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Reviews being anonymous is probably good on Q&A sites, but probably not for us
@hyper-neutrino Wait, they do
@cairdcoinheringaahing is it only the history that doesn't?
Wait, they don't
it shows the question author but not the post author for some reason
For some reason I thought they did
so I thought Old Man accepted a suggested edit on dingledooper's post so I overrode it
and then realized Old Man shouldn't be able to access review queues
@hyper-neutrino Open a MM feature-request. They recently redid the queues, so they'd probably be open to minor changes, especially helpful ones
oh good idea
Damn, 160 bytes seems short for a JS answer, that's literally double the J answer. I expected 200+
@cairdcoinheringaahing unfortunately i'm not sure this can be applied to multidimensional arrays :/
neither does my solution. *sigh*
This is kinda cool, but messing around with SEDE has actually improved my SQL skills :P
I can inner join without it erroring all the time :P
oh no, caird's learned to speak in the devil's language
caird is learning to get far too much information on various users' actions :P
caird has also begun to speak in the third person
caird has indeed :P
wait i'm dumb
(this is definitely news)
GOL in vim macros whileyouweregone.co.uk/vimlife
wow that is impressive
37 bytes is actually shorter than I expected for your challenge @cairdcoinheringaahing. Did you have a Jelly solution?
No, but I just made it 36 bytes :P
i'm gonna go for a walk, hopefully i'll remember to add an explanation when i get back :P
or nick will outgolf me by 50% ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

4D4850Floating Point Prisoners Dilemma Background So, nowadays the popular Prisoner's Dilemma variant is the Prisoner's Trilemma, where there are three options. I can easily see that being increased, so I figured Why settle for three options, when we can have INFINITE options? Therefore, I created th...

nice :P
oh ḷ/ is actually really smart. i need to use that (and possibly the inverse for last argument) more
time to find all instances of 1ị$ :P
Yeah, it only saves bytes when you've got the $, but otherwise it and ṛ/ are nice tools to have
It's interesting that there's two types of Jelly golf tips: the obvious -N bytes if X and also, if you do X instead of Y, it's the same length, but it's one link, so you can get rid of $
yeah, pretty much
because of how important chaining is, fewer atoms even if it means the same number of bytes and the same number of builtins but with quicks instead can save bytes quite often :P
@hyper-neutrino i want to say i'm a goodish competitive programmer but that's only from my experience attending a single small regional tournament four times where half of the problems are just recycled from icpc and the other half are too easy to have been recycled from icpc
by the numbers i'm not sure if 30~40 teams is small but most of those teams were just ap computer science students who got roped in to competing in java and would occasionally struggle to complete the test problem before the start of the event
My criterion for goodish "competitive" programmer: can you solve this problem? Given an unsorted array, you're to sort the array, but only by swapping two adjacent elements in one step. Calculate how many steps it'll take in O(n log n) time.
yeah i don't think i meet that criterion
like i have actually seen discussion of that exact problem
just off hnq or something
but i
actually no i could probably figure it out
@Bubbler guess I'm not a good competitive programmer then :p
googles levi-civita symbol
It's a "Hard" problem on Hackerrank (and can be found on many other OJ sites), though it's probably the easiest of all Hard problems
and it took me eight years to finally figure out the solution
i suppose the complexity might be something of a hint
Of course you can't count the steps one by one :P
oh yeah reminds me one of the recycled icpc problems in that competition
i happened to find the original later
and it turns out that they removed something to the effect of either your solution should run in linear time or hey it can
and that made it so much easier
like i genuinely choked on it when i was doing it at the event because i tried just naively implementing the spec, which resulted in something which in addition to being quite slow also was very very messy
Yeah, for some problems simplifying the problem is very important
or pattern-spotting thingy
For goodish "mathy competitive" programmer: solve this in strictly lower than O(n^2) time, for goodish C programmer: solve this
@Bubbler I like the look of the first one, but I dislike constraints, so I;m going to just give it a naive shot :P
The correct CGCC mindset :P
Well, I'm only here for the horrible brute force answers and the moderation tasks :P
Maybe it's a good challenge for main? (without constraints)
I feel like it already exists, but if you can get permission, it's probably worth a sandbox
(see the challenge author :P)
Idk, this "Bubbler" guy sounds pretty hard to reach :P
Kinda yeah :P
@Bubbler For the first, can we return the entire tree, or does it have to be the last element?
The original spec is just the last element (that is, the single character in the last row)
Otherwise you have no way to get lower than O(n^2), so...
Absolutely not O(N^2) (actually might be, I can never remember how to calculate O)
O(N^2) is the trivial solution; I think you need to find a strictly asymptotically less than N^2 solution
@hyper-neutrino Correct
Well, I also don't know if it's strictly less than N^2, but it's short :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing does the solution just loop through and convert each row to the next?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think it's exactly O(n^2)
I don't think it's possible to do one step in less than O(N)
because you have to produce N values so yeah that's not possible
so it's at least N^2, and unless there's some super golfy hack that also nukes efficiency, it should be exactly that
(can't see how you'd reasonably make it more than N^2 either, it's just take a pair and do a constant-time conversion to the next value)
I thought I'd be able to use to avoid an if statement, but dyadic links and Ɲ are annoying
I am thinking there is some conversion to binary and bit hack to do this
because (x ^ y) ^ (y ^ z) <=> x ^ z which can be used for log-time optimizations
I suspect an NlogN solution is optimal but I don't have an idea yet
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AviFSClaim a Cat’s Game For every move in Tic Tac Toe, there should be at least one way to draw that includes that move. Or so it seems; prove me wrong! Challenge: Given a turn and a square, print a draw with that move. Any input/output is accepted. But here is the convention I’ll use in the examples:...

@hyper-neutrino Hint: it's not a bit hack, it's pure mathematics :P
i feel like i have written something very similar relatively recently but i cannot remember what
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerBinomial transform code-golf math sequence integer Background Binomial transform is a transform on a finite or infinite integer sequence, which yields another integer sequence. It has an interesting property that applying the transform twice will yield the original. TODO: insert the formula Task ...

or maybe i tried and gave up, that sounds more like it
but it was trying to golf something similar to a single step of the triangle rather than getting the final result
...i'm going to try something
Generate this number table is now open again since OP clarified that outputting a 2D list / matrix is acceptable as well. Existing answers are not invalidated.
oh yeah it was the quaternion multiplication one
to which the parallels are pretty marginal all things considered
except i think i can apply the terrible idea i realized wouldn't work
@hyper-neutrino Removed the Edit bit, those are 100% unnecessary :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah, good point. OP put it in so I made it more of an addendum but yes, that should just be part of the question itself
this question looks like some weird half-jelly-answer :P (link to metasmoke since it will likely be deleted soon)
party rockers in the hou se tonight
(good morning everyone)
wait that's what the lyrics are?
nonono it's a meme which intentionally messes the lyrics up
(or should i say, lmfao)
TIB update: trying to use web workers to offload a computational work is incredibly hard, when both the UI and computation are managed in non-JS :(
@Razetime I'm sexy and I know it :P
Well we don't know it yet :P
@hyper-neutrino "Party rock is in the house tonight", but they're basically the same thing :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah they sound too similar so I thought I just got it wrong this whole time :P
@Razetime Oh? You don't think I'm sexy? Have you seen my latest Jelly answer? That thang is hawt
I shall see it
number table?
Yeah, it's like the only boring one in a string of 5 interesting ones :/
ihateoddnumbers was hot ngl
I' pretty sure the two before that outgolf Dennis, and the ones before that are to difficult challenges
didn't expect a lot from that challenge
same lol
@Razetime That's my 3rd highest voted answer ಠ_ಠ
votes don't make the answer ungamer ಠ_ಠ
It's slightly more interesting than the Husk answer it replaced, but damn my highly voted answers are boring
I don't remember posting anything in husk there
i feel like a lot of highly voted answers are exceptionally boring
oh lmao
first and only husk answer
the things that impress casual observers tend to be very good indicators of triviality
That post has more upvotes than 817 of my posts
I have posted 819 posts on CGCC
my highest upvoted post has 17 upvotes and it's a zero effort answer in fucking shakespeare
And only 2 out score Dennis posting 0 ugh
@UnrelatedString Given that I upvote any Jelly answer that outgolfs me, I think I've upvoted a substantial number of your posts :P
Typing on mobile is crap :/
my highest upvoted jelly answer is my fourth highest at 11
i got my highest voted answer by just posting a trivial sympy O(1) fibonacci formula calculation thingy after four people hardcoded it and got downvoted and self-deleted :P
i guess people just thought "finally, something that isn't hardcoded" and upvoted even though it wasn't even clever
this, on the other hand, is really impressive; isn't as golfy as mine but it doesn't use sympy and just uses fancy math, but has fewer upvotes ofc :(
Yeah, but if you count the bounty, xnor got 40 more rep than you
Not like they need it but still
Also, I'm still waiting on a sequel to this @hyper-neutrino :P
I already know what it is without clicking...
yep it's that
( :( )
@cairdcoinheringaahing Thanks for reminding me. It's going to be about Mego (TNB RO hence the italics) but I haven't gotten around to finalizing it yet. — hyper-neutrino ♦ Jun 10 '17 at 17:08
Ah, back when the penguin was only a TNB RO
Yeah I never got around to thinking of something for them, and eventually forgot about this idea, and it doesn't seem very fitting anymore does it :/
i feel like it may not be the best idea now
wait is he active on any other site
he's not in the CGCC main server anymore for... reasons...
Pretty sure he's no longer on the PPCG discord tho, or Codiact or Top Answers or Axtell
He's still around on the PPCG gaming server
@DJMcMayhem wowo vim's turning complete without vimscript
axtell dead project I think
@hyper-neutrino "reasons" - aka couldn't handle other users prioritising the site over the network
@Razetime Axtell is dead
He is in the gaming discord though. I actually encountered him there not too long ago. Pretty uneventful, he just helped me add some roles and said "I gotchu" and that was it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah I simultaneously have trouble forgiving him or accepting anything at all that he said in that whole conversation, but also with entirely blaming him and considering him a bad person :/ I just prefer not to think of any of that anymore, though of course I can't forget or forgive SE, i just try not to burden myself with it unnecessarily
@hyper-neutrino I think I've said this before but my respect for Mego managed to completely flip in the space of 30 minutes. He used to be a user I'd look up to as a role model for how to interact with the site. Then he turned around and called me, you and our other mods scabs for wanting to better the site and I can't treat him the same way
I understand being so emotionally invested in something that it hurts to see people seemingly go against your principles on that thing, but to turn around and be so offensive to users I thought he treated with respect (Hell, I thought he treated me with respect), I can't justify that behaviour
I don't think I've spoken to him - via any medium - since his exit from the PPCG server
do y'all mind if i post my sandbox questions from here to codidact?
Exactly that. I guess the way (I think) I feel is sort of like I respect the penguin that once was here and look up to that image, but knowing the reality now, I can't respect him anymore.
I don't wanna have dupes across sites and codidact need a lot more easy questions
People cross-post all the time so if you only post there I think that's less of a problem than what we already are fine with :P
sandbox on cididact is pretty hard to get feedback on
i guess I might as well
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah. I've encountered plenty of mods who resigned in protest (came across El'endia's Christianity resignation recently, for example) and all of the other ex-mods I've seen still respect staying / new mods, even if disapproving of staying on SE, at least as a person. I think it's unfair to compare that level of disrespect with what SE themselves did but it doesn't exactly give your stance a good look either.
DJ himself was the one to request a new election here anyway, for example
I'm glad you're sticking by your convictions and leaving, but I'm also sad you're sticking by your convictions and leaving — Jo King ♦ Nov 6 '19 at 1:12
Honestly ^ is my opinion on all the mod resignations in response to Monica's firing
I'll stumble on the odd resignation when browsing old questions from time to time and go "Oh, shit :/ that happened"
Yeah. It's a loss to the community far more than it was to SE anyway. But I support any mods who resigned in response and respect their principles and decisions.
@cairdcoinheringaahing heh, I find it hard to forget. I'm not finding it easy to come to peace with my own decisions and I don't often need reminders :) unfortunately
@hyper-neutrino I suppose it's different as a mod, especially you guys, elected in an election that was originally a "replacement" election (+1 to your response to JNat's interest check btw). I tend to be browsing MM, or the meta of another site and "stumble" across a "I cannot, in good conscience, continue as a moderator" post on a site I've never been to before
Which just reminds me of the whole thing again, and then I get sad for a few hours :/
Yeah, even though DJ's resignation itself mentioned he wanted to find "a replacement for him soon", I don't really like that the interest check said that; it's already pretty clear (at least to the public view) that they just needed to get more mods to prevent things falling apart so they could brush over the issue and keep their network functional, but the wording of that was pretty unpleasant at best.
I don't like to consider it replacement, just taking up the torch (hammer?) once held by the former mods - anyway, my response already mentioned my opinion and you've read that anyway so I won't repeat.
Honestly, -34 is a pretty good score as things go. Pretty sure some of their "interest checks" hit -100 on some sites
It's especially the "I cannot continue in good conscience" posts that make me wonder very often whether or not serving as a mod indicates that I have a bad conscience.
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's probably because most of the people who cared about CGCC and participated on meta and engaged with the community were gone by that time :(
@hyper-neutrino I strongly disagree with you having a bad conscience. As I've said before, I think you're an excellent mod. There is a massive difference between stepping down from a trusted position due to your moral beliefs, and stepping up to a trusted position because you care
And, I think you can be conscious of both the message pushed by the former mods and serve as a capable moderator at the same time - which is why I so strongly disagree with what Mego said when he left
The thing is I would never dream of considering another staying/new mod or candidate as having a bad conscience, so it's not exactly logical that I think about that about myself, more so just another negative feeling I dismiss as mostly unreasonable :)
I did step up because I valued the community and decided not to let it go, after all, and it has been worth it every step of the way :) (well, mostly every step)
The Christianity joint mod post about not resigning yet (which unfortunately later became false for El'endia) offered some insight about "playing under protest" being something in the MLB apparently and how similarly one can moderate under protest, somewhat sending the message that "I care about my community far more than you do, so I will continue to moderate in spite of you", and [...]
[...] I found that quite comforting to read through since it was an insightful post and let me sort out my own feelings relating to staying and stepping up. Either way, I think both are as valid choices and paths to take as each other as long as everyone is respectful, which is why I completely agree with you in regards to what Mego said on discord.
2 hours later…
so I'm just gonna say this now
It is what it says
There really shouldn't be any questions about it
so close!
@pxeger got'em
1 hour later…
@StackMeter Having a looj
This is cursed.
Deleted posts take up more space than undeleted posts for those that can see them.
So to minimize space I blank my sandboxes and leave them undeleted.
It also makes their history accessible to everyone.
How, though? Isn't there a minimum character limit?
View the source and you will see how.
@Bubbler the solution for a length of exactly 8 is (r[3] + r[4] - r[0] - r[1] - r[6] - r[7]) % 3 where R, G and B are encoded using 0, 1 and 2.
CMC: Go to a random page on Wikipedia and try to get to Shrek in as few clicks as possible.
the solution for a length of exactly 11 is nice
@Ausername Zero clicks C-t<tab>Shrek<tab><ret>
CMC: Go to a random page on Wikipedia and try to get to Shrek in as few clicks and no keypresses as possible.
Good thing I have the shrek wikipedium bookmarked 😎
I give up.
List of countries that gained independence from Spain > American Revolutionary war > The United States of America > Cinema of the United States > History of Animation > Shrek
5 clicks.
@Neil for what?
@hyper-neutrino yeah and when I requested that the response was basically "No fuck you we don't want any mods" and that was at the time that I was literally the only active mod
So that felt great
I do appreciate your response to that post. But the response from everyone else was the main reason I resigned
I wish I had posted that question instead. I think it would have looked better
@StackMeter ... it's a reply...
It definitely would have.
@Neil o
@Ausername 8 clicks from Adam Carolla (11 if you count subcategory clicks)
excuse me I had a brainwave gotta wirte some code
@Ausername 9: Rzepin train disaster > Associated Press > news media > news broadcasting > television > film industry > cinema of the United States > DreamWorks pictures > Shrek 2 (ugh) > Shrek
Stupid that DreamWorks didn't have a link to Shrek 1 lol
@DJMcMayhem Nice!
@Ausername I have now beaten one person
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Given matrix \$A\$ and \$A^n\$, solve \$n\$. Sandbox Notes Since this question likely fall into pure matmul as code-golf, will this be fastest-code? If so, what size and \$n\$ is reasonable? Should it multiply in a modulo-\$p\$ ring?

I got 75 at one point, so...
I got 7: List of people from Bournemouth > List of schools in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole > Counties of England > England > United States > Cinema of the United States > History of animation > Shrek
@Ausername mine's like, $200
I mean, our reputation here is probably worth a bit less, as people don't come here looking for answers.
An interesting thing I've noticed about this site is that, when someone digs up an old gem, everyone else starts trying it.
@DJMcMayhem With JNat posting it, it came across as "Ok, you've had your fun with all the protesting and what not. Now, who do you want to replace Dennis and Mego?" If you'd posted it, I'm sure it would've been more "We need extra hands to help keep the site afloat. Would people be interested?" Hell, take a look at xnor's ask, which was definitely framed as more of a "Do we think this is necessary?", and it invited actual discussion
@Ausername it's been a while since I last did a wiki race, but I'll see what I can do
I don't get the comments asking if we even needed new mods tho. SE sites basically require having at least 3 active mods, and at that point we had 2 mods, neither of whom were particularly active. With all the stuff surrounding the interest check and so on, my objections were never on the basis of "This is unneeded"
Doorknob's completely inactive tho, and Jo King doesn't do much.
Wheat Wizard's quite active behind the scenes, while hyper-neutrino handles the community a bit more.
@Ausername not even ctrl-f for finding things?
@lyxal Feel free to use that
mmm routing time
TIL Jewish Culture links to Shrek
@Ausername so does that mean hthere's a vacancy?
@lyxal Wait what?
@Ausername you heard me
@StackMeter Not really
@lyxal I did
@lyxal explain
> In animation, Jewish animators role is expressed by many... Several companies producing animation were founded by Jews, such as DreamWorks, which its products include Shrek, Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda and The Prince of Egypt; Warner Bros., which its animation division is known for cartoons such as Looney Tunes, Tiny Toon Adventures, Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain and Freakazoid! .
@lyxal well I've been told
@Ausername Hereford Square -> SW Postcode Area -> Earl's Court -> London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art -> Shrek
5 clicks
Wow! That is very random
I'd like to thank the "what links to this page" button
Don't you mean 4?
4 clicks
@lyxal Can we make vectorising with v work for strings btw?
@Ausername example?
CMC based on this: get as far from Shrek as possible.
@StackMeter example?
`abc`vdṅ returning abcabc?
is that what you expected?
@Ausername or do you want aabbcc?
Yep that's what I meant.
@lyxal click as many articles as possible until you reach one that you already hit before
@lyxal That simple?
@Ausername yep
@StackMeter that could hypothetically be extended to cover every single Wikipedia article
@lyxal go ahead
CMC: Find a Hamiltonian Circuit of Wikipedia.
@Ausername rules - you must start at Shrek if possible
(aside form orphaned articles)
well it's Friday Night where I am, so I think I'll go play some Friday Night Funkin'
o/ for now
@lyxal it's 12:42
I live down under
it's 9:42pm
My least favorite kind of challenge: ascii-art using unicode.
I dislike ascii-art challenges in general
did you know about Python's amazing list comprehension
@StackMeter yes
Personally I prefer dictionary comprehension
@StackMeter one look at vyxal's source will show that I do
@cairdcoinheringaahing n00b
real gamers use set comprehension
real pythoners use tuple comprehension
why did you have a variable for the specific purpose of storing 1,024,000
that's inefficient
sum(((a,) for a in iterable), ()) gang :P
@StackMeter because I use it as a constant to determine when to cut-off online output
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, I didn't like the larger community response at the time either. I understand the sentiment against SE but I did feel it was more of a kick in the face for the remaining mods (specifically you) that requested more mods to keep the site alive than actually for SE itself.
I didn't like the wording of the post itself, nor its response, basically :p
just asking
also why have a set containing the list of inputs
instead of just the list
@StackMeter contexts
and because nested lists are not as nice
@lyxal explain
@StackMeter lambdas and functions have their own contexts
their own stack
and their stack uses their arguments as input
*implicit input
just checking as I go down
The abstentionist post also didn't give me a great impression but I sort of understand the sentiment. "I don't think it is right to replace Mego and Dennis, who are clearly better candidates than me." is sort of true but like... you (OP) aren't the only one running, and I don't think it's right to call it replacement at all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just my 2 cents on that post. Feels counterproductive to the whole thing.
Tbh I didn't really get the point of that
@StackMeter the Generator class is a big yucky mess that I recommend you just leave be
SE doesn't care about who runs in the elections (more or less), only about those who win. If you win and turn down the job, what's the point? You'd be better off saying that you won't run because of X and Y
Yeah. It felt like "I'm going to protest to SE by wasting community time on the election and then still leaving the site with insufficient moderation". Which hopefully isn't what OP intended but that's sort of the reality to it.
@lyxal I have a serious question - type cohesion - how does it work? Haven't seen any reference to it in Vyxal.py or VyParse.py
Thoughts on having a tag, similar to MM? We definitely have applicable questions (not all of those would be covered, but a lot would be)
@StackMeter it happens within each function
Generally when there's a return followed by a dictionary with a bunch of types and lambdas, it's handling type cohesion
@cairdcoinheringaahing IMO no (though not a hard no) - I think there aren't too many questions that would need it (though it does fit the "categorization" quality of tags) and I predict people will use it on unrelated questions like what's "legal" by site rules rather than actually by legality in terms of laws.
@StackMeter What's type cohesion?
type cohesion is the binding of a types of data with types of functions mostly
I've compiled the First Time Asker Pop-up answers into the question here; I'd like some feedback on parts we can trim down or are less important.
It's currently way too long because the dialog is quite narrow so this will take up like two screens.
Personally, I don't think ophact's two bullet points are all that necessary. If the user posts in the Sandbox, we'll be able to provide that feedback there, and if they don't, then they clearly haven't read the rest of the pop-up, why would these two bullets affect them, especially when they're quire non-committal?
I'd also suggest moving "We welcome you to Code Golf & Coding Challenges Stack Exchange." to be the first thing in the text
That's true.
@Razetime Cool, thanks
@cairdcoinheringaahing Every month? Is that a bug or what?
@user no, it's because the site is so dead that Community keeps bumping things because it's responsible for getting things with no attention some visibility
except that's everything on windows phone SE so community just keeps spam bumping everything desperately hoping that someone will notice anything on the site again lol
Poor bot :(
Since the sidebar has some guidelines, we could probably shorten the popup a bit by pointing the user to read the sidebar
since it's off to the side some people might miss it or just not read, so we could make the popup tell them to read it
i still want to keep the part about the sandbox since that's the most important part of this whole thing IMHO
@cairdcoinheringaahing For "Is it Art" is inputting as coordinates of truthy values acceptable? (re: Jonah's J answer)
I don't see anything allowing that in the challenge spec but if so I can cut some bytes
Did I miss anything in the last 18 hours?
I have betrayed you all. I chose pancakes over waffles.
Nothing significant. Yet another discussion about the late-2019 incident so if you want some free sadness feel free to read the transcript :)
@hyper-neutrino Yes, see my comment below the challenge
Also more IGS \o/
also congrats on flagging that, caird :P I got it in 17 seconds but you still managed to flag it
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah, I always forget to check there ಠ_ಠ thanks
@hyper-neutrino I was convinced I'd get the "this post has been deleted" pop up after flagging :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing i tried using the keybind but it didn't work for some reason so i had to ctrl-end + flag + spam + confirm
otherwise it's just M F spam confirm
I do it the manual way, clicking "Flag" :P
I would've been on last night and probably finished my new golfing(?) language, but I have some family over and I had some of the side effects of the vaccine :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing since I wasted time trying to keyboard shortcut i ended up losing by 1 second :p otherwise i could've gotten it faster
post was very long; on shorter posts (and when i reacted faster) i think my record is 12 seconds
i still beat smokey though :P
@RedwolfPrograms oof :/ hope you're feeling better now
I think I am now, yeah
I have now destroyed a second death star :p
Did everyone here have side effects? I and my parents just had mild headaches, and my grandparents didn't have any
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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