Taking the test is pretty bad too, they don't use a monospace font (or maybe they do, I can't remember), you can't indent with Tab (at least afaik), and copy-pasting is messed up
@user The software that is critical to the functioning of the company I work for. There's been a problem for a while that they haven't fixed, and they recently released a new hotfix that not only didn't fix the problem, it broke most of the core functionality of the software, and makes it pretty much impossible for us to do our jobs.
How to async/await: Start with sync code, and put async in front of every function definition that does something, and await in front of every function call that does something
Promise: A thing that can be resolved, which calls a function when that happens. Async: A function that returns a promise that is resolved with the return value. Await: An operator that waits for a promise to resolve, and then returns that value.
@BrowncatPrograms Async: a function that doesn't have to finish before JavaScript can do other stuff. Await: when calling an async function from inside another async function, wait for the called function to finish before continuing with the calling function's code.
I just think the whole "an async function is one that can let JS do other things in the background" is a really bad way to think about it, since async/await/promises could still be meaningful and useful even without that
And I guess it does fall under "letting JS do things in the background", but turning stuff like event listeners into promises and awaiting them is nice
@BrowncatPrograms Well actually... [pushes glasses up nose] Errors are a very good thing for practical languages to have. If you make a typo and your program crashes, you know something must be wrong and you go fix it. If you make a typo and your program silently does the wrong thing, you may never realize anything's wrong until your application is in use and it causes real-world problems.
@user I suppose Dogs could go above Peeta. Dogs are below JavaScript because my reaction to JS is "It has some weird behaviors that I don't like, but overall it's kinda cool and useful" and my reaction to dogs is "They have some weird behaviors that I don't like, but overall some of them are kinda cool."
@user My opinion of Java is "It has several features that I don't like, but I guess it's overall a decent language, and it's useful." My opinion of Gale is "Meh."
@pxeger One of the two potential love interests for the main character in The Hunger Games. Fans used to (maybe still do) have arguments about whether Gale or Peeta is better. I thought I'd throw every possible argument-generating opinion I have in one big list and see how much trouble I could stir up. ;)
Step 1: Get hired by SE Step 2: Point out how bad it is that they don't generate their own identicons Step 3: Add in Redwolf pawprint easter egg when they make you rework them Step 4: Profit!