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Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Compile Esolang to Esolang
Sand๐Ÿœ๏ธbox๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ posts๐Ÿ’ˆ๐Ÿ’ˆ๐Ÿ’ˆlast active๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ†โ›ณ a week ๐Ÿ“†๐Ÿ“…๐Ÿ—“๏ธ๐Ÿ“†๐Ÿ“…๐Ÿ“†๐Ÿ—“๏ธago: Compile๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธโŒจ๏ธ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Esolang ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ“ฑto Esolang๐Ÿ“ฒ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž
@OldSandboxPosts ^ ftfy
2 hours later…
Tough crowd eh?
Y'all must still be dying inside from my emoji cringe
I have already passed away, and am currently working on reviving myself.
(Inb4 caird or hyper say "oh it's only quiet because it's a weekend and people only use code golf as a means for procrastination during the work week")
oh it's only quiet because it's a weekend and people only use code golf as a means for procrastination during the work week
@hyper-neutrino you're a partical, how tf you dead?
@lyxal The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
Yeah I recognise that, I'm asking how tf you dead if you aren't an entity that is capable of death?
shhh don't ask questions
This is a free hivemind, I'll ask whatever tf I want
(Inb4 redwolf says "ah but actually it isn't because hyper is of a higher level in the hivemind than you hence you don't get to freely ask those questions")
ah but actually it isn't because hyper is of a higher level in the hivemind than you hence you don't get to freely ask those questions
This seems like the time where someone like razetime, caird or someone else would say "you guys realise Lyxal is intentionally controlling the chat by encouraging people to make jokes that copypasta exactly what Lyxal tells you to say", consequently proving my point.
I want pasta now
Anyone know of a good italian restaurant that quietly delivers pasta through second story windows in the middle of the night?
Sure, I can deliver you some pasta, just unlock/open your window and tell me your address /s
And of course no one copied my previous message because that would be admitting that people fell for this scheme. This means that the only way for me to win is to predict that the next message will be contrary to this message; if it is, that means the message will agree with this one and consequently play into the trap I've set. And if it isn't (the next message somehow happens to agree with this message), that means the message is acknowledging the message of mine before this.
@hyper-neutrino Seems a bit suspicious...I know, you didn't ask what kind of pasta! :p
oh don't worry, I already know all of your preferences ๐Ÿ‘€
@lyxal nah, I didn't fall for this scheme at all
@lyxal See I broke your whole scheme by making the next message about pasta delivery :p
Except y'all are now proving the point I made when I bookmarked the conversation
Checkmate atheists
*deletes bookmark* what bookmark? :p /s
In other news, there's a big chungus reference in the new space jam movie
I would say that instantly dates it, except it's new :|
@hyper-neutrino JoJo's is such a beautiful anime
i've only watched bits and pieces of it though
part 2 still my favourite by a long shot
i think i mostly only watched whichever part had dio in it (4??? can't remember). i know more from random clips, my brother, and the memes though lmao
part 1 and 2 have dio
oh right
waiwait nvm
part 1 and 3
uh yeah, it was the diamond is unbreakable one
wait no it wasn't
stardust crusaders or whichever one they went to egypt. i think it was that one (pt 3)
i think i did watch some parts of 4 tho
yes stardust crusaders
interestingly, i have not honestly even watched that much anime (well, i guess it depends on your definition of "a lot" or "a little"), hmm.
CMC find two natural language words which when concatenated have the largest numbers of words as substrings
my friend, who refused to watch anime and insisted on not, was finally convinced by my brother to watch i think it was Your Name, and has now watched significantly more anime than i have, lmao.
i take forever to finish series
@lyxal what on earth!!
finishing jojo was a miracle
i either take like 3 days per episode or watch like 8 in a day. sometimes both for the same anime. i usually do finish series though, though it sometimes takes a while
i take months between episodes
it took a full year to finish evangelion
which is why i know more anime movies
holy shit lol
other than randomly watching one punch man in grade 12 i don't think it has even been a full year since i watched my first anime.
i do take like months sometimes between different anime tho cuz i waste my time being unproductive in other ways
@hyper-neutrino yeah this is pretty much my story lmao
Any ideas how to solve my CMC?
@Anush really really long words
tha'ts about it
find a dictionary sorted by length, take the last bunch, concat and check
@Anush I'd brute force it for fun, but there's about 3.6 billion permutations of two words in my dictionary so...no thanks :p
You could probably guess it with pretty good accuracy using some filters and stuff, but if you want a general solution to the problem I'd be surprised if it's not NP-somethingorother
order your dictionary by number of valid word substrings themselves
then start from the highest two and keep search down
I thought about that, and it'd probably work but you could end up with some super weird edge cases I guess
if your strings have length N,M, there are only NM substrings that can be formed that require both strings, so you will hit a point where the number of substrings in both words alone for some string you've scanned is higher than the possible number of substrings in any shorter test case
Those sounds good approaches. Maybe we should restrict the sum of the word lengths.
Can anyone solve for the simple case where the sum is 6 and we restrict ourselves to substrings of length at least 3?
i assume english words?
@att yes
Although if you want to do it in French that is fine too
@RedwolfPrograms I don't think it can be NP hard. But it might be slow :)
Mind checking out Parsing TIO? Adám mentioned an issue I'm a little confused about; maybe you guys have thoughts?
Maybe it could be a code challenge question?
@AviFS Use a TextDecoder
Or a TextEncoder, I forgot which is which
But why can't I replicate it?
@RedwolfPrograms haha, same difference
Oh, not sure about that
You're right that we have .encode()/.decode() for that. I also don't remember which
Looks like y'all are just using different browsers, maybe?
Do you think that can be?
One might be escaping the unicode characters for convenience, not sure
CMC: What browser does Adám use?
Yeah, I wonder if mine is implicitly decoding, or his implicitly encoding?
They are the same string
(That's me pasting it into chrome console)
@att are you working on it?
pasting that string into the FF console gives me the exact same string (with the \u#### escaped) ¯\_(ใƒ„)_/¯
Yep, so it's just a difference in formatting it seems
@Anush not especially, but a quick bruteforce on 15+ length words in my dictionary got inter+nationalization for 15
with the substrings being internationalization,tern,erna,nationalization,at,ti,iona,on,ali,liza,i,at,ti,ion,on
there's gotta be a bug for it not to have inter/intern/ etc. but at first glance idk what it is
oh, it's probably only counting one starting from each position
@RedwolfPrograms Is there anything to be fixed, then?
ok, how about inter+relationships (29): a,at,elation,er,err,hi,hip,hips,i,in,inter,interrelation,interrelations,interrelationship,interrelationships,ion,ions,la,on,re,relation,relations,relationship,relationships,sh,ship,ships,terr,ti
I don't think we can make misunderstandings (31) by joining two words
wait, just join those two for 60
...or not quite 60 since they share some words
@AviFS firefox
@PyGamer0 That's what I thought... but me too!
He'll be up shortly to clarify everything, though
@att very nice!
Is ti really a word?
And la?
@att which dictionary are you using?
@lyxal oh it's only quiet because it's a weekend and people only use code golf as a means for procrastination during the work week
@lyxal I can say it, too!
Oh shoot! Wait!
I want people to start being able to use tio-api and am working on the readme, but I still don't have a license.
Can anyone remind me what the nice and friendly choices are?
I'm a bit conflicted because I want it super FOSS, but I do also like validation :p
So I'm hoping to have it totally open, usable and modifiable, but have the license say something about crediting/citing the source. It doesn't have to be enforced, but if it could be in the license that crediting was highly encouraged, rather than me having to say it, that'd be nice!
Or is that at odds with the open-source spirit/unconventional to ask?
Eg. I'm working on a credits.md for this project, and will do so for all other projects that have contributors. But I know most people don't religiously that.
@AviFS Vyxal uses the MIT licence
And I think that allows everyone to do whatever they want with it
@lyxal As far as I know there's nothing about crediting in MIT, though. Looking it all up
@lyxal then someone can start a company that makes vyxal into a practical language
so guis will be possible
I'm reading choosealicense.com but it's not really helping
@AviFS GPLv3????
@PyGamer0 That's way too restrictive!
I'll just do MIT for now, since it's the best I can find
@AviFS Mozilla Public License 2.0 ?
But I'll bring it back up. I'm sure there's something about credit/attribution in some
@Anush just the mathematica built-in
WordData for ti and la says {{"ti", "Noun", "SolfaSyllable"}, {"ti", "Noun", "Bush"}} and {{"la", "Noun"}, {"la", "Interjection"}}
apparently theres a ti tree britannica.com/plant/ti-tree
@att thanks!
@att can you do the same thing but restrict the sum of the two word lengths to be 6 and the minimum substring length to be 3?
@AviFS I like the Artistic License 2.0 because it allows relicensing
@hyper-neutrino it's actually been like a year and a half for me lmao
ha, weeb /s
and of course this is excluding when my grandmother made us watch two episodes of mushi-shi
@Anush highest seems to be 9
out of maximum possible 10
@att can you show it please
Does your code work on TIO?
searching over words with valid prefixes got spates, sparks, spares, spared, brandy, brands
it probably (?) needs internet to download the data the first time, so wouldn't
or maybe not, looks like it might work
@att what do you mean by valid prefixes?
@att cool!!
basically formed words by starting with 3-letter words and finding 4-letter words that were a 3 letter word + a letter, then 5 letter words (4+1), then 6 (5+1)
> hyper-neutrino โ™ฆ
i am only disappointed that I had not thought of that myself /hj
i'm out here taking one month breaks doing literally nothing
@att ah ok. Is there a pair of words that gives 9 valid substrings?
perfectionism and/or depression moment
i have been taking a break for like the past several years :p
spa + red, for example
i also just want to say i just spent 8 hours straight in a jklm lobby and really should have already gone to sleep
but i did win a few games in the first four hours
cannot relate, i would never be up at an unreasonably late hour
searching over all 6-letter words should be more efficient though
@att I like that. spare, pared, spar, spa, red and what else?
and it was kinda funny when we spent like one whole hour just inundating the chat with "sussy balls"
par, pare, are, (spared)
parse, parsed, arse, arsed, sap, pea, peas, ape, apes, read, reads, dear, dears, ear, ears
I am very good at word games like this lmao
@pxeger what is that from?
@att thanks
and then someone showed up with a senjougahara pfp and nobody else had any fucking clue what we were going on about for the next like ten minutes
wait all permutations? i thought substrings meant contiguously
@hyper-neutrino you were right too
@Anush what do you mean by "from"? It's some more words I thought of that are made of "spa" and "red", from my head
@hyper-neutrino oh
Maybe I should pose this as a challenge. What tag would be most fun?
rap, rape, rapes, raped, spear, pear, pears, reap, reaps, spar, spare, spa, pare, pares, pared, red, rasp, rasped, drape, drapes
@pxeger that still doesn't look like substrings
no I know
tio.run/… runs in ~7s
I'm just having fun at this point lol
@att what does that code do? I am not sure I understand the output
finds 6-letter words with the maximum number of substrings that are also words
Ah ok. Just no restriction on the word lengths or the substring lengths
with the given restrictions
words of length 6 and substrings length in [3,6] (interval)
Brandy only has and in it?
And randy
Because of the capital
oh, do you want it to be case-sensitive
Yes please
Also the word should be the concatenation of two words which brandy isn't
yeah it's just looking at 6-letter words
@att this is very nice though
Just tried it with 8 and 4..8 and it's even more fun
Mathematica really has builtins for everything: Working with Blockchains
It must be a dream for out of work coderrs
Always a job at mathematica
I think I am going to pose a code golf question but I just want to ban code that is so slow I can't test it
Is there a way to do that?
Maybe restricted time?
How is TIO allowed to run Mathematica, licence-wise?
you might wanna make that object-oriented to avoid all those global variables
I would, at least
@pxeger it was an experiment
cause i got bored
@RedwolfPrograms do you have a link to that userscript you made that fixes the escape key issue in SE chat?
Btw yโ€™all missed spread
AMD drapes
@pxeger I think they actually got in touch with whoever runs it and offered it
1 hour ago, by pxeger
rap, rape, rapes, raped, spear, pear, pears, reap, reaps, spar, spare, spa, pare, pares, pared, red, rasp, rasped, drape, drapes
I just found the bug Adám meant!
It's in the json you get when you parse a link!
>> TIO.parseLink("https://tio.run/##AVwAo/9hcGwtZHlhbG9nLWNsYXNzaWP/4oiHZv/ijY7iipbijZXiioPiioJ84oyKLSor4peL4oyIw5fDtyHijL3ijYnijLl@4o204o2L4o2SLOKNnz/ijbMw/@KIhwpm/w")
Object { languageId: "apl-dyalog-classic", header: "â\u0088\u0087f", code: "â\u008d\u008eâ\u008a\u0096â\u008d\u0095â\u008a\u0083â\u008a\u0082|â\u008c\u008a-*+â\u0097\u008bâ\u008c\u0088Ã\u0097÷!â\u008c½â\u008d\u0089â\u008c¹~â\u008d´â\u008d\u008bâ\u008d\u0092,â\u008d\u009f?â\u008d³0", footer: "â\u0088\u0087\nf", input: "", args: [], options: [] }
how can I download this raw.githubusercontent.com/first20hours/google-10000-english/… to a list of words in python?
I'll give it a shot!
Read off the interwebs?
Or copy/paste to a file and read that?
I would like to do it directly from python so I can learn something :)
@Anush save the file on your computer and read it in Python?
so off the interwebs
But read from internet or from file?
from the internet
@pxeger I already know how to do that :)
you want to download it in Python?
Use a library like requests
@pxeger that looks good
@AviFS hehe = response.text.splitlines() does it! Thanks :)
Is that a thing?
I do .split('\n')
import requests
file = requests.get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/first20hours/google-10000-english/master/google-10000-english-usa.txt").text
lines = file.split('\n')
@AviFS yes it is
But it returns some kind of weird generator object
split('\n') just gives you a list
words = requests.get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/first20hours/google-10000-english/master/google-10000-english-usa.txt").text.splitlines()
you need the ()
did i srsly forget to do that...
I guess so... hmphhh
I have integers 3..10. I want some simple function so that f(a) + f(b) < f(a+b) but f(a+1) + f(b) < f(a+b) for any a, b I choose from the range. What the easiest way to do that?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Dannyu NDosAvoid traps, run to an exit! restricted-source Code layout Your code shall declare: One kind of characters as the protagonist. The protagonist must appear exactly once in the source. One other kind as the trap. Traps must appear once or more. One other kind as the exit. Exits must appear once ...

I suppose I could define f(x) = x^(1+epsilon) for some epsilon?
@pxeger Long negotiations between Wolfram and Dennis
yes I'd guess so lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think they just contacted him and offered it
@AviFS So cool!
@N3buchadnezzar Haha, thanks!!
echo system("python -m jelly eun '%Ŭdโ‚ฌแธ‹R{' '1000' '[3,5]'")
I still can not figure out why this will not work :p It works directly, but not by invoking system.
Can anyone think of how to get a shell to interpolate/eval & print its own prompt?
But if you actually set your prompt to "%w" in zsh you get the date back
@AviFS echo !!
But here you just get the literal string, rather than the eval-ed one
Just getting !!
@AviFS Echo !! returns the last command line ran
but I want the prompt in this case
like the avifs@macbook$ thing
eg. maybe a way to record everything that's output in a shell until a given moment?
must be a way
that way you can just read what was output
@AviFS Yeah, I think this does that
@N3buchadnezzar but not the input by the user; the prompt by the computer
Yeah, hmm. Then I do not know
@AviFS Do you mean something like this, or something else?
I think you might've gotten it? I didn't think of history!
But yeah, that!
@AviFS It does not work on TIO though
Oh, no, but history still doesn't show prompt...
I found it @N3buchadnezzar
> Prompt sequences undergo a special form of expansion. This type of expansion is also available using the -P option to the print builtin.
@AviFS Oh, wow. I did not think of that!
You knew that was a thing?
@AviFS it's a shame you asked this in the 30 minutes when I couldn't answer it lmao
Oh no! You knew @pxeger?
yes, print -P lol
@pxeger You could help me debugg my jelly thing in vim instead :p
39 mins ago, by N3buchadnezzar
echo system("python -m jelly eun '%Ŭdโ‚ฌแธ‹R{' '1000' '[3,5]'")
@pxeger whatever print :-P
I'm gonna guess it's some weirdness with quotes
Ya, It works with one input, but I can not for the life of me figure out how to massage the string to make it compile
I've tried every combination of " and ' :P
but I know very little vimscript so I don't know if I can help
@pxeger I think I figured it out! Lets play spot the difference
@N3buchadnezzar Å vs ศฆ?
Yeah, and the d is different. Must have happened when I copied the command
oh yeah
But other than that I can finally run Jelly from within vim on the current file :P Kinda happy with that
@Anush iirc, there was contention about how much of Mathematica they were willing to let Dennis use. I think they disallowed him for using some of the downloadable data packets and a couple of other things
talk.TIO probably has the details in the logs
Anyone know why the SE revisions page seems to unconditionally highlight headers even when they haven't changed? ?
@cairdcoinheringaahing But does it have vulcano information? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's very interesting
@N3buchadnezzar you are making the plugin for (neo)vim or just neovim?
@PyGamer0 Both
I wanted to write it in Lua as Vimscript is a major pain in the ********************* but yeah
Almost done, just missing syntax highlighting, writing some documentation and its done
@SandboxPosts Hi all, I have a question about the challenge I posted: is it possible to have a competition where the test cases are randomly generated?
@N3buchadnezzar * × 21? (i counted)
@ValentinBrasso Not recommended. You could hide the test cases using hashes though
@N3buchadnezzar why do you think it's not recommended? There's no reason not do it, and no reason to hide them, as long as all answers are subjected to the same test cases
@ValentinBrasso I think as long as all the answers have to do the same set of tests there's no reason not to use randomly generated ones
@pxeger I think we agree here. What I thought Valentin asked about was giving random test cases for each answer. If every answer is tested against the same cases that is totally fine. (But is it really random then)
Thank you, both. I assume, even if test cases are fixed and public, people won't try to solve it by hand and post an algorithm that just overfits.
(my challenge is about making the moves for a chess army to reach a given destination)
@pxeger Thank you, I didn't know that.
@PyGamer0 ;-) If there are any features you want included just give me a shout. Atm you can search fuzzy search for commands and have them inserted automatically. You can also cycle similar characters. E.g cycle through all the letters which looks like M (or cycle through the monads, dyads, quicks etc seperately) Definition of commands are also available, Lastly you can run the code directly. It's not much but it is something.
@N3buchadnezzar i just want the link :p
:p Need to figure out how to actually push it to git in the proper Vim plugin format, a bit of a hassle. So at least two weeks. But idk, its getting there
can anyone help me with the simple math please. I have integers 2...10 and the variables x and y are chosen from those integers. I would like a function f so that f(x) + f(y) < f(x+y) but f(x+1) + f(y) > f(x+y) for all x, y.
I think f(a) = a^{1+epsilon) should be it but what is the smallest epsilon that would work?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardSliding dice We have 3 dice in a square dish. The dish is 8 units wide and tall and each die is 3 units wide and tall. The dice are facing up each with a different number on their top face. 111..222 111..222 111..222 ........ ........ 333..... 333..... 333..... Then we play a game. At each ste...

@Anush That is the Lipschtz condition is it not?
@N3buchadnezzar I don't know :( can you explain more please?
it sounds like something I should know
E.g the restriction f(x) + f(x) <= f(x + y)
ah yes. I guess with the addition that f(x+1) + f(y) > f(x+y)
However, for your numbers Id just bruteforce it
Does your function also take negative numbers?
@ValentinBrasso no ..just the numbers 2 to 10
looks like something like epsilon 10^{-15] is the smallest
Oh, forgot about that part.
would be nice to be able to get an accurate answer by divide and conquer
anyone here ever used bountysource.com ? Does it work?
@ValentinBrasso If your challenge scores based on the outputs provided in the question, the tag applies, and I'd suggest leaving in a bit saying "The test cases are subject to change if necessary, to prevent answers from optimising for them"
\o @Catija
It always feels so good optimizing code. Like it works, but then you build good functions, extract variables, perhaps use a better algorithm etc. And you know what? It magically still works :p
2 hours later…
just hit 881 rep on MSE (Math Stack exchange)
Nice! Is 881 a significant number?
All numbers are significant, except 1729.
@N3buchadnezzar I hate to ask, but what do all those asterisks stand for?
@ValentinBrasso Er, ok
@user It stands for *********************
So it's significant too, right?
@N3buchadnezzar Wow, very helpful
@user If you're a math nerd, yes. I was going for a reference from the movie "The Man Who Knew Infinity".
Oh lol, I haven't watched that
@ValentinBrasso The story surrounding that number, is in my opinion, well known to most mathematicians. Myself included :P
what is the fastest way to sort 10^6 128-bit unsigned ints?
Using the builtin sorting algorithm in your prefered language, perhaps using C if you need it to go really fast?
Timsort in python is pretty good, not sure what the default algorithm in C is
If you are looking for something a tad slower, quicksort is really great, and trivially easy to implement. Implementing these algorithms for learning is superb, but in production code you should always rely on the builtin libraries.
@Anush Generate the range 1 to 10^6
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