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Definitely worth a read: Why I go by Rosie
@cairdcoinheringaahing Careful, the praise will go to my head.
i do think it mostly makes sense for site mods to have chat powers but there is also the case where mods from one site handle issues on another site's chat not knowing the site culture or other circumstances
@Mithical Well, every word of it is truthful :)
I'm siting here looping over and over a 23 year old bootlegged recording of a song I didn't even like earlier this week.
Any reason why, or just for the fun of it? :P
Because I can't stop. I just love it.
It's crazy how an alternative version of something can totally change your conception of it.
Sorry, you unfortunately do not meet Wikipedia's notability criteria. Try again once you've had two news articles written about you.
Guess I need to be more active elsewhere on the network :P
Btw, how was your meetup with Shadow and Yaakov? I've recently met up with a couple of CGCCers IRL, and I definitely find it interesting, the idea of meeting other users you're familiar with online
It was interesting. We discussed past events, future plans, the acquisition, and Yaakov mentioned a couple projects that might see the light of day eventually... but no promises. :)
Sat at a café, got a drink, just sat around chatting, really.
I had a picnic with Adám and his family (his kids are pretty good at tag :P), and met up with pxeger at a coffee shop and sort of just discussed things :P Probably nothing that has any implications on the future of the network tho :P
Heh. We discussed how I singlehandedly saved Meta as we know it ;P (kidding... mostly)
and I went to school with another user here (who I'd prefer to keep private, they;re much more cavalier with privacy than I am), who introduced me to the site :P
@Mithical You say that, but your post about the power users and the staff was definitely something that should go down in SE history
@cairdcoinheringaahing "more cavalier with privacy than I am" I totally don't have my names in my profile, I'm very private :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'd go into more detail but I'm afraid I have a prior engagement with my pillow. \o
@Mithical Sleep well \o
@cairdcoinheringaahing Well, they complained that your legs are unfairly long.
That may be a fair complaint, especially given their ages :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing you know, saying 'we definitely didn't hatch any evil plans' doesn't really convince people :P
Really, you shouldn't worry. We totally didn't discuss me being appointed CEO of Stack Exchange and pxeger becoming an elected mod on every site. Nope, never even came up
@Catija What's the process behind deciding which CM/dev posts an announcement? There's clearly some patterns (e.g. Aaron posting about the user page, Lisa posting about the review queues revamp etc.), but a lot of them seem to be fairly random (e.g. the last 3 "Please welcome Valued Associates" were posted by Juan, Rosie and Sara (maybe the team leads?))
@Mithical Is there a reason you only wear a mask on sites where you are not a mod?
The welcome posts are posted by the manager for the new hire. The other stuff is posted by whoever's the lead on that project.
@Catija Interesting that the final release of the review queues was posted by Lisa, but the resolving issues post was posted by Kristina
Isn't/wasn't the review revamping project lead by Lisa?
Lisa is the designer and the overall architect of the project but Kristina is the dev who's having to fix the bugs. :P
(not architect in the sense of systems architect, she's the lead for the project when it comes to the design stuff)
Sorry for the questions, I notice too many small details and have far too many questions about everything :P
:D No worries. It's good to know when people are confused and curious about things like that.
One of the reasons I'd like to be a mod is that I'd be able to answer most questions I have about the site, without having to bug an existing mod :P
Ngl, if I ever got hired at SE, I'd spent most of my time looking at random stats in the database that only employees could see (if I'm ever interviewing at SE, this is entirely a joke, I promise I'll work hard :P)
Make sure you inject some code to add leaderboards and other goodies to CGCC :P
Step 1: Get hired by SE
Step 2: Add in some golfed, unreadable code that adds everything CGCC wants
Step 3: Quit
Step 4: Profit
Profit? Are you planning on being corrupt? If so, how much are you selling fake rep for? :p
I like how there's no ?? anywhere, your goals are completely clear and there's no confusion
Not that I'm interested in buying any fake rep
Asking for a friend
Also, I would assume your code would get reviewed and rejected if nobody else could understand it.
(for legal reasons the joke here is multiple layers deep and I don't actually want to buy rep, but for real)
@TheFifthMarshal It's a joke
@TheFifthMarshal This is real world problems, we ignore those for the joke :P
@Adám I changed my avatar on my diamond site so that it would change in chat, but didn't want to change it across the network.
I will monopolise the SE network, and rewrite their entire code base in Jelly, eradicating the network of any Vyxal users :P
Why not write a Jelly-Vyxal polyglot for extra fun? :P
Some of you may stop golfing, but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make
(Yes, I'm watching Shrek :P)
I highly recommend watching the gif version /s
as we all know, the code base is currently written in every language exists, and rewriting the codebase to another language will prevent people who use other languages from existing
CMC: Create Stack Exchange. Fewest moderators unfairly fired wins
I just turned in some math homework over a month late :p
@BrowncatPrograms I've turned in RE (religious education) homework a year late before :P
According to my school's software, I have 11 assignments that were due a year ago :P
The trick is to not care about the subject :P
I found some homework I was meant to turn in a few years ago at my old school :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing How did that even work? Did you take the same class the next year?
(I did not turn it in, I'm sure they can cope)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Not sure what your current expertise is (outside of golf) but are you aware that we're hiring something like a dozen devs?
@cairdcoinheringaahing That said, considering this, I think maybe we'd be better off if you didn't. ;)
You should definitely apply for a job at SE, caird :P
I'd totally apply if I wasn't 15 :p
Everyone's 18 on the internet :P
Hm, I could consider applying for my next co-op term? That's actually theoretically a possibility though it'd be a bit of work to figure out.
@Catija I am aware y'all are hiring, but a) I'm 19, and my only applicable experience in working behind the tills at a shop, and b) I don't ever want to get into software dev as a career
OMG. I didn't realize TNB was a high school. ;)
I'd be interested in applying for a CM position, but not until Journeyman is hired
@Catija Worse than the Tavern these days...
@Catija You could very possibly be the oldest person here
@Catija we're golfing our ages (that doesn't make sense but shhh)
I'm ancient. Nearly 40. :P
@hyper-neutrino What are you, one of those near-immortal jellyfish? :P
you know too much
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have no control there. I think things are looking brighter... for a while there was a hard block on hiring from outside a specific area because the cost of setting up support to hire people in new countries is very high - that's why our job postings are restricted by country. We only hire in places we already have staff.
Is there a list of the positions y'all are hiring for? (not that it at all matters given that I have no education or work experience and spend 40 hours a week at school :p)
Speaking honestly: I'd very much like to be hired as a CM at SE. I don't currently have any idea about a career plan, but that's something I could imagine myself doing. However, I'm 19, and don't have any applicable experience (I have more experience for a dev job), and would want myself to have served as a moderator here for at least a year before being hired. Additionally, there are many other users (first and foremost, Journeyman and Mith, if they're interested) who should be hired before me
Since we don't have anyone who currently works in Singapore, we weren't allowed to consider candidates there due to costs. I'm not completely certain that's changed yet at this point.
I think that you @Catija were the last proper "community hire" until V2Blast
@Catija I thought being a CM was mainly remote work?
I'd strongly recommend you get some experience as a mod in various places... Community management in general can be really helpful, whether that's here or on Reddit or a discord server or whatever. Show us that you've had to manage people.
I support hiring the best candidate for the job, but for a job such as a CM, existing community moderators are often the best candidates for that job. And turning someone such as Journeyman down because "We've never hired someone from Singapore before" isn't a good reason
@user We have these things called PEOs that allow us to hire people rather than having them be contractors. They're legal entities and are expensive to set up. shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/hr-qa/pages/…
@Catija I'm sure my mathematics degree will naturally lead to that :P
Oh, interesting
at least internally to the company, all CMs' real identities are known, right?
That has to be guaranteed
You can't hire someone without knowing their real identity
No, all stack exchange employees are hired through the dark web, and paid in bitcoin :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing So... I mean... that's true-ish. I was the first CM hire in three years. Cesar was hired a year later. The next bunch were Rosie, Philippe and Ayo in January/February and then Slate (who was a mod) and Vanny (who wasn't) and now V2Blast and Spencer. But it's a bit hard to say I was the last when there really haven't been a ton at all?
Kyle's in the Discord?
Should I come back or would I still hate it?
@cairdcoinheringaahing As much as my Film degree does...
Guess I'm lucky then, in that I could apply for a CM position and be rejected for the fact I'd be a poor fit (now, can't speak to me in the future) rather than being in the wrong country
@hyper-neutrino Yes, of course.
@Catija ...fair point
@Catija It's gotten a lot quieter, especially in terms of the clashes that lead to your departure... can still get very bitter at times, though.
@Catija Is it worth asking why you left?
@cairdcoinheringaahing You can ask. I'm not really sure whether I'm allowed to say.
oh I'm in that server aren't I. never really visit it though
Mith's probably the best person to ask whether I'm allowed, though. :D
@Catija Forget whether you can or can't say. Would you want to?
I don't have any real reason not to. I suppose it could hurt my cred but it's relatively easy to figure it out if you go back through the history of the server. It relates to Monica, though.
@Catija I guess? As always, avoiding names is a good idea, but I'm fairly sure you know that ;)
@cairdcoinheringaahing For example, a while back, there was a particularly unpleasant interaction in the CGCC discord server between a former user and some current users. I, personally, wouldn't really like to re-discuss that, but I could, if someone asked
@Mithical Apparently not. :P
@Catija I've known you for a decent amount of time, even before you were a CM (over on M&TV). I think I can guess, roughly, your take on the Monica incident without having to ask you for details :)
Oy. Let's... not rehash that, please.
Brings up... unpleasant memories.
I boils down to "I was having a nice discussion with people, someone joined the conversation and started responding to it and pulling it completely out of context. This was not the first time that happened, so I decided to have a tantrum and leave since I wasn't able to communicate there without feeling like everything I said was getting twisted around."
I'm clearly masochistic, because I have the transcript for that day in the TL bookmarked, in case I ever do become a mod
@Catija Ah
@cairdcoinheringaahing Eh. Probably not. It's really complicated. For everyone. But that I can't talk about. :P
@Mithical Well that worked out well.
@Mithical GO TO SLEEP!!!
Anyways, Patch is begging to be let out for a wee, so brb o/
I have to go feed the menfolk downstairs.
say hello to gus and ben for me
Anyone here who knows Jelly: Why is used so much? Looking at the corpus, it's the most common character, and by a wide margin. The description in the wiki indicates that it basically just vectorizes something, but doesn't Jelly vectorize anyway?
wait, the description says that?
Well, I read it as that
I probably read it wrong judging by that response :p
ah nvm. yeah, that is a slight misconception then - it is literally just a map quick/adverb/whatever
Jelly does vectorize most things, but firstly, there are many monads, especially compound ones (like ones made of multiple atoms) that don't, or wouldn't vectorize properly, and secondly, dyads exist
Do dyads vectorize differently? Or not at all?
they vectorize by zipping (so [1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6] = [5, 7, 9], as I'd expect)
@BrowncatPrograms Sometimes you just need explicit vectorization for atoms that work directly on lists instead of on atoms
One of the biggest changes in my fork is implicit vectorisation
Dennis wasn't consistent at what vectorises and what doesn't
also yeah, like user said, for example you might need the length of each sublist (although that has an atom lol)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Took him long enough
I swear, he spends 10 seconds going to the toilet, then 10 minutes teasing me and making me go outside and grab him to bring him indoors
if you give me a piece of code with the euro it would probably be easier to explain why it's necessary there. but yeah in general it's just cuz vectorization doesn't always do what you want / some things just don't vectorize lol
@hyper-neutrino How would change that? Is it x + [4, 5, 6], where x is each item in [1, 2, 3]?
Oh cool, that makes sense
P€ is a common thing, for example
it'd be [1 + [4, 5, 6], 2 + [4, 5, 6], 3 + [4, 5, 6]]
Presumably that's [[5, 6, 7], [6, 7, 8], [7, 8, 9]]?
S€ had to be added as an explicit atom (§) because it's used so much
Is that sums of sublists?
Sum of each element
So yes
(I just realized "sublist" probably means something other than what I meant, which was just "the lists in a list of lists" :p)
What does µ do? I can't find it in the atoms or quicks
it is a chain separator
you'll find it in the syntax section
properly explaining chain separators and all of the gimmicks they bring and weird behaviors would take the good part of the next 24 hours (half joking but honestly it's kinda strange at times)
to me µ is what you spam whenever your program stops working :P
Sublist in CompSci is a synonym of subsequence
@hyper-neutrino That should be "outer product"
And I almost just asked what does 2 do :p
@Adám isn't it each left
Most atoms are array-based atoms, and so act on arrays, not their contents
@Adám no, it's just each left
+ vectorizes but if you had a dyad that doesn't vectorize like ; (append) you'd get [[1, 4, 5, 6], [2, 4, 5, 6], [3, 4, 5, 6]]
Which is the same list in a lists-of-lists language when the lists are all numbers.
it should really be called each left not each
yeah. i suppose it existed before each right was thought up and then that was just a 2-byte thingy until it became common enough to become its own thing
Jelly claims to have been inspired by J, but its array model and some primitives work more like K :P
I'm surprised ; is the second most common character in Jelly programs (if my corpus is right). It doesn't seem that common of an operation in other languages.
[1,2,3] +" [4,5,6] ⁼ [1,2,3] + [4,5,6] ⁻ [1,2,3] +€ [4,5,6] ⁻ [1,2,3] +Ɱ [4,5,6] ⁻ [1,2,3] +þ [4,5,6]
@BrowncatPrograms Concatenate is very common
Usually not the most common by a large margin, though :p
How does APL do concatenate?
Same with sum, that one was also surprisngly high up to me
@cairdcoinheringaahing ,
@BrowncatPrograms "hel" + "lo" is not the most common?!
@rak1507 Actually, would be more correct.
@Adám yeah yeah whatever :P
CMQ: 5 most common commands (atoms, quicks, syntax, whatever) in Jelly
@BrowncatPrograms well, for a lot of challenges, we need to sum a specific set of data at the end, and unfortunately we have to put that as an S at the end of our code 👀
@cairdcoinheringaahing Is it cheating if I have a corpus already pulled up? :p
(disclaimer: i don't actually know if that's common. just wanted to poke fun at uh... nothing in particular)
@BrowncatPrograms It's wrong, ; isn't the second most common
@BrowncatPrograms Only if the corpus is correct ;)
I'd be interested to compare your corpus with mine
@cairdcoinheringaahing $ probably
I filtered out strings, which might have an effect on things
Same here
@BrowncatPrograms 1) When redwolf? 2) What's your count for @?
@BrowncatPrograms Sum is by far the most common collation function. I can't count how many times I used +/ or 1⊥ in my APL answers
@cairdcoinheringaahing I get 636 for @
When's your corpus from?
I downloaded the data for mine today
I get mine from the cemetery
does your corpus happen to count the explanation for answers
Good point, running an update now
surely you wouldn't forget to filter that? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@hyper-neutrino No, I manually filtered those
okay, figured :p
Plus a few that were just spamming hundreds of operators
Which could easily have skewed certain ones (looking at you, ,) considerably
Mine takes the first code block in an answer, and only if it has <100 characters
Does it only fetch code golf answers?
Because of course Jelly can never get longer than that
@Bubbler Mine doesn't, I was going to fix that later
@cairdcoinheringaahing ¥ as well probably
You know you've been spending too much time on chat when lyxal enters (in this timezone, at least)
true, lyxal joining chat signals that I should really go to sleep :P
Then I could skew it by lengthening this answer maybe? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing my corpus
CMP: whose arrival in chat signals your departure (or when you should go to sleep, at least)
@rak1507 It's the safest way to avoid rickrolling :P
@hyper-neutrino Lemme guess, it's my arrival for you?
@cairdcoinheringaahing as well as ), S and @
@hyper-neutrino redwolf
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes :P
because by the time you're back online it's usually past 4 for me
I just leave when I'm tired lol
What time is it in 10 hours for you?
@BrowncatPrograms Same here :P
I don't actually think when I leave is close to when anyone joins
Or when I'm too drunk to type
No one coming can signify me leaving (either leaving work or going to sleep)
@hyper-neutrino OSP

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