Works hard in school, gets accepted to Stanford or someplace, makes an account on several sites on the network and gets 10k+ rep there, gets a PhD in exchanging stacks, becomes relative of someone who works at SE, gets hired, reaches out to other company and offers to be a corporate spy, does corporate espionage to disguise search for longest-lasting flag, gets data, posts data online, goes to jail, comes out of jail to see all the rep on MSE
@cairdcoinheringaahing They don't have any flags afaict
@user Forgot the last part: ragequits after seeing that you didn't get all that much rep on MSE after all
i use TIO for teaching because i don't mind the fact that it's frozen in history because i don't use any language features that didn't exist in like python 3.5 and my C++ code works with C++03 lol
i just find it really convenient, especially the Input field where I can just throw some input and not have to insert it or pipe from a file
No disrespect to ATO / Vyxal's interpreter / Bubbler's Rust one / other online interpreters, but TIO is clearly leagues ahead, aside from the no new updates or languages
the main reason i use it is the alt-enter key combination thing lol. which saves me a considerable amount of time. although even for things i don't have memorized, the thing i'm most proud of is the search page which i could use alongside TIO itself to save me some time
@cairdcoinheringaahing 99% of the reason people make their own online interpreters is no more updates on TIO, so they do serve their purpose. (ATO has Python 3.9 and Vyxal has Vyxal, etc. Also allows for language-specific support)
Mine isn't, and I'm still fixing the hot mess caused by introducing web worker :P
Haskell's and Scala's standard libraries have an unfold function that builds a list from an initial state s and a function f. This is done with the following steps (explained in an imperative way to be simpler):
Apply f to s.
If the result
is empty, we're done building the list!
@NewPosts @user I think "converting a base 5 number to base 10" should be actually "converting a number to base 5", and the same for a few more sentences
For anyone who likes seeing people do stupid things: it's ~2:30am here, and I've just started watching The Shining, after which I'm going to go to bed :P
The Rules In this game, each round, every player faces off against every other player in a round robin format. In each match, players pick 3 positive integers that sum to 360. Let's sa...
I just played a game of monopoly with my family, with some custom rules I designed, and completely and totally lost due to some bad luck near the end >:|
I don't mean going to the cinema and watching the latest movie that's come out from Marvel or Adam Sandler or whoever (although I do like doing that from time to time). I mean the truly experiential feeling of watching a movie that's basically art
tbf tho, I'm definitely biased as I love movies :P
A famous cops-and-robbers challenge whose source shall remain unnamed is brought to Codidact. The Cops You are a cop. You should write a program in a "famous" (has an English W...
A338268 is a sequence related to a challenge by Peter Kagey. It defines a two-parameter function \$T(n,k)\$, which counts the number of integer sequences \$b_1, \cdots, b_t\$ where \$b_1 + \cdots + b_t = n\$ and \$\sqrt{b_1 + \sqrt{b_2 + \cdots + \sqrt{b_t}}} = k\$. Since \$k\$ cannot ...
Calculate the square root of a matrix
Let \$A\$ be a square matrix that is at least \$2 \times 2\$ where each element is an integer. \$A^2 = A \times A\$ will then have the same dimensions as \$A\$, and will have integer elements. For example, let
$$A = \left[ \begin{matrix}
-3 & 2 \\
0 & -1
Your challenge is to write a method that compresses/decompresses strings. It will get two arguments: the string to compress/decompress, and a boolean. If the boolean is true, compress, else decompress.
It can either print the output to stdout or return the data.
The twist is that your score is eq...
Given a piece of ascii art and a factor to enlarge it by, which will always be an odd number >1, replace each character with the corresponding ascii-art, resized to fit on a grid the size of the input number:
What to do
\ \ \A line of \ to the length of the enla...
I am solving a puzzle at and I have to write a code that has at most 200 characters, now it has 772 counting tabs. Is it possible to do something with an input scanner so it takes less characters? The condition alone makes like 180 and don't worry about how a code looks like it's ju...
Probably an effect of writing the message little by little, leaving it partially done on the clipboard for extended periods, while I write other things.
Factorials are one of the most frequently used examples to show how a programming language works.
A factorial, denoted \$n!\$, is \$1⋅2⋅3⋅…⋅(n-2)⋅(n-1)⋅n\$.
There is also the superfactorial (there are other definitions of this, but I chose this one because it looks more like the fact...
I have 2 input : 1 single number and some number seperate by whitespace :
1 2 3 4 5
I want to loop over the second input, i don't need the first input. I did this :
input();for x in input().split():somecode()
But can I go directly to the second input without doing the input() at the beginning...
CMC: Take a string of space separated words and return a list of the number of characters in each word, e.g. "hello world lol totally not a rickroll" -> [5,5,3,7,3,1,8]
You can assume words are [A-Z] or [a-z] if it makes it easier.
At a very basic level, I like the ability to have an indicator that someone was a mod. Not only does it make official meta answers and other mod actions clearer, but it also feels respectful
@Adám I'd imagine so. Whether or not you believe SE's account of what happened, they've never denied that Monica was a good moderator on any of her sites. Hell, she was even a mod on MSE, which are handpicked and appointed by SE
Also, it'd be unnecessarily adding fuel to a fire that's almost gone out. I'd be very surprised if they didn't
@user I think that a maximum of one solution exists for any given input, but I'm not sure how to prove that. The test cases are valid outputs, but I won't say they're the only valid outputs
@cairdcoinheringaahing CMC: Find a square integer matrix (2x2 or larger) such that æ*. in Jelly returns an integer matrix. Matrices which are a constant multiplied by the identity matrix ([[x,0], [0,x]]) don't count