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@user Python, Excel and VBA
I learned JS on my own in 4th grade, "learned" a tiny bit of Python in an intro CS class last year but it was all very simple stuff I already knew
For some reason, the "extra curricular projects" that we had available in our CS classes were Excel spreadsheet programs, and VBA macros
Reposting since nobody noticed it earlier (D:):
9 hours ago, by pxeger
Announcement: Langjam, a weekend-long code jam event to create a programming language, starting on August 20th
Everything else was just Python
When this school year starts (two weeks or so) I'll get to "learn" Java
such fun
Java "is" my "favourite" "programming language"
CS for me is now pretty much boring
in school
I'm only taking it in school for the free (well, $70 or so) college credit
It's mostly just "do 10m of work then play Minecraft for the rest of class"
My CS course in high school was interesting, then we switched to the stuff that wasn't really coding (how computers work, what WiFi actually is, internet communications) and I hated it
Sounds like mine last year
There was a bit of scratch and python, but the rest was either that sort of stuff or advertising for AWS
I already kinda know how computers work at a hardware lvl cause i watched ben eater last year
what is AWS @RedwolfPrograms
I've learnt more from Tom Scott's videos on computers than I ever did from my CS class (theory side)
@PyGamer0 Amazon Web Services
@PyGamer0 Amazon Web Services
ninja'd :/
what does that services do?
Bezos' attempt to control the internet :P
@PyGamer0 It helps spiders in the Amazon rainforest who struggle to catch bugs
It's mostly cloud hosting for websites and that sort of thing
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah yes, the "everything is 10 years out-of-date and every so slightly wrong" syndrome
ok i must go now.
@pxeger Have you guys heard of the brand new and secure internet protocol called "https"? It's like http but more s
and did you know if a website is HTTPS then it's secure, definitely 100% legit and absolutely never phishing?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Hey, that was almost my class!
Comp Sci Principles?
We learned binary, ASCII, and started doing Excel formulas, so I thought we'd start programming for real, but then we just did some boring stuff with Word
For the end of the first semester and the entire second semester, we didn't have anything to do, so we'd just finish up homework or play games. Occasionally, the teacher would feel like she wasn't being a good teacher, so she'd force us to play NitroType
@RedwolfPrograms No, Software App Design
We actually did learn Python, but not a lot of it
I used classes in my final project, and was told "yeah, that guarantees you an A"
They cancelled our project (and all the marks from it) tho cause it got leaked online, and the entire country was doing the same project :/
They didn't even talk about dicts or classes in the python part of my CS class last year
They taught less about python than scratch
We were taught about dicts, but were then told to use tuple pairs instead :/
Tuples? Too advanced a topic for us. :p
In my "advanced" CS class in freshman year, we were taught to make new strings using new String("foobar") because the more objects, the more OOP, and the more OOP, the more gooder your program is
@cairdcoinheringaahing i thought it was when you use two or more of HTTP so it's pluralized
@hyper-neutrino Yes, the more protocols you use, the more securer it is
@hyper-neutrino no that's hhttttpp :P
No, that's HTTP/2
i learned how to use netbeans drag-and-drop interface construction instead of any actually useful CS subjects relating to object oriented programming
@RedwolfPrograms no that would be HT because you're halving it
most of the actual logic in all of the homework assignments could be solved in like 50 bytes of python
@hyper-neutrino At least it wasn't BlueJ
@pxeger no it would be (HP)/2 * T
wait no, T^2/2 isn't T
@hyper-neutrino I liked to try and right all my answers in single lines lol
Wow, such math
this conversation is a mess
So am I
@pxeger see unfortunately i think i'd lose marks for code style
@RedwolfPrograms tbf they taught us that tuples were just lists you can't change
i did golf one of my CS assignments for uni for fun but submitted a legit version regardless
@pxeger I used to make as many classes and packages as possible lol
the funny thing is the test data was weak so i was actually able to find a cheese solution that just bypassed all of the required knowledge for that assignment
The teacher couldn't even find the main class
but just to be safe, i resubmitted my legit solution after testing my golfed cheese sol just to make sure i wouldn't lose marks :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes, tuples are immutable (that's PhD-level jargon though so you don't need to know it for the exam don't worry)
@user class Main?
@hyper-neutrino "golfed cheese" wouldn't make sense in any other context
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, it was something like Project5, but I explicitly mentioned the main class in the ginormous README the teacher made us make
@pxeger "Tuples are lists you can't change": a = (1,2,3); a += (4,5) "sir, it just changed"
Imagine using "sir"
Q: Third Stirling numbers of the second kind

caird coinheringaahing\$\left\{ n \atop k \right\}\$ or \$S(n, k)\$ is a way of referring to the Stirling numbers of the second kind, the number of ways to partition a set of \$n\$ items into \$k\$ non-empty subsets. For example, to partition \$\{1,2,3,4\}\$ into \$2\$ non-empty subsets, we have $$\begin{matrix} \{\{1...

This post made by moved to America gang
I either called my teacher sir/miss or I called them by their first names. No inbetween :P
I've never done either of those :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing we had to say Madam, which was extremely weird
I've been out drinking with some of my teachers :P
We had to call them Sir/Ma'am X and stand up and greet them every time they entered :/
(in India, not the US)
@cairdcoinheringaahing ...
@cairdcoinheringaahing CAM ON CAIRD, CHUG SUM FOCKIN PINTS
If you've never seen your teachers drunk out of their minds, you're missing out :P
My full auto cooked chicken farm is working!
that's a fun interjection to take out of context (not that it was actually in context to begin with)
I do hope this wasn't during school
@cairdcoinheringaahing I remember glancing awkwardly across a pub at the IT technician guy and his friends (who hated me (for good reason (that's a story for another time)))
It's very difficult to design one that works in newer versions, I had to use sea pickles...in redstone
sea whats now
Although it'd be a great way to steal exam answers
@user Not to my knowledge
@hyper-neutrino sea pickles
@RedwolfPrograms to align items?
The plants that give off light underwater
@pxeger No, to align chickens
@pxeger Elaborate, please
man it's been way too long since i've played
@RedwolfPrograms Chickens are items
A triple pickle is just tall enough to put the chickens' heads in the lava, but not the item drops
@pxeger Storytime!
and if i go back to playing, i may likely go play hypixel and still play v1.8
^^ pxeger! pxeger! pxeger!
"triple pickle" is fun to say
so uh basically I wanted to hide my flash games so they didn't get deleted, so I generated a "maze" of folders (three levels of a-z, so 26^3 folders) and put them in a hidden folder
Gather round children, pxeger has a story to tell for TNB storytime :P
> put the chickens' heads in the lava
...shortly afterwards the disk filled up
...but empty folders don't show as taking up any storage space even though they logically must be stored somewhere
@pxeger Wow, it couldn't handle 26^3 empty folders? Pathetic
so they couldn't work out why the disk was full (especially since I put them in a system-hidden folder)
I hate you now too :p
And you didn't tell them about the maze?
I didn't know what I was doing
@user That defeats the point of it
@user well no, because then they'd find my illicit stash of flash games
@pxeger Wait, who were you hiding them from?
And why?
@user the teachers, who already regularly checked my user area... do I have to tell this story too?
Oh, it was at school. Gotcha
Did they regularly check everyone's user area, or just yours?
@pxeger Sure, let's have a second storytime :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing nope, just mine
@user sigh
@pxeger what did you do?
pxeger the problem child
I just stared three chickens in the eyes as they got killed by the lava blade D:
Out of context quote of the day?
I installed Firefox when we were only allowed to use Chrome (and more to the point, they didn't want us installing random software)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Most of TNB's stars are like that :P
@pxeger You monster!
So they fixed the policy that let me install Firefox...
...and predictably I kept finding new ways of doing it
@pxeger Wait, how did you get around it?
I haven't been able to install anything on my school computers :(
@RedwolfPrograms Have you considered giving Johnny the Vindicator a Fire Aspect axe and just letting him run loose?
Problem is, they'll kill the babies too
@user I can't really remember all of it, but I think I made a script that temporarily downloaded it to %APPDATA%
I've heard there's a design using a fox holding a looting fire aspect sword in its mouth
But I'm too lazy to do that
@RedwolfPrograms I guess they are vindictive :/
@pxeger I remember installing minecraft on a school computer by copying it onto a USB stick, then copying that onto the computer
For some unrelated reason, they stopped allowing us to use home USB sticks after that
That seems like the worst possible solution to the problem lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing well under ext4 in Linux all folders take up 4096 bytes; assuming roughly the same for Windows NTFS, that's 71991296 ≈ 72 GB
@RedwolfPrograms i mean i can't say i'd expect a school/school board to ever implement a reasonable solution to anything :p
One of my mates uploaded some program to the shared file system that we used to allow us to access school documents from home, and then installed it onto the school computer and they couldn't figure out how to stop people doing that
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah a friend of mine did basically what I did with Firefox, but with Minecraft (and a pirated version at that) and spread it round the school, including default settings to connect to a server he hosted on a raspberry pi at his house
my middle school once had apple computers, and since applescript basically can do whatever, someone set up an applescript program that just kept spamming folders into a specific directory
@hyper-neutrino We had a couple of problems that were solved somewhat reasonably, but nothing big
I can't tell if the tech guys at my school are more competent than yours or if y'all are more competent than me. I literally can't even access the terminal in the computer labs here
@user oh nor could we, officially speaking
and it happens that in order to sync files no matter which computer you log in on, the file system is online
so eventually, that program not only crashed that computer, but the entire computer network across two schools
@user Oh we had full batch access on the school windows computers for about a year before someone ruined it
Oh wow
but naturally I found ways to get to cmd and powershell lol
terminal was blocked but pretty much anyone that knows how to use batch realized you could just create a .bat file that reads input and execs it, and then you just have command line :)
I once found a way to scrape the user IDs and default passwords of every student in the district (40k+ students)...in 2nd grade
I got access to cmd using IntelliJ, which was installed on the computers in one lab, but I can't execute anything there, so it's useless :/
Someone got in trouble for "downloading more ram" because their search history was literally only downloadmoreram.com :P
@RedwolfPrograms Was your school just dumb or are you some prodigy who was damaged by JS?
@hyper-neutrino They had some sort of shared folder for every single one, with a username. The default passwords were based on their birthdays, which you could access.
idk if i would've done more stupid stuff when i was younger but unfortunately (for me; fortunately for everyone else probably) i wasn't really allowed to use a computer all that much until like grade 4 and i started learning JS in like grade 5 (i think i did some coding in grade 4 but it was probably scratch)
@RedwolfPrograms Our profiles on the homework system were https://url.com/user_id/path/to/domain. Turned out that if you just changed user_id you'd be able to see other people's homework and stuff (but only in read-only mode, no uploading)
I entered sixth grade near the end of the year at my middle school, so I didn't have a password or anything. After a few days of sharing a computer with another kid, they sent me to get a password. Tried signing in, didn't work. Went back after a while, turned out they gave me someone else's password without even checking if our IDs were the same :/
Our school systems really weren't good, and I'm wouldn't be surprised if their strategy was "ok, create a barebones system, wait for the students to find exploits and fix them"
Somebody else I know figured out a way to get a bunch of other information (like photos, full name, etc.) from some other site, I think it was some math game, so I'm quite glad nobody figured out to combine my findings with theirs and scrape the PII of like 20k people
Something similar happened at our school where some kid at our school got access to everyone's grades or something, along with personal information (birth dates, phone numbers). Made the local news
Quite funny how the place specifically intended to make people smart is perhaps one of the stupidest :p
Oh, and our passwords for Naviance were the same as our usernames (which were our student IDs and are publicly available). When a few of us pointed this out, the teachers were like "We trust you not to make bad decisions"
After ^^^, they made our passwords the same as our passwords for all our other accounts (not great, but at least safer than just using usernames)
You couldn't reset them?
No, they wanted our counselors to be able to access them
We were given random 12 char strings as passwords, then immediately ordered to change them
@RedwolfPrograms We were given 6-char strings in middle school, 8 in high school, but we're not allowed to reset them or really change any settings
@user yikes...that's probably not the right way to do that
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ When has that mattered? :P
@user Which also means that they keep our actual passwords and not hashes (or at least used to)


22 mins ago, 4 minutes total – 29 messages, 4 users, 7 stars

Bookmarked 6 secs ago by user

7 stars in 29 messages
our default passwords were just our user IDs
which was a 9-digit number
our usernames were the first 4 letters of our last name + our first initial + the last four digits of our user ID
yes, the same ID as the password
class/exam results were posted by just having the grades next to the user ID
"It's not a security vulnerability, we just value honesty and transparency!"
Our passwords were our birthdays, formatted YYYYMMDD
this means that since it's easy to get a list of everyone's name in your class and then you can just look up their email address in the directory by typing those 5 letters (which only gives a few results max, usually just 1)
then you can go to the exam sheet and get their grades
and then know their exact user ID
and then next year you can just steal their account if you want
@RedwolfPrograms wtf
@hyper-neutrino Wait, they didn't show up separately for each person? Did you have some kind of bulletin?
@hyper-neutrino Hey, more secure than just user IDs
So if you ever want to do an online test for me, I'm 20050923 :p
@user it was a physical sheet of paper taped to the doorway usually
Old school
If you're interested in the history of APL, consider attending the APL Campfire in 45 minutes. Special guest: Dyalog CEO Gitte Christensen.
our school had no A/C except in a few rooms
it was built in the 1960s and it looked every bit like it
once one of our stairways collapsed due to faulty drainage systems
In sixth grade, they posted the final exam results with our names for nerds to feel proud and those who did poorly to feel bad
my middle school removed the honor roll because it would mAkE pEoPlE fEeL bAd
Our school has a top floor with a McDonald's, observatory, and a swimming pool on top
lol bruh
Mine's pretty average I guess, built recently but nothing fancy
our school board gave every student a chromebook which sounds nice but then they started removing a crap ton of computer labs to the point where the CS, business, and various tech classes have to compete for signup to get access to the few remaining labs
because chromebooks are utterly useless
The city I'm in is growing massively, since it's half an hour from Austin
So lots of new schools
my high school was built to attract more people to the area so it was kinda the opposite of that :p
So uh...my cow pen is now a combined chicken-and-cow pen
@RedwolfPrograms Time to dox Redwolf Programs :P
Tbh I probably know far too much PII about you
I probably post way too much PII about me :p
And, unlike mods, I can reveal it without consequence ;P
Since all of y'all live at least ten hours away from me, I'm pretty confident y'all aren't going to try to golf my possessions :p
Your real name is Wolfred Pograms, you're 6529 years old and you live in the sun, for anyone who is wondering :P
Your address is 1 Sun Road, the Sun
redwolf has probably revealed more PII than I could even get from mod tools :p
Unless the mod tools are way more advanced than I thought, I almost certainly have :p
IP address (MC server), full name, age/birthday, etc.
I just realized, with my new laptop I can finally get back to work on the language golfiness ranking program!
I'm planning on making one to rank golfers as well, based on how their answers are expected to perform based on golfiness rankings
@hyper-neutrino Is "top-secret spy system that gathers every scrap of user data" not a mod tool? :P
Actually, it might be, but you can't say because it's so top-secret :P
Blink twice if it is
@cairdcoinheringaahing i don't have that yet, but this isn't even my final form as a mod
Maybe you get given access when you get your mod swag :P
when wearing the shirt, irl i can look at anyone and if they are an SE user i will instantly know all of their information
Maybe the mod swag contains some cryptic instructions that lead you on a treasure hunt all around the world, until you discover a massive hidden bunker where SE employees hunt down users' personal information
Then in a startling turn of events, you'll turn against them after realizing it's wrong, then form a team of experts who work with you to bring down the organization from the inside, culminating in a massive battle with the CEO
Then, after you discover how much fun it is, you become a superhero, using your moderator powers to take down villains all over the city, one spam flag at a time.
Wait, we can spam-flag people irl? Why did no one tell me this? :P
You're also not allowed on earth if you're under 13
Damn spaces babies
Ooh, 4 diamonds
When you're born, the doctor immediately puts you in a rocket ship, and you orbit earth as a frozen rock for 13 years
Sometimes, the babies are used as GPS satellites, but only if they're clever babies :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing this made me laugh unreasonably so, please provide compensation
@pxeger Redwolf currently has all my compensation money, so you'll need to give them a visit. Luckily, you know the address :P
ah yes of course
bailiffs mysteriously appear at Redwolf's house
crash sound effect
Did Makonede's language create an account? :P
it may well be their sock
No, that's duocentehexaquinquagesimal
or just a particularly avid fan
it means base-42
Missed a fun conversation :/
@hyper-neutrino Not really; it's an inside joke that sounds silly out of context
once IRL mod powers are patched in i will start collecting diamonds like thanos collecting the infinity stones
@user oh?
"perfectly on-topic, as all things should be"
@hyper-neutrino Um
Should I be worried about HN committing genocide?
Just wait 'til you see how HN'll nuke IRL comments :p
Never seen that, do mods see a "delete" button on other people's comments too?
also an edit button
Time to make a helpful userscript, get a mod to install it, and then delete all comments on every post they see :P
@hyper-neutrino mods can edit others' comments!? Have you ever done it?
@pxeger i don't recall having needed to
if so, probably just to fix a typo
i see nothing wrong with it :p
> HN is bad!!!!11!
Oh lol, I thought the "why" was for the comment, not the request to edit
Mmm, so if I comment "HN is a weeb," you won't edit or delete it?
nah i'll still delete it as NLN :p
ok i have edited your comment upon your request
you have like 30 seconds to look at it before i validate the NLN flag :p
@hyper-neutrino Why not delete it as harassing a user?
well that too
Full enchantment table finished!
All 15 bookshelves
Aw, no fortune on my pickaxe :(
i don't usually enchant my items directly anymore; i'll do it for tools sometimes but definitely not for swords
Yay, comments deleted1
Aw, and the grindstone didn't even get me from 29->30
@user why would he, when it's the truth? :P
Also, what's NLN?
No Longer Needed
For some reason, I thought it was a weird version of MLM :P
(then realised how weird and out of context that would be)
Nulti Level Narketing
Narketing sounds like some kind of illegal drug-based advertising
Sounds like marketing to narcs :P
posted on August 01, 2021 by AndrewTheCodegolfer

COPS THREAD A famous cops-and-robbers challenge whose source shall remain unnamed is brought to Codidact. You are a ...

@CodidactPosts 3 days between Cops and Robbers threads is ...unconventional
There should be a custom way to do CnRs (and other async challenges) on codidact that doesn't require two questions
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, they didn't want to do it at first
@RedwolfPrograms Ooh, a CnR category? That'd be nice
I'm going to try to play minecraft with only my mouse
I've bound the two extra buttons to walk and jump
And pick block is now drop item
Isn't there a yt video of some guy doing minecraft but he can't use his keyboard?
I've seen one I think, but it used all sorts of non-standard controls
technoblade won a game of hypixel skywars without using his keyboard
Like with mods and macros
normal controls
Oh no, I opened a chest
I can't close it now
lol yeah
Just die :P
I reset pick block to be inventory
Wait, apparently you can't close the inventory with the inventory open key unless it's e
Bug :/
I seriously need to practice, I just failed two MLGs in a row
MLG water clutches are like the only MLG I can do :P
Boat clutches and stuff like ladders just never work for me
can you close the inventory with E even if it isn't your open inventory key
i can occasionally mlg with a waterbucket but never tried with anything else
probably can't anymore but i used to be fairly consistent
I mean I use hay bales sometimes, but other than that I don't really need to learn the fancier ones
Oh, I use beds sometimes before I can get iron
Sometimes sweet berries
I think I';ve used cobwebs before, but they're often too annoying to bother
It's a shame you can't mlg with lava buckets :P
If you had fire res, you probably could from low heights :p
This answer on Codidact literally claims the language it uses is English (yes, that one)
Oh wait, works as intended
Huh, why's that intended?
It appears that you take different amounts of damage depending on the depth
so, how it reasonably should work :p
except for surface tension which ought to mean that from >100m or something you take damage no matter the depth
Nonsense, 6cm of water should protect me from a 1km drop :p
@pxeger Has anyone ever jumped into lava from >100m to test surface tension?
@cairdcoinheringaahing well you could drop something other than a live person if you wanted to test it
Cause lava is different from water, so maybe the surface tension effect is different
@pxeger Nonsense, how will we know what happens to people then?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Lava is more viscous than water (in real life and in minecraft) so you'd take even more probably
(ignoring the fact that you'd always die pretty much instantly in real life and there is no fire protection lol)
Yeah, you burn to death in the air above the lava as you fall :P
Real life Nether would literally be hell :P
> So if you fell into a pool of Lava you wouldn't sink, but you would burst into flames.
Source - Guess minecraft is very wrong :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, let's throw caird into lava to see what happens
(for legal reasons that's a scientific experiment joke)
My latest masterpiece. I call it "Chicken Swear In G-Pants"
@user You seem to be forgetting one thing: I am very clearly a dog, and we need to test this with a person :P
Of course! I nominate hyper-neutrino to receive this great honor
He's a neutrino tho :P Who here is actually a person?
@cairdcoinheringaahing definitely me

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