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it's not as funny as what i had the first time
surprisingly it's not as funny as I first thought it would be
okay nvm
link coming shortly
gist.github.com/Lyxal/b5f808059fffac3b72b9a5f0c8daae75 (disclaimer: the dialogue I linked contains text generated by OpenAI using the GPT-3 model. After the indicated line, the text present is not at all representative of the respective users)
> user: Deep switches, but also phat stacks too.
and that's how you use $1.07 on AI in a single day
Great routes for escaping are on rail tracks
> hyper-neutrino: Bye bye enemies
> ROLO II had rerouted its rail lines to a quarry
> Redwolf Programs: We can build teleportation machines right in enemy camps to temporarily hide our forces
I was just about to quote that.
> Redwolf Programs: We'll have to ensure that their rooms are empty of vortices
Why didn't I get generated?
you were in the first run
but then i lost that one
> hyper-neutrino: how much dust can we destroy by shooting it with our railguns?
user: 5x2001
> Wezl: Oh, wait, the script inheritance we're running on is sharing a hashmap on a thread. That works
@lyxal Do you remember any especially funny parts of the original (if you're allowed to share them)?
That almost sounds like something someone would actually say.
> user: We'll initialize a new thread with usersrb_open(thread_id,open_global_properties(global_properties),_thread_local)
Where did it get this from?
The first attempt had something about attacking using BASH
> hyper-neutrino: how much dust can we destroy by shooting it with our railguns?
and SSHing into linux servers
@RedwolfPrograms Overkill, hyper
Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) is an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text. It is the third-generation language prediction model in the GPT-n series (and the successor to GPT-2) created by OpenAI, a San Francisco-based artificial intelligence research laboratory. GPT-3's full version has a capacity of 175 billion machine learning parameters. GPT-3, which was introduced in May 2020, and was in beta testing as of July 2020, is part of a trend in natural language processing (NLP) systems of pre-trained language representations. Before the...
it somehow managed to focus on Thomas Ward the first time
> The quality of the text generated by GPT-3 is so high that it is difficult to distinguish from that written by a human
Um, no, not really.
there was quite a decent conversation between thomas ward and A username in the first time
one last conversation?
Anyone remember any good bookmarks?
@Ausername consider though, is the conversation we have here really resemblant of what a normal human talks like?
@RedwolfPrograms preferably with us in it
Or even a good conversation to search in the regular transcripts would work
Maybe try something like a BMG session?
@hyper-neutrino True
@Bubbler too long
there's a 1k word limit on the prompt
actually, that's a good idea though: give me CMCs and we'll see what happens
@Bubbler <username>: <insert random unicode>
How about a search for "cmc"?
That would be almost all CMCs
We can solve GPT's CMCs :p
what if GPT-3 learns to code jelly 😳😳
ah I see now
Executive call: I'm redoing the funny conversation
but with different settings
aw i wanted to solve nonsensical CMCs :p
ighto then
cmcs it is
[Google translate abuse](thylf.surge.sh/a.txt )
Is this short enough?
please put stuff into a gist to take up less space :P
@RedwolfPrograms that's good
Should I strip out the usernames?
these are actually quite sensible
boring, maybe, but sensible
bubbler is apparently unable to do cmcs
link coming shortly
gist.github.com/Lyxal/165501a8a79ea710dc0f91d30f19bb21 (disclaimer: the dialogue I linked contains text generated by OpenAI using the GPT-3 model. After the indicated line, the text present is not at all representative of the respective users)
> Coinhering Battle Map: MySQL Easy to Use: * Choose the Best Winner = GNVQ
> Adam: We must remember that the genocide had already begun. We don’t want to be surrounded.
> A username: CMC: output the first million integers from 1 to 1,000,000 inclusive.
CMC: output the first million integers from 1 to 1,000,000 inclusive.
> Adám: CMC: Rickroll some more...
On it :p
@RedwolfPrograms ȷ6R in Jelly
CMC: Given three single-digit numbers, output a number that is the sum of the first and third. This is the first CMC that requires any sort of initial condition.
> user: CMC fastest-code Find out how many times "Cannot run code" has been executed in CPython 3.6 in the last six months (it's on StackOverflow). Bonus points if you can figure out why it's not 1.
Who is KOWAP and why did they suddenly post a CMC?
@lyxal would lambda x,y,z:x+z be correct
I generated some more that I might actually keep for future dates
@hyper-neutrino idk, ask the AI ;p
@lyxal Wait what?
This is grat
@Ausername as I said, I generated some extra ones
I need to reprogram myself to be able to do this
CMC: Given a list of unrooted binary trees (i.e. with no parent nodes), output the maximum number of leaf nodes [ai generated]
oh that's the AI. okay i was wondering why it kinda didn't make sense
Right now I'm just an extremely well trained Markov Chain/
welp that
's all the ai for today
no more GPT3 until tomorrow
How much have you "spent" on it?
one moment
Definitely worth it :p
@lyxal FċỊ¥@Ƈ`L)Ṁ in Jelly
@hyper-neutrino holy crap
this challenge actually makes some sense
input format for each tree being an adj list
@RedwolfPrograms Yep[
now to generate challenge titles and get easy rep
Now you're just Tom Scott :p
Also I'm going to r@ndomly insert vārious öd∂ character%s into my mess6ges.
@Ausername this fits in the husk codepage
if y'all want, you can prepare conversations for me to continue tomorrow
Sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure. Also, sure.
GPT3 isn't like a markov chain. I can make it penalise repeated phrases to consequently ignore them
1 min ago, by A username
> Adam: You use JS, we can wait.
So true. So true.
I didn't change the HTML, I swear.
probably just someone deleted their comments or something
@lyxal how long has your username been lowercase? Am I going insane?
Also, my internet connection's still kind of bad, so I can't go golfing too much this week maybe.
Yeah, my messages are always getting delayed.
@pxeger 29 days
confirmed: I am going insane
You had capital letters?
in hyper-neutrino's domain, May 5 at 23:07, by Lyxal
@hyper-neutrino I have a reasonable need of your moderator help. I would like a username change to lyxal (very important to notice the lower case letter at the start). I can't do it myself because 30 day policy reasons
@pxeger you've played right into my trap
My goal was to see how many people didn't notice
oh dear
I didn't
well duh
@hyper-neutrino Pretty obvious why.
@pxeger you missed out on the AI fun
somehow I think I don't mind that I missed that
not even though it was me mucking around with GPT3?
Which Stack Exchange has the longest name?
I can think of Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange.
Or Software Quality Assurance and Testing Stack Exchange.
"Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair" sounds long but loses to SQA I think
"Code Golf and Coding Challenges Meta" is pretty close actually
"Photography and Photographic Editing Meta" is longer
"Software Quality Assurance and Testing Meta" is slightly longer
@Bubbler Might've.
Longest by bytes or a in a particula font?
I can't edit my meta profile.
@WheatWizard I was going by longest width
@WheatWizard Bytes.
"longest width"
Longest in bytes is probably "スタック・オーバーフロー" actually, it's only 36 in UTF-8; SQAT meta is 43
Fine, I'm joining all sites.
not sure if jp SO is that long TBH; sure each character is multiple bytes but it doesn't use as many characters as the other ones
it's only 36 in UTF-8; SQAT meta is 43
I will log out for now.
Is the "meta" for Japanese SO also in Japanese?
funny thing is i can read four of those six lines despite not knowing nearly enough vocab
I can five
I can read katakanas and kanji, not sure if it's a good thing
nice. i'm guessing you can read the fourth (which i can't)?
i mean L 1 2 3 5 can just be guessed if you know kana which i do :p
No, the fourth one is the hardest to me
oh, i see
actually i can read the "responsive design" part of the last line, just not the kanji at the end
無効化する is a verb for "disable"
oh, it's a する verb, just noticed
and apparently 無効化 translates to disabling/invalidation/nullification/etc according to jisho. that makes sense :D
I don't regret what I did.
My name's now longer that it would surpass the cap.
What if Stack Exchange moved the name cap more?
CMC: Find a post with over 3 answers, all in the same language. This one has 3 in JS (me, tsh + Arnauld).
Idk if there is one
one OEIS after another probably has several duplicate language answers (or any answer chain)
Easy if a language-specific challenge is allowed
Everyone has their own language to use.
I think the 4th dupe isn't allowed yet in OEIS one
@Bubbler True
350 answers is... yeah that's within the early 3rd iteration
of course you'd need to count different version as different for this challenge for the sake of fairness
This has five Haskell answers, despite not being limited to Haskell
Oh wow
Also Fibonacci has ~20 Python answers (watch out for a few false positives)
I guess it must just be people who dont check.
well they each have a bit of a twist / different approach. also we don't forbid duplicate answers
Many are simply duplicates/noob attempts by newbies
granted some of the "different approaches" might just be different variable names and varying levels of not being golfy
It happens on many old and easy challenges, mostly in Python and JS
a = 1 becomes A = 1 - Totally different!
1 hour later…
I'm back at my phase in this room.
does anyone know when "+=" was first used as notation?
as in x += 3
Hello everyone
Aha I just got @AUsername's 18 byte Vyxal answer to 8 bytes
@Anush probably ALGOL
@Wasif That one really was a mess. I just FGITW'd it badly/
@Ausername yeah I am sad because I am sleeping/busy whenever new challenges come and can never FGITW
@pxeger what's ALGOL
Q: Taking the long route

Hack5Challenge Your goal is to find the furthest point on a graph (from a provided start node). Your code doesn't need to handle cycles in the graph properly, but it might pose a fun challenge. For this question, you can assume the graph is actually a tree. Input data Input can be provided in any suit...

@pxeger thx
@pxeger algol has += ?
I dunno. It just seems like the type of think that probably came from ALGOL. (I have no evidence to support this claim and the earliest I can find is in C)
@Anush ALGOL used +:=, B was first with exactly += while CPL and BCPL used =+.
@Adám that is very interesting, thank you!
now I need to order those languages chronologically
> Thompson added "two-address assignment operators" using x =+ y syntax to add y to x (in C the operator is written +=). This syntax came from Douglas McIlroy's implementation of TMG, in which B's compiler was first implemented (and it came to TMG from ALGOL 68's x +:= y syntax).
@pxeger thanks!
@Ausername noooooo
Well done
I just hacked around with yours until I got it to be golfed. I sorta understand it :P
The history of programming languages spans from documentation of early mechanical computers to modern tools for software development. Early programming languages were highly specialized, relying on mathematical notation and similarly obscure syntax. Throughout the 20th century, research in compiler theory led to the creation of high-level programming languages, which use a more accessible syntax to communicate instructions. The first high-level programming language was Plankalkül, created by Konrad Zuse between 1942 and 1945. The first high-level language to have an associated compiler was created...
6k rep exactly!
@Ausername congrats I didn't notice you was at 5990 when I upvoted just now
How's 2d deadfish going?
Not well
Online interpreter turned to mess
Now only way to use it is offline python interpreter
I am learning JS and it would take long time to learn a new language properly
Just merge my pull and it should work
The only problem is the output is never reset.
Which I fixed
It also outputs real-time now
Sorry I forgot about your PR
Merged it
It's fine
Let me check it
@Ausername still it looks like the input dosent work
I tried the truth machine
With 0 and 1 input neither worked
BTW thanks for taking time to fix it
Hmmm... It seems () don't work for some reason, sorry. Debugging...
Oh wait no I had it the wrong way round - It was executing only if it was 0.
Check repo
Oo nice merged
Let me check it
does 2deadfish have anything to do with ><>?
@JoKing no
It's just a 2D language with lot less instructions than fish
Aside from the basic 2d language structure, not really.
@Wasif Are we going to have a bounded acccumulator?
@Ausername nope
ఽಿു is a unicode character for some reason.
let me know when you complete it, i always love a new 2D language
even if one based on deadfish of all languages will probably end up a little simple
You won't be able to add it to your mega-polyglot because it has no number literals :(
That thing is incredible, I still don't understand it.
oh right, i need to add explanations to that
And I need to accept it - gimme a moment.
i really wanted to add one more language to get it to a round 20 languges but i couldn't find ny more to dd
pologies, the first letter of the lphbet ppers to hve fllen off my keybord
got it back on
@JoKing Nice job!
If I post my challenge, I get more unread inbox messages.
If you tell me if it's okay to post mine.
Or not. :P
The consensus is at least 2-3 days, so give it another day, than you should be fine.
Got it.
As an average coder (not very good), I see it as a confusing yet manageable challenge, but it technically will do.
It's a cool challenge, I got to admit.
In that case, I think it's okay to post it.
Go on. I won't answer it though, because well, I'm not very good.
Q: Road golf through the mountains

A usernameYou have a bunch of cities on a grid which you wish to link up. Roads can be placed on any tile that doesn't contain a city, and connect to all roads or cities adjacent to them, vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Roads can link up via cities, for example C \ C-C is fully linked up. Howev...

Any simple challenges I can answer? Just for fun.
I'll see what I can do.
Nice. I'm having trouble with string separation.
look it up
So long and thanks for all the fish!
See you guys in ~2 days...
This will take a long while.
@Ausername where are you going?
why are you going?
When are you going?
What are you going?
Who are you going?
@lyxal Who? What who? Wa-who? Wahoo? Yahoo?
I'm going.
@CodeGolfStackExchange o/
was this generated
Wow you really think I'm that unfunny?
I made the meme from scratch with my own original™ caption
@lyxal it's a funny image but it feels like an antimeme
I was loading the main page and I got this screenshot.
@Razetime y'all are missing the point that it's a picture from the Wikipedia article on "red wolf"
@lyxal i know
that's why antimeme
Antimemes are funny though
@lyxal Agreed.
I have to go for now.
Get me to 41 if you want, but no spam.
@CodeGolfStackExchange got it
@lyxal Where did you come from? Cotton Eye Joe?
@Bubbler who's going to tell him that the KKS in his table of Boolean functions simplifies to K?
@RedwolfPrograms just the first million of them? I can't output all of them?
@Neil nope
The AI has spoken
And you shall obey
@lyxal they always ask "where are you going?", but never "how are you going?" smh
> what's a good hex editor - preferably for windows - for annotating structs and stuff?

I'd normally use audacity but I figure there's gotta be something better for this
@WheatWizard Tweets don't onebox IIRC :/
@WheatWizard lmfao
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, but I also can't put links in a quote box I thought.
The list of oneboxable links has some odd ones
launchpad bugs and Ubuntu-hosted man pages?? Is that because of the AskUbuntu partnership?
@hyper-neutrino It might be worth editing ^^ into the chatiquette ("Don't abuse oneboxes. Certain types of links will be inlined into chat." -> "Don't abuse oneboxes. Certain types of links will be inlined into chat.") just for full reference
Ah yes, that moment when I can onebox man pages but not tweets
I'm back.
Finally took a bath.
No, shower.
Are they the same?
showers are better than baths
They each have pros and cons
I do love sitting in dirt soup for a while, but showers are better IMO :P
pros of baths:
- apparently relaxing?
cons of baths:
- takes ages
- waste of water
- you have to sit in your own dirt: gross
- prune fingers
- I'm too tall
I don't have very much dirt on my body most the time.
Do you not go rolling in mud puddles for fun?
Also doesn't the water usage of a shower greatly depend on the time you spend in it?
yes but I think it's quite difficult to use anywhere near as much water as a bath
Well ask the question how long does it take to draw a bath? That's probably about how long you need to shower to use as much water as a bath.
I'd say probably about 10 minutes seems like a fair estimate.
Baths typically use ~30 gallons of water. A 10 minute shower uses 25 gallons (source)

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