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are we talking about classic sci-fi book series with wack endings
because fuck i'm not sure i've bothered to read anything after the dune books that don't exist
when is someone going to just break into brian herbert's house and publish photocopies of the actual dune 7 notes
Heh, who needs books when you can just read TNB transcripts?
like i am still mad and i read that all like three years ago
between the straight up plot holes and the whole tying the grand finale of this 7000 year plot back into the halfassed prequels thing
i much prefer the butlerian jihad being a galactic scale moral panic that started because people were just freaked the hell out by what computers can do than a literal war against killer robots that started because one of them dropped a baby off a balcony for the lulz
> one of them dropped a baby off a balcony for the lulz
1 hour later…
I’ve heard the entire Fime series id messed up tho,mot jyst the end
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Djin TonicSuits Me In college, Summer Klerance was what her teachers referred to as GBL*. Each student in her probability class had been given an individual problem to work on and turn as part of their final grade. Summer, as usual, procrastinated much too long, and when she finally looked at her problem, ...

I'm really hoping this is the start of a rebuilding of trust between SE and its community. Even just taking the time to ask directly for feedback and input on what to change says a lot about the new VP in my opinion.
I don't know what sort of contractual requirements SE has due to the settlement with Monica, but if they're able to make an apology I feel like were the closest to that so far
CMQ: How many people have used XSLT here?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerWill Alice win in this Stick Bomber game? code-golf decision-problem game Background Stick Bomber is a two-player game I just made up. Initially, some sticks are placed in one or more groups, and the sticks in each group are laid out in a straight line. So a configuration with three groups of 3, ...

CMC: Output gibberish. (Random letters with random length)
what range should the characters be in? Printable ascii? All of unicode?
uppercase only? lowercase only?
Perfectly random length, (All lengths possibile) or is an upper maximum alright?
Assumes all lengths possible and Uppercase only.
@PyGamer0 Vyxal, 8 bytes, {₀℅|kA℅₴
All lengths possible and uppercase only
or with a maximum length of 100: ₁ʀ℅(kA℅₴
or ¤₴ʀ℅(kA℅₴ for a variable length
¤₴ isn't needed if outputting the input is fine for length 0
@Bubbler i think the jordan matrix is ready to post
idk why people haven't upvoted it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerWhat if function application was right-associative? code-golf string parsing Background In Haskell and many other functional languages, function application f(x) is simply written as f x. Also, this form of function application is left-associative, which means f x y z is ((f x) y) z, or ((f(x))(y...

@ngn do they have a chat profile?
if not I am able to create one
@RedwolfPrograms yeah, I personally have a lot of faith in the direction we may be seeing with Philippe - I haven't really worked much / at all with him but overall I have a lot of confidence in our CMs (even if they often come bearing bad news or tags :P).
i'm not just as confident in SE itself and don't really know how the hierarchy is, but I am hoping that this new position will give the community a larger and more direct line of communication with SE through a dedicated employee, which previously I'm not sure CMs were always able to do
we'll, again, have to just wait, see, and hope for the best, but I am just hoping this will be an improvement to the corporation's treatment and handling of us as the community and that the VP's enthusiasm towards supporting and prioritization of the community will be echoed in the chain of command above him
CMQ: Thoughts on Python 3.10.
^ Including pattern matching
May 19 at 23:57, by lyxal
But then again, imagine being in a country where covid is actually relevant
Oh how that aged terribly
well played (F)
every time CBC posts and doesn't disable comments i am reminded of why i do not look at youtube comments
people really think rushing reopening is how we can fix the economy?
sure, let's reopen, and then three weeks later when the fourth wave hits ontario lets see how that plays out for small businesses
@PyGamer0 I think the pattern matching on lists/tuples/dicts can be a lifesaver in many cases, though first-class algebraic data type support would make a much better synergy (I know it is technically possible as shown in the middle of PEP 622, but it is way too verbose and doesn't work well with "rapid prototyping")
i'm just glad i'm fortunate enough to have online courses available to me and a co-op job that lends itself easily to being remote so i don't have to deal with all of this bullshit
@hyper-neutrino erm maybe
We were all pretty quick to reopen last June/July or so
well i mean like
And it worked relatively well until now
in the middle of my city being the province's hotspot with a very unstable and somewhat growing new covid case rate
we are following the province with reopening into stage 3
if your cases are low and you reopen and then bad stuff happens again, that's very unfortunate
if your cases are still not even low or even still growing and you reopen and bad stuff happens, that's just stupidity
anyway, it's not like anyone'd listen to my pointless opinions anyway xD so i will just sit here in my room for like 80% of my life for the foreseeable future and be glad i have that luxury
Q: Longest Zero Sum Sub-array

tshGiven an array of integers. Find out its longest sub-array (contiguous subsequence) whose sum is 0. The sub-array for output may be an empty array. Input Input an array of integers. Output Output the longest zero sum sub-array. If there are multiple such arrays, output any one of them. Output For...

@Bubbler algebraic data support as in sympy?
@NewPosts i am speed (it will be very embarassing if i somehow messed up something this simple)
@hyper-neutrino how does your jelly answer work?
@PyGamer0 explanation added
portable to vyxal in 7 bytes (jelly + 2)
CMQ: Is there a way to get the largest (by length) element of a list in python
ah fuck the empty case is screwing me over because the sublists atom excludes the empty sublist
^ very bad answer
@NewPosts for <-
how do i improve it?
you should be able to collapse sublist generation into one double-listcomp
@hyper-neutrino ??
yeah i am not good at golfing in python
idont know the cool stuff to make my code shorter
is there ever a case where it would be worse when taking a sublist for it to return the empty array as well?
@hyper-neutrino how would i do that?
i have 90 in python, will give some time before posting
@PyGamer0 for starters i believe you can remove s = ... B.append(s) and just do B.append(...)
where ... is the code there
@PyGamer0 also, you can use list comprehension at least once in order to turn the inner for loop into a list comprehension, and do B += [...]
what I always have trouble with in double loop comprehensions when adding to an array is not creating "flat" arrays
well you can do that by just not nesting the list comps
or do you mean you want to have it not be flat
wdym by not nesting them
[a for b in c for d in e]
im going to be completely honest i've never seen that syntax before
anyway, posted a python sub to the problem, waiting to get outgolfed by dingledooper/xnor/whoever
so would b and d be the iteration variables
yeah you can flatten a nested list comp by doing that syntax - do note that its order is left to right so print([(a,b)for a in[1,2]for b in[3,4]]) gives [(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)]
@Underslash yes
you would normally do [[x for a in inner] for inner in outer]
thats really handy
but to flatten, [x for inner in outer for a in inner]
yeah, and it follows the same form as if you put a double nested for loop all on one line
@hyper-neutrino (which is entirely illogical)
@Underslash and it follows the opposite form as if you read it in English which confuses me to no end
the former is obviously unambiguous and i remember the latter as "it's opposite the former cuz funny"
Every language has pain points and we as programmers are supposed to get used to it
yeah. i'd say i've gotten used to most of the common weirdness you have to deal with python
not familiar with the extents of how weird you can get it, but at least used to things so i can use it even if it has peculiar behavior or restrictions
Haskell has the same specification order, though at least it doesn't use English in code
is it illegal to make or share memes in australia??
@PyGamer0 Try it online! this is as far as I could get your method down with my basic golfing ways
@PyGamer0 I would hope not
@PyGamer0 no
I've made and shared many memes
Look I'll share a meme now
I made that meme and shared it
such illegal
And I'm totally fin....oh wait why are the police here?
Welp, it was nice knowing y'all :p
if it was illegal to make memes, that would pretty much mean it was either illegal to send images, or unenforcable, since pretty much any random picture can be counted as a meme
Reddit wouldn't exist if memes were yesn't
technically, you could consider this a warning
because it is inadvisable to swim in mayo
however, in practice its a joke
yeah i shouldn't have posted mine even prob. tempted to delete it cuz it's really trivial and boring lol
but it's w/e. translating golflang approaches into python is often not a good approach :p
I think you should keep it up
Announcement: flagitious (creator of golfscript) has just published a new golfing language: nibbles.golf
that's way cool!
So it is Risky(4-bits unit) + Pyth(prefix) + Husk(typing, compiles to Haskell) + Charcoal(supports literate mode)
pretty funny though, his sites are always so 90s
@cairdcoinheringaahing I missed your birthday!! Happy happy happy
Anything nice?
@hyper-neutrino what does w/e stand for? Worth the effort?
@lyxal What ever.
1 hour later…
do any of you know a good proportional font (its for a website i am making)? (or a list). Requirements: Decent Unicode coverage.
@PyGamer0 what's wrong with the current font?
@ngn its the default
@Bubbler (Charcoal is also prefix)
of course its verbose mode uses function syntax so it's not so obvious
@PyGamer0 So, change for change's sake?
@Adám yes
(personally it looks bad)
@PyGamer0 For good Unicode coverage, how about using the DejaVu family?
@Adám hmm ok lemme see
@Adám if i remember correctly you had a list of fonts?
> proportional
@PyGamer0 I like Atkinson too.
@PyGamer0 Don't forget to make your avatar be the favicon.
@PyGamer0 Noto Sans has among the best Unicode coverage
it's not my favourite though
@AviFS Thanks! I got a ski repair kit I've been trying to get my hands in for a while, plus some assorted stuff :P
Ski, like snow?
@Razetime It looks cool, but I don't get how you see 14 years worth of golfing Lang dev, and create a Lang that feels very 2015
@N3buchadnezzar Yes
@cairdcoinheringaahing still sticking to ascii i think
Nibbles doesn't really have much overloading, it's command list is incredibly limited and the nibble-based encoding isn't new by a long shot
@Razetime well it's a 4-bit codepage so it's not anything, but then literate mode makes sense to be ASCII
@cairdcoinheringaahing does it claim to be next-generation? AFAICT it's kind of just an experiment
it's meant to be a more rationalized prefix golfscript
@Razetime The only ski's I will try is ascii and bonski
which is relatively better to develop in afaik
@pxeger No, I just think there's nothing new about it
banach tarski pls
Also, am I blind or does it not have an equality operator?
@Razetime What is an anagram for Banach Tarski? Banach Tarski Banach Tarski
@N3buchadnezzar Wrong person to reply to?
You mentioned Ski's I mentioned better types of *ski's :P
@Adám how do i do tht?
Interesting concept for a language: invariance. Essentially, every program takes an input x, performs a series of provided commands on x then outputs true if x is unchanged, and false otherwise
Ooh, I really like that idea!
@cairdcoinheringaahing TODO: Get back to caird!
How about calling the lang 'Variant'
Sound like an alien-- a bit sci-fi
To motivate it as being interesting, that should prob be the only/main source of output
@PyGamer0 PR'd.
But I'm thinking you could have multiple parallel programs that the input would run through before comparing
You could, for instance, output a number in binary
@Adám and merged
An ordered list of booleans for whether each parallel program remained invariant
Hmm, what would be the value in that tho?
If you did this, then the cat program would be something like:
Is there a 1 in its binary representation?
Is there a 2 in its binary representation?
Is there a 4 in its binary representation?
Is there an 8 in its binary representation?
@AviFS I think, in order to make it usable, you might need to go down the Brachylog route, and allow it a "print and return" function, for challenges/programs where you need a non-Boolean output
@cairdcoinheringaahing Which value?
Otherwise it'd only be usable for
The value of making such a lang?
Yeah, why would allowing that form of processing/output improve the language?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Not sure how brachylog does it
But you could do any numbered output
not just decision problems
It seems as tho constructing binary numbers through multiple processes would be a completely different kind of language tbh
Not a bad idea, but not really what I had in mind
@cairdcoinheringaahing Not following. I'm just proposing parallel decision problems to gen more complex outputs
@cairdcoinheringaahing It definitely would be pretty niche!
But as a total tarpit, it might be a neat concept
We'd just need a set of simple & elegant TC commands
Suited to bit manipulation
@AviFS Personally, I think the better way to allow more complex output is to have a function that is "Print X and return X", and the result of the invariance is only output at the end of execution
And then we could just leave it as a BF/brain-flak/slashes kinda language
So a cat program would infinitely read a byte of input, print it and contribute looping, so it never outputs the invariance
@cairdcoinheringaahing But then how does the invariant feature ever come into play?
(Maybe. I'm not a fan of the current cat challenge on the site, a better cat program would just consist of "print; while true: loop")
Isn't it just one more construct in the language?
@AviFS For non-decision-problems, it doesnt
Oh oh oh
So you're just proposing another primitive to add to an existing lang, then?
It sounded like it was a concept that a whole lang would revolve around
Another direction to take it:
To have more interesting output, come up with a way to show/quantify how different
And then 0 would be the truthy output, anything else would mean it changed
Eg, the difference between input & output
But that's not very interesting
Back to binary, you could output the xor of the two numbers
But that might be too abstruse
Of course, you could always decided to allow string as input, and even other objects. And you'd just have to define the 'diff' for each data type the lang supported
Eg for a string it could be every char in the output that wasn't in the input
so truthy would be if in ∊ out
and lambda n: n+'!' would give you as output either '!' (falsy) or the empty string (truthy) depending on whether the input string had an exclamation mark already in it
Anyone know how I use TIO for vim? >.< Struggling a bit to insert : commands
@AviFS Well, there are a surprisingly amount of Jelly answers in the form <code>=. This would be a lang where the same thing would just be <code>. So not exactly an extension to an existing lang, but nothing revolutionary
@N3buchadnezzar Use V!
@N3buchadnezzar you have to use carriage return rather than normal newline (line feed)
I tried <CR> no?
One potential thing is to allow dyadic programs, which are executed dyadically, then compared against the pair of inputs
@N3buchadnezzar nope that will probably just insert the string <CR>
@N3buchadnezzar If you add the -v verbose flag it might work
^^^ This is the trick ^^^
So + with arguments x and y, would output [x+y=x, x+y=y]
That seems like it would get confusing fast. I like it!
@cairdcoinheringaahing It always comes back to Jelly, doesn't it :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing That is neat!
But it is also less unique and minimalistic than I like these days
I think I'll develop the other one, though!
@cairdcoinheringaahing If you do this, though, how do you feel about defining metrics for each data type
To define distances between elements
And then you output the distance instead
And you have a zero distance be truthy in your lang
And a nonzero distance be falsy
@N3buchadnezzar : command in Vim TIO
@AviFS Getting there! Try it online!
I am trying to swap the arguments
x || y -> y || x
Maybe j:s/(\(.*\)||\(.*\))/(\2 || \1/) is better. shrug
I cant help but notice that that code looks like it is looking down left
haha you're right
Bye everyone ⍤/
Off to bed!
@AviFS o/
@pxeger you're like one of those people who write (: instead of :)
@lyxal I'm used to doing \o for leaving, because Codenames and Contact use o/ to indicate "yes, I'm playing"
@lyxal I had mental logic for always responding to o/ with \o and vice versa but having thought it through I realise it doesn't make any sense. I'll keep doing it though lol
\o = bye
o/ = hi
Was very tempted to flag this for closure on MSE until I read more closely :P
Heh, I finally got it Try it online!
okay this is almost certainly never going to be implemented but if it were imagine how harmful that'd be for our site culture lmao
@hyper-neutrino I think that "Can we turn off this feature here?" would be a posted the day after that got implemented :P
if any feature request similar to that ever got status-review'd i'd probably post a counter-FR asking to un-consider that, because I feel that it is a negative change for not just CGCC but honestly all of SE :P
It's already been status-declined, and that's a "lite" version :P
oh, nice :p
Fun fact: the query shown in that question has 0 results for this site :P
"Questions by users with under 15 rep which have answers with 2+ up votes that have no accepted answer."
@RedwolfPrograms night?
> After 90 days of inactivity by the question-author, answers with 2 or more upvotes should qualify for community accept-answer votes
5 community accepted-answer votes shall cause the answer to be accepted
Users with 7500 reputation may cast accept-answer votes
Honestly, that seems like a feature that would work the least worse :P
we would just have to not use it on CGCC
it makes sense pretty much anywhere else IMO
There does need to be some privilege between 5k and 10k tbh
Ooh, my chromium bug report got bumped to a higher priority and assigned
CMC: Create a program that takes input as a string and splits it into the array of ord values of the string.
@RedwolfPrograms linky?
Hey @hyper-neutrino, have you seen this?
This is a long-known bug that has nothing to do with the mod tools. Essentially, when an answer has ever been undeleted in the past, deleting the question silently marks the answer as deleted again without clearing the past undelete votes, so it looks like the ones from the previous undeletion cycle are still pending. But since regular users can't undelete an answer on a deleted question, no one else could ever cast a vote there, which is probably why no one's bothered fixing it. — animuson ♦ Jan 19 '19 at 17:13
^ About your undelete votes on deleted answers thing @hyper
ah, cool
:o It looks like the chromium bug is caching related...they're taking ideas from SE I guess
smh I should've asked about that on meta to farm free rep :D
@RedwolfPrograms lmao, but it is actually a bug! That kinda amazes me tbh
One always imagines big software like Chromium shouldn't have bugs like this lol
@RedwolfPrograms There very much needs to be :P
@PyGamer0 Vyxal, 1 byte: Try it Online!
@cairdcoinheringaahing there is, but you can never see it because of caching :þ
@PyGamer0 Jelly, 1 byte O
@RedwolfPrograms This is probably the most annoying thing I've ever debugged too (before I knew it was a chromium bug), since any logging will make the issue disappear so you can't use the normal approaches to figure out what's going wrong with your code
@PyGamer0 Proton, 8 bytes: map(ord)
I've had something similar happen before, where a routine ASCII compressor program was randomly starting to dump arbitrary unicode into the output, but unfortunately I just deleted it and rewrote it so I'll never know if it was some stupid mistake of mine, or an actual bug :/
@PyGamer0 Vyxal K, 0 bytes: Try it Online! Outputs as a list of characters as allowed by this meta /s
@AaronMiller oof
@AaronMiller And it still needs a flag, after all that rules-lawyering :P
x=>[...x].map(y=>y.charCodeAt()), could probably be shorter
Do you need the surrounding parentheses?
no you do not, i just needed those for testing lol
@hyper-neutrino I think codePointAt would be more appropriate there, unless you replaced the [...] with .split("")
[...] can result in characters that span multiple UTF-16 char codes, meaning that some will be skipped
like surrogate pairs? yeah how are we supposed to handle those anyway lol
VTC as unclear /s
Our identicons are the same for both main and meta across the whole network, right?
identicon, not profile picture
Yeah realized that right after typing it lol
yes, they are generated by the gravatar account attached to your email address I believe
QQ: Who made 400 microscopes. :p
* visible confusion *
what the fuck
did SE break everything again
Just noticed it, so I'm not sure when it happened, but I know it wasn't like that a couple days ago
is that SO's CSS?
probably worth a bug report; i can submit one if you can't be bothered ( and don't want the free rep ;) )
will look around for another example though if i can find one
Nah, I'll do it
I'll try switching to my identicon to see if it's changed
i think that's enough examples :p
My identicon is the same on both if I switch to it, not sure if that's useful data though :p
Also I forgot how ugly mine is :p
check if there's the same difference on other network sites? If not, might it just be a partial rollout of the fix?
Jo King's is broken on SO as well, and yes, the meta identicon is the same as the current CGCC one
A: Why has Community's profile picture changed?

Dean WardWay back in the day we started salting Gravatar image URLs, but only for new users. Older users do not have a salted Gravatar URL. Today we performed a backfill so we can drop an old column Users.Email which contains an email address only used for this purpose but we didn't take into account that...

That moment when there's a meta.stackexchange.com but no meta.meta.stackexchange.com. But I guess that would be too meta anyway.
@PyGamer0 K: 0+ Try it online!
@AaronMiller Interestingly, questions about metas are on topic on those metas (see our tag) :P
Found a fly genocider: "I've killed hundreds of flies" :P
i just have an electric swatter at home lmao
it isn't always that effective though, sometimes i have to hold it on over the fly for like a few seconds before it properly dies and then it smells bad because i basically charred the fly's corpse
I just use a normal flyswatter and sometimes I can manage to knock them out of the air
I surround myself with Force Lightning, so that if any of them come near me, I can cackle manically before they throw me down an elevator shaft
Y'know, like normal people do :P
I use a wet towel. :|
and hope nobody gets in the way
Just shoot them. Fly vs. shotgun, there's one clear winner :p
I just surrender and die
Shotgun seems too easy. Use a pistol or rifle to improve your marksmanship :P
@RedwolfPrograms That's actually a thing.
I release a butterfly so that its wings' movements redirect the air flow and the chaos effect leads to a large shift in the atmosphere and refracts cosmic rays to strike the fly and instantly kill it.
@AaronMiller I know there's some sort of salt gun thing, yeah :p
But only cowards don't use real bullets :p
Unrelated, anyone know a good window and furniture and wall repairman?
Johnny Shotgun-Hands is quite good

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