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Though, since they disabled the badges for mods anyway, I guess that suggests it's not a big deal to give myself helpful flags :P
Can you not mark your own flags helpful?
i can
but that gives me a ton of free helpful flags to my count
and I'm mostly using these flags to mark posts for me to do changes to later, rather than actually to indicate a problem to another mod or something
I think that so long as they are helpful flags (i.e. you'd mark them helpful if I flagged them as such), then its fine
the thing is some of them just say "[status-declined]" xD but yeah I think ^ makes sense
Q: Simplify K combinatory logic expression

BubblerBackground Combinatory logic is a system where a term is written using a finite set of combinators and function application between terms, and reduction rules are defined for each combinator. The well-known S and K combinators have the following reduction rules: $$ \begin{aligned} S\;x\;y\;z & \o...

@hyper-neutrino How'd you do it so fast?
It took me a few hours to do my notes, then another few to raise the flags. From what hyper said, they just went through the list and raised a flag on each, which would be much quicker
Jun 1 at 22:18, by hyper-neutrino
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have no life
Both of those make it make sense :P
@user keep in mind that unlike you guys flagging, I don't have to really justify my flag
i expect y'all's flags to include an explanation, even if just "look at the answer", as to why your tag decision is correct, but i am the one who looked through the context to determine the right tag so future me can trust flags raised by myself without explanation
If I wanted to, I could probably raise a bunch of them as [status-whatever] and HN would trust me, but that feels cheap and I know I can raise actually useful flags :p
Mainly because flags are permanently recorded, and it helps provide an actual justification if/when I go back over my flags, or a mod decided to audit some
a lot of posts i considered in terms of "do i want to raise these to the community or push it up to the team" lol, so instead of justifying the flag type based on the existing answers/comments/other discussions i just think "oh i want team to see this and decide what to do so i'll just review"
@cairdcoinheringaahing TBH it would've been better for me to include some justification on mine too, just in case another mod wants to know why i picked a tag or it should be audited
but then again, they can contact me personally at any time anyway :P
there is one problem with using flags as a marker
i didn't realize we had flags on main because i got too used to seeing the blue thing there and just subconsciously ignored it
granted the flags are only half an hour old but still :P
Those should probably be handled :P
they're just invalid answer flags, i'll get to that in a bit :p
Remember, of course, that there was once a time when flags took months to be handled
Yeah, we're living in a good time now
And when we had 100+ pending flags
except in real life
... thus, there's no need to rush to handle flags in minutes
No, but so long as they're handled correctly, there's no reason to not handle them quickly
especially since (if you are talking about flags I raised), I found posts to flag by using SEDE to search for old "this answer is invalid" comments, so the underlying problems are years old
oh, that's how you find so many invalid answers, lol
I have a few other techniques, but that's what I've been doing most recently
Idea: Have the Guild of Reviewers bot detect comments formatted similarly to "Feedback please" under sandbox posts and post them in the room
This also lets new users request feedback without being able to talk in chat
And because it's tied to comments, abusing it can be caught by the same measures that prevent spamming comments
That's a good idea. We can add a notice to the Sandbox question once implemented
I'm working on a section right now which discusses suggesting and receiving feedback, which is what gave me the idea :p
1. Finish chat bot library
2. Update NP/SP
3. Build guild bot
(^ My to-do list)
Can you add new Elo method to that list?
I want to, but until I get my new laptop that's not going to be possible :/
Same with Hunter-Gatherer
Wanna see something nostalgic?
Added section to the sandbox post on giving and received feedback, feel free to make any edits y'all think would be appropriate.
@lyxal Stale memes?
@user even better
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Demonstrate some advanced abstract algebra
@OldSandboxPosts I feel called out
Joke's on you, I never played pinball
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's your bot, tell it to shut up :P
@OldSandboxPosts Shut up, you're making me feel bad :P
@lyxal if you don't know what this is, then you've never lived
I think, therefore I am I don't know what this is, therefore I am not *disappears*
@lyxal What is it, if not pinball?
It's a windows pinball game I think
Oh ok
@RedwolfPrograms correct
I very much dislike the fact that clicking anywhere outside the flag pop-up closes the popup :/
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

smarnavMake 2048 Your challenge is to code a version of the game 2048. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2048_(video_game) The wiki page has more information on the game mechanics than I can put here. The game must take input from the arrow keys, each turn, and must output in a grid as such: NNNN NNNN NNNN ...

time to spend another hour learning how to scrape youtube so I can watch lyxal's video without messing up my highly tuned yt recommendations (that I never actually use) because the invidious instance I use is down wow someone cares enough to read my complaints :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing I very much dislike the fact that c licking anywhere outside the flag pop-up closes the popup :/
@Wezl Why not use incognito?
@Wezl incognito mode?
Hi @Jeremy, welcome to TNB!
I very much dis like the fact that c licking outside the flag pop up close s the popup
You very much like licking s? Edit: Yeah, me too, leaves a bitter flavor in your mouth
@user @cairdcoinheringaahing because youtube is slow and .... other reasons
> I very much like licking pop ups
@Wezl If you don't mind my asking, is it a school-controlled Chromebook?
lickings ~= whippings :P
@user Jeremy hangs out here from time to time, there's no need to ping them :)
@RedwolfPrograms my cat detector beeped, but then edits :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh ok, I thought they were a new CGCC user
@cairdcoinheringaahing I can sense a speed of lobsters-y phrase here that'll net someone a lot of stars, but I can't find it :P
The two instances of pop up let you spell something a bit...less tasty?
@cairdcoinheringaahing same for the bounty pop-up :/
I haven't tasted either, so I can't say which is tastier :P
@Wezl Well, I flag a lot more than I bounty :P
@RedwolfPrograms >:|
@RedwolfPrograms I'm sure pups are tastier than popups, though, especially dog and (red) wolf pups >:)
Plus, if I flag something wrong, I just get a declined flag. If I bounty something wrong, I lose rep, so I triple check my bounties :P
You have 37K rep. Losing rep won't have any adverse affects other than a number going down, in the same way as getting a declined flag won't have any adverse affects other than a number going up.
if you do make some serious issue with bountying i think i'm authorized to cancel it for you lol. idk the policy on that
Just don't start another one then forget to award that one too ;p
@pppery Yeah, I know. But it's a hassle if I say I'm awarding 200 rep, and I misclick to start either 500 or 100
oh if you forget to award and it expires then rip
Besides, I like the number going up rather than down :P
i asked, those refunds only happen in edge cases, if you forget then unfortunately you just lose the rep
That only happens if there's no answers
Otherwise, half of it gets auto-awarded to (I think) the top voted answer
oh maybe. i forget what happened last time someone forgot a bounty
@user I very much di s like t he f a ct that clicking anywhe r e outside the flag p opup c l o s es the popup :/
@hyper-neutrino . I now have 19 pending flags on Meta :P
Only 13 questions (by my searching) are applicable to , but that's a lot more than a decent number of meta tags
okay, thanks!
i wonder how many tag badges this is going to award
If they haven't been awarded by now, none. Tags need 100 questions to have a badge, and the closest is at 77
right, but tagging more things with status-completed might increase some people's score enough to get it
highly doubt though
has 23, so unless you have 77 tags lined up, I doubt any badges will be awarded
@hyper-neutrino No one has 20 answers in it
You'd have to tag 8 questions that Doorknob has answered for him to get it
ah. and i don't think i have that many things to complete
most things from this round are declined
i only have 48 new posts to decline
well compared to the needed 77 :P
which questions will need rebumping? i will probably do the edits later tonight
@hyper-neutrino Sandbox, bounties, Red LotM, this and this
The LotM nominations might be worth rebumping again
okay, thanks
1 hour later…
How do sheep play violins...Duolingo won't tell me
@RedwolfPrograms This is an old joke. The joke is that a sheep in a symphony orchestra will crowd the stage with its neighbors and clop around and do herding tricks. It is a joke because of its implausibility.
@RedwolfPrograms alternatively, They have their violin lessons from a cello teacher.
Here's another fun joke: Why do you never see a bull in a karate movie?
-Because every time he tries to kick, the horse would knock him out.
because that's how addition works
I'd heard that GPT-3 was really good at addition but...I guess I heard wrong lol
> Note that a composite number can be verified in the same way as a prime number. An integer greater than one is always a prime number.
^ GPT-3 when talking about number theory
After performing testing, Ada and Babbage are not capable of addition, while Curie and Davinci are
CMJQ: Why did the boy throw the clock out the window?
(CMJQ here means "Chat Mini Joke Question")
@lyxal Why?
Because it was two ticks to twelve.
I'm overthinking that (lack-of-a-)joke so much
maybe my brain is a bit fried from golfing python but i cannot tell what the joke is at all
the fact y'all are trying to make sense of an AI generated joke is hilarious
i can see how that would get generated
because it sounds like it should be a pun of some sort
but it's just not
it made both the question and punchline from "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
i would be shocked if it didn't
Can someone enter the sandbox, post a message, edit it twice, then click leave?
hello everyone
This is what I'm getting:

$ php -r '$sandbox = new Sandbox();$sandbox->post("hello");echo $sandbox->getLastEdited();' ERROR: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Sandbox::getLastEdited() cannot be called on
If possible, make the first edit ping me, and the second edit a reply to someone else's message
Actually I'll need to be doing lots of testing, so I'm just going to use a sock for this
Unfortunately I can't reverse engineer things like flagging :/
@RedwolfPrograms you can't reverse engineer me either
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Redwolf ProgramsSmallest number of actions to change reputation by [x] points 8: Upvote + downvote 75: Bounty + upvote + accepted answer Draft

^ Very rough drafy, ignore
Too tired to actually write a spec
can we post incomplete drafts in Sandbox?
I see no reason to disallow it.
the challenge is quite good
Also probably can be considered a dupe.
I've posted unfinished drafts before
Although, depending on the spec, it might be easier (i.e. different)
Potentially a dupe of this. Stoopid. — lyxal 2 mins ago
@lyxal yes that's why I thought it might be a dupe :P
It's a superset of the related challenge though
although given that it was my challenge, the concept seemed vaguely familiar
Not sure if it's close enough to be a dupe
@RedwolfPrograms maybe you are a superset of the related challenge though
thing is that one only requires downward rep change
and disallows you from going below 1 rep
and you need to consider privilege levels
Invitation - let's downvote HN to the death!!
This one's much more general
if this one is just "change rep by this amount given these operations with no restraints" then it should be different enough
@Wasif encouraging voting fraud, even if humorously, is strongly discouraged
@hyper-neutrino y'know the fraud is never gonna happen....
@Wasif Yes it is!
@Wasif i mean, yeah. i've been flagged for it before so i just encourage the same idea. i didn't 11 your message because i don't really care though, lol.
@Ausername will you downvote?
No, just joking
@Ausername Wouldn't that be mod abuse though?
@Ausername You are not joking, you are AUsername
@Wasif ah, but they never made the claim
@Wasif they claimed that JoKing would do the downvoting
That joke is so old.
@Ausername you just don't have a sense of humour
And JoKing's tired of this.
the joke is quite old though. in the old days you'd probably get 11'd for how much you make the joke (or at least 12'd), but times have changed, and I just don't care much.
@Ausername how do you know?
necessary for the joke
@hyper-neutrino hey did you 11 my userscripts?
Not sure what events 7 (debug message), 11 (file added), 12 (moderator flag), 13 (user settings changed), 14 (global notification), or 21 (time break) do :/
And 9, 12, 29, and 30 require stuff that's not allowed for testing
@lyxal as you can see, it's reporting that it's 11
Shouldn't 11 report moderator flag?
why 12?
@hyper-neutrino is that at my joke or at Wasif's joke
Because I really hope it's at mine
@hyper-neutrino wonderful
12 is moderator flag???
come on... we were so close to greatness
I guess I just need to set up a socket to log things for a testing account in an active room, and store anything with an event type in one of those unknown categories. Problem is, some are rare or situational enough I doubt they'd ever happen, and some are probably user triggered (like mod flag maybe?)
I'd be willing to help you catch the 12 event. You won't be able to log what that looks like (unless you get elected on some site o.O)
might take a while though. mod flags aren't extremely common (neither are normal flags, really, fortunately)
Oh, is that like when a mod gets notified about a mod flag?
idk if outgoing flag would trigger an event
what is outgoing flag?
a flag that is outgoing
like one that you raise, not one that you are getting a chat event for
I see
@hyper-neutrino very helpful
like always
Presumable global notification has to do with events in some way, maybe?
Not sure
I'll have to find an upcoming event in some random room to register for
soonest event is the hinduism one "Discussion on Upanishads" tmr
Well I've registered for an event on Hinduism on thursday at 11:30 lol
Do we must have to participate if we register for event?
no you can just not show up (like a good amount of the people for this BMG)
Luckily yesterday I got in time
Anyway that's probably enough testing for tonight, I probably don't want to make flagging and flag handling something automatable with my library anyway
well you might want to know what received flags look like
but yeah automating raising flags is a pretty bad idea (and also probably isn't a chat event anyway)
Once I have the more important parts of the library working, I can use that to make a bot to log unknown events. Within 48h or so I'd expect to get a flag. Mod flags and user suspensions or merges are probably so unlikely to need to be handled that I can get away with ignoring them altogether.
See y'all tomorrow o/
@RedwolfPrograms bye
@Ausername ~70% of the time i lurk here i see that joke
i mean, just try searching for my username, and you see it all
@lyxal See?
@Ausername JoKing never stated their opinions on the joke
hence, your argument is still currently invalid
Also GEORGE is broken
They added embedding protection
@Ausername I'll let them know
@Ausername do you mean the webring or the ads?
@Ausername no, the web ring is working
Hmm that's weird, I'm getting "To protect your security, george.gh0.pw will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it. To see this page, you need to open it in a new window."
Sounds like a firefox problem
Yes, just not on yours :p
it's showing on mine
Oh well
you do know I don't control GEORGE right?
and you never told me if you have discord
bleh. i should've left handling the meta edit backlog til tomorrow. now i'm up at 2 on a work night again. :(
1 hour later…
I see the site is back for you all
has the ticker feed shown up yrt
1 hour later…
Time-travel releases using GitHub:
> v16 is released in 16 seconds
That's a coincidence. I was pressing F5, watching the number get smaller and smaller. Eventually, it hit "now".
hello everyone
hello @Wasif
@Adám v16 of what
@StackMeter hi
Can someone explain me how the language convey works?
I posted a new challenge, here
I am unable to learn it from its documentation
@Adám oo nice
@Wasif think of each instruction as a function that has a specific amount of inputs/outputs
and they are all puzzle pieces that have to fit together
@StackMeter how much progress has been made into Anti-Alpha
I actually started writing the interpreter, so some decent headway has been made
did you intended it to be an APL derivative?
Will you make it open Source?
it will be open source, and I'm adding some more builtins to make it worthwhile
Can you share its source code before development?
I have
the github is open source
in which github repo we can see it?
I'm very interested in trying it
@Wasif which part is confusing you?
@JoKing its main program structure
2D languages are kinda new topic for me
And I want to begin learning one
Do you have recommendations which will be easier to start with
think of it as a series of conveyor belts delivering numbers/characters around
What exactly is a conveyor belt? The instruction pointer's moving chain?
@Wasif ><> or Befunge-93 are the usual starter languages
I made the mistake of starting with Convey
@Ausername but you have solved few big challenges with it
@xash and your answers inspired me to begin with
yeah, convey is like the Haskell of 2d languages
wdym? Haskell isn't bad
@StackMeter Haskell is very hard
especially for newbies to programming
like me
And for some reason popular
most people don't start with it until they have a solid foundation, otherwise they get a bit lost
I thought the Haskell analogy meant "a new paradigm"
that too
i very much like both Haskell and convey
Good idea, but a pain to use. Fun tho
whenever you google if learning a language is hard or easy, it always says that language is very right choice for beginners, regardless what the language is
convey is basically Factorio transport belts, the language
Not Jelly
I'm going to learn it at some point
I'm currently trying to digest APL
And succeeding
If i can learn it I would be able to digest J and Jelly too
But for now I'm sticking with Vyxal
@Ausername go on
Stack-based golflangs are for cowards :P
But I have to admit Python, Vyxal and 05AB1E are the easiest languages in world
@Wasif You're following exactly what I frequently advertise: APL, then J, then Jelly :P
They take absolutely no big effort to get used to them
@Bubbler I respectfully disagree :P
I started with HTML/CSS/Javascript, then tried PHP when I was experimenting with webservers. Had a look at Ruby, figured out Node.js, then messed around with Electron for a while. At some point I tried Java, but gave up. In all that time, I never tried Python, but with all that brackgrounf I found it very easy to learn. Javascript's still my first language.
@Ausername what is Electron?
(Not talking about chemistry)
Javascript framework that lets you make apps
@Ausername I see
Electron is kind of an app building framework in JS
Its pretty cool, and I made a horrible text editor thing with it
Bugs galore
when did you make that
A few months ago.
-1 for not using monospace font
The textarea uses monospace
I demand monospace for everything :P
@Bubbler No

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