@WheatWizard "I believe there are 15 747 724 136 275 002 577 605 653 961 181 555 468 044 717 914 527 116 709 366 231 425 076 185 631 031 296 protons in the universe and the same number of electrons" --some physicist :)
> Some prior exposure to functional programming would be helpful in reading this article, but special features of Gofer (Jones, 1995b) — our implementation language — are explained as they are used.
i mean if there were a formal standard for pseudocode it'd just be code. everyone has different ideas of what pseudocode should look like which is kinda the point :p
Assemblers are a lot more tolerable when you don't know what normal languages look like. I learned to program thinking that all programming looked like programming in assembly.
I remember when I had just started prorgamming, being on a plane and using my legally obtained copy of a C++ book and reading the section on pointers about 8 times over before I understood them
This fastest-code challenge is based partly on this MSE question and exists to extend some OEIS sequences, and create others. If I extend or create sequences based on this challenge, I'll link to this challenge so that folks can see where the values come from. If you'd like direct credit, include...
In order to ensure fairness, the official score is given by someone (usually the OP) running the code on a specific machine so everyone is tested on the same environment
@RedwolfPrograms Are you still planning on rewriting the Plumber interpreter? Because at this rate, Plumber's going to be LotM in less than a week, so you're probably going to want to do that before then.
@RedwolfPrograms I've bought a 1 To Crucial MX500 one month ago to replace a dying HDD. This is my first Crucial drive. I'm happy with it so far, but 1 month is obviously too short to reach a final opinion.
Assume a standardized test has \$15\$ multiple choice questions, with $3$ options each. A school has some students and wishes for at least one of the students to get \$10\$ correct answers. Since no one in the school knows any math they are going to cheat and tell each student which answers he ha...
@RedwolfPrograms i'm tempted to try and report it to SE if that's possible. i can access everyone's IP already anyway (logged, of course) but if this is possible that is.... a rather significant security issue
Assume a standardized test has \$15\$ multiple choice questions, with \$3\$ options each. A school has some students and wishes for at least one of the students to get \$10\$ correct answers. Since no one in the school knows any math they are going to cheat and tell each student which answers he ...
I just thought of a way to golf the Vyxal truth-machine from 4 bytes to 3 bytes, went to add it in a comment, and saw that I had already golfed it to 3 bytes with a completely different method. :p
it's weird tho cuz i haven't seen this too much (i think my server blocks a lot of them before they get to my flask app) and i just got this after recently posting my site to three locations - one in a private SE room, one on a private discord server, and one in a semi-private discord server
and i don't think anyone in any of those three locations have the intent/ability to launch an attack against me, so it must just be a really massive coincidence :P
@RedwolfPrograms well my site is on my SE profile so that wouldn't surprise me
i'm not concerned :P it's just very odd and coincidental timing
our server actually got hacked once because we forgot to install sshguard but fortunately the host service detected weird stuff and just automatically shut it down lol
@Wezl I accidentally locked myself out of online banking once by changing the password without updating a password manager, had to phone them up and admit to being an idiot
Right now I'm trying to figure out how to intercept the image before the src is even added, since instantly removing it from the DOM still sends the request
after a while (like once a day maybe) you can place it in this room or The Guild of Reviewers if you feel like it needs more feedback or upvotes (which indicate it is a fine challenge and close to be ready to be posted)
For this code golf challenge
permute the bits of a byte according to the rule 01234567 -> 30421657
for example 11110000 would be permuted to 11011000.
and 10101010 would be permuted to 01110100.
@Anush there's no primitive for "weighted average". i'm using "where" - it tells you the positions of truthy elements in a boolean list: &1 0 0 1 1 -> 0 3 4, and it's extended to allow elements greater than 1 in the input - in that case it replicates the index multiple times: &2 0 0 5 1 -> 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 4. then *1? just picks one uniformly at random.
JxµX chains as J (1), x (2), X (1) since µ is the monadic chain separator, so it generates the indices for the list, repeats each by the corresponding number, and then randomly selects an element from that. so, basically what ngn's solution does