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I'll do some work on the chat bots.
yesterday, by Redwolf Programs
Next CMP: New Sandboxed Posts, Sandboxed Posts, or Sandbox Posts?
I'd prefer one of the Sandbox(ed)? Posts ones, but I'm not sure which sounds better
New Sandbox Posts
The thing is, I want to be able to reuse this bot for the Guild of Reviewers too
Plus y'all already decided it'd be better to merge the NMPs into one New Posts bot, so it'd be fine to change this one's name too
Use the ed
Use the ed Luke
Plus on smaller screens, it'd be better to have Sandboxed show up instead of New
That makes it easier to differentiate between N(M)P and (N)SP
personally I think "sandboxed" is not a word and sounds clunky
if sandbox is a verb, the sandboxed is probably a word.
I think Sandbox Posts looks better, Sandboxed sounds better to me but that's probably just because of familiarity
Less syllables is better imo
If you are going to use Sandboxed than you should new "Newly Sandboxed Posts", since "new" is an adjective.
but ofc sandboxed is also fine
I think I'll go with Sandbox Posts
@WheatWizard "sandboxed posts" is a noun clause, so an adjective does make sense
new (sandboxed posts)
It's not ungrammatical.
less syllables is better
It just makes more sense for new to modify sandboxed, than posts.
@EnderShadow8 fewer*
@WheatWizard disagree. Newly sandboxed posts implies they were somewhere else before they were put in the sandbox
which they weren't
I maintain my stance, however, that sandbox is not a verb
@pxeger Proof?
Every English word is a verb.
English lets you verb words.
@pxeger You could argue that Google isn't a verb either
@WheatWizard Newspeak?
@WheatWizard ok, they were in the creator's head first if you insist
What? Have you even read 1984?
I didn't bother with the appendix so I'm afraid I can't comment on the validity of that as newspeak
I read the appendix before the book, don't kill me pls
On second thought, actually, sandbox is a verb (to isolate a program). But I don't think it's appropriate here.
I don't really see why fewer syllables is prefereable.
Because this is code golf
Short is good
I'm considering using the current NMetaP profile picture for Sandbox Posts. I think that'd look nicer, and also the current NSP profile picture has "New" at the bottom which doesn't really fit with the name anymore
It's not syllable golf though
Should just call it p.
@hyper-neutrino I generally accept winning answers to non-code-golf (or more specifically, winning criteria that are entirely separate from the byte count of the answers), as there is a genuine and fair winner with those (as opposed to the code golf principle of "inter-language competition")
Make a new language with only two words: "9" meaning "99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer [...]" and "P" meaning "New Sandboxed Posts"
@hyper-neutrino Also, the challenge kinda "died" (+6, 2 answers), so I figured I'd at least get one last +2 out of it :P
@pxeger I don't think the name HQ9-- is taken yet
Is applicable for infinite output questions?
I think so
Probably depends a little bit.
Could a mod change the name of this bot to New Posts?
@RedwolfPrograms Slight bug with OSP, could you change if choose == 'active': return [post_ids[0] + ['22181', '22209']] to if choose == 'active': return [post_ids[0]]? I'll update the GitHub when I've got access to a computer
Sure, will do
Should be on line 53, in the get_posts function :)
For anyone wondering, that's why OSP has included the same 2 posts in its messages for the past 3 days: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/120733/2021/5/8/1-2
I'm going to unpin the current message and make a new one
3 hours ago, by Razetime
I'd love to talk to some jellyfish programmers if they exist in this chatroom
posting this again in case there's anybody with a good knowledge of Jellyfish
midnight utc? :/
It'll rotate by 8 hours every month
oh it's 1am UTC. I thought it was 1pm UTC :(
if it was weekly and rotated by 8 hrs each week people wouldn't potentially have to wait like 3 months to have a time that suited them
A weekly event wouldn't be as much of a special event.
And I think disrupting all normal discussion for two to three hours every week wouldn't be great
every 2 weeks? I think that's a good compromise
Hmm, I think that'd be fine.
Biweekly Mini Golf doesn't sound as good as Monthly Mini Golf, but oh well
@RedwolfPrograms I think it's a good way to keep the blood flowing activity consistent
Maybe we should drop Biweekly from the name and just call it "Mini Golf in the Nineteenth Byte" or something
I still don't get this thing at all.
It'd be a chat event where there'd be a bunch of CMCs posted
I guess I don't get the idea of planned CMCs.
There'd just be a bit of unofficial planning first, to make sure they're actually interesting.
If they are interesting then why not main challenges?
That wouldn't be much of a chat event :p
So basically code golf but under time pressure?
Some would probably be ones that are simpler or closer to being a dupe that would typically be allowed
And no reason they can't become main posts later otherwise
I don't know it just seems like they are less fun CMCs.
I don't really get it.
I'm not sure about how many people will join, that's the main concern
If we do the event once and it's not fun or nobody shows up I guess we can hide all the evidence and pretend it never happened then :p
I def wouldn't join cos I like to think about problems for a long time
It's usually in the shower that the best ideas come
Well I wouldn't be showing up anyway since it's at an absurd hour.
Maybe we should just cancel the event, seems like half of the interested people can't show up due to time zone concerns, and the other half don't find it interesting
Just put all of your effort into main posts, and it'll be more fun
Well I don't see any benefit from cancelling it.
unfortunate but usually new things get rejected
If noone shows up noone shows up, no biggie.
@WheatWizard Except possibly saving a lot of effort put into planning?
True, I guess we'll just see how it goes
It's really up to you, I mean, it's your time you waste if nobody shows up and I think you know better than I do
If you put a lot of effort into planning than you can try and pivot to the main site. But if you are really worried about effort then just don't invest that much time.
Wish this had been brought up on the chat event proposal post rather than after it'd all been drafted and stuff :/
CMC: output the nursery rhyme "1 man went to mow..." infinitely. Reference implementation
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ah, I see. and fair enough :p
@hyper-neutrino Well, I just noticed that thanks to an upvote and a bounty, I know have exactly 35000 rep. If I hadn't have accepted that, I'd be on 34998 :P
lol, nice :D
@Neil Do you mind if I open a bug report about that? It appears that one doesn't already exist on MM
2 hours later…
@lyxal does Vyxal have cartesian power?
can't find it in elements.txt
I can probably just use cartesian product but it'll cost significantly more bytes
@hyper-neutrino lyxal isn't around now
well vyxal documentation is not that good
well I know but I don't need the answer urgently or anything lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing well, my profile says "Congratulations! You've earned: ". [Track the next one] [Let us pick]
@cairdcoinheringaahing so technically I'm not tracking Epic, but I haven't stopped tracking Epic to track another badge yet either
That would explain it I suppose
Still SE should detect that kind of thing. Maybe just default to "Let us pick" if the user hasn't decided on either after a certain amount of time
eh. I personally don't think it really matters that much lol, but maybe
Maybe a better thing would be to keep showing the "progress". 50/50 when Neil's on 60/50 is definitely a bug
i think that'd make even less sense though, tbh
50/50 just means "okay, this person reached it, but they haven't decided on what to track next"
60/50 just looks like a bug lol
SE has precedence of tracking badges past their requirements (e.g. Curious and it's family)
oh. well in that case maybe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Epic's a special case because it's a stepping stone to Legendary?
same for curious => inquisitive => socratic though
2 hours later…
@RedwolfPrograms Except for people who can only come 1/3 of the time
i'd agree with a biweekly event
weekly seems a bit often. i wouldn't oppose it it just feels too frequent for me, but if people want that that's fine by me
@hyper-neutrino True, that makes more sense, and some people don't have to wait three months for the next one.
Weekly would be a bit too often, biweekly seems like a good compromise
the point is to pull in new people to TNB + CGCC anyway; if it seems that the only people that are ever showing up are regulars I doubt it's really worth running. of course we'll have to wait to see how the turnout is.
@RedwolfPrograms Ok, sounds good. Are you getting everyone to vote on this, or just updating it now?
I'll wait until tonight, but then I'll go edit the meta post and the pinned message
Can't rename the event for now, but we can rename future ones
So the next is on Thursday 27th, 8am UTC.
I'm soooo close to 500 rep
Dead chats be like
@Ausername they are from math.SE
@hyper-neutrino Oops, didn't realize.
Math.se is cool
you have more rep there than me :p
what brings you to TNB
idk I was just stumbling across random chats
@hyper-neutrino lolllll
fair enough
This one's usually pretty active, although if you aren't a code golfer most of the discussion here will probably be pretty confusing :p
@RedwolfPrograms [citation-needed]; that implies most conversation here is relating to code-golf (:P)
what is code golf?
But the good kind
Trying to write code to do a task in the fewest bytes possible
it's a particular type of coding challenge where the objective is to solve it in as few bytes of code as possible
your message appeared after i sent mine
i am being scammed by my network latency
at least your ping isn't like 2000
The name comes from the scoring in normal golf, where lower scores are better
this room's name actually comes from a reference to that too - in an 18-hole golf course, the "19th hole" is used to refer to a bar/restaurant/whatever at the end of the course, and hence the 19th byte ("The Nineteenth Byte" also has 19 bytes in it) refers to a spot where code golfers hang out :P
I just got 2nd place in a math competition
The results were announced right now
Congrats! which one?
@Iamaperson not first? smh
lol I wasn't first cause I'm very smart yes
(sarcasm btw)
@hyper-neutrino It's called NSF (North South Foundation)
ah, i see. well congrats :P
thx :D
There should be quite a few math related rooms too, although I'm not sure how active they'd be
I got 1st (a perfect score) last year
So I'm very mad right now
that I got 2nd
@RedwolfPrograms I know but I don't want to be in a math room with people who are too big brain for me to comprehend
haha well there are quite a few big brained maths people in here too
coding = (partly) mat
There's a lot of non-big-brain stuff here too
Jan 29 '18 at 20:17, by Dennis
@rak1507 lol nice
@RedwolfPrograms lol
That got ten stars
pancakes > waffles
@RedwolfPrograms how
ten stars?
There's some context I'm sure, but it's much funnier on its own IMO :p
All of SE: waffles > pancakes
Well I better get that free 100 rep :)
Do you know any programming? (If not I'd really recommend it, especially if you like math)
I kinda know some programming
I'm actually building a game right now
What language
Js is good
Oh nice!
JS is my favorite and second least favorite language.
does that mean you only know 2 languages
No, it's just simulatenously really good for some things and really stupid sometimes :p
typeof new Number(0) // "object"
But you said JS is your favorite and second least favorite

That means let x be the other language

Your placing (from best to worst): Java, x = Java is your favorite and your second least favorite

Hence, by proof, you only know 2 languages
JS is just in two places at once :p
by proof you only know 2 languages I still stick to that
Ok I need to go
I would say you should check out code golf, although the JS category is super competitive :p
@RedwolfPrograms I got that free 100 rep :)
@RedwolfPrograms There's me, you, Arnauld, EnderShadow8, tsh, Neil, (Is there anyone else?)
Oh yes.
And even if it was just Arnauld it'd still be nearly impossible to get a (competitive) answer in :p
I'm only just now starting to get moderately good at it, and I still invariably get outgolfed several times :p
Arnauld manage to golf your solution for the money exchange thing to 42 bytes.
So it must've been on the right track.
And tsh down to 41
But only being outgolfed by 6 bytes is a record for me I think :p
Did not see that.
Have you ever outgolfed Arnauld?
No, but I've written an answer that they took a trick from that saved them some bytes
I managed once, but Neil helped. Then tsh golfed my one some more.
I've gotten within a few minutes of outgolfing them, though
I had a shorter answer but as I was posting it I got sniped
IMO JS is one of the more interesting languages for golfing, because the short lambda syntax and large number of options for doing something
@RedwolfPrograms Agreed. That also means it's much easier to get ninja'd by Arnauld's magic numbers :P
This is why I golf in a language practically no one else uses here
I have no idea if I'm any good at it because there's no competition, but I can also say I'm the best active Scala golfer here :P
Q: This answer?
It's a good answer, and the math is very cool, but it's not golfed at all
I think it should stay
I wondered what you'd think of that :P
It should definitely stay
I vote for it to stay. By policy, it should be removed, but it's not just someone being lazy and not golfing their solution, it's an entirely different approach / idea which I think is cool and has merit being a part of our site
OP's now included a golfed version, so there's basically no argument for removing it now :)
oh. nice :D :D
for some definition of golfed
It makes an effort to be short, which is enough for us :P
1 hour later…
Note to self: Don't blindly copy code from the javadocs. I copied a method signature and couldn't figure out why the compiler was telling me I wasn't overriding anything until I opened it up in IntelliJ and found there was a zero width space :|
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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