@Catija Is it possible to add a staff badge to this user? I know they're inactive now, but they posted some important things and it'd be good to easily recognise those as staff posts.
@Catija It took me far too long to realise that Pops used to work for SE, because I often interpreted their posts the same way as I currently interpret Sonic/Shadow on MSE: not official, just crazy knowledgeable
@emanresuA Who is this "caird"? No one calls me that, man, I'm the Dude
Note: The date is locale-based. Screenshot is in UTC
What is LegacyProfiles?
LegacyProfiles brings back user info removed from profiles in a recent profile update. It is powered by StackExchange API and inspired by this post.
Specifically, it allows you to see the user creation date,...
Do you use tabs or spaces for code indentation? This is a bit of a “holy war” among software developers; one that’s been the subject of many debates and in-jokes. I use spaces, but I never thought it was particularly important. But today we’re releasing the raw data behind the Stack Overflow 2017 Developer Survey,…
But spaces = more bytes
The code-golf vs code-bowler wage gap is a critical issue in software dev that we must fix :P
I need to sleep now, but I started work on this repo for a lisp where strings and comments are the same thing. I've only done the parser yet, but I'm intending to make it transpile to Python and use comments to both generate and check code. Feel free to copy from it if y'all want, I need to go sleep now o/
@Anush I don't think it was especially popular in 2017 (2016 would be a different story), but popularity-contest maybe? And there were quite a few alphabet and stack-exchange-api challenges around then that haven't exactly returned
@rak1507 depends on the subject; this kind of thing might help; I'd say avoid overly-vocational courses like cybersec because they teach you the practical things you can learn easily on your own, not the foundational theory that's harder to just pick up - other than that, choose what you're personally most interested in because that's where you'll have the best chance (contd.)
(contd.) at the top unis and also you'll enjoy the course more; no for similar reasons and also that you'll kinda get locked in to working for one company; if you're the kind of person who's looking at oxbridge then also no because oxbridge is very useful
Challenge Writing Challenge: Write a restricted-source challenge such that its scoring could equally be considered to be one of two different scoring criteria. e.g. if the source restriction were "Every character must appear the same number of times", then [minimum-distinct-chars] would be the same as code-golf. The scoring criteria is most interesting challenge.
I like the idea of code-glf however the issue is that there aren't a whole lot of repeated characters in "code golf" so it confusingly looks very similar which I think is not ideal.
There are several questions where the challenge is to accomplish a task with the least distinct characters - Example, Example, Possibly example. There's probably more, these are hard to find.
Currently, these questions are all tagged with code-challenge, but it would be nice to have this as an ex...
radiation-hardening source-layout code-challenge code-golf
Write a program that outputs the exact string:
jan ale o, toki!
("Hello, world" but in toki pona to prevent builtins.)
Additionally when all copies of any one byte are removed the program must fail to output correctly no matter what byte...
@emanresuA It's the genre of games for sort of engineering / programming puzzles. With the preeminent examples being games like space chem, infinifactory,and opus magnum made by Zach Barth, aka Zachtronics.
Tic-Tac Clock
given a time of the day (0-12 inclusive) output the closest fitting clock. This means 0/12, 3, 6 and 9 should be straight up/to the side. The one's in between go in the corners!
The clock should look as follows:
2 -> #+#
3 -> #+-
Isn't it re.sub(pattern, string, replacement, flags = re.flags)?
@Anush It depends where you're applying to
Most unis in the UK will give your statement a once-over to make sure it isn't awful, then will look at your grades. Some of the more exclusive unis will actually read and judge it
CMC: Given a sequence of letters (your preference of upper or lower case), output the distance a one-finger typist would move to type the word on a UK qwerty keyboard, divided by the number of letters in that word. The horizontal distance between two adjacent keys is exactly 19.05 mm; the vertical distance between each row is also 19.05 mm, but the q and a rows are offset by a quarter of a key while the a and z rows are offset by half a key. Answers must be accurate to at least 0.1mm
@Dudecoinheringaahing it's not really true sadly. Almost all UK unis now have admissions done by central admin who know nothing about the subject you are applying for. They just look for the predicted grades and follow a simple formula
Oxford and Cambridge will read your application
I don't know if anywhere else will
You can just ask them but you will be disappointed by the reply
I don't really need to ask them, my dad does admissions for the course he runs at UoN :P
The number of times he's shown me bad personal statements is crazy. They're almost never make or break, but they do contribute for unis that actually read them
I've seen examples of where someone was predicted like a BCC, and the course required a BBC, and they offered a conditional because of the personal statement. Like, it won't save you if you're miles below the requirement, but if you're close, a good one can help
Distances between keys on a QWERTY keyboard code-golf geometry kolmogorov-complexity keyboard
Inspired by this video by Matt Parker
The distances between the letter keys of a QWERTY keyboard are somewhat standardised. The keys are square and both the horizontal and vertical spacing are 19.05mm (s...
yeah I'm only really considering cybersec at warwick because grades are achievable so easy backup + it's supposedly decent + ik quite a lot of other people who are there/applying
@Anush not saying there isn't some benefit to getting a degree, there obviously is, but it's just whether or not it's better than 3/4 years of earning + career progress
@Anush The bottle I'm thinking of is sold at my local liquor shop, and I've never bought it so I don't know the brand. But here's one that's 70% for £23
It's been 3 days, and there's been no objection to this suggestion for LYAL. I'm going to go ahead and add it to the schedule in a little bit, voice your objections now :P
@user I'm assuming you're not counting Shaggy? Wars have been started for less
> The column "recorded" refers to the average recorded consumption for the period 2010. Unrecorded consumption (homebrew, moonshine, smuggled alcohol, surrogate alcohol etc.) was calculated using expert judgements and surveys