Combinatory logic is a system where a term is written using a finite set of combinators and function application between terms, and reduction rules are defined for each combinator. The well-known S and K combinators have the following reduction rules:
S\;x\;y\;z & \o...
It took me a few hours to do my notes, then another few to raise the flags. From what hyper said, they just went through the list and raised a flag on each, which would be much quicker
@user keep in mind that unlike you guys flagging, I don't have to really justify my flag
i expect y'all's flags to include an explanation, even if just "look at the answer", as to why your tag decision is correct, but i am the one who looked through the context to determine the right tag so future me can trust flags raised by myself without explanation
If I wanted to, I could probably raise a bunch of them as [status-whatever] and HN would trust me, but that feels cheap and I know I can raise actually useful flags :p
Mainly because flags are permanently recorded, and it helps provide an actual justification if/when I go back over my flags, or a mod decided to audit some
a lot of posts i considered in terms of "do i want to raise these to the community or push it up to the team" lol, so instead of justifying the flag type based on the existing answers/comments/other discussions i just think "oh i want team to see this and decide what to do so i'll just review"
@cairdcoinheringaahing TBH it would've been better for me to include some justification on mine too, just in case another mod wants to know why i picked a tag or it should be audited
but then again, they can contact me personally at any time anyway :P
there is one problem with using flags as a marker
i didn't realize we had flags on main because i got too used to seeing the blue thing there and just subconsciously ignored it
granted the flags are only half an hour old but still :P
especially since (if you are talking about flags I raised), I found posts to flag by using SEDE to search for old "this answer is invalid" comments, so the underlying problems are years old
Make 2048
Your challenge is to code a version of the game 2048.
The wiki page has more information on the game mechanics than I can put here.
The game must take input from the arrow keys, each turn, and must output in a grid as such:
time to spend another hour learning how to scrape youtube so I can watch lyxal's video without messing up my highly tuned yt recommendations (that I never actually use) because the invidious instance I use is down wow someone cares enough to read my complaints :/
You have 37K rep. Losing rep won't have any adverse affects other than a number going down, in the same way as getting a declined flag won't have any adverse affects other than a number going up.
@RedwolfPrograms This is an old joke. The joke is that a sheep in a symphony orchestra will crowd the stage with its neighbors and clop around and do herding tricks. It is a joke because of its implausibility.
@RedwolfPrograms alternatively, They have their violin lessons from a cello teacher.
Here's another fun joke: Why do you never see a bull in a karate movie?
-Because every time he tries to kick, the horse would knock him out.
$ php -r '$sandbox = new Sandbox();$sandbox->post("hello");echo $sandbox->getLastEdited();' ERROR: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Sandbox::getLastEdited() cannot be called on
@Wasif i mean, yeah. i've been flagged for it before so i just encourage the same idea. i didn't 11 your message because i don't really care though, lol.
the joke is quite old though. in the old days you'd probably get 11'd for how much you make the joke (or at least 12'd), but times have changed, and I just don't care much.
I guess I just need to set up a socket to log things for a testing account in an active room, and store anything with an event type in one of those unknown categories. Problem is, some are rare or situational enough I doubt they'd ever happen, and some are probably user triggered (like mod flag maybe?)
Anyway that's probably enough testing for tonight, I probably don't want to make flagging and flag handling something automatable with my library anyway
Once I have the more important parts of the library working, I can use that to make a bot to log unknown events. Within 48h or so I'd expect to get a flag. Mod flags and user suspensions or merges are probably so unlikely to need to be handled that I can get away with ignoring them altogether.
Hmm that's weird, I'm getting "To protect your security, will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it. To see this page, you need to open it in a new window."
whenever you google if learning a language is hard or easy, it always says that language is very right choice for beginners, regardless what the language is
I started with HTML/CSS/Javascript, then tried PHP when I was experimenting with webservers. Had a look at Ruby, figured out Node.js, then messed around with Electron for a while. At some point I tried Java, but gave up. In all that time, I never tried Python, but with all that brackgrounf I found it very easy to learn. Javascript's still my first language.