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@BrowncatPrograms Can I take input in uppercase?
I would have 8 bytes
Well, I'm off to bed, but I'll leave you all with one more...
QMC: Given a number N, output the factorial of N.
The example on the Esolangs page is definitely more bytes than it needs to be. ;)
Oh well
I still have 9 bytes
@Dudecoinheringaahing You thought you ahd won....
@emanresuA ZvΠ with two equal size lists is essentially the same as *
Oh nice lol
That brings it down to 7
I completely forgot
Big brain moment
@DLosc i'm guessing this would probably help with the factorial
@JoKing I wrote a factorial solution last night and didn't keep it, but I think I remember counting up rather than down. That's not to say counting down wouldn't be better, potentially...
@DLosc is leading newline allowed?
@DLosc Wait I meant to ask ^ for this QMC
Sure, I'm more interested in seeing creative approaches than exact output formatting.
As long as there's some non-digit separator between the numbers, it's fine
One of the problems with suspensions is that you can see that a user has 1 rep, and that's a pretty obvious red flag that that user is suspended.
As well as the fact that it says they're suspended :p
shouldn't ?? be an infinite loop?
Instead I have to do
@BrowncatPrograms But looking at one of tehir posts...
i missed the quipu event due to 3am
how fun is the language
@Razetime that's the neat part, it's still going
the whole point is that it's a 24 hour event
pretty fun, only a little frustrating
oh, cool
@Razetime too complex for my smol brain to understand
which means it's probably pretty good
any quipu experts here yet
anyone got a link to the impl
There's a link in the LYAL pinned comment
@Razetime h
That's like my fifth ninja today :/
@AaronMiller Yeah, that's a little odd. Looks like some kind of parser error.
ok time to read wiki article
@AaronMiller what can i say, i'm speedy flowr and ur plate
@exedraj is tru
@exedraj Actually beating Retina now
@emanresuA i done did saw that
very cool
a quipu visualizer would be quite epic
@Razetime Well, Quipu is included in the Esoteric IDE. I haven't downloaded it to try it, but it's made by the same person who made the Hexagony visualizer, so it's very possible the Quipu interpreter has some nice features.
oh, Timwi made quipu visualizerr?
I'm on windows so it should work
I've got to go, but I'm interested in hearing about what you find. :)
it requires spaces between threads and basically debugs the position of the pointer + the thread values
it also displays the values of the current thread as a stack, but this is kinda weird since it isn't really treated as a stack?
esoteric ide implementation might be broken
the "print numbers from 0-99" script doesn't work on the IDE
but it works fine in the scala version
the termination condition seems to be going to a non-existign thread
i think that's on purpose, just that EsotericIDE errors even if it doesn't jump
i don't know why though, since 0& << makes more sense than 3& == 0& ??
so in quipu; execution happens from top to bottom?
and it loops to the beginning?
when it reaches the end of a thread it goes to the top of the next one
In order to help stoke interest in Quipu while there aren't any new QMCs, I'm going to try solving some challenges and posting the byte count for anyone who wants to try to tie/beat it
I found an 18 byte Quipu solution to "Lolololololololololololol"
i got 18 too
Quipu is pretty fun to work with
@JoKing at the end of the threads does it go to the first thread?
no, it terminates
@AaronMiller I have pink plate picture ready
Do you want to see
its just a circle
a pink circle
hey aaron are you fine with me showing a video of you being cleaned?
@exedraj uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
oh yeah the plate
@exedraj sure, why not? I've been asked stranger questions :P
just gotta wait for it to finish uploading
man I'm really on a roll with quality content lately
google doodle fcs, soup falling over in slow motion
and now plate cleaning
there's no stopping me
I have had zero motivation for quality content lately 😭
aussie man gently scrubs homie with utmost care(no homo)
@exedraj #me_irl
did you enjoy the cleaning?
It was quite pleasant
> How do you get the JetBrains Mono font in Vscode?
what do you mean pygamer
@Razetime like everyone asks the same thing for: How do I (install|use) (colorscheme|font) in VSCode?
why shouldn't they?
@Razetime well i assume everyone knows vscode has a marketplace
assuming is very bad when you hear a question
there are many, many people new to text editors
when you hear such a question you can a) ignore it or b) patiently explain.
it also shows that people use google a lot
@Razetime What's a text editor? I just use butterflies, and I've never needed to change the font for that.
@AaronMiller oh cool
wait a second
ah, yes M-x butterfly is what i use as well on emacs
what is M-x
it's a secret
ah its the extended execute command
that maybe has butterflies mode
whats the next lang for LYXAL?
@DLosc I've got 68 bytes, but I won't post it yet in case anyone else is still solving it.
Now I can finally go to sleep :)
this could simplify byte shaving grinders
Trying to efficiently interpret untyped lambda calculus led me to the entire history of functional language compilers. It's crazy deep rabbit hole
Also I'm reviving this
@exedraj Amazing
@Adám Not what I expected - like scss but worse.
1 hour later…
is cat week over?
i think it is
i think so
It has been for a while
Get with the times
Heck, we're even planning dish and cup week
That way, everyone can live in my cupboard and drawers
@exedraj i am not going to change my pfp
your pfp is already a square plate
@hyper-neutrino but @exedraj doesnt have the plate
I am plate
Pixel plate
But plate
@exedraj That might be the weirdest video I've ever watched :P
@emanresuA Tbh, 8 bytes in Jelly in a challenge, I'm happy with that :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Do you not have regex split?
Jelly? Regex? :P
There's been an open PR for regex atoms in Jelly since 2017
CMQ: How many golflangs have a compression scheme for regexes?
none specifically for regexes that I know of
Do any?
I know Japt has a relatively basic one
you could have some kind of system to compress under the assumption that the string is a syntactically valid regex
There are a few that extend their regex engines with character classes, and that have single character aliases for common things, but I wouldn't really call that compression
Lynn's suggestion for regex syntax in Jelly looks the closest to regex compression that I've seen, and that's mostly because of the macros suggested
Wait, no, doesn't V have regex compression?
That counts for my CMQ
I can totally imagine one-char character classes and backrefs using all the SBCS chars available, or even a Godel-numbering-to-bijective-base stuff. I'd be actually surprised if no one has done this yet
when you learn basics of any programming language in school: MATH
math is a very good foundation for programming
like min(2,3)
@Bubbler Japt, V, Stax(via string compression), pyth(via packed pyth)
V is the most prominent example of compressed regex
huh, ophact seems to have deleted their account
know why?
They wanted to start again, according to a deleted answer to a semirecent challenge that I can't remember.
Their new username was something like 'yckul'.
is there a general way to translate python code with walrus operators to python code that doesn't use them?
not that I know of, would probably be a pain
especially for things like while (foo := bar)
has to translate to foo=bar; while foo; ... ; foo=bar
I am trying to understand bpa.st/D2EA
which is slightly beyond me currently
it's not the clearest code in the world lol
I need to get rid of the lambda expressions and reduce and := :)
what does it do
@Anush why
it says if the levenshtein distance between two strings is exactly 2
@rak1507 to understand it
I doubt that will help
if it was done with loops I think it might be clearer
I know how it is doing it in theory
but I can't understand the code
should be easy to translate, lambdas are just functions, := is just assignment, reduce is a for loop and updating a variable
@PyGamer0 Programming is just fancy math :P
@rak1507 that sounds promising
@Dudecoinheringaahing math is just terrible programming :)
No, you've got it the wrong way around :P
Programming is an imperfect and flawed approach to the beauty and perfection that is math :P
Is this the vyxal rewrite? If so, do you want me to move this to the Vyxal room?
@Bubbler Sorta, kinda! While Japt does implement RegExes as strings in v1.x; rarely are you going to have a sequence of lowercase letters in an efficient RegEx and even if you do then chances are Shoco's not going to be able to compress it all that well.
CMC: given two integers x, n and a list of length 0 <= l < n, pad the list to length n with copies of x. E.g. n=4, x=0, list=[1, 2] -> [1, 2, 0, 0]
@pxeger Japt, 5 bytes: @V}hW
Q: The Most Palindromy Code to Calculate Palindromy Numbers

Wheat WizardThe string abaaba Is a palindrome, meaning it doesn't change when it's reversed. However we can split it in half to make two palindromes aba aba We could also split it up this way: a baab a And all three of those are palindromes. In fact there are only two ways to split the string into smalle...

@rak1507 wow! Thank you
@NewPosts Hmm, to post a base line answer or to not post a base line answer, that is the question :P
@pxeger thank you!
@Dudecoinheringaahing Welp, apparently it isn't that much of a baseline (at least, all my modifications in an attempt to improve the score fail), so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think the best thing you can do is to just try and use as few distinct characters as possible.
the source-layout / scoring doesn't seem like a very interesting challenge tbqh
There are some other more complicated strategies.
My score is probably impossible to calculate
It's somewhere around 28!
I think there's a way to write any Jelly program using 3 or 4 distinct characters, but I don't really want to go digging for that :P
For example oooooooooooooooooooooopsxvg scores 5 and adding more os to the front doesn't actually increase the score.
Vyxal doesn't have partitions of strings :(
So I spent 16 bytes impleemnting that
That only works if you add them to a contiguous area tho (e.g. adding to the end would increase the score). I can replace the § in mine with S€ (so the total number of distinct characters is the same), but it still increases the score
I'd be interested to see any answers for which the scoring actually plays a factor tbh
Or just close enough aba is better than abc as a substring generally.
I think part of the reason it might not be super interesting is because you are using golfing languages which have an extreme diversity of symbols. I did it in Haskell, and while I didn't score as well anyway there was a lot I could do to bring down my score.
I also think that it might more viable to start with a low scoring pattern like the one I showed earlier and code around it rather than starting with a working solution and trying to improve it.
Q: Counting and so on

okieContent You count numbers every day (I think), and most of you know how to count properly, the one next to 1 is 2, and the next is 3, so go on, no matter what number you receive, you can easily know what next number is. Anyway, the program doesn't know, they are incredibly stupid, if I make a pro...

Thank you 05AB1E for not providing vectorising equality. Very cool.
Correction: thank you 05AB1E for not providing element-wise vectorising equality. Very cool.
Especially cool when and (lt and gt) vectorise element-wise but not Q (eq)
so instead, you need to do ζ€.«Q
extra cool
@DLosc Now that I sleep've and quite literally dreamed up a 7 byte golf, here's my 61 byte Quipu factorial program:
@AaronMiller sleep've
sleep have
at least make sense with your apostrophes
Yes, I sleep have
CMC: Given a positive integer, determine if its hexadecimal representation is a valid JSON number (i.e. consists entirely of digits and the letter E/e). Examples: 999 → yes (1E8), 762 → no (2FA)
TIL JSON doesn't support 2FA
not very secure then innit
switch to yaml
@Adám 999 in hex is actually 3E7
Oops, typo.
@Adám Vyxal, 6 bytes: k^τ:E=
returns 1 if no, 0 if yes
k^τ:E≠ if you want yes and no to be 1 and 0 respectively
@Adám but maximum of only one E, right?
and the E can't be at the start or end
@exedraj That is, convert the input to hex (k^τ - I honestly don't know why we don't have a to hex element...), duplicate it (:) and see if it is not equal to itself when evaluated as python (E≠)
@pxeger Yes, of course.
python 3, 57 chars
print(any([i in hex(int(a))for i in'abcdf'])^1)
i am bad still :(
@NewPosts @Niko This isn't clear enough IMO. "resembles" in particular, I'd suggest emphasising the exact rules for what "resembles" means (the widening or extending). Also, I'd suggest clarifying the winning criteria a bit, as it took me a few reads to understand that it's the highest number before the chain breaks
Any reason why you didn't use the Sandbox?
@Dudecoinheringaahing it was in the sandbox though
@Dudecoinheringaahing It was in the sandbox for over 2 weeks
@Dudecoinheringaahing thx for suggestion tho, I will try to edit
Someone with good graphics skills should make strips for all our crazy languages based on this:
E.g. for APL:
> You have APL
You rescue all the pricesses from all the castles
Then you filter out all the princesses you don't need
The picture should have the knight mounted backwards on the horse.
@Adám Jelly: You have Jelly / You spend hours placing quicks and chain separators in the right spots / You get to the castle, but caird, unrelated string, hyper and bubbler have already rescued the princess 4 different times
insert vyxal flag joke here
Vyxal: You have Vyxal / You charge in on your battle horse with loads of flags, / but the guards see you coming because of the bright flags flapping in the breeze and chase you away
@pxeger I would more think it would be "But everyone criticises you while saving the princess so you don't bother"
Prolog: You have Prolog / You go to the castle / The princess somehow rescues you
Brainfrick: You have brainfrick / brainfrick / ...frick...
@exedraj literal hell
You have Vyxal / You make an elegant program that almost rescues the princess / You add flags until she magically appears in front of you
well I think I'm done for today
I'm a bit of a bicycle right now
two-tired to continue being awake
Haskell: You have Haskell / You go to the castle and are about to rescue the princess / The princess tells you to "avoid success at all costs" and shoos you away
@pxeger lol
@exedraj This is so cool
Finally W3 grows a brain
Replied to the wrong person >:|
@exedraj ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
I am finally about to get 1k rep lol
thinking about deleting my account for celebration
not another regular account deleter
CMQ: How many account deleters do you know?
the one who deletes their accounts for no reason
0 apparently
Not sure because they keep deleting their accounts
^ exactly lmao
If i delete my acc, i will be the first deleter i know
so I presume 0, i think, atleast for now
ais253 (?)
Q: Generate all \$n\times n\$ magic squares

rajb245Though challenges involving magic squares abound on this site, none I can find so far ask the golfer to print / output all normal magic squares of a certain size. To be clear, a normal magic square of order \$n\$ is: An \$n\times n\$ array of numbers. Each positive integer up to and including \$...

@pxeger More like: You have Prolog / You declare the princess as rescued / Prolog somehow figures out how to rescue the princess for you
@Adám well really I just came up with the "the princess rescues you" joke and tried to retrofit a language that would make it work lol
I'd like to create a golf challenge, but I'm wondering what others think before I post it in the sandbox. I'll type the idea up in my next message
Brainflak: You have brainflak
You push a bunch of numbers to the stack
Somehow, you end up with a princess and a bunch of brackets
@Adám What about the sequel?
Actually, disregard for the moment
I need to figure out something first :)
@Tacoタコス That's a great challenge idea! :P
I can say the synopsis is: given two numeric values x and y determine the power p that x would need to be raised to in order to equate to the value of y.
However, I need to come up with some alternatives to brute forcing examples because that takes forever
So off to Math SE I go
@AaronMiller Thanks, thought on it for about 10 minutes lol
@Dudecoinheringaahing I'll put in a good chirp. Can't guarantee HR will understand what it means, though.
@Slate Are there no birds working in HR? Shameful lack of workplace diversity there :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Well, it is Human Resources...
lol I'm the top reviewer in the First Questions queue. That probably won't last long :P
You've done 50% of the FQ reviews :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing you should try to write a whole usable recipe over the course of these messages
@Tacoタコス you mean, a logarithm?
> try
I have been doing that :P
Although I think I've messed up, so I might give it a proper try once I've finished cooking this one :P
You should use Chef's Hello, World! recipe next time
Aug 23 at 10:35, by Dude coinheringaahing
100g of butter added to the mixing bowl, mix with flour
yesterday, by Dude coinheringaahing
1 cup of sugar added to the mixing bowl, blend with the milk, flour and butter
19 mins ago, by Dude coinheringaahing
Pour the batter into the cake pan then put in The Nineteenth Oven for 45 minutes at 350°F
you didn't preheat the oven!
@Dudecoinheringaahing what milk? this isn't a very good recipe!
@Dudecoinheringaahing how much flour?
Yeah, I know :P
I should post this over on Seasoned Advice and ask how to salvage it :P
lol do it but don't explain the context
I have been watching a lot of Without a Recipe recently, so bad cooking is fairly normal for me rn :P
Then again, my general approach to cooking is to throw everything into a bowl or pan, mix it all together and add heat :P
@pxeger Is that what it would be? lol
I'm not well versed in the world of mathematics
@Tacoタコス For example, given x = 2, y = 8, the output would be p = 3?
@Dudecoinheringaahing Exactly, but, with what @pxeger pointed out; it turns out to be much easier than I thought, though it could be interesting to restrict the methods that can be utilized to reach the answer.
For example of simplicity, in C# the answer is simply Math.Log(3, 2)
I really need to get more education in mathematics lol

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