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Luckily that's reversible :P
yes but it still boots everyone from the room :p
hey @KamilaSzewczyk
@RedwolfPrograms It's a good thing you didn't move two more, you would've summoned Lyxal :P
Should've waited a second and gotten caird and HN's two messages, which actually should have been moved anyway :/
Move the 67 messages back and then remove those two :P
well we could've kept the discussion about almost misclicking things :p or trashed our messages too. now we just have two messages floating without context lol
@user I don't think I can, since I'm not an RO on the sandbox :p
> sandbox
Oh wait
I'm dumb
One reason why the Bakery is better than Trash :P
But I'd have to move the "x messages moved" message too, so it'd be 71
Which is nowhere near as good, obviously
well then you can just remove fewer than that many messages
Have HN nuke that, then
alternatively we could just not /o_o
yeah, I think it's fine to leave the messages how they are :p
ಠ_ಠ Imagine using /o_o
shhh i just switched to firefox
and i can't figure out how to install things
copy-pasting my tamper userscripts into grease manually does nothing, the userscripts just don't actually change anything
@hyper-neutrino You can use Tampermonkey in Firefox too
isn't it bad tho
idk, never had a problem with it (tbf I don't use it for anything more than copying other people's stuff)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Get ready to get lots of hate mail
I don't think Haskellers and Scala-ers would agree with Scala being Haskell on the JVM
Scala-er -> scalar
There we go, I got my daily quota of mentioning Scala once in :P
I did wake up to 9 notifications from all of Adám's suggestions :P
SQL: "What if life was pain?"
or, "What if everything was a table?"
@RedwolfPrograms Is that why personality is so one-dimensional?
You know when you tell a joke and someone just repeats it but louder and gets all the praise? :P
Smalltalk: What if everything was an object?
Java: What if everything was an object? Except everything that isn't an object?
Lisp: What if everything was parentheses?
FRACTRAN: What if everything was a fraction?
brainfuck: What?
Let me try simulating breaking something and try status again
CMC: Take a language and misinterpret what it's about based on its name
@NewPosts status
NOT RUNNING: [1] 1 3

[19:59:07] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[19:59:28] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[20:14:10] closed: nsp
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ook: Ook?
@user Hang on, Imma just finish my dinner then eat some Jelly :P
@user you want to do what with my brain?!
@rak1507 I said I want to flak it :P
@rak1507 only you people who actually have one need to worry about that :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing sounds painful
I hate how if you forgot to make a function async in V8, the error has to do with parentheses or something instead of telling you to use async
At least you're not using C++
SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
Wait, why does it do that?
A: Generate the longest error message in C++

kebsTemplate error messages are fun to decipher. Consider this: #include <vector> #include <algorithm> int main() { int a; std::vector< std::vector <int> > v; std::vector< std::vector <int> >::const_iterator it = std::find( v.begin(), v.end(), a ); } Compiling with gcc -c error.cpp (4....

@user Because JavaScript is a well designed and easy-to-use programming language
The error messages are otherwise pretty descriptive
async/await has weird ones, probably for some sort of compatibility reason
But those are up to the implementation, not standardized
What happens if you add an extra ) as the error message says?
@user Does #include file literally insert the source code of file into the source code of the program in C/C++?
I don't think so
Chrome actually seems to be better about it
It just lets the compiler know which functions are available
So why does this fail?
Oh nvm that's #include <vector>, not #include <vector.h>. I think you're right, the source file's being included
int i
#include <stdio.h>
#define std +
Usually, it's used only for header files, but then you have people doing that^^^^^^^
What in the frickety frick
#define has to be one of the most cursed features I've ever seen
In python, if you have a list of strings what is the shortest code to show a histogram of the lengths of the words
@user because if you don't make the function async then it tries to parse await as a variable name for backward compatibility? (NB just a guess; normally Firefox tells me that I need to make the function async, but I guess V8 works differently.)
Chrome seems to give a more reasonable error message, might just be node
Wait no:
CMC given a list of strings, output a histogram of the lengths of the words
It appears f(await g(...)) is the condition that causes that error message to appear
Which makes sense
it's the same error message as f(x g(...))
a #list of strings
print([l.count(i)for i in range(max(l)+1)])
@Anush ^
@Anush k: #'=#' (returns a dict)
@ngn print(list(map(l.count,range(max(l)+1)))) is a teeny bit shorter
That's great. I was expecting Counter
@user doesn't do length calculation
@user nice
I was hoping for an ASCII histogram. :)
@Anush if h is the histogram as a list of numbers, you can visualize it with for x in h:print('#'*x)
That's nice
@rak1507 ? It's the exact same thing as ngn's
@rak1507 it's a golf on the last line not a full program
oh right just the last line nvm
[*map...] is shorter still
Ooh, you can use splat like that?
or if you're printing just remove the [] and just do print(*...)
bah, why is it I always forget to update the TIO link after fixing a bug?
How would you print a histogram where the y axis is the count?
make a matrix of chars horizontally (easy), pad it (medium), zip it (easy)
Sounds like a CMC :)
@Anush for y in range(max(h)+1):print(''.join(' #'[x>y]for x in h))
or that works too
extra space following ]
@hyper-neutrino fixed :)
not applicable here but print("".join(a)) is 1b longer than print(*a,sep="") lol
doesn't matter here cuz you'd need to bracket the generator anyway
@Anush i'm sure you know how to copy and paste :)
I do but I wanted to let you show off :)
did you look at my tio link
@rak1507 yes thanks. I was hoping the y axis would be the count
@rak1507 unrelated, til: sage and pari are the same thing
sage uses pari and many other libs
I don't think they're the same thing but sage has interfaces with pari
what's a good non-alpha character to use as a successor function?
Any good ASCII ones?
Just to make sure I didn't miss anything: none of you are JoKing except for the actual moderator JoKing
No, I'm King Jo
Sometimes I write my name as Jo, King though
@user I just realized I dropped a "my" there. Now it makes even less sense than it did in my head
@lyxal Bug: Summing an empty list throws an error.
@ngn You're not sure you know how to copy and paste :), you're ngn!
@Ausername status:will-fix-soon
@Ausername sure you know how to copy and paste is my nom de guerre :)
@lyxal Oh yes you're busy with uni. I can add a PR if that's ok?
@user King Jo-mun, the supreme dealer of Korth Norea?
@Ausername go for it.
I like having extra contributers
0 for empty right?
@ngn No, the dupreme sealer
@lyxal Done
@Ausername "ChunkyBanana"?
That is precisely why I don't have a github link on my profile.
Gotta love acronym clashes
CMC: Find out what your username decompressed in Jelly is. Mine's Assuredly\ denotated Bothered aalborg.
> Administration adz
tsadiBluet secretlyW unhealO Ocrea
coincidentally, I did edit my schools newspaper once
> Spohr+
no idea what a VaBA is
lyxal is exedra=j!
(The ! is part of it)
ngn is quannet Aachen
This is great
Finally, Aachen has made an appearance
Dennis is "DPechinococcus abandonedly", unfortunately fitting in a way
Usually, every other string involves aachen in one way or another
@rak1507 :{
Warning: Do not look up echinococcus. It's not pretty
"Administration adz" decompressed is " confirmednesses caponatasqv PE Slurbbaltimorean metedabactinal"
Redwolf is `elizPb Licentiateships postagebaboo rampancies
@Ausername +4 advisedness
@Neil That almost makes sense...
"I upvoted four times because of the advisedness of your answer"
Code Golf is stockholder Lazuliteschishima%
And now I should stop this and do my homework.
lol, enjoy...
@Ausername You could do mine instead
CMC: Remove comments from my programming language
comments are between backticks
you can assume the input has an even amount of backticks
example (with backticks replaced with quotes because markdown): ab'de'fg''hi'''jk' => abfghi
(you can replace backticks with another character too)
The may be unnecessary, but I haven't tried it yet
regex is discouraged :P

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