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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

I'd added mouse aiming at one point since I figured it'd be better...and then people got mad and said the original controls were better >:|
I did attempt rewriting the game a few times:
user image
I found an old version of the game without the ammo limit or terrain generation/weird background
No HP bars either, and only 4 weapons
I'm messing with the flipbit interpreter to try and figure out what is causing the strange behavior with loops, and I have no idea what's going on, so I think it may be better to just rewrite it.
Is it strange that I can't decide if it would be easier to do it in Python or in Vim?
It is
This makes it sound like the birds are capable of having opinions on them
If anyone was worried, the bird community has responded positively to filter strips in Maryland.
It's pretty tight knit community though, they don't often let outsiders in
I'm bird, and I'm community. Do I count?
We asked this bird for his thoughts on the matter...
*sound of microphone clipping from being pecked at repeatedly*
Needless to say, he was not happy.
Oh neat, I found a prototype with improved graphics
Actually this prototype is pretty fun...it has a lot of the problems with the old one fixed
Tor, short for The Onion Router, is free and open-source software for enabling anonymous communication. It directs Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer overlay network, consisting of more than six thousand relays, for concealing a user's location and usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis. Using Tor makes it more difficult to trace the Internet activity to the user. Tor's intended use is to protect the personal privacy of its users, as well as their freedom and ability to conduct confidential communication by keeping their Internet activities ...
or any old vpn
or just a proxy
but tor is fun!
CMQ: Curly braces, significant whitespace, or if .. fi? Or something else?
End every structure (if, for, while, etc.) with done. /s
while (1)
    if (a == 5)
...I'm currently doing that
@RedwolfPrograms keywords with matching (not reversed!) ending keywords: if … endif
@RedwolfPrograms lol
@Adám That's how Vim does it: if ... endif, while ... endwhile, for ... endfor
Would y'all consider ; to be acceptable for starting comments?
If it's not used for anything else
That's how assembly does it, and I dislike using # for it
And // has another meaning
Use " at the beginning of a line like Vim does
Use at the beginning of a line like APL does
Use ghosts at the beginning of a line like Vyxal does
in Vyxal, Sep 29 at 17:04, by Aaron Miller
I just realized that making a ghost string with #` is essentially Vyxal's version of a block comment
I think I've been codegolfing for too long. I keep thinking of ways to implement some little thing for Flipbit in Python and then going "nah, that's too long," forgetting that it's not a golfing challenge.
@pxeger Won’t work on school Chromebooks, I’m afraid
@RedwolfPrograms i remember my course materials translating if .. fi as jeżeli .. ileżej
the reversing thing is kind of ridiculous and i probably wouldn't use it. i think it originates from bourne shell, and bourne was a madman anyways.
Cursed language feature: You can use arbitrary strings as variable names, but it redefines the meaning of those string literals
E.g., var "xy z": 10 would make "xy z" into an identifier
So print("xy " + "z" + "xy z") would be xy z10
Too late, we're already planning on doing that
It'll work for numbers as well
I meant in general, not specifically for capital-C-Cursed
But yeah, it'd fit in with the rest of that language :p
Is there a name for a complex number where the real and imaginary parts are both rational?
Sort of like a...gaussian rational? idk
Oh wait that's actually a real thing
Well shit
I have lost the entire contents of my hard drive
Does anyone know any reason the first 17 megabytes of a drive might spontaneously turn to null bytes
And does anyone know why it couldn't have just been the first 16mb so that my FDE key wasn't destroyed?
@RedwolfPrograms it's not too bad, everything important exists in other places
Well, you're smarter than me I guess
But I don't have a proper one-click restore backup
It's all scattered
My backup strategy somewhat resembles horcruxes
In that I have like seven of them and they each take a part of my soul in order to maintain
And one of them is a snake
Thought you didn't like getting cuddly with snakes :O
@pxeger Don't play with magnets, kids!
An actual piece of CSS I found:
.no-select {
            -webkit-touch-callout: none; /* iOS Safari */
            -webkit-user-select: none; /* Safari */
            -khtml-user-select: none; /* Konqueror HTML */
            -moz-user-select: none; /* Old versions of Firefox */
            -ms-user-select: none; /* Internet Explorer/Edge */
            user-select: none; /* Non-prefixed version, currently supported by Chrome, Edge, Opera and Firefox */
CSS, consistent? Nah.
I've used that exact CSS before
Not exact, but close
The class name was different and I didn't have khtml
CMQ: Plural of Befunge?
@emanresuA Befungen, for sure. It is Germanic.
yeah that is better
just googled what cmq stands for;
my actual answer is "befunges", for the record
for a quine, what counts as reading your own source code? if, for example, you defined a function F, and then did something like print(F) and it printed the contents of the function, would that be the program reading its own source code?
Q: What are our specific abbreviations and terms?

AdámNewcomers to codegolf.SE are often compelled to ask what many of our abbreviations and terms mean. Let us list them here so this information always will be easily available. Return to FAQ index

yay ! thank u
@thejonymyster No, it'd be the REPL doing it, unless the print(F) appears inside the program F.
i meant the latter yeah

Define function F( do nothing )
Print (F)

output when run: "do nothing"
@thejonymyster Put your code in a separate message and press Ctrl+K before posting. ``` doesn't work.
@thejonymyster Well, it's a valid quine - that's where the JS f=_=>'f='+f comse from
@Adám gotcha
the formatting didnt matter so much here so im not gonna mess with it too much but noted
@emanresuA right ok, ty
ah lol
thats a clever challenge haha
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

aloisdgUnicode Calendar Generator Given a valid date as year, month and day, returns a fancy unicode calendar as such: For october ╔════════════════════╗ ║ October ░░░░░ 2021 ║ ╟──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──╢ ║░░│░░│░░│░░│01│02│03║ ╟──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──╢ ║03│04│05│06│07│08│09║ ╟──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──╢ ║10│11│12│13...

@RedwolfPrograms Curly braces, significant whitespace, end each block with end, or matching non-reversed delimiters like Adám suggested. Don't do if ... fi, please. :P
why not if ... fi it sounds fun
makes for more interesting reversed programs
It's overly "clever" and just adds the overhead of having to think every time "now how do I spell that backwards...?"
Especially when the keywords get longer than 2 letters
(I'm assuming Redwolf is interested in a non-esoteric language. If it's esoteric, then by all means, make the syntax whatever you want.)
repeat … taeper
while ... elihw
The Sheriff badge page should be fixed now. :)
wait was there something wrong with it? didn't even notice lol
@RedwolfPrograms Of course ;)
@RedwolfPrograms if ... then ... else ... without a terminator
(sry Dlosc)
@RedwolfPrograms I quite like significant whitespace, but it really depends on what kind of language you have too
ideally, if/while will not be built into the language
If it's a language which usually has short statements, whitespace is amazing. But it would actually be more difficult to understand in a language like Java where expressions can and often do go on for multiple lines
@Wezl QBasic has that, but only for single-line if statements
@Wezl Why not?
@DLosc down with if statements!
Languages with a small syntax are really cool but that doesn't matter too much for a practical language
make it so the next x tokens belong to the if block, and x is decided by a flag
@user I meant built into the syntax
Yes, why not build them into the syntax?
down with practicality! up with really cool!
@hyper-neutrino CMP: Should we banish hyper for this, should we exile him, or should we ban him?
@Wezl The really cool languages are the ones that are both cool and practical :P
@user how about promote him to mod
But you now what they say: You can't have your cake and tea too
@Wezl Good idea, permanently ruin any chance he has at getting a life :P
I mean it's already permanently ruined
@RedwolfPrograms You might have an unintentionally created eighth one hanging around :P
I almost feel sorry for hyper now :(
what's the point of diamonds you can't mine obsidian with
@user keyword is almost
@user bc they depend on a specific kind of boolean, but say the user wants to change to a different kind of boolean or name a function if
@DLosc How about both if … endif and if … end being valid?
Yeah, that's fine too. I have a slight preference for end if over endif, but I guess that might cause parsing issues unless you also have some rules about whitespace.
My syntax preferences are often QBasic-flavored.
But being able to define multiline anonymous functions using curly braces (e.g. JavaScript, Scala) is really nice, and I'm not sure there's a good-looking syntax for doing that without some kind of symbolic delimiters.
QBasic-flavored = delimit blocks using keywords, not curly braces; but, here's a good reason to use curly braces
I don't see a problem with using braces for anonymous functions but keywords for control flow. That's in fact how Dyalog APL does it.
@emanresuA well, that's assuming you consider it to be a valid quine, which I don't
I like braces
They're uncomfortable, but they do give you straighter teeth eventually
I meant the shape
I mean braces the objects are cool too, but I've never tried them
I've tried "Stalin braces": remove all crooked teeth => straight teeth
I was supposed to have braces, but never got them. And now people frequently comment on how nice my teeth are.
@Neil thats kinda how i feel too, im wondering where the site stands though
@Wezl Isn't it try than in an empty set mouth of teeth, all the teeth are crooked ?
Yes, but it's also true that all the teeth are straight. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My teeth are pretty messed up but my dentists have always insisted that I don't need braces.
A python dentist? I'm surprised that a constrictor would become a dentist
yes I know that that is a horrible squashed mess of a joke
If you're smart enough to understand my stupidity, come collect your FREE PRIZE
TIL: Peter the Great of Russia put a tax on beards
@Wezl I don't really see how often you would need a different kind of boolean. Besides, it'd be easier to use an interface or typeclass to convert to booleans instead
@Adám I mean, all of the teeth would also be flatulent 5-dimensional 10 mile tall unicorns ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@DLosc Perhaps fn param1, param2 to ...multiline body... end?
@Adám Who goes around commenting on other people's teeth lol
@emanresuA I wouldn't consider that valid personally
Stringifying a function is basically reading its source. To the point where you can write programs that behave differently depending on what comments it includes.
@RedwolfPrograms Adám must be one of those people in toothpaste commercials with teeth so white and shiny they look backlit :P
@user I can't decide if I hate it or not :P
map(fn (n)
  if n mod 2 = 0
    return n / 2
    return 3 * n + 1
  end if
end fn, range(1, 100))
I definitely hate it now lol
Using multiline structures that depend on whitespace inside parentheses does not look nice at all
@DLosc A reverse beard tax managed to sneak its way into that article, too
> In 1936, the Kingdom of Yemen introduced a "no-beard tax," allowed men with clean-shaven faces to pay a tax in lieu of growing a beard.
@user I mean, it doesn't have to depend on whitespace. Though if it doesn't, I guess the block-end keyword needs to be just end.
map(func (n) => if n mod 2 = 0 return n / 2 else return 3 * n + 1 end end, range(1, 100))
Nah, end end looks far sillier than }}
end by itself feels useless to me, but I like it when you can write end name_of_big_thing, because braces are kinda indistinguishable, even if IDEs help out a bit
Very true.
I also like in QBasic how you can (optionally) write the name of the FOR loop variable at the end, as in FOR i = 1 TO 10: NEXT i
I've sometimes seen people doing the same thing with comments in C-like languages.
@Wezl Here's an example of what it might look like if you simply had a typeclass to convert to Booleans. (Pretend myif (...) {...} myelse {...} is a normal Scala construct)
@DLosc I think clang-format can do that automatically too, which is very nice
range(1, 100) map do n
  if n mod 2 = 0 then n / 2
  else 3 * n + 1
  end if
end map
@DLosc ^ Looks terrible but slightly more pleasing imo
(I removed the return statements because I just prefer implicit returns)
Basically adding map as syntax, rather than it being a higher-order function
No, just letting users make two-argument functions infix
Then it should be end do rather than end map, no?
Nim and D let you do foo bar baz instead of foo.bar(baz), this would be an extension of that
@DLosc But the do belongs to the map, and end do is less informative
lol y'all made my script play lyxal's fridge sound in tune to the music I was listening to
I have a user script that makes pinging play a sound clip of lyxal's fridge instead of the normal one
And I have pings on for every message
Why do you hurt yourself so?
And the fridge sounds played at just the right moments that it sounded like it was part of the song
@user f r i d g e
@user Is there also going to be end filter, end fold, end takeWhile, end sort, etc?
... Not a fan, TBH
The x in end x wouldn't be special, it'd just be the name of whatever function you were calling using a do black or the class/method you were defining
Would end do be better?
I'd still prefer fn ... end fn (or func maybe)
do sounds like it should be a loop
What about named functions? fn func_name (params) ... end func_name?
@user What if the user wants to write their own higher-order function?
@DLosc True, was borrowing it from Haskell (and Ruby, I think?)
@Adám wdym? map would be a user-defined higher-order function
@user I could get used to that. I think my instinct if I were designing the syntax would be end fn func_name with func_name being optional, like the next i loop terminator. But that is a little wordier.
I'm thinking ! or some other symbol could be used instead of end to make it look less verbose
One side effect might be that people would start naming their functions short names to avoid typing :P
@user Huh, didn't you want to make map built-in syntax?
That would just be really annoying lol
@RedwolfPrograms just make a script that makes the ping harmonize w/ whatevers playing
11 mins ago, by user
No, just letting users make two-argument functions infix
Ah, I see now.
@user So, a symbol like... } perhaps? :P
@user Actually, how annoying would it be?
@DLosc :P
That'd be annoying without an opening curly brace..oh
@RedwolfPrograms give script
Wrong one
yesterday, by Redwolf Programs
\foo | param1 param2 param3 |
  ? bob | param1 == param2
    | param3
    | param1
  ? bob
That looks horrible, actually. It was supposed to be:
@RedwolfPrograms this will go nicely with the plethora of other chat userscripts
fn foo(param1, param2, param3) => if (param1 == param2) param3 else param1
CMC: Play a fridge symphony for Redwolf using pings :P
@RedwolfPrograms ^
@user ... Who's Bob?
That's the name of the if block :P
I found it distasteful to say end bob, so I used ? bob instead
@DLosc Bob mama!
Lmao gotem
@user It's best not to name your code. Sooner or later, you'll have to execute it.
Not if you're lazy enough :P
@DLosc of course you aren't a fan
You're DLosc
Back to your dad jokes, are you?
You'd stopped making them for a while
Are you expecting another child?
@user I'm expecting many child nodes in my binary search tree
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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