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@lyxal (chosen by fair dice roll)
This "fair dice roll" always results in 4, I'm starting to think it isn't fair :P
No, it's fair! All six sides have 4 on them!
@emanresuA ¹
That's weird
@JoKing ^^^ That's been flagged as spam right? I'm guessing there's some mod indicator beyond the standard message that hides the text for us mortals?
In fact, can you see who flagged that?
Timeline says "User 83781 destroyed"
@cairdcoinheringaahing apparently i flagged it lol, and DJ deleted it
or at least flagged it as helpful and let community delete it
@JoKing Do you know if DJ actually deleted it, or if he marked the spam flag as "helpful"?
Cause, for some reason, it isn't showing up on this query of mine which shows all spam/RA flags cast on meta
or at least flagged marked it as helpful and let community delete it
I think that if a mod marks a spam/RA flag as "helpful", it nukes the post
I really want mod powers, but mainly to investigate weird things like this where I can't see a) what info can be seen and b) what the info is :P
the comment for the actual post deletion was "User 83781 destroyed", so maybe that's what triggered it
Oh, so DJ may have just destroyed the user, which would, by default, delete that post as it was negatively scored
Wait no, cause then it wouldn't show the "This post was deleted cause it bad, look at history for me" message
Pending spam flags + destroying user = deleted cuz bad, maybe?
But if any spam or RA flags were raised, they'd show up in my query, which this one doesn't
@lyxal Lemme just get my bag of 234 dice, roll them and see how many are 4 :P
Sorry, 237
Either that or the records of flags on destroyed user's posts are also destroyed
though it would be incredibly hard to confirm because we're not supposed to track destroyed users after all
maybe the flag doesn't show up since I made it and now i'm a mod?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I totally didn't try it 17 times to get that one video
It was totally first try :p
@JoKing That wouldn't make sense tho
After I'm done rolling these dice, Imma ask in the SEDE chat room
ಠ_ಠ For some reason, imgur not happy
imgur sussy
Remind me to never again question Randall Munroe or the dice gods :P
CMC: That's 255 dice all either on 4 or 40 (for the d100s). What's the probability that, when rolling 32 each of d20, d12, d10, d8 and d4s, 32 d100s (d10s but 40 instead of 4) and 50 d6s, all will roll as 4 (assume uniformly random dice)?
@cairdcoinheringaahing so if i added an extra die to that mix, you'd have no dice at all?
No, I'd need 9 bits to store the number of dice I have :P
@lyxal No, they’d have negative dice you unsigned baka
@user oh yeah that's right
Unless you use an arbitrary length integer like a snek
@cairdcoinheringaahing Do you want code or just the answer? Cause mathematica can do that, so -1 for not being interesting:p
-1 anyway just for tge heck of it 😈
M is only 3 bytes longer and gives the exact value :P
how long did that take?
Seconds, I clearly rolled them all at the same time, and they all got 4 :P
Also, one of them has a 10.
And another has a 6
Which ones? :P
Just saw the 10 ಠ_ಠ
There's also an 80 and a 50
Also OMG floor reveal!!!
@emanresuA no no those dice aren't fair dice
fair dice always give 4
those must be weighted dice
(the ones that didn't give 4)
@emanresuA (15 mins, and my injured knee is much worse)
@cairdcoinheringaahing :(
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I spend 6 hours standing up every 4 days, my knee kills me after that. That was nothing
@emanresuA Look at the background of my profile picture :P
TIL AI won't be taking over the world any time soon
Here's what I gave it:
Generate a binary choice question to know about someone selling a car:
Here's what it gave me:
Would you rather buy a new car or an old car?
Because when someone is selling a car, you ask them which they would buy
An insightful question into the mindset of the seller :P
Can you give the codex # write a program to destroy GPT-3?
I'm currently using it for serious purposes
mainly generating text for my web tech assignment
Just get it to do your assignment :P
I don't know if codex supports XML/XSLT ;P
Yes, no, yes
I mean, I suppose that's a yes/no question
@emanresuA v
# you can use this link: towardsdatascience.com/…
!pip install pyngrok
!ngrok authtoken 1g4bVx7qG2yMtqXszQD3Lg_B3Pkvk_y_Uc4wv_d1CQQn
# you can find ngrok token in your account(ngrok.io)
!ngrok authtoken 1g4bVx7qG2yMtqXszQD3Lg_B3Pkvk_y_Uc4wv_d1CQQn
!kill -9 -1

# End
Wrong language.
haha c++ fizzbuzz go brrr:
template <class T, class U>
std::string fizzbuzz(T first_num, U increment) {

    std::string result = "";

    for (int i = first_num; i <= 100; i+=increment) {
        if ((i % 3) == 0 && (i % 5) == 0) {
            result += " " + std::string("Fizzbuzz");
        } else if ((i % 3) == 0 ) {
            result += " " + std::string("Fizz");
        } else if ((i % 5) == 0 ) {
            result += " " + std::string("Buzz");
        } else {
@emanresuA I think it's valid syntax in jupyter notebook, except that python != jupyter
oh yes, I do love it when the assignment says to check for required fields on a form by using JS and banning the required attribute
Just go x["requi"+"red"]
Just use JSFuck
@emanresuA how tf is that gonna work when I can't apply required to the form element huh.
JS to apply 'required' to the form element!
like they want us to manually validate the form without using the html5 attributes that are designed to make life easy
There's some attribute that validates a field by a regex
Idk what its called though
Does anyone now how to exit insert mode in V? Both i<esc> and i^[ only insert literally.
> You will write Javascript functions to validate the form (DO NOT USE HTML5 form validation attributes such as 'required').
(emphasis not mine)
What do you even have to validate?
@JonathanFrech Try it online!
Use a literal escape character
@emanresuA oh you know, things like email addresses, phone numbers, whether things are empty or not, that sort of stuff that the browser usually auto-does
@cairdcoinheringaahing May I ask what browser you are on?
Do you get the dotted box character on Chrome?
I used this Jelly code to get the character, copy-pasted it into TIO
@JonathanFrech Not on TIO
I just get an empty box
 (apparently SE chat renders it as a box with a question mark in)
Well, I get nothing which makes development a bit cumbersome.
Anyway, thank you.
I tihnk V has a command line flag that enables <esc> to work
> -v Run in verbose mode
Then I will use -v.
Hope that helps :)
V's docs are the worst kind of docs: incomplete. At least if there are no docs, then you can resign yourself to figuring out alone, and full docs have all the info. Incomplete docs have enough info to trick you into thinking they'll help, but will never have exactly what you're looking for :P
@lyxal /([^@]+\.)*[^@]*([A-z0-9]\.)+[A-z.0-9]+/
@cairdcoinheringaahing It does. Do you know TIO's executable path for V? So that I can write a test bench shell script.
I wonder, are room names sanitised?
posted on September 07, 2021 by Mark Giraffe

This challenge is currently in the beta release, meaning if given enough positivity, it will remain here as a full challenge. Otherwise if the challenge reaches negative aspects, i...

@cairdcoinheringaahing This very accurately describes my experience with them.
as in <script>alert('hack')</script>?
Still nope
Also, oh, you meant programmer sanitised, not normal people sanitised :P
I wonder though... You know how chat can appear on main? I wonder if it sanitises it there...
@cairdcoinheringaahing Well of course! I'm a programmer, not a normal person ;)
Ergo programmers are not normal people :P
Is the butter that powers the bots ethically harvested?
One new user posted this and then this
Honestly no idea what this user is trying to do
spam i think
Or posted on wrong site
@BrowncatPrograms did you not see the plate washing video and the lyxroll?
@Bubbler It feels iffy reviewing the first one as "Looks Ok", but the share feedback messages are so trash that it'd be worse to choose that
there have been a few occasions, fortunately not too many, where i looked at the review options, hated them all, and just took a mod action and cleared it from the queue without getting the review
Imagine being able to do that :P
@emanresuA try </span> before and <span> after?
I think (haven't bothered to check) that the "Skip" button still hasn't been added to the FA/FQ reviews, so the only way to not do that review is to close the tab and come back later when it's left
Sorry, I'm poor
i can only flag
On the other hand, I only need 12 +500 bounties...
Shitty Life Pro Tip: if you flag it now, as NAA, it'll be marked helpful as soon as the answer is deleted :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing ima flag this for being too useful
TIP: When you don't know what lang something is, asume it's ///.
@cairdcoinheringaahing wait what are you supposed to flag as then
I would’ve flagged as naa or something
that is the right flag
caird is just saying that if you flag it then when it gets deleted you get a free helpful flag
it is now too late, as i have already yeeted it
Although the purpose of flagging things is to moderate the site, not arbitrary number counting.
@TheFifthMarshal So you don't care that you got 500 helpful flags, and you don't care so much that you renamed yourself.
I did that by actually finding hundreds of invalid answers and obsolete comments, not by jumping on bandwagons for the sake of jumping on bandwagons.
flagging it as NAA is technically helpful because if nobody here is able to finish it off then it'll get thrown into the LQ queue and it'll be more likely to get deleted
however I was here
@TheFifthMarshal But you did it for the purpose of getting ashiny new badge, correct?
No, I did it for the purpose of enforcing the rules.
Also weren't you the fourth Marshal, not the Fifth?
Or did Mego have one?
even if the badge was a (or the) primary motive as long as pppery's actions are helpful I am totally fine with it
Jul 27 at 0:24, by caird coinheringaahing
@TheFourthMarshal I hate to ruin your username, but you're technically the fifth Marshal. Mego got the badge before his account was removed :P
Jul 27 at 0:24, by caird coinheringaahing
@TheFourthMarshal I hate to ruin your username, but you're technically the fifth Marshal. Mego got the badge before his account was removed :P
badges are, after all, supposed to guide you through the initiation / encourage you to help the site
(there are a few badges that... don't exactly accomplish this)
peer pressure IMO
i get the point but like
Lol true
it requires you to have a <= -3 post
I have Disciplined on meta but not on main
because sandbox
and also if your question gets downvoted like that, the appropriate action is to fix it if possible. which is interesting because the system literally punishes you for deleting poorly received questions and tells you to fix it but also gives you a badge for deleting it and not for editing it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

YousernameMultiple Averages code-golf math In math, the average or mean of a collection of numbers is is usually a good representation of all of the numbers. It is the number that has the least possible average distance (MAD) from each number in the collection. So, to find multiple averages, one would have...

i don't really think peer pressure is much of a problem though. it's not a great badge but it's not like a leading cause to any issues SE has :P
@SandboxPosts can't understand mate
@Niko That's the entire point of the sandbxo
how does Least Possible Average Distance become MAD
mad lad
oh, Minimum
@SandboxPosts wait... his name is yousername, sounds familiar
Note me
@TheFifthMarshal OTOH, I like it when the number goes up :P
@emanresuA Consider yourself noted :P
If I was going to make an alt, I would name it 'Emanresu rehtona'.
ugh no
same joke twise is boring
> You've earned the "tips" tag badge. (bronze)
That marks my new second rarest tag badge (8 earned in total), followed by bronze in grid (7)
tip: don't flag posts that need mod attention as anything other than flags that get mod attention
It's a very odd badge. Three were awarded in 2015, two in 2016, two in 2017, and then no one until today
VLQ flags can be automatically deleted by community before I'm notified of them (there's a 1 hour delay between when you flag and when it sends it to me)
NAA flags (and VLQ, but VLQ can be auto-validated much more easily) put it into the review queue and it might get cleared there, again before I get to see it
@hyper-neutrino So the right flag is just "mod intervention"?
yeah and then just provide details about what the issue is. like for example if a post is plagiarised and it's given it a low quality flag a) it might get cleared when the post is edited b) i might dismiss it as unhelpful not realizing the issue
Hmm okay
i can choose to see flags that would be hidden by the time filter before the 1 hour but i have to remember to actively do that and it doesn't add to the number in the blue box in my top bar
also i should probably handle that one flag that's like 2 weeks old
1 hour later…
@emanresuA any ideas for something fun to do in chat?
There's no one to rickroll, except you
And you're rickroll-proof
(stoopid capslock)
I was more thinking something specifically here
as in 100% contained in chat
so that this period of chat isn't so dead
I'm not sure there's much you can do with two people
20 questions?
You go first
To pick something to think of or to ask?
Your choice
Ighto I have an object I'm thinking of
Is it smaller than a loaf of bread?
Is it larger than an apple?
is it neutron?
@emanresuA no
@PyGamer0 no
Is it a plant?
@emanresuA no
Is it alive?
Is it edible?
(se chat wouldn't let me send no twice)
@PyGamer0 depends
Do you own one of these?
@emanresuA yes
@PyGamer0 but it isn't wood
@PyGamer0 no.
cup ?
@PyGamer0 nope
Smaller than apple
@PyGamer0 ^
it is
Do you keep it in the kitchen?
no. but that doesn't mean you can't
normal people don't keep it in the kitchen
Do you use it more often then once a day?
I personally don't
but some people use it for their jobs
but usually no
Is it your se watch?
Is it digital?
Is it mechanical?
Does it have any moving parts?
Is it made of metal?
depends on the quality
Is it... A toothbrush?
Do you have more than one of this thing?
Can it be used more than once?
Could you use more than one at once?
Is it an item in Minecraft?
is it made of wood?
@PyGamer0 depends on the quality/make
so sometimes.
but nowadays, usually no
Would one cost more than $10? (AUD)
Could you buy one at a supermarket?
depends on the kind of supermarket
Big supermarket
like Coles or Woolworths?
mostly no from experience
I think I've had well over 20 questions, so I give up.
5 hours ago, by lyxal
fair dice always give 4
it was dice
mice; nice
That was very clever
ok now i will think of something
@emanresuA I had to clarify the type of supermarket, because you can get them at cheap shops, but not food places
also, casino workers would use dice (at least, at the craps table) for their job
@lyxal That one really bamboozled me
i thought of something good
q1: Is it code-golf / stack-exchange related?
q2: can you eat it
q3: is it a place?
q4: is it a person?
q5: is it a meme?
q6: would an average person have it in their house?
yes provided he is not poor
q7: Could i put it on a table?
q8: Does it use electricity?
q9: could I use it to look at rick astley?
uh yeah probably
q10: could I put it in my pocket?
q11: is it a phone?
Is its screen smaller than a playing card?
it doesnt have a screen
Then how:
> q9: could I use it to look at rick astley?
> uh yeah probably
that means, can I use it for rickrolls
can I go to youtube and watch Never Gonna Give you Up
@lyxal yes
2 mins ago, by PyGamer0
it doesnt have a screen
how tf do you go youtube without screen
@lyxal you connect it to a screen
going afk for a min or two
q<whatever>: Is it a HDMI adapter
@lyxal no
@lyxal and thats q10
it's q14
oh its 12
q13: is it something people usually put in their pockets?
that would be dumb
q14: do you put it into a computer
q15: Is it a HDMI cable?
why do you think its a cable
because "you connect it to a screen"
q16: does it use bluetooth
you connect it to the computer
@lyxal depends on the model
q17: does it play audio?

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