Consider a binary operator \$*\$ that operates on a set \$S\$. For simplicity's sake, we'll assume that \$*\$ is closed, meaning that its inputs and outputs are always members of \$S\$. This means that \$(*, S)\$ is a magma
Let's define some basic terms describing the properties of \$*\$. We can ...
I have to say, one of my favourite things here is that whenever someone creates a useful resource (think TIO), we try to come up with challenges based around it/breaking it :P
> Uncaught EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src chrome://resources chrome://test
Output the time I need to wait till Friday, in seconds; or zero if it's already Friday.
Your program shouldn't run for more than 1s on a reasonable computer. (This avoids someone waits till Friday and outputs 0)
Shortest code in each language wins.
So far I just have a brief summary of the points for both sides, but if I end it there it just seems sudden.
> Golfing languages have both good and bad impacts on the site as a whole. They can be discouraging to new users, who don't yet know the rules regarding competition between languages. Despite trivializing many challenges, it could be argued that these sorts of challenges are already quite trivial. Although they are often significantly shorter, golfing languages can still be difficult and interesting to golf in.
> Whether you believe that golfing languages encourage creative thinking, or that they make it more difficult for newer users to get started, the fact that this site allows any language undeniably sets it apart from other golfing communities
Binomial transform is a transform on a finite or infinite integer sequence, which yields another integer sequence. The binomial transform of a sequence \$\{a_n\}\$ is given by
$$s_n = \sum_{k=0}^{n}{(-1)^k \binom{n}{k} a_k}$$
It has an interesting property that applying the transform t...