Because GRT doesn't actually reload the page (it just loads the reviews in the background), it results in significantly less overhead so it can handle refreshing much more often than RSR without bugs or being overly rude to SE's servers.
Generic Review Tool is a small script designed to detect review tasks on CGCC, and open them in a new tab. It is similar in function to Review Stalker Reloaded, probably the most widely used script for this purpose, but with much simpler functionality. RSR is no longer maintained and has quite a ...
after spending a good part of two days thinking about how i'd implement TCO properly into a tacit golfing language i've decided the best answer is "don't"
Make a "proof" generator
How to prove that 1 = 2:
1 = 2
2 = 4
-1 = 1
1 = 1
You can just multiply both sides by 0, but that's cheating. This is just bending the rules a little bit.
Your challenge:
Write a program/function that, when given two integers, outputs a "proof" that the two are equal.
i'm glad i took a second look at that edit suggest
looked like a golf edit to me at first
what i am wondering is how redwolf reviewed it 5 minutes before me even though i did it within a minute of the tab opening
which should be max 1:40 delay, shouldn't it? or are the queues themselves just slow lol
@RedwolfPrograms potential bug: GRT opened a new tab for Suggested Edits even though the queue has been empty for a few minutes and it opened to the "this queue has been cleared" page (forgot to check console, sorry. if this happens again i'll remember to see if there's anything)
no console output on the queues page i have pinned itself
reloading fixes this easily and this is probably because something on the tab was cached since it automatically opened when i opened chrome after restarting from linux back into windows but uh
Today I thought it was the high time to make my first review(s) here But How sad I found every queue cleared :-( However, That shows how efficient community CGCC is
closing web browser on mobile is not a big disaster because if you reopen your browser you get the tabs again but in computer you don't get the tabs :-(
@Ausername I imagine they think the same of us - "There are so many inefficient and hard-to-understand posts on CGCC, we need to civilize those poor people!"
@Razetime Ooh, those let you check if stuff is in a range or list!
It can't check if something's in a range/collection like Ruby and Kotlin can (well, it can, but it's not baked into the syntax), but it's not a huge deal
@user in what sense? most squiggles did the same or similar things. of course i had fewer than them. mine was considerably slower (js..) but could run in a browser.
@user no, i just discovered k and fell in love with it - a modern, functional array language, like a cleaned up version of apl that has been purified through many iterations of redesign and rewriting, under great pressure for simplification and improving performance
@rak1507 that's exactly what happened :) i created a new account and started submitting my surviving backed up solutions too quickly, i got flagged and delisted, then complained to the PE team, and they asked me for evidence that i had indeed owned the old account
i'm reading about trains and i can't seem to find anything about arity/adicity requirements for forks/atops even though for example ⍺ (f g h) ⍵ requires f and h to be dyadic
> This question does not appear to be about Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Stack Exchange or the software that powers the Stack Exchange network within the scope defined in the help center.
the latter part of that looks more for general meta
@Adám I've only listened to the first 10 minutes or so, but I gotta say that it's incredible the way you guys basically describe what I like so much about Jelly, while talking about APL/J/k
Obviously it makes sense given the "ancestry" there, but your point about the expressiveness of APL is exactly what I think with Jelly