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@user What's with the new identicon?
in Vyxal, 3 hours ago, by user
@hyper-neutrino We were all replaced with impostors
I believe this is related to this backfill - this user's identicon appears to have been broken by this the other way around - their normal identicon shows up in the "change profile picture" screen but their picture has been altered to match a different identicon, which was previously visible on meta, on the main site as well. — hyper-neutrino 3 hours ago
@cairdcoinheringaahing Probably, yeah. Hopefully, it'll be fixed with the other stuff soon
Gotta love s :P
Here is an image of the bug @hyper-neutrino mentioned. The blue one is my usual identicon, while this green-yellow one is new. The odd thing is that I signed up in 2019, so the salting thingy should have been implemented already, and I shouldn't need a new identicon. — user 2 hours ago
Can I take a few billion dollars as input?
only as a small loan
@RedwolfPrograms Sure, but include the imports loans in your code
@RedwolfPrograms Just make your code good at investing, then profit, then become president :P
Alternatively, make it good at gambling online
On second though, what's the difference...
@user Hang on, let me just create 400 million election bots so I can hack the 2024 election :P
Just need to get a significant amount of Americans to stop believing in the integrity and trust of US elections, then I win :P
I'll just amass an army of clones, make them all US citizens, and have them murder all the real ones move to swing states and vote for me
@cairdcoinheringaahing Haven't you heard? The new, trendy way to commit voter fraud is to vote by mail. That's what the democrats did to STEAL the "election" /s
I'll just release an even deadlier virus that makes it 100% necessary to do so :p
@user Here I was, sowing pro-Trump propaganda on Facebook like an amateur (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
hehe I've started getting emails from colleges
Enjoy 2000 more in the next few years :P
Took the SAT? That's when I started getting that spam
@RedwolfPrograms 😔
@user AP tests, more likely for me
anything college board will do the trick
You should probably figure out which colleges you might want, see which ones track demonstrated interests, and then only click on the links that track you to show colleges you're obsessed with them
(For legal reasons, this advice does not come with any guarantees)
@UnrelatedString Yeah, I started sending threats to college boards and voila! got a bunch of emails from them. Would recommend
@user That's too basic. Find a random college in the midwest you'll never apply to, click on every link they send you to make them think they've got you to apply, then never send an application :P
i think the only worthwhile college that ever emailed me was the university of chicago and then two years in a row i managed to just completely fail to actually send them an application
See I was planning on going to [good college], but after getting spammed by [random college] I really want to go there instead
I really want to troll colleges I don't like (the really obnoxious ones that keep sending me emails even after unsubscribing), but I'm afraid they'll report me to other universities or something
I had an email last month from such a uni going "Why we still accept last minute applications from international students for 2021" when I was applying in the states in 2020 :/
@UnrelatedString I was going to apply to them and then saw their prompts and went "f*ck this"
@user that was exactly my reaction
@user Wait till you start attending somewhere and then send somewhere else an email saying "Hey, I don't want to stay at my current place, can you still accept me?" :P
hi i posted a challenge proposal in the sandbox a couple days ago and it hasnt received any feedback at all. can i post it here to get some feedback?
i don't have the soul to write an xd quirky college essay
@EphraimRuttenberg Sure!
@EphraimRuttenberg Please do!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

EphraimRuttenbergHow Many Sets? This is similar in concept to this challenge, but that is pretty restrictive on input and output and I think opening up these restrictions would lead to a completely different set of solutions that would be interesting in their own right. Background Set is a card game in which pla...

@UnrelatedString I hate that they're like "You gotta stand out." How are you supposed to stand out among the thousands of applicants officers have seen? Most people are mediocre - that's just a fact of life. Plus, middle class and upper class students often just get help with their essays, making them meaningless
Anyway, enough ranting about college :P
in their case in particular it's like
what the fuck are they looking for
@EphraimRuttenberg I don't think you need to specify that trailing whitespace is allowed, since I tihnk it's allowed by default and most people will probably choose to output with an array rather than a string representation
oh ok noted
i dont post very often mostly just read :P
Building on what Redwolf said, we have defaults for Input and Output, so you don't need to worry about that at all, just let people do their thing
@user I found that it's a coin toss (or rather, 10 consecutive coin tosses where you must get heads every time) where various factors change each odds from 50% to 51% for/against you
sounds about right
...looking back i almost forgot that i did not get in anywhere this year
i just had three offers from last year two of which i managed to abandon by accident
or maybe it was two and one
How do you do that lol
it's surprisingly easy to forget deadlines
It took me 3 days to "remember" to accept my accommodation offer, despite saying repeatedly each day "Oh, I need to log on and do that" :/
i honestly can't remember how the whole ucas backup offer thing works but it doesn't matter because it's not like i was going to be able to head off to the uk this year any better than last
@UnrelatedString I think clearing is still open if you want to get a free covid infection by coming here
i think i get emails about clearing like twice a week lmao
@UnrelatedString If you don't mine me asking, what country are you in?
And you want to come to the UK of all places for uni?
couldn't get my shit together to apply anywhere else internationally
Fair enough, I had the same thing with the US :P
Applying internationally looks hard. From what I can tell, there's a lot more hoops to jump through
Applying out-of-state is bad enough - they raise the prices for whatever reason
or rather i gave cambridge a shot last year and when that didn't exactly work i figured may as well throw 10 bucks at ucas to apply four other places
@cairdcoinheringaahing Huh, I might try somewhere else then
@user I had to do a few additional exams (SAT + 3 SAT Subject test), and interviews were a hassle, but otherwise the biggest issue was teaching my school how it works
Plus, the places I was looking at were 70k+ per year
Yeah, I'm not going to give any UK/France/whatever standardized tests or interviews :P
i got halfway through applying to tu delft last year and absolutely butchered that then their application fee blew the fuck up between then and this year
@user IIRC the UK doesn't require additional exams for international applicants, and only a couple of places have interviews for home students
Costs twice as much tho, but that's ~20k per year before any funding offers
Oh nice
speaking of insane application fees i sunk like $150 on toronto without realizing that they required essays specifically for computer science applicants
CMP: What do you think first when you see the word "SAT": an exam or an NP-complete problem?
2 different exams :P
Exam, from years of trauma
it takes me multiple seconds to digest the phrase "SAT solver"
@UnrelatedString I think I spent ~$900 on applying to US unis, got rejected from 7/9
@Bubbler 2-SAT's not NP-complete, right?
@user No, 3SAT is
2SAT is P
i might have gotten close to that between last year and this year but i doubt it was quite that much and i live here
Spent £25 IIRC on UK unis, got accepted into 3, rejected from one and I retracted from the last
and i don't recall seeing anything about like
extra fees for international applicants
damn lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing yep
@Bubbler Ah, then I'll answer your CMC with "Neither, I'm quirky so I thought of a P-complete problem" :P
@UnrelatedString How many places did you apply to?
i spent $150 to apply to three unis (well technically three programs across two unis), lol, all within ontario
NP-completeness of the SAT is the biggest difference from the ACT and thats why the ACT is generally considered easier
can't remember at this point
fees were in the range of $70 to $90 each and i don't think i applied to more than like 8
Cause I think mine were ~$80 per uni, with some at $70 a few more at $90 and a couple of $100
a whole 100
I got like a 34/36 on the ACT in like 7th grade so I'm not too worried about that one lol
damn those are expensive
Can't remember for sure, but I think Stanford was $100
ours are 150 CAN for the first up to three and 50 CAN for each one after that
i vaguely remember stanford being $90
(and yes, I am aware that 50x3 is 150 anyway - but if you only apply to two it's still 150 CAN)
I have Auto ChatJax enabled and your messages look crazy :P
We have £20 for one, and £25 for 5
Can't have more than 5 applications tho
@hyper-neutrino oh yeah and isn't that a system that's only for inside ontario
@UnrelatedString yes IIRC this is only to apply within ontario
i did not do any research into applying outside ontario or canada
@UnrelatedString Yeah, it's $90, not sure which I'm remembering as $100
> ontario or canada
Ontario is not a part of canada :P
All parts of Canada are not actually parts of Canada :P
Just ask Quebec :P
Of course, because Canada is imaginary
@RedwolfPrograms unfortunate
@cairdcoinheringaahing I just went and checked my map to make sure I didn't say something stupid lol
@hyper-neutrino and i did not do enough research into applying inside ontario
@RedwolfPrograms Also, Switzerland is not part of the EU :P
BTW how long should i wait to post my challenge? it only has 1 vote, but i dont want to post it in here more than once and im not sure if any more people will see it
I'd recommend waiting about a week in total to get enough feedback on it
I'd give it another day or two, maybe post it here one more time tomorrow
@EphraimRuttenberg Feel free to post it here every day or so for feedback. The generally recommended time to wait in the Sandbox is ~1 week (although I prefer 1 week from first feedback)
alright thanks everyone
well the point is that i did not look into applying outside of canada and not even outside of ontario within canada :p
@hyper-neutrino You're at Waterloo right?
@UnrelatedString i saw an instagram post that was like "things to do in ontario: #1: leave"
@cairdcoinheringaahing yep
@hyper-neutrino Why, is it the NJ of Canadia?
Feedback? (Posting Jordan matrix in 1min)
I think a family friend of mine started there this year
Might have been a different Ontario uni, but I seem to remember "waterloo"
ooh, nice. do you recall which program / major?

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