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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

When I put my name (with an underscore for a space) in a website google translate thinks the whole site's in arabic >:|
@BrowncatPrograms a cup of chocolate?
Usually it's in chips or crumbles, right?
Idk, I'm not a baker
(By "cups" I mean "the unit of measurement" not "the thing you drink water out of")
still, chocolate would be measured in grams (or ounces, if you're into that)
it would normally come in chips, in a bar, which you have to break into chunks, or as cocoa powder
Ounces are even more confusing
all of which are logically measured by mass
I'm pretty sure either cocoa powder or chips would be measured in cups over here
but it depends on how much air is in them
you are weird
@pxeger It's not like that changes by too much though
And not everyone has a scale in their kitchen
Most people don't who I've met, at least
@pxeger Measuring dry ingredients in cups is pretty common here. Do you measure flour or sugar in grams over there?
normally, yes
you are weird :p
If someone told me I need "a quarter pound of flour" for a recipe I'd just look at them weird
It's always cups over here from what I've seen
And nobody reasonable will use ounces for a dry ingredient because then it's confusing, since ounces could mean eighths of a cup or sixteenths of a pound
@BrowncatPrograms but when you buy a bag of flour, is it specified as 2 lbs, or 8 cups (or whatever exact values)?
it's always in grammes (normally 1kg or 500g) here
The bag would be by weight, yeah
so clearly measuring by weight isn't too hard then is it lol
But getting out a scale to measure flour or sugar or chocolate chips would be a waste of time
It's pretty consistent if you just use cups
But getting a cup measure to measure flour or sugar or chocolate chips would be a waste of time
We have those all over the place though
Cups with measurements on them for cooking are a pretty common thing to have
You'd already have one out for liquid ingredients usually anyway
Wait, do y'all measure liquid ingredients in grams too?
Also, do y'all use teaspoons and tablespoons? It seems like it'd be confusing if recipes said stuff like "five milliliters of oil" (sorry for all the questions, I'm just curious :p)
@BrowncatPrograms no
@BrowncatPrograms no, a measuring jug, which measures in ml
Seems time consuming for such small quantities
I like metric and I definitely think everyone should use it, but for cooking ingredients I do think cups/tbsps/tsps are a better unit :p
@BrowncatPrograms yes, for those, but you can just eyeball (and most literal teaspoons hold about a "teaspoon" anyway)
@BrowncatPrograms well tsps/tbsps are pseudo-metric anyway
(the most obvious disadvantage to them is all those letters)
Well I mean inches and feet are defined in terms of metric but I don't consider them to be metric units :p
but 5ml is quite a nice amount, and 304.8mm isn't
Nice in terms of metric yes, but cups are quite nice in terms of cups :p
@BrowncatPrograms scales and measuring jugs are a pretty common thing to have :Þ
Seems like it'd be easier to visualize cups and tablespoons rather than milliliters, but idk
you don't need to visualise, you've got the measuring implements right in front of you!
Well I mean when you're looking at recipes and stuff
Not when you're actually making them
@BrowncatPrograms Seems like it'd be easier to imagine temperatures in Fahrenheit, too... unless you grew up with Celsius. ;)
No, fahrenheit sucks :p
All right, then, suit yourself :p
Celsius is way easier for me to visualize and I've used °F for 12 years longer
I'll argue about cups and liters, but °C is such an obviously better choice it's just confusing why anyone would use anything else
I've been slowly training myself to have an intuition for various temperatures in Celsius. Anything between about room temperature and body temperature, I've got a fairly good feel for. But if you say it's 10 °C, I have to do the math in my head to get anything more accurate than "kinda cold but above freezing"
And anything negative is just on a scale from "just below freezing" to "way below freezing."
It took me a few days to get an intuition of celsius temperatures, at least a better one than fahrenheit
The multiples of ten correspond well with cold, cool, normal, warm, hot
Although I only use degrees Rømer
@BrowncatPrograms I think you mean cold, cold, normal, way way too hot, somehow even hotter than that
-30 isn't that hot to me, and after last winter here 0 isn't that cold either :p
If it wasn't so humid here 40 wouldn't necessarily be bad
Thinking about it more, I think the intuition part for me is because all my life experiences are pegged to the Fahrenheit system. Like the week after I moved to Kansas City, when it was so hot that walking out the door felt like opening an oven--I remember vividly that the high that day was 109. I know in my sensory cortex what 109 °F is.
@BrowncatPrograms No, I'd say -30 is pretty cold actually /s
@DLosc I guess I just don't have that much intuition of °F, I don't pay attention to the temperature that much :p
Makes sense.
I check the temperature outside every morning so I know what to wear. I'd definitely struggle to change that intuition
The one memory I do have in Celsius is from when I was taking college chemistry. It was the middle of summer, I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, and the thermometers in the chemistry lab read exactly 20 °C. So cold.
20's about 1 degree too warm for inside for me lol
It's consistently 23°C to 27°C in my house :/
It's on the lower end in summer, and on the higher end in winter
See, that's backwards to me. I keep it around 25°C in the summer and 20°C in the winter. In the summer, I wear shorts; in the winter, I wear sweatshirts.
My parents insist on keeping the temperature around 26°C in summer
And in winter the heater only seems to want to heat my room
Which is not where the thermostat is
So I'll wake up and it's 82°F
Yeah, that's a problem.
Can you close the heating vent or put something over it?
that sounds like it might be a recipe for disaster
It does sound like a bad idea, doesn't it? All I can say is that I had a blanket over the heating vent at my previous residence (same problem--too hot in my room in winter) for a couple years with no issues. I would hope that the air coming out of the vent isn't hot enough to catch anything on fire. :P
Space heaters are a different story, of course.
But if the vent can be closed, that's the best solution.
If I close it makes this horrible whistling noise
And then a snake climbs down a bell rope and sherlock holmes has to chase it back to its cage
Hey, on the plus side, you get to meet Sherlock Homes! :D
CMC: Given a nonempty string, output truthy if at least half of its characters are the same.
Truthy: a, ab, aba, abba, lulls, banana; falsey: abc, abcba, bananas, abracadabra
You can choose what character set is supported, within reason ("only letters" is fine, "only 0 and 1" is not)
Probably very golfable
Sorts the string, then finds all substrings consisting of a single character, then checks if the longest one is longer than half the length of the input
@BrowncatPrograms 62 bytes: s=>Math.max(...[...s].map(c=>s.split(c).length-1))>=s.length/2
@pxeger Ooh, fancy
@DLosc Oh, nice. That's a clever way to count occurences, haven't actually seen it before
@DLosc not very short lol
@BrowncatPrograms I might have come up with it on my own if I'd thought about it, but really I just googled it like a JS pleb :D
@pxeger I would've been surprised if importing something was the shortest
@pxeger Pretty much the same as the Pip solution I came up with: #a/2<=MX:_NaMa
Nice! I want to dive into jq this weekend, it looks really interesting.
it's basically a ton of pipes and peculiarities
it's got a wird tacit pipe based json oriented system
didn't expect this to be so unique considering it was marketed as "sed for json"
1 hour later…
@DLosc 50 bytes: s=>[...s].some(c=>s.split(c).length-1>=s.length/2)
49 bytes: s=>[...s].some(c=>s.split(c).length*2-1>s.length)
OpenAI Codex is surprisingly good at procrastinating. :p
Make a program that takes an image and classifies it as either "a goat" or "not a goat"

# TODO: Write a function that classifies a given picture as a goat or not a goat.
The string at the top is the prompt
Could somebody smart tell me if this would actually work, given that the required modules were imported, any errors were fixed, etc.? I know Python, but I don't know anything about the cv2 module it's using.
It uses caffe, which looks like it would work for something like classifying goats
You'd need the model data files models/goat.prototxt and models/goat.caffemodel
lol I just realized that goat isn't in the CLASSES list
@pxeger Neat. I just got access to Codex, so I'm trying it out. It's pretty cool that I can make something like that and have it pretty much just work.
is this via GitHub Copilot, or like with OpenAI Codex directly?
OpenAI Codex directly via beta.openai.com
Bruh, I just told it to make a bf interpreter, and it not only made a working interpreter, it also automatically tested it with a Hello, World! bf program
# Make a Brainfuck interpreter.
brainf = Brainfuck(src)

Somehow I don't think that'll work. :/
Also, I don't think that's valid Bash.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@Dudecoinheringaahing I'm sorry all your homies have such bad taste in quotes /s
@AaronMiller Can we see this glorious interpreter?
(that's the only thing I can say now)
Lol I feel like we have enough Lols now
L'ol (laughing in french)
ugh, I hate the way Firefox doesn't auto-refresh when exiting display power saving. (I apparently got a now deleted inbox message before my display went into power saving, so when I woke it up Firefox was still showing the outdated notification.)
have we a challenge on the arithmetic-geometric mean?
What's that?
@BrowncatPrograms I think this means you have the legal right to unironically have the Arabic Nokia ringtone as your ringtone :p
I think it thinks the "tosh" part is arabic, but I'm not really sure why
Oh, tosh!
@BrowncatPrograms no repro
Google translate with auto detect says it's English
Google translate itself doesn't do it, it's the one that pops up when you go to a site in chrome that it thinks is another language
H..how did you get a gif to work within se chat?
Why wouldn't it work?
@lyxal Use a .gif file :P
I'm pretty sure that I've tried uploading gifs here
But they haven't worked
I thought that was for pfps
Then maybe it was just because it was a mobile issue
@AaronMiller vtc as dupe of the one I generated
why does the java stream api toArray method strictly return an Object[]
what the fuck is java
Java is pain. Get used to it.
with some kind of allocator function you have to pass if you want something more specific naturally
@UnrelatedString Because arrays are stupid
The type of the elements isn't erased like with generics
But you can't even cast them because even if the compiler allows it, it errors at runtime
and since the stream is a generic... it would have to access its type, which it can't
Pretty sure you can tell the toArray method to do that, though
toArray(Type[]::new) or something should work, even if it's annoying
toArray(new Type[0]) should also work
thanks though
also i don't strictly need an array, just any iterable
but i haven't found any other iterable you can directly get out of a stream
i figured streams ought to be iterable but i guess not
You can do .toList() in the more recent versions afaik
And there's always collect(Collectors.toList()) or smth (there's other collectors too)
i'll see if this has tolist then
Which version are you using?
i think all of the docs i'm looking at are from 8 but that's just because that what comes up in search results; think i'm actually using somrthing newer
yep this has toList
thanks again
np, glad to trick someone else into thinking Java is almost kinda manageable before they drown in boilerplate
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