@hyper-neutrino Sure, but then the people that solved it would post the answers and get rep & more recognition for work they've already done. So I can't imagine they'd be complaining
Right, and everyone who wasn't in chat doesn't get a chance because the question is posted and a bunch of people already have answers. So I can see them complaining.
hm, I got my bytecount near halved on the Z challenge, but jonathan self-deleted.
They only have a disadvantage for FGITWing it. I don't see how that's meaningful though.
Checking TNB gives you the advantage instead of checking the network hottest questions board giving you the advantage. They both seem equally doable & arbitrary to me.
Oh shoot, sorry. I thought I was in TNB. Can an RO move this there, please? It's just taking up space.
If you think of a challenge, I'd suggest either posting it as a CMC (maybe as part of BMG if the timing works), or post to main, depending on the complexity
@AviFS FGITW is already a bit of a problem here, there's no need to exacerbate it by allowing some users to solve it first
I suppose if you wait long enough between the CMC and main, it's better, as people will just forget and delete their solutions to CMCs, but still
What do people think of the 'tarpits' draft category? It'll give people a chance to play with the less powerful langs but let them stay in the game and not take forever, since we only have an hour.
No strict requirements on what it means to be a tarpit, of course. And it depends on the problem domain. Eg. /// is a tarpit re: number/list manipulation but not for string-replacement.
It just means, "please refrain from showing off your builtins for this challenge"
I'm not a huge fan; if a challenge requires a restriction to be interesting, it probably isn't interesting. At least generally - exceptions obviously exist, but this is usually true.
@hyper-neutrino It's not a restriction, though. It means "powerful langs, this isn't really for you; you already have all the other problems to solve. This is for the langs where this is a nontrivial problem"
Eg. the langs you don't want to be using for the other problems when you only have an hour
It just means "harder-to-use" langs still have something to do
Q: " is Jelly's "vectorise" quick. For a function f and two lists, it is basically [1, 2, 3] f" [4, 5, 6] -> [1 f 4, 2 f 5, 4 f 6]. What should it do if f only takes 1 argument, and what if f takes 0 args?
the esolang I'm working on has Eisenstein integers, and while they're a bit gimmicky I was wondering whether a golfing language could use them to make hexagonal grid challenges easier
yeah, nvm i'm not gonna bother trying :p only way i could do it that fast is to run a script and a) that's dumb b) it'd probably not work correctly and then i'll have a fun time explaining to CMs why i kicked everyone in the room 10 times per second :p
Yeah. Somehow I seem to vaguely recall a checkmark being used to mean "wrong" on schoolwork from my early childhood, which is weird because both I and my parents grew up in the U.S... Maybe I'm mis-remembering.
return attrdict(arity = 1, call = lambda x: Y(lambda f: lambda v, r: v if r == 0 else (ut(link.call) if r < rep else link.call)(f(f)(v, r - 1)))(x, rep))
Answer: [[5, 3], [7, 6], [[13, 9], [13, 9], [14, 10]], 10]. Essentially, when it has a nilad passed to it, it either: uses the nilad as the depth for each vectorised application if the nilad is an integer, or uses each element of the list as the depth for each vectorised pair if it's a list
So, I've been thinking about making a TIO clone, but nothing server-side (JS / JS-interpreted only). I had the idea of just having a list of script urls, so I can just import the requested language from someone else's repo without me having to constantly update everything. Is this a good idea?
The monadic_link builtin already uses recursion, then the vectorise function I wrote has to use that in order to run, which just kick it back to vectorise later on :P
while mapping:
source = iterable(mapping.pop(0))
destination = iterable(mapping.pop(0))
for (index, item) in enumerate(array):
if item in source:
array[index] = destination[min(source.index(item), len(destination) - 1)]
In Python 2.5, is there a way to create a decorator that decorates a class? Specifically, I want to use a decorator to add a member to a class and change the constructor to take a value for that member.
Looking for something like the following (which has a syntax error on 'class Foo:':
def get...
@cairdcoinheringaahing it checks if x > y, except factoring in infinite sequences, and also numbers and chars get compared by codepoint, and also i am using a modified greater-than function because i implemented a custom number representation because JS doesn't have built-in complex numbers
i am using ' as modified ¤ (which is ° in yuno) - instead of finding the first nilad (other than an adjacent nilad) when scanning back, take the longest LCC it can find
@cairdcoinheringaahing the only time i'd see this being useful is if you need several helper links and either want a footer link or are already using last/next and need a third helper link
so i tihnk something else would probably be more useful (can't think of what though)
e.g. ẒƇ doesn't produce a list of booleans, but Ẓɦ would basically be "keep primes, then map each to 1" (kind of useless here, but it could be useful with different builtins)
Nope, ignore me, quartata had a better idea (I knew reading the Jelly room transcript would be a good idea):