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@hyper-neutrino I wouldn't have thought so, but there are a few sites that I would've thought would bring it up
Also, hello people, it is I, caird, back after a mysterious 30 day disappearance. Who is this "Dude" person, they seem like a very interesting person? :P
Gee some scammers are rude
Like this person sends me a whole email threating to blackmail me for things I don't do
I try and reply in the style of someone trying to waste their time
And they have replies turned off
Like ffs
Let me reply you sussy baka
If you're going to try and extort $2500 usd out of me through bitcoin, then at least let me try and troll you back
You can troll me if you like, my email is [email protected]. Feel free to send any and all email, including spam, my way :P
The text in angle brackets is just me censoring out a few things
Dw I made the necessary reports and stuff.
idk, sounds pretty legit. You sure you don't do all of that, lyxal? :P
I don't
Which makes it even funnier
> tгᴜst me. ἰ ҡеeρ mɣ шогd.
Hmm, how could I possibly not trust the spammer who "hacked" into all my of email accounts?
> ἰ hаve сᴦеatеd this eᴍɑἱӏ ἰnѕide үօᴜr ἰᴨЬᴑx ɑᴨd genеᴦɑtеd the retuгᴨ ɑddreѕѕ
@lyxal Do you write the hacker scenes for Hollywood movies? :P
what's the wallet address? interested in seeing if there are any transactions
@rak1507 there aren't
I checked
must make a new one for each victim
and transfer them into a master
Don't send any bitcoin
@rak1507 no, it's been reported 4 times
> my ɑdviϲe: keер ϲhanɡἰng alӏ your ρаsѕwᴑᴦdѕ fгeqᴜently.
or they've just been really unlucky :P
Time to send them dogecoin
@lyxal ah
@user Wow, how kind of them!
just smart victims then
> i ңavе beеᴨ cңeсҡἰng օᴜt үoᴜг ρᴦօfἱle aᴨd tгaffiс fᴑг somе tiᴍe Ƅү ᴨᴑᴡ
@lyxal I think this person's got a crush on you, they've been stalking your profile for a while :P
I ship it
This whole scam would've completely failed if they accidentally liked one of your old insta posts :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing well then all the more reason why they should allow my replies! :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing imagine having an instagram account
Made by I don't gang
@rak1507 Or maybe lyxal wrote this email and is planning to send it to people to scam them, but he wants to test if it'll work on his victims first by showing it to TNB :P
@lyxal luddite :P
@user oh yeah maybe
that would be high iq
This happened 2 days ago btw
@rak1507 Well, in any room other than TNB, sure :P
scam emails for code golfers: 'hey you, remember installing that shady looking esolang a while back? well, it turns out I've been monitoring you this whole time! if you don't pay me $6969 in golfcoin by next week I will release all your private golfs to the whole world!'
Jelly's got a builtin for that
> ɑlѕᴑ, fօгɡеt ɑƄօut tеllἰɴg yօur fгἰends. ἰf i discօveᴦ that (аs yᴏu ᴄɑɴ ѕеe, ἰt ἰs nօt ѕᴑ ңɑrd, сᴑᴨѕἱdeᴦἱᴨɡ tңаt i сᴏntroӏ ɑll ɣᴏᴜг ѕүѕtems) - ɣouᴦ vἰdеo ωill Ƅe ѕhɑгed աἱtң the pᴜbӏἱс riɡңt аաaү.
And of course, all you Vyxal gang will know about the good ol' scam flag that auto-deposits $69 into lyxal's bank account, stolen from various scam artists :P
I'm living live on the edge lads
@cairdcoinheringaahing hey where do you think we get all the funding to make TNB shitposts from? ;p
You can get funding to shitpost here?
You don't?
I have a career plan now :P
well, if Adám can get paid to post here you can too!
just need to get a job at jelly inc :P
"get a job at" implies that I didn't found it :P
(or rather, won't)
well, if you found it you could just pay yourself all the money, which is cheating

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