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Jun 4 at 13:05, by user
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, I use a raincoat, too afraid of water for that
@user is a plate
The raincoat is not completely impermeable, unfortunately, despite what the French may say
a bigger plate than aaron
@exedraj Nice
Am I also a stronger plate?
because Aaron chose to be small plate
@user no
I gave Aaron the choice of being small or big plate
he wanted small plate
meaning you're big plate
Aug 18 at 23:53, by exedraj
@AaronMiller are you the one on the right or the one on the left?
Smol plate looks more like me irl
Okay but can I be a strong, big, expensive plate?
because I don't have that sort of plate
Can I be a big expensive plate?
Okay just a strong plate then
you're the plate I have
Do you only have 2 plates lol
and the plate I have is big plate version of Aaron
@user that are similar to your identicons lol
I have many more plates, but they look nothing like your pfps
What about the current pfp? You should get a doge plate :P
My lecturer seems to be stuck in last week
because he keeps using cat memes
like get with the times old man ;p
@Dudecoinheringaahing 13 in dyalog extended
@user no
also, I currently have Aaron next to me
Welp, just got to the Monica Incident in my blog post, time to go digging into that septic tank again :/
@exedraj Did you wash Aaron with warm water and soap???
@emanresuA yes
Only the best for Aaron
I don't have doge plates
@exedraj And user, right?
only aaron plates and plates like aaron but different colours
@emanresuA yes
Thank you :)
I used Aaron to store some toasted cheese sandwiches while watching my lecture an hour ago
This sounds so weird out of context
Makes it seem like Aaron is either a robot butler or that lyxal...I don't even know
so Aaron still has some crumbs on him
@user it's even worse when I accidentally leave aaron in my room overnight without cleaning
Oh I also have a Rak coloured plate
I really like the color rak's identicon, wish I got that one
I have a big rak plate and a small rak plate
@rak1507 are you big plate or small plate?
alright then
that means I have 2 small plates, 3 big plates and 4 bowls yet to be assigned to code golf users
Can you show what they look like?
but in pink, gray and green
it was a 4 set of each
wow that really is an aaron plate
@rak1507 why else do you think this whole joke exists? ;p
Well of course, Aaron's current pfp is a real photo of him
Jul 27 at 2:56, by Aaron Miller
I'm pretty sure that's just a picture of me with some filters
I haven't seen the plate before, I assumed the plate looked like his PFP but it really looks almost identical
Despite what Aaron may tell you, he is a humble plate that exists to serve exedraj
I assumed it would look similar
@rak1507 That's why they call them identicons, innit? :P
It's not identical
pretty much
Aaron is the one on the right

3 people live in my cupboard.

18 mins ago, 16 minutes total – 80 messages, 6 users, 1 star

Bookmarked 7 secs ago by exedraj

can I see the rak plate
I don't have it with me right now, and I'm in a data structures lecture
excuses excuses
Heck, I haven't even gotten out of bed today, except to get my computer
Do you not carry a plate in every data structures lecture?
@Dudecoinheringaahing I have aaron plate, just not rak plate
wow, I'm so offended :(
@rak1507 I didn't know you were a plate before today
so forgive me for not having you with me
fair enough
I am not a plate
and you won't be because your identicon colours are weird
bagsoflove.co.uk/personalised-small-plate.aspx All shall become plates. It is inevitable.
See? They're different, they only look similar from afar
@exedraj Yeah that doesn't look like the pfp
that's the original picture
Jul 27 at 2:56, by Aaron Miller
I'm pretty sure that's just a picture of me with some filters
filters make everything look a bit different
I was responding to rak saying they look identical
plus, my phone has a fancy colour AI thing which makes colours a bit more vibrant
The plates are somewhat more pleasant to look at
Everybody looks more pleasant with the right filters
Yes, as long as you filter me out of photos, they look very pleasant :P
@rak1507 oh man this means I could have the whole nineteenth byte in my cupboard
admittedly, it'd be a bit weird having Adam as a plate
only because Adam on a plate would constantly be looking at me
'Please note: These plates are for decorative purposes only' damn
oh really?
@rak1507 reject catboy, return to plate
wonder if there are any plates that aren't decorative
or how much damage eating off a decorative plate could really do...
wanna test it out? :P
I mean, you could print a pfp out on paper, stick it onto a plate, and then laminate it
(Or you could not laminate it and renew it after each meal if you're okay with eating paper)
> Dishwasher safe
Hand wash only
holy crap my lecturer just pushed trogdor onto a stack
@AaronMiller It makes sense if you have a person who washes dishes and is thus a dishwasher
@exedraj looks like we gonna have some burniated tags in our lecture ;P
CMP: Is "burninated" or "massternated" a better term for getting rid of tags?
burninated because the second sounds like something ... entirely different
@rak1507 Well it's supposed to
n is right next to b on the keyboard as well
oh lol
Bubbler's answer is a consensus, right?
I guess so
Yeah, I'd image so
If you have a score of 5 or more in , feel free to vote to synonymise [average]
@Dudecoinheringaahing which is none of us
at least it doesn't seem so
Just got to wait for a mod to 11 it then :/
@hyper-neutrino 11 ^^^^^^^^^ please
HN's probably busy rn
Ok, my score in is 2.
@user Well, the synonym's been pending for a month, and they never expire so I doubt that matters :P
@emanresuA Y'all can check it here, at the bottom of "All Time askers"
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

emanresu AAdaptive randomisation Given a number \$n\$, a blackbox function \$f\$ that produces a random integer in the range 0...n-1 inclusive, and a number \$m ≥ n\$, your challenge is to generate a random integer in the range 0...m-1 inclusive. You may not use any nondeterministic builtins or behaviour,...

Is ^ understandable?
There is the rak plate
As you can see, it isn't as similar as the Aaron plate is to Aaron, but it's kinda close
Mostly the colour is relatively the same
@exedraj You have interesting countertops :P
Looks like the floor
"countertops"? Pretty sure lyxal eats off of plates off the ground, like a civilised person :P
Actually, I think that's a rug
@AaronMiller that's my carpet stoopid
@Dudecoinheringaahing Ah, here I was thinking he used a counter like some sort of barbarian.
@Dudecoinheringaahing i am genuis
@Dudecoinheringaahing I don't like how you know this about me
@Dudecoinheringaahing correct
@exedraj 2 words for you: human zoo :P
Imagine eating off of plates instead of hanging your food in a bag with a small opening and letting it slowly fall into your mouth in small pieces
Look over there, we've got observation cameras there :P
Imagine eating
No, not there, the other side!
@user That's how I eat doritos :P
@user is that it there?
@exedraj I was joking
YoUrE nOt JoKiNg YoUrE aArOn (inb4 Lyxal)
@exedraj Warmer, look more to the left
@AaronMiller no you weren't.
@user behind the clock?
They're microscopic, though, so you won't be able to see them anyway
Us dogs have very advanced tech
Found it!
Yeah, that’s it, right next to the screw.
(no one tell him that was the one we turned off last week)
Can I see your clock? Is it a cool clock?
Or a boring one?
How many hands does it have?
Are they cool hands?
@BrowncatPrograms boring clock
Doesn't even work
5, like all normal clocks
@exedraj Well that makes it interesting
Don't all of you humans have clocks with the same number of hands as you?
It's a little dirty and I need to clean it
@user why are all your clocks missing hands?
But eh
@BrowncatPrograms 9, one for each member of the Weasley family, so that you can know where they all are
@AaronMiller Because I am too, and my clocks mirror the number of hands I have
Interesting, it is indeed a boring clock
> Interesting
> boring
How is being boring interesting?
That's the kitchen clock though
The one in my room is way more interesting
@user So you periodically remove hands whenever you lose some?
I have three clocks at home, which are three minutes apart from each other
Doesn't happen too often, though, it's only happened 9-10 times in the past few years
Well that’s good
I have one of those clocks that syncs with an atomic clock
I have one of those clocks that doesn’t
Yeah I had a friend who lost all his hands and had to regrow a new body because he couldn't afford those prosthetics that sync up with your implants like normal hands
Y'all are lame using normal clocks
I think I have a clock in every room, at least :P
@BrowncatPrograms I have an atomic banana
Gamers use stack overflow watches
I have a Piet clock :P
One of my grandparents collects clocks
@Dudecoinheringaahing I read that as "I have a Pet cock" and wondered if you're a farmer or sth :P
He has hundreds, and you don't want to be there on daylight savings
Oh no
Gonna be pretty terrible for that character from that book with the thing
@user Sounds inconvenient. For a while there they had no way of telling the time.
Oh nice
Oooh nice
@Dudecoinheringaahing Is that a Mondrian?
@AaronMiller No you were supposed to say "Oooh nice"
@Dudecoinheringaahing why do I feel like I’ve seen that clock before?
I feel like I've seen every clock, having been to my clock-collecting-grandfather's house :p
Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan (Dutch: [ˈpitər kɔrˈneːlɪs ˈmɔndrijaːn]), after 1906 Piet Mondrian (, also US: , Dutch: [pit ˈmɔndrijɑn]; 7 March 1872 – 1 February 1944), was a Dutch painter and art theoretician who is regarded as one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. He is known for being one of the pioneers of 20th-century abstract art, as he changed his artistic direction from figurative painting to an increasingly abstract style, until he reached a point where his artistic vocabulary was reduced to simple geometric elements.Mondrian's art was highly utopian and was concerned with a search...
@user i don’t know what ur talking about
@AaronMiller You're actually me, but we have dissociative personality disorder
Dude literally painted all his paintings like that, not very creative
I've never painted
> he changed his artistic direction from figurative painting to an increasingly abstract style, until he reached a point where his artistic vocabulary was reduced to simple geometric elements
@Dudecoinheringaahing ah, that explains it
That's my wall clock above
@exedraj This looks like a bizarre car traveling in four dimensions with a speedometer for each one
I'd take a picture of my clock but the lighting's awful right now
@AaronMiller Look at any Mondrian painting and it looks like that clock :P
That's my SO watch above
@user ah yes, the dimensions of time, temperature and humidity
@exedraj -1 not a cgcc watch smh
@exedraj Wait, how'd you get that? :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing SE sent it to me :p
"We're watching"
For what? Rickrolling Shog?
@Dudecoinheringaahing 10 year birthday celebrations
They gave away free stuff when SO turned 10
And we're still waiting on swag from last december
IIRC HN hasn't even been contacted about his mod swag :P
> Definition of swag: chiefly Australia : a pack of personal belongings
> : goods acquired by unlawful means : booty, loot
@Dudecoinheringaahing That would be quite an achievemetn
Given how active shog was, I have to imagine it's been done :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing more specifically, this is how
it's cringe af and from when I was into DHMIS
golly, that was a weird summer
undertale, roblox, minecraft death run, reddit, DHMIS, visual basic and a whole plethora of memes
Dec 2018 / Jan 2019 was wack
I still halfway disbelieve that the southern hemisphere has summer when we have winter :p
It just feels so weird
@BrowncatPrograms That's how I feel when we have winter and y'all have summer
But warm christmas???
> warm overly hot
It gud
Maybe for you
Australia is the hot country
NZ probably isn't
Iiiii'mmm dreeeaammmiinng of a booiiilliiing hooot chrriiiisstmmassss
We're not cold so much as windy, at least anywhere near the coast, which is 85% of NZ :p
@BrowncatPrograms My current employer has offered me some part-time work (in retail) over the Christmas holidays, and I really don't want to do it :P Between the chaos, the music and the karens :P
You've never heard of them?
Middle-aged women who insist that people who work for minimum wage aren't people, and therefore don't deserve respect
@Dudecoinheringaahing Oh
Or, for that matter, deserve to be treated like people ಠ_ಠ
Idea: Pay Karens minimum wage and see what they think of it
Out of interest, how often do you encounter them?
About once a day
@Dudecoinheringaahing where do you work?
But apparently that goes up over Christmas
@exedraj Everywhere :P
See someone over there who's employed? That's me :P
:o Larry from Amazing World of Gumball?
Is it really you?
Is someone you work with a Karen?
@exedraj In a large shop, on the tills
@emanresuA I think its impossible to work in retail and still be a Karen
@Dudecoinheringaahing is that a challenge? /s
Have you ever met a Karen called Karen?
I generally don't ask their names
Where "their" refers to "anyone" :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Well, anyone can be a Karen if they put their mind to it, not just middle-aged white women with weird haircuts :P
@user True, Karen is a sense of mind :P
But but but...if I'm unhappy about something, that's not my fault, so it has to be caird's fault :p
And many (perhaps even most) of those named Karen are mere Karen wannabes and do not have the powers of a true Karen
@BrowncatPrograms I don't think most of those sort of people are capable of even that much logic
I have an idea for a challenge where you have to determine if a string is a “wordindrome” (a term I just made up), essentially if it is made up of substrings where, if the order is reversed, it is the same, e.g. abcdefabc is made up of [abc, def, abc], which is a palindromic list, or abcdefefcdab is made up of [ab, cd, ef, ef, cd, ab] which is also palindromic. I’m not sure (a) if it would be interesting, (b) if it is a dupe, or (c) how to clearly specify the challenge.
i feel like it's a dupe but i can't think of the name of the challenge
like i'm 81% sure i solved that in brachylog a year ago
@AaronMiller You could instead find all "wordindromes" inside that string
Because any string "foo" is a wordindrome by doing ["foo"]
@user is “foo” a substring of “foo”?
@AaronMiller imo yes
This second one seems very similar
@AaronMiller I guess a simpler way of saying it would be: determine if a string can be split up into a palindromic list of 2+ substrings.
@Dudecoinheringaahing yeah, that’s pretty much what I was thinking. Dang it
although, it counts an unmodified string as a chunky palindrome, and asks for the number of ways it can be chunked, so maybe it’s different enough? Idk
@AaronMiller That is equivalent to "determine if a string can be split up into a palindromic list of two or three substrings", since if you have ["ab", "cd", "ef", "cd", "ab"] then ["ab", "cdefcd", "ab"] is equally valid
Then it becomes a super simple \1 regex problem
Shoot, u right. Guess I’ll scrap that idea, then.
@user wow uhh.... thanks?
> In 15th century Apulia Italy, a woman was bitten by a tarantula ... [t]he only way to cure the bite was to "shimmy" and to have the right sort of music available
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerGame of Life, but on a 4-8-8 tiling code-golf tiling grid game-of-life array-manipulation Background The 4-8-8 tiling looks like this: For the purpose of this challenge, we take the orientation of the tiling as exactly shown above. In plain English words, we take the tiling so that it can be see...

@BrowncatPrograms you know, I was really thinking you were announcing that you got access to GPT-3 somehow until I saw the Wikipedia article for the Dancing plague of 1518.
and that makes me wonder why the frick you're looking up such an article in the first place.
If you know I would really appreciate if you would tell me because I don't
Did you get there from the article on unusual deaths?
Then I don't know either
because the links to that article don't seem reasonable: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:WhatLinksHere/…
A: What should be done about a user who makes a threat?

Nick Craver Hope your server can handle it Bring it.

@ASCII-only ur welcome:)
I hope it helps with whatever you were working on then
They're... Probably not still working on it now..
Oh, why not? :p
oh no why do we have a wikia lmao
@Razetime because yes
I'll add some fortnite funnies whenever i can
@UnrelatedString is back with his old pfp
so is @emanresuA
no wait he is has a dog pfp
CMQ: What was the first golfing language (as in esolang dedicated to golf) that you used?
@exedraj Gol><>
@PyGamer0 but thats in python
@exedraj so apart from 51ac8; i have used ~ngn/k~ once
@PyGamer0 ngn/k isn't a golfing language
bruh i forgot lol
how do you ~~strikethrough?~~
ok thx
@GoldFarmerSprow no, you're Gold Farmer Sprow
but i am not JoKing

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