you? (rhetorical question.) you shouldn't say you're pxeger's sock in your profile then; that's called impersonation. i've gone ahead and just cleared it
Every Pong is Abelian
Part of the lean Language of the Month
A pong* is a group where every element is it's own inverse.
A pong is a set \$P\$ with an operation \$+\$ and an element \$i\in P\$, that satisfies the following properties:
\$\forall a \in P : i + a = a\\
\forall a \in P : a + i = a\\
similarly though, firefox has had trouble rendering most text on fancily formatted scpwiki pages, i dont think its the same thing since it doesnt have random letters working though
(for me at least)
@pxeger can you select things and be able to see them n stuff
@user nice! (but there are still other ways of extending if that besides redefining booleans. Naturally, none of them are necessary and it's not very important to be able to redefine if, but I like it that way :)
> Spanish mathematician Valmes was burned at the stake for claiming to have solved the quartic equation.[4] Inquisitor General Tomás de Torquemada allegedly told Valmes that it was the will of God that such a solution be inaccessible to human understanding.
Pattern in Prime
Given a positive integer less than 100 with no preceding zeros we have to find all 12 digit primes that contains the maximum number of time the given pattern.
Note: Pattern's occurance can overlap. For example 11 occur 6 times in 1111111
pattern = 1 , count = 13
the maxi...
i never even put any thought into "quad" being in degree 2 polynomials, i just kinda accepted that quadratic was the word and didn't think about it lol