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@Razetime step 1. Install generic web server on server 2. Install remote access service on generic web server. 3. Install chat server on server 2. 4. Install SSL terminator for both servers on server 2. 5. Install http to https redirect for generic web server on server 1. 6. Try to install http to https redirect for chat server on server 1, but accidentally redirect entire generic web server by mistake.
I feel like Flipbit would actually be pretty easy to use if the input was better, but as it is we can really only use it for hardcoded answers. I just spent the last two hours getting really close to figuring out how to add two numbers only to realize that my whole idea was flawed and wouldn't work. :/
The online dictionary thing we're using in class seems to be confused:
what kind of thing which unspecified some anything
Okay apparently not only does latin have hundreds of endings that change the meanings of stuff, a lot of them are also duplicates
And since every latin teacher in the school district has quit, the online class we're supposed to be taking is using a totally different textbook that taught things in a much different order, so nobody has any idea what to do
Very fun
@BrowncatPrograms caecilius est in horto
That's the one we used to use :p
fond memories
so why are you learning latin again?
My school district has basically no choice of languages
Latin is fun.
latin at least in the UK is surprisingly fun and relaxed
I never had to learn a language in school
if you are at all interested in roman history + literature, it'll be nice
I like Latin poetry a lot. Since they based it on Greek forms which don't make any sense with the Latin language.
I mean there is other poetry too. And there's good stuff there too. But I really like (idk if that's the best word) the aeneid.
I prefer non fiction or at least poems about more 'real' things, idk there's just something cool to me about reading about some stuff happening thousands of years ago
@AaronMiller I'd update it, but it's not exactly high priority and I'm happy to wait for TIO to become updated
(Or for another platform to take its place)
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ no worries
its a pretty unique language, I've gotta say. You can't do a ton of stuff with it, but figuring out the best way to do what you can is pretty fun
@hyper-neutrino @JoKing could you grant this user write access to this room please?
I'm right here.
@WheatWizard you look different :)
@ngn done.
Marshall still didn't have write access here? That's crazy!
@WheatWizard thanks! sorry i didn't recognize you at first
They've had write perms in APL Orchard for over a year now.
bit strange that if someone's granted permission to one room they still have to be granted permission from the rest imo, would make more sense to just apply to all rooms
Not sure about that.
Getting enough rep to talk network wide is not very tough anyways.
Why not? Not as if someone who's already been approved is going to spam in another room or anything
@WheatWizard true
@AviFS i think marshall is a lot more interested in j, apl, and his own bqn language than k, so there wasn't much incentive for him to chat there
@ngn Oh... right. I thought it was write perms for TNB
The K room makes sense
A: Unlolify a lolified message

emanresu AVyxal s, 3 bytes ₈τC Try it Online! τ # Convert to base... ₈ # 256 C # Get charcodes

So close...
how the hell did that get 24 upvotes
FGITW / outgolfing Lyxal by 15 bytes
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardHow many Jimmies does this platform need? Platforms are stretches of - characters separated by one or more characters. For example: ------ -- ------ - Has 4 platforms sizes 6, 2, 6 and 1. Platforms that are not supported will fall. To be supported platforms need Jimmies. Jimmies look lik...

well i suppose my mod abuse power services are not needed anymore :p left my computer for a bit, thanks WW
@WheatWizard Try for half an hour to find a regex solution.
It's annoying when someone discovers one later on
@NimUser *role (although I couldn't work out whether you were really quoting or not)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

M VirtsA RollerCodester Ride Just had this idea... needs development. Submissions must be designed to output code in a different language, which is then executed to produce code in yet another language. This can go on as long as needed. Scoring: much like a rollercoaster, this is only fun if the rides h...

@emanresuA Mine is apparently +4 advisedness
@Neil Yes
@Neil Sounds like a character stat from some tabletop RPG
I'd prefer to give out -4 advice though, it's golfier
+4 advice sounds like your code was buggy and my attempt at fixing it cost 4 bytes
@BrowncatPrograms True. Although I've found Latin and Greek easier than German--German has fewer endings, but more of them are duplicates. >_<
@Neil Hm. I was thinking of +4 as you're better at giving advice than most people are.
+4 as 4 upvotes for good advice, no?
@emanresuA Ah, you mean my advised comments get 4 upvotes? Nice.
I don't really think it deserves 25 upvotes, but I upvoted it anyway because I would have normally upvoted it because of the cleverness
@user Does this deserve +47?
No, more like +20 imo
Funny, but that's it.
It's quite humorous but I feel like answers with 47 upvotes should be ones that ingenious approaches
CGCC's voting principles are so messed up
@emanresuA i was gonna bring that up had I been here and you hadn't already mentioned it lol
i am disappointed that that is my highest voted answer but i don't really care anymore
@WheatWizard @hyper-neutrino @JoKing i have another request: write access for this user to the same room ("k tree") please
@hyper-neutrino Heh, for a while my highest voted answers were those in languages which I never used
oops i did it at the same time
thanks both :)
A tip for golfing in Pip, a Mathematica builtin that took five seconds to find, a ridiculous Unary answer, and something else
why did that mark me as joining the room
at least my second highest voted answer isn't the most boring but it's still not that interesting
> now beats OP's unposted haskell solution!
**CMP:** What's a good way to implement a garbage collector?
(I'm planning a language that'll have a GC; my current plan is to have a `numRefs` field in every object and have a `decrementNumRefs` method that decrements the field and, if the object has 0 refs, deletes it and calls `decrementNumRefs` on the object's other fields. The method would originally be called when a variable is reassigned/goes out of scope. That sounds too simple, though, and I haven't done any research on GCs, so I want y'all to do free work for me /s /s)
@user You're going to have a problem with circular reference.
yeah i think reference counting is a fairly tried and true method with that caveat
@WheatWizard Like if two lists contain each other?
Sure that would be one way to have circular references.
A simpler one would be a doubly linked list.
Wouldn't one be deleted if the other was, though?
Yes, however if there are no references to the two they will keep each other alive.
Neither of them will ever be deleted in the first place.
Step one: Make all data immutable. Now if references can only point to objects which are the same age or older. GC just got a lot easier and faster.
the best GC is your operating system, it'll free any memory after the script finishes running :)
@WheatWizard That's much easier to implement, but a bit more inconvenient to use. I'll certainly consider that, though, a GC with all the bells and whistles of practical languages is probably something I can't handle
This would likely make your language purely functional.
Not a bad thing, but not a great thing either
It is great for GC though.
Even cooler would be something like Rust, but that would be a pain both to use and to implement
iirc Rust does have mutable data.
I meant that not having a GC or manual memory management would be cool
The thing isn't so much that immutable data speeds up GC it's more that mutable data slows it down. Any mutable data at all instantly makes GC harder and slower, even for the immutable parts.
Aw frick they copyright claimed my soup falling over video
Wait what
Thank you Oppo for providing templates with non-royalty-free music
Very cool
What even is this "unlolify a lolified message" challenge
It's just base conversion
It has nothing to do with lol
I'm surprised I wasn't able to find a dupe target.
And why did it take lyxal 18 bytes to solve in Vyxal
That's some pretty insane overcomplication
@lyxal I demand an explanation
lyxal's nervous because Vyxal is so close to 69 stars
in Vyxal, 16 mins ago, by lyxal
We are 10 stars away from haha funny number
Yeah. I saw the 18 bytes in Vyxal and was pretty surprised that it could take that much to do.
@BrowncatPrograms Must've choked under pressure as those humans often do
Maybe a more straightforward explanation of the challenge would've helped ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There's some seriously awful voting on these answers, too
@WheatWizard I don't know anything about Vyxal though.
+25 (24 now) for a trivial golfing language answer with flags
I thought we were better than this
Someone was very happy with many of the answers :P
1 hour ago, by user
I don't really think it deserves 25 upvotes, but I upvoted it anyway because I would have normally upvoted it because of the cleverness
What cleverness
That's the most straightforward way of doing it
What else would you have done?
And there's flags too
It's a downvote and half for me
It's a whole lot shorter than lyxal's, and I figured that took cleverness
Plus someone needs to counter the vote spam
@BrowncatPrograms Refrain from upvoting if you want, but why downvote?
Flags + trivial + overrated
You can downvote if you want to.
Sure, but I see nothing in the answer that needs downvoting
I do, and it's in the header :p
(and another one's just to the left of it, and unnecessarily in the double digits)
Wait, left of it?
the vote counter
@hyper-neutrino I used to be really mad that the least favorite of my questions was my top scoring one. I solved it by just asking a better question :P Someday you will overcome that answer.
@WheatWizard I had that one trivial fibonacci number formula in sympy thing at the top for like years, only to be beaten by a 1-byte answer stretched out to a rickroll verse :( hopefully I will eventually make an actually clever answer, but I haven't had many in a long time overall lol
@BrowncatPrograms Meanwhile answers that are actually clever, like Arnaulds, are buried at +3 or +4
also my top voted question is a pretty bland kolmo to just output a really long chemical name (at least my dennis appreciation challenge is just barely behind it)
My top answer is kind of meh. It might be somewhat clever? I lack the ability to judge it anymore.
My first question is also still my #4 of all time and I honestly have zero idea why.
i think the only reason the vyxal answer is so highly upvoted is because of lyxal's blunder which is the main reason i'm not going to vote on it
Plus there's probably some HNQ effect going on
I think that is 100% true.
base 256 → to codepoint is like, half of the answers there, and I don't hate flags as much as redwolf (:P) but the rest do it fine with just 3 bytes of code alone
People notice one answer way ahead and either vote on it immediately, or don't understand the Vyxal answer and assume it's this crazy magical thing nobody could come up with
not sure what japt flags do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ no opinion on those
They're about like Vyxal's, but my opinions on Japt's flags are slightly less negative since its creator didn't do it purely for the sake of doing something borderline cheaty
It's kind've just a boring challenge.
It's definitely a boring challenge, yeah
When I first saw it I was like "...what?"
The flavortext and title massively overhype it
I did the exact same thing today as part of a parser and it never would've occured to me "hey, this is some seriously 1337 shit here"
Yeah, I was hoping for a better challenge
I probably should have left more comments in the sandbox.
yeah the explanation is quite complex, the background story is quite unnecessary and makes it seem a lot more complicated than it is, and the title is pretty meaningless and i thought it'd be a string processing challenge
also "lol-ify" is not exactly the first way i read "lolify", tbch...
It'd be nice if you got a notification in your inbox every few days to go visit the Sandbox
When I saw the binary I got excited because I thought it'd be about how lol and 101 look similar, so you could somehow encode lols in raw bits
Which is a creative idea
Oh, is that why it's named lolify?
Probably not
@BrowncatPrograms I thought this too.
I don't know really why it's called that.
It got to second place or maybe even the top HNQ, and if it had been titled "reduce a string to an integer" it definitely wouldn't have gotten close
i mean, first second i just read it like loli... and i thought wtf to myself
do y'all think we should take it off the HNQ?
@Niko heh, same
@hyper-neutrino Probably a good idea
Maybe, it's definitely getting a lot of vote spam on answers
@rak1507 Yeah, triangles are dumb, squares unite!
@BrowncatPrograms Activity is a strong influence on HNQ (at least at one point it was) so I think the fact that it is quite trivial actually has a lot to do with it's performance on the HNQ.
oh hi @JoKing good timing. Also @WheatWizard thoughts on removing codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/235199/… from the HNQ? it's not very interesting and the votes on the answers are getting very FGITW/HNQ-effect-y and i think it'd be best to take it off, but i'd like a second opinion
I think HNQ still cares mostly about answer count so... trivial challenges go to HNQ.
Which is why if you think a challenge is boring do not answer it.
or at least answer it in an interesting language
:( Didn't realize that before I started writing my solution
Deleted my answer now, though
Gotta be careful using "loli" these days. 💁🏻‍♀️ 😂 — Taco タコス 7 hours ago
@WheatWizard Yeah but I want the dopamine rush from that green +10. (I can quit any time, I swear)
@hyper-neutrino I don't care either way.
@BrowncatPrograms Yeah I want that dopamine rusg too, can't get by without rusges
@BrowncatPrograms quitting is so easy, I've done it a hundred times! (I think that's a Mark Twain quote? can't remember)
Dammit, you fixed it
@WheatWizard but boring question is mostly easy to be answerable by newer users( or me), and those more interesting ones are likely to be out of reach for most of the people’s ability
@hyper-neutrino I'm not addicted to brake fluid, I can stop at any time
@Niko But there are plenty of boring questions already out there
challenges don't have to be trivial to be easy and don't have to be hard to be interesting
Tangent: We need a near-comprehensive list of easy challenges, medium challenges, etc. to help out new users
@Niko You can always answer old easy questions too. Old questions never end up in the HNQ to my knowledge.
@user most of them already have 99% of more general languages
@user And for golfing language development. A good list of hard but somewhat "vanilla" challenges would be so helpful
@Niko So? You can try to improve on them or answer in a new language. Older answers are often badder
yeah I don't think I've seen posts on HNQ older than like a week max
A: What are the criteria for questions to be selected for Hot Network Questions?

David FullertonBasically the same formula used to select the questions shown in the "hot" tab on a site. We have a few tweaks: Successive questions from the same site are penalized by increasing amounts. So, the first question from SO in the list gets multiplied by 1.0, the second by 0.98, the third by 0.96, ...

behold, the algorithm
@user People often overlook older trivial challenges, so there's often huge golfs possible
E.g., if nobody's taken it, I currently have the shortest JS primality test IIRC
the answer count (up to 10) is multiplied by the question score, divided by 5, and then the total answer score is added, and the whole thing is divided by the question age +1 ^1.4 (so between linear and quadratic falloff)
so basically questions that are young, highly scored, and have a lot of answers get a huge boost, even if the question isn't interesting and the answers are mostly just ports of each other
I'm just saying that in general answering a question boosts that question. It is a form of promotion, especially if that question is new enough to be elligible for the HNQ. I'm not commanding anyone to act in any way, I am just saying if you want to do something about trivial challenges, then not answering them is one thing you can do.
anyway, i have decided to boot this question from HNQ; nothing we can do about the vote distribution now but w/e
We should make a bot which edits some invisible mathJax into the title of every new question so we can never end up on the HNQ.
MathJax works in titles?
And how does it stop questions from getting onto the HNQ?
It's just one thing that makes a question inelligible.
It's on the list above.
@user Provavly because it can render weirdly
Huh, interesting
oh apparently questions can't hit HNQ until 8 hours later
@hyper-neutrino i gonna remember this because it looks interesting
@Niko it is just a rough estimate tho and there are a bunch of other factors that sort of change it, but it's a good estimation of the approximate "hotness" of a question
@BrowncatPrograms because I'm bad at golf and because I had previously made a base64 encoder/decoder using Vyxal, I thought the solutions would use somewhat similar methods
Also, base conversion isn't obvious to me
In the words of exedraj: stoopid :P
Ah. Base conversion's a bit like recursion I think, takes getting used to
(When you're using it outside its intended purpose)
who's this exedraj? we must punish them for being so mean to lyxal
I just have used it a lot, it's very good for ascii-art or other large strings with limited charsets.
@BrowncatPrograms It takes me a few minutes and a bit of mental processing to remember which base conversion element does what
So I usually don't consider base conversion straight away
Hence the padding and splitting approach
I mean, say, codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/231150/100664 is definitely worthy of the vote spam.
@hyper-neutrino Yes, let's ban exedraj!
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