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For ><>:
1//2; '''
<js code>
//<>< code'''# <python code>
The execution path is
For ><>
@emanresuA why is there a # before python code?
I meant ;
it works
@cairdcoinheringaahing wow, apparently there was a time where Retina had no decimal to unary conversion operator
Tip for making polyglots: Make sure you know what's executed in each language.
Like ' ><> isn't going to execute this bit, neither is Python, but Befunge is, so we need to polyglot that'.
3 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ykculConvert chessboards to algebraic notation code-golfchess Algebraic notation is a compact, universal chess notation which provides an easy method of communication between two chess players. There are many apps that can convert a game of chess into algebraic notation given a list of boards; in thi...

@BrowncatPrograms you know, I was actually kinda sad when I saw you weren't continuing Ash
I was legitimately looking forward to using a prefix language for golf
Sere there's pyth for prefix, but that's 100% ascii
I like a little Unicode in my code golf :p
Really? Have some ؈¨∏ÏÒ®∑
…æ«©´“‘®“©√ø¥ˆ´wrfnopmw“‘«æ√´© ywiyrunoπƒ“®∑«æƒ∑ø–ºˆªƒ
but ascii is easier to type fast
@emanresuA print the whole unicode table
CMC: Print the entire unicode (#0000-#ffff) table.
@Wansen Any idea how you have positive reputation on meta, but not on main?
@emanresuA how does that work???
65536, range, chars, sum
@emanresuA why the sum?
Not necessary, just to put it into a nice string
its taking a lot of time
Yeah, I'm not sure what's up with the site right now.
Ok, it's not the site.
Why does Vyxal crash on a ~60k item array???
Actually, it is the site
@lyxal Try it Online! isn't timing out.
Idk why
Try it Online! works, but as soon as you tack on a C...
i have asked this before but: how do i implement numpy style pretty printing of arrays?
or apl style is fine
@emanresuA it's probably because the output you're printing is a massive chunk of Unicode
And maybe it's too much for PA
tio doesn't like it either
having code class rn
print(list(map(chr, range(0, 65537)))) makes TIO hang too
@Niko very good
Code golfing during class is what real edgy gamers do
they don't teach vyxal tho
I do
i am not edgy enough so here i am hanging on the TNB
@lyxal that's kinda pog
@Niko no I mean just TNB in itself is edgy
For most of my classes this year, I've been in tnb
Then i am edgier then I thought i was
Like earlier today, I was here during my math workshop
@Wansen Any idea how you have positive reputation on meta, but not on main?" SAid a username - I think I know why. On main, I posted a trash math/boolean question, but on meta, I have this about average question on the evuolution of trust ( https://ncase.me/trust )
how do you codegolf with cin in C++
@Wansen you don't get reputation on meta though
@lyxal @enamresuA
1 hour later…
@Wansen I have to imagine it's caching, but your post on main was deleted 8 months ago
in Dinoux Room, 50 secs ago, by pVC aecidiospore adduced
Epic gamer plan: I am gonna learn Vyxal, (also I am in their organisation), then I am gonna steal parts of it and add more features, and more, so eventually this language will be able to out golf Vyxal (hopefully, this has a 12% chance of working)
only 12%?
very unepic
12% has nothing funny about it
well its 2×2×3
it's 1/35 of 420
It's 3 more than 8.
@WheatWizard whats with 8?
it's 3 less than 12
@lyxal its Oneplus 11
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced It's 3 less than 12
@WheatWizard ninja'd
well TIL 3 + 8 = 12
thank you tnb
very cool
@lyxal theres a reason behind the 12%
i will might steal ideas from vyxal
though i wont learn the lang
i meant might not
@lyxal you know what % is funny? 69%
@Baby_Boy now that I agree with
@Baby_Boy i think everyone knows that
69 and 420
and 12 now
12 is not funny
dont just give 110%, give 420%
@Baby_Boy That's too much effort. I only give 69%
@AaronMiller yesh 69% fer shchool 420% fur GAMING
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced see
AI says 12 isn't funny
@lyxal i disagree
One does not simply disagree with AI
You don't
@lyxal This just makes 12 funnier.
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced you may not realise it now, but you actually agree with the AI
@lyxal ?????????????
@lyxal i mean really you have no choice
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced you see, you think you disagree, but what you're experiencing is a simulation of choice
in Dinoux Room, 4 mins ago, by Razetime
you are more than welcome to steal ideas from us
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced in a while, reality will kick in and you'll agree with the AI
because you don't have a choice
because 12 isn't funny
@lyxal What is the meaning of funny?
11, on the other hand? that's funny.
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced not 12
@AaronMiller exactly.
any old RO can 12
it takes a moderator to 11
@AaronMiller i agree with this AI
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced i agree with this AI plate
yeah pipe guy, get it right
@lyxal you can use me to beat up cat gang :P
aecidiospore makes me think of apioforms and sporeball, meaning I've probably spent too much time on the esoserver discord
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced but that means I have to rip you out from under my sink
and that means extra plumbing costs to put you back
it just isn't worth it in the long run
@lyxal my name has 3 parts
@lyxal That reminds me, I recently learned that this exists, and now I am happy
@AaronMiller the
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced yeah but you're still a pipe
and I need you under the sink so that the soapy water used to wash aaron, user and emanresu can leave the sink
you're very good at having water forced down you

12 is a funny number

22 mins ago, 18 minutes total – 68 messages, 5 users, 2 stars

Bookmarked 10 secs ago by pVC aecidiospore adduced

@lyxal i will change my name after 28 days
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced you only got 68 messages in the bookmark
@lyxal that was incredibly hard to read
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced you don't like being under my sink?
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced even though you get to chill with aaron, user and emanresu?
> The is a, which is known for. It is the, and frequently the, though it is often the because of.
@AaronMiller the
i cant believe that a flower uses plates :P
and I can't believe you're not grateful to be a part of my kitchen
you don't see anyone else complaining that they live in my kitchen
because they know it's the most honourable thing
@lyxal i said yes
@lyxal wow
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced yeah, you said you don't like being under my sink
@AaronMiller it took me 69 years of studying apiophysics at univerisrty to summarise that deep thought
@lyxal ok.
@lyxal so whats your age? 420?
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced i don't have an age, fool.
Jul 28 at 0:39, by lyxal
The Lyxal are a highly intelligent species, with a culture that has been around for thousands of years. Though they have had many names, the most common being "Lyxel" is a word that was created because of their fascination with language. They can be particularly inscrutable when it comes to other species and their cultures, and most other races endeavor to learn as much about them as possible due to this tendency. As such, Lyxal often end up in more contact with non-Lyxal than with each other. This is especially true since the Lyxal are rarely seen as a whole people but rather as individual
CMC: Make a bot that chats with lyxal
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced also, "After being spawned by interspacial imps, the Lyxal have been raiding civilization on and off since the dawn of time. A few hundred years ago Lyxal were even a major player in human culture, by far the most populous species that inhabited most of Earth. Some of their writing and art is still visible in many places, and they had plenty of technology at their disposal before they began to go extinct."
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced It already exists, it's called GPT-3
oh yeah is the tnb wiki still a thing or is it dead (by which i mean nobody's adding to it, not if it's deleted)
@hyper-neutrino it's kinda dead
but it's got some fresh info no one has commented on yet
user image
Sep 6 at 1:07, by Browncat Programs
Maybe JoKing's just my dad, so I'm half joking
Sep 6 at 1:07, by Jo King
See, totally canonical
oh hey redwolf
don't mind us
nothing to see here
there totally isn't anything out of context here
because that isn't something we do regularly
@lyxal i though he was browncat?
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced well yes but actually yes
@lyxal ok
@Allxy hi
@lyxal why isn't it tnb.fandom.com?
@AaronMiller ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
fair enough
@AaronMiller see that's what I like about you
you're willing to go along with my stupid reasoning
@lyxal Don't worry, a second language is coming soon
@BrowncatPrograms very cool
we can rule the new generation of golfing languages together ;p
@lyxal :)
@AaronMiller even when it isn't actually reasoning at all
you're a good plate
Aug 31 at 22:11, by Aaron Miller
we am plat
all is to be in my kitchen
and I'm making good progress on that
Aaron, user, emanresu, rak and PVC are already permanently in my kitchen
hyper visits from time to time to nuke my fridge
If you have any redwolves in your kitchen though I'd be concerned
and if I bring some sand and fence posts into my kitchen, I'll have both the bots in there too
ok bye i will go study some CHeEuMnISTbRhYb
@BrowncatPrograms ferb I know what we're doing today
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced eunbhb?
what kind of a subject is that?
fun fact: wikia only checks to see if your birthday month and day are in a certain range, so your birthday can be 2/31/1
@AaronMiller is that dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy?
Eww gross it's mm/dd/yyyy
so 1-2-31
Just use yyyy-mm-dd like a normal, well balanced person :p
that's the format used on wikia, so i just used that
dd-mm-yyyy is still slightly ambiguous, but better
don't even talk to me if you're not using dd-yy-mm-yy
nah nah yaml is the best way for representing dates
mm-dd-yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy are both downright malicious
unix timestamp is the only acceptable way
y-m-y-m-y-d-y-d all the way
year-digit-1: 2
year-digit-2: 0
year-digit-3: 2
year-digit-4: 1
month-name-rot-13: frcgrzore
day: 13
Unix timestamp but with : dividing it into groups of 60×60
@lyxal don't talk to me unless you represent your dates like that
@AaronMiller have you ever considered dd+69-yy*11-m-y-m/420-y?
@BrowncatPrograms Right now it's 2:05:53:25:40:45
My clock says it's s l e e p oclock
@BrowncatPrograms not anymore it isn't
i always obfuscate the date before i tell someone when they ask
todays date is
(function(_0x5c6436,_0x20f87f){function _0x4e140f(_0x1644bc,_0x1830e2,_0x3851a2,_0x33db26,_0x10a767){return _0x4afc(_0x3851a2-0x366,_0x1644bc);}function _0x57a29e(_0x178097,_0x52022a,_0x5c2a2c,_0x35ecbb,_0x5877e6){return _0x4afc(_0x35ecbb-0x2da,_0x178097);}function _0x1d22f7(_0x56c986,_0x534474,_0x3265b7,_0x18bf3d,_0x3517c5){return _0x4afc(_0x18bf3d-0x286,_0x3517c5);}function _0x1502df(_0x16c4a6,_0x346271,_0x4212f3,_0xd1a61c,_0x5eaf26){return _0x4afc(_0x5eaf26-0x79,_0x16c4a6);}var _0x31ffe9=_0x5c6436();function _0x1b45e2(_0x168235,_0x2af3b6,_0x3dd1e3,_0x5cdc74,_0x1b8a9d){
Q: Tesco's Burger Relish Best Before End date number

Adám Given a date between 2010-01-01 and 2099-12-31 as three integers (please state your order if not [year,month,day]), answer with Tesco's corresponding five-digit Burger Relish Best Before End date number. The format is simply the last two digits of the year, followed immediately by three digits...

I am very used to yyyy-mm-dd since I listen to a lot of bootleg concerts and I always use this format for those.
@lyxal Assuming left-to-right operator precedence, today is 0.59761904761904761904761904761905. I can definitely understand the superiority of this date format
It contains infinitely many close calls (619)
But no 69s D:
today is not an infinitely funny day :(
i dislike mm/dd/yyyy because it's not small to large or large to small and dd/mm/yyyy cuz i like the month before the date and i think that's typical at least in america (+ canada) so i just use yyyy/mm/dd
even better cursed method: yyyy/dd/mm
Using slashes should only go with mm/dd/yyyy IMO
in scientific notation the date is 9.132021 x 10⁶
I always use dashes for yyyy-mm-dd or dd-mm-yyyy
yydd/mm/yy Today is 2013/09/21
i meant to use dashes lol
uh i don't really use slashes except for mm/dd alone
I use ampersands
@WheatWizard The thing about this format is that it almost always produces an output which looks like a real date, it's just rarely the date in question.
Only for 10 more years or so :p
Yeah, Then it will become increasingly obvious that the format is weird.
anyway, we should probably deal with the SD discussion soon - the current proposals are either to add the bot here (in which case i think we are able to restrict commands to only mods/ros or just mods) or to add it into a separate room, or of course just don't do anything
the only issue i have with a separate room is i feel like it'll go largely unused and then we might as well just go with not doing anything - i suppose we could use it as a "mod office" which a few sites including math.SE have - but again idk if that'd even be used
I don't think SD is useful in the first place for us
based on the amount of spam we get, especially that comes as answers, i'm inclined to agree
And when answer spam appears, it tends to get posted here anyway
on the other hand it also means the bot isn't really going to be disruptive in that case. but it'll still sit in the sidebar and it's still a bot that takes commands which we've never allowed here before so, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thinking about it again, I have SD ignored in the Tavern, cause I don't really want the clutter there, and you can always sign up for notifications in CHQ for CGCC spam, so I'm less in favour of SD being here as I was a few days ago
In fact, SD in the Tavern and MS in CHQ are the only ignored users I have
This is so weird...my laptop noticeably and considerably slows down, but only when I'm in my school cafeteria. It's not a network issue, because it still happens when Wifi's turned off
@BrowncatPrograms When in the cafeteria, are you on battery power, while plugged in elsewhere?
Battery power
Not plugged in anywhere
Now write a cafeteria detector based on measuring the runtime of a known task.
Hmm, I still had bluetooth on, maybe there's a rogue bluetooth speaker or something, that's trying to connect to nearby devices hundreds or thousands of times per second?
CMC: Determine if Redwolf is in the cafeteria. Shortest code wins :P
Could it just be the ambient temperature.
I know my laptop churns if I sit with it in bed but runs fine at my desk area. And I'm pretty sure that's just temperature.
The temperature varies quite a bit between my classes and that doesn't seem to affect anything, and the cafeteria's around the same temperature
@WheatWizard I sat down with my laptop in the bathtub, and now it seems really slow. Actually, it seems to have stopped altogether.
@cairdcoinheringaahing if(redwolfPrograms.location.toCoordinates()==cafeteria.coordinates){console.log("Redwolf is in the cafeteria")}else{console.log("Redwolf is not in the cafeteria")}
@Adám Try drying it out in the oven
was the water hot? thats probably it overheating
@cairdcoinheringaahing OK, so I put it in the microwave oven, and that made it move quickly. Actually, its individual parts are moving.
Put it back together with glue
@Adám Wrong reply
If there's too many pieces, just put it in a bucket of glue and use industrial solvents to get rid of the excess
@BrowncatPrograms no glue it together with thermal paste so it wont overheat anymore
@AaronMiller Not a serious contender. You can just return two consistent values.
Glue is a bad idea, don't listen to Redwolf. Use electrical tape, that's what it's for.
Update: I squeezed a tube of epoxy on it, but then it caught fire. Definitely overheating that's the problem now.
Try only using it in the freezer
You may need a walk-in freezer, but that's just the standard setup for Vim users :P
How move burning laptop to freezer?
If you lack the technological advancement for a trebuchet, try a catapult
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why do I feel like that was directed at me? :P
A crossbow could also work
A really big crossbow
@BrowncatPrograms That depends, is it a 90kg laptop, and is the freezer 300m away?
@Adám Build the freezer around the laptop
@AaronMiller And the microwave oven‽
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes, but the freezer left Chicago at 4:00 and is moving at 300 MPH, while you left a station 1000 miles away at 200 MPH, at a 20° angle to it
math or meth?
Blue screen of fiery death.
Both, if you're brave enough
Ok Erdos.
@Adám Install linux then
If windows isn't working
fixes everything
If windows isn't working, try door instead
Try Arch or Gentoo, those are easy I've heard
@BrowncatPrograms My Windows broke when the freezer blew up due to steam overpressure.
See, this is why you want linux
@BrowncatPrograms no SUSE 1.0
Once you have a burning computer with Arch on it, things will be much better
Then you can fix the burning problem with halon gas
If your laptop isn't in a contained room, no worries. Fill the entire atmosphere with halon gas.
actually blow hydrogen on it
Ah, clever, the halon gas won't kill me because my windows broke?
You could cool it down by sitting down with it in the bathtub
@AaronMiller Great idea!
Oh no halon gas has a very scary looking chemical formula
Lots of halogens
Oh wait
That's why it's called halon
Makes sense though, the very strong bonds wouldn't be broken apart by really reactive substances
The Nineteenth Byte from coding to chemistry
We've gotten much, much more off topic than this :p
CMC: Name a non-elemental substance. Shortest bond wins.
Daniel Craig
@Adám Quark–gluon plasma
Ouch, that sounds hot.
Is I/O required for Turing-Completeness?
thanks, just wanted to make sure
CMC: Given a list of numbers L and number n, return the n largest numbers from L in order of appearance. E.g. L=[1,6,1,8,0,3] and n=4 gives [1,6,8,3]
@Adám What about l=[1,1,2,1,1] n=2. What do we output then?
And for n=3 and L=[1,2,1,1], return [1,2,1]
Maybe a better way to phrase it is that you should preserve their order.
so basically remove the smallest element (tiebreak by last in list) len(L)-n times?
Yeah, that'll work.
@Adám you can now try out Dyalog APL on Attempt This Online. Currently in private-ish alpha-ish on staging.ato.pxeger.com - because I'm not sure on licensing, you'll need a special activation thing (email me [underscore] [at] pxeger.com for access)
(that applies for anyone else who wants to try it too, I suppose)
@pxeger No licensing issue at all. On the contrary, if it turns out well, we'll give you a perpetual support license for this purpose, so you can be notified about and can download the latest version, without nagging banner, etc.
I understand, but I don't have that licence yet so I just want to be safe (also I've already gone to the effort of implementing a private alpha system [10 lines of hacked-together Python])
That's fine. Thank you for being careful. Once I see it running, I'll get you that license.
(BTW, I meant "email me: my email address is [underscore] [at] pxeger.com", but I have a wildcard anyway so it doesn't really matter)
@pxeger Is there a way to interrupt a run?

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