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CMM: 7 of the 13 protected questions (10k+ only) are locked, and so can't be unprotected (except maybe by mods, I'm not sure what they can do to locked posts). is it worth unlocking, unprotecting and locking them?
i don't think so
i see no point
i also don't know if it bumps
@cairdcoinheringaahing They might migrate themselves to meta and get inexplicably featured
You're playing a dangerous game
The only plus side I see is that it clears them out of the list of protected questions. I don't see any negatives, aside from a bit of work for the mods
@hyper-neutrino It doesn't
I think I've finalized my KotH controller's color scheme, now to design the KotH (priorities lol)
@cairdcoinheringaahing I support this
i wouldn't mind but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ like
i've done more tedious things out of boredom
Something might happen between unlocking and locking
I'll jump in and answer one in the tenth of a second it's unlocked lol
which does bump the post
Bumping one or two questions isn't that big of a deal, right?
Pretty sure HN can unlock, unprotect and lock within seconds :P
i don't need to unlock it
Even better :P
Game over then
alright i'm back
opened too many tabs and froze my computer
testing Pronoun
> Protected Questions
7 questions
@hyper-neutrino How many tabs was that?
I like this :D
@hyper-neutrino which browser?
well it wasn't just the protected questions
let's just say i'll be needing my hammer
Can anyone check if i have pronoun
it works
@hyper-neutrino dang they really trynna hook me
I like how they take the time to set their locations too
@okie Yep, says Niko for me
fun fact: there is a 5 second cooldown between destroying users
I'm reloading and watching them get yeeted lol
ok good enough
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

EnzoSum multiplication carries We have already counted how many carries are there in a sum. But what's their sum in a multiplication? A carry is a digit that is transferred from one column of digits to another column of more significant digits. When multiplying 15 and 3, a carry of 1 happens: ...

i think a bunch of them undeleted which is why there were so many identical ones in a row
another mod edited a bunch of their profiles to indicate they're a spam account; i should make a userscript to do that and destroy them as spam faster lol. that way even if they undelete hopefully they might not notice
Wrong paste lol
> login4
Good to know
or maybe i could run a script to track accounts that i have nuked for spam and automatically re-murder them if they undelete their account :P though i must be very careful if i do decide to automate anything
They include the number of accounts so far in the title :p
huh, i just got civic duty on meta
Can users really undelete nuked accounts?
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes ಠ_ಠ
i don't bother suspending them because they're more likely to create a new account anyway
Looks like some of these accouns have signed up on a ton of other sites, I wonder if they're experiencing Indonesian Gambling Spam as well
@RedwolfPrograms definitely. and it's worse for some smaller sites
one site nuked 1% of their entire user base in a few afternoons
Jeez, which site?
i think it was either ELL or ELU but i can't remember
some smaller sites with less badge activity also get their recent badges page flooded with spammers getting Autobiographer
can't wait to see the comparison between A Year In Moderation 2021 and 2020 lol
IIRC we normally have ~50 nuked accounts
I think we've already had more than that so far
last year we had 5 destroyed users
in the past few weeks i've already destroyed at least like 30-ish, probably more
whenever we get a spam poist i'll usually destroy that user
i also ran a couple of admin search queries that someone shared in TL to find profile spammers :P just cuz i got bored
Oh yeah, I was way off on the numbers lol :P
i did say some time ago that it wasn't worth doing it but it seems the badge list and new users page have much more profile spam than i originally expected, and since meta's a bit quieter now and i have time, might as well go through some cleanup
11 in 2019 but 77 in 2018 O.o
There's probably some random user in Indonesia who happens to like card games and made their name w8dlink44casino and randomly got their account deleted lol
wait is there literal people spamming badge page?
You get a badge for editing your profile page, so the spammers do that
usually signs of a spammer are 1 rep on 100+ communities, 88 / casino in username, in profile, as profile URL, gambling-related profile picture, and location in either thailand or indonesia (and profile in either thai or indonesian)
and most of the accounts i destroy satisfy all of these criteria
Yikes, I hope they're not using 88 in the sense I've seen it in some places...
Probably not though
i've come across a couple of chinese spam accounts too but they seem to just go off on a super long tangent about something i can't understand (granted, might be translation issue; i can't read chinese unfortunately)
oh yeah vietnam shows up too sometimes
I'm learning to recognize different southeast asian languages from all of these spam accounts lol
always south asia. it's unfortunate that they get a pretty bad reputation from all of these spammers from there
same with india and tech scammers. not only do they hurt people for their own gain they give a bad name to their whole country
another reasonably common pattern is a business/organization claiming to be from the UK but having an indian IP address
Looks like the main site they're advertising matches [A-Z]{4}POKER (not going to type it out fully to avoid advertising for them), it doesn't even have a domain name.
Just an IPv4
honestly i'd be surprised if they even catch enough people for it to be worth it, or any people at all. they're honestly more of a nuisance than an actual threat and don't really get anything out of it like
"Boss, who should we advertise out ultra-sketchy gambling app to?"
"Go for the people who are computer literate, delete our spam within minutes, and don't speak the language we're advertising in."
"Good call boss, don't know what we'd do without you."
it's truly brilliant. i look up to the masterminds behind this absolutely ingenious marketing scheme
I'm sure they'd be willing to sell you their secrets.
@hyper-neutrino Pip FTW
nice :P
just realized the first is what python does too lol
Just more fancy :P
@hyper-neutrino I'm sold :o
oh yeah it takes like 3 years to run anything cuz of the sympy import lmao
a = (+)
print(a(2, 3))
Why scuffed? Don't like the syntax?
the syntax isn't that bad IMHO
the whole language is scuffed though
there are... many issues with it
Cause it can't possibly be worse than the partial function implementation in tinylisp. :P
if i ever try making a practical language again my cs course from the past term which was basically like 80% about interpreters / compilation / memory models would definitely help :P
@DLosc do i want to find out?
Lemme throw together an example...
1 + + 2 returns a function object that doesn't seem to be callable
idk why it doesn't return 3
variables that were never defined evaluate to None
are is an alias for is :P
although a is b checks type
for example, print("a" is str) gives Fal- wait, what ._.
@hyper-neutrino Try it online!
english_convenienced_function Love the internals :P
i also have an internal function called _
i know, very helpful
Haha, fun ^__^
@hyper-neutrino Try it online!
yeah i still have no idea what is is meant to do
I'm not even sure what has to be quoted and why--I'm just following the example I put in the library next to the definition of partial.
lol wtf
oh one thing that i'm kind of proud of
@f = (x => x < 3 ? 1 : f(x - 1) + f(x - 2))

Interesting choice for composition operator
built-in memoization of functions :D
That is nice.
also you can only define functions as lambdas btw lol
So... Proton = Language of the Month when??
I don’t know why, but now i am addicted to badge list
also built-in sizeof (not that it's useful) and timeof (probably not very accurate though)
@DLosc never cuz it's buggy as hell lmfao
maybe if i properly remake it
factorial is built-in too just cuz why not
@okie Which badge list?
biographer one
No, what list are you looking at?
^ was designed purely with golfing in mind
@cairdcoinheringaahing probably codegolf.stackexchange.com/help/badges
on the right side a bit down
user that earned autobio
^ is a good place to check for profile spammers
refreshing to see a spam account without 88 in account name
I think it's part of the name of the site, which exaplains it.
i suspect the 8 is cultural
i don't know about other languages/cultures but 8 is lucky in chinese
There's 888casino here in the UK
@hyper-neutrino correct
ok why does the NMP bot account have over 200 rep
just to spite the Indonesian casinos I downloaded WSOP and am now playing poker
+21 from return n++ % 101 lmao
isn't the usual jackpot for slots 777? idk been inside a casino like total once and it was to get through a hotel lobby mostly
@hyper-neutrino yes
for the old three reel one line, yes
@hyper-neutrino Because Redwolf posted a repbait on a question that hit the top of HNQ for days :P
@hyper-neutrino but not necessarily if you're playing a standard 5 reel 25/50 lines. those are usually themed
source: slot machine apps on phone
@hyper-neutrino NMP got 50 rep away from a Mortarboard badge :P
oof someone went all in on a three of a kind in the centre and lost to someone who had 4 of a kind (centre + pocket)
not me btw
@lyxal Texas Hold'em?
Hold'em and Blackjack is how I got card games banned at my school :P
i envy you
that suggests you had people willing to play along
The trick is to have friends :P
i mean yes I once got a game of blackjack going in software class on the last day of school but no one was really into gambling irl
I just taught my mates how to play, brought in a bag of poker chips and managed to get cards banned within a month :P
there was the time though when I was in 8th grade (13/14) and I played hold'em with some 10/11th graders (16/17)
We weren't even "gambling", just using the chips to make it more interesting (they all went back to me at the end), but the school got concerns that we were promoting "banned" behaviour so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
chat event idea: hold'em tournament
Sadly, I lost 80% of poker even if I try to use brain
the trick is to fold if y'aint confident
I invented a card game once, it's actually quite fun
and once you've folded, you talk in a code golf chatroom until the next round
@lyxal When I was in year 11 (10th grade, 15/16), I won a 6 pack of beer and ~€50 from some year 13s (12th grade, 17/18) on a school ski trip in hold'em
@cairdcoinheringaahing :clap:
What's your new php a reference to?
@RedwolfPrograms link?
@RedwolfPrograms I don't use php
markiplier E
Got there eventually
@lyxal The trick is to be in the overlap between "those who can play poker" and "those who are sober"
@okie No, but that's 88 and a swastika, so it should be nuked
I am literally addicted to not code golf, but code golf badge
Swastikas are relgiious symbols for some places in southeast asia
> Van An Group is a prestigious brand name in designing and constructing interior and exterior works from neoclassical style to modern style, roof with Asian beauty.
I think it's spam
however the profile is still spam
yeah it's still spam
58 network accounts
@cairdcoinheringaahing Is that you nuke it because of anti-spam or just because it's dividable by 11
@RedwolfPrograms Yeah, pretty sure that's an actual swastika, not the religious symbol
@okie 88 is often associated with nazis
It's also considered a lucky number in those same areas though I think
You typically don't see nazi swastikas in green and rotated like that
@RedwolfPrograms southeast and east asia, as a religious symbol
as i mentioned earlier 8 is a lucky number in chinese and likely nearby asian cultures
@hyper-neutrino Comfirmed
also nazi swastikas are at a 45 degree angle. this one is clockwise which is the same rotation as nazi swastikas but both directions are religious symbols, just that the nazis ruined the clockwise/"ura" manji
that said, it's still spam
Definitely spam, yeah
hang on since when can you clip dream videos?
as in save clips
Personally, I believe that if your profile content could reasonably be considered offensive by a decent number of people - regardless of whether you intended it to be so - you should at least modify it to be less so
I just searched wiki, it's also called "Hakenkreuz" for nazi
The partial macro in Appleseed (tinylisp's younger sibling that thinks it's way better) is actually quite nice.
@okie That's the German name/word for it
@okie Means "hooked cross"
Wow, so many unrelated spam accounts
@hyper-neutrino Interestingly, there is also a considerable amount of "glorification" (or, at the very least, extreme interest) of the Nazi regime in Asia: travel.stackexchange.com/questions/102248/…
Termed "Nazi chic"
well, the nazis did once write about the horrors of some things going on in asia, and you know it's bad when even the nazis think it's bad........
yeah. it's definitely something that's a problem. if a user found it offensive / disturbing and wanted it changed i'd definitely discuss with the user with that profile. not in this case though, that was just an easy nuke
@okie -tpu
@hyper-neutrino You mentioned something about nuking accounts notifying other mods?
@lyxal (that's a metasmoke [spam cleaner] reference)
@cairdcoinheringaahing there's been more than one?
@lyxal There's been 11 IIRC
@cairdcoinheringaahing no, just suspending (since i need to mod message them)
Mark 10. The rest are linked from that
@okie used mod search, only gave me one more profile on top of your two and it was a false positive
I see 0 now, press E to pay respect
dealing with spam users definitely isn't fun by any means but it's certainly much better than dealing personally with problematic users / contributors
NGL I'd very happily spend an hour or so every night just nuking spammers if I could :P
like most things i just get random bursts of motivation to do it from time to time :P
Should I move these old ones?
lmao i just notice that
yes please remove my old voices
Leave these one I reckon Get rid of them
those are deleted link anyway
@okie @hyper-neutrino has an office that you can post these in :P
well it's on-topic in this room
Relevant title :p
i was contemplating which trash to move it to until i remembered our trash's room name :P
ಠ_ಠ I love being completely unable to sleep
It's 5am here, and despite lying in bad for the past 4 hours, I am completely awake. I'm sure I'll crash at 8/9am later and be completely useless for the rest of the day tho :/
This isn't the best room to be in if that's your goal :p
TNB isn't what's keeping me awake :P
I can't view OEIS i am dead
oeis is amazing
wdym by you can't view oeis + you're dead tho :p
I can't view oeis => i am dead
y not
it works for me and you obviously have internet connection
Now I no longer can view any sequence
what is happening, any errors / just not loading?
any screenshots?
please provide a MCVE including your code, the expected behavior, what's going wrong / any errors, and what you've tried so far /s
you sound like 90% of SO users
that was the joke :P
are you getting firewalled or smth
And people found chinese: Please go chinese community for more support
@hyper-neutrino I think so
china blocked a lot of things
Getting firewalled by school wifi :(
dns probe finished nxdomain is what again
couldn't find an entry on the .org dns server?
I am not at China
you can paste the url into google translate
it gets around blocks in the wifi as long as translate is unblocked
@okie can you access lyxal.pythonanywhere.com?
because I could add an OEIS web scraper there
@lyxal Before I open it, I predict i will be ricked
it's the vyxal interpreter
I am safe.
it's just the vyxal interp
so you can access it
It worked.
Is about or the usage of randomness on main? Or both?
You can't search
I wonder how your firewall works
Probably roughly how my school's does :p
can load a page but can't search?
I am opening my vpn now
does it specifically block post requests or something??
They're using google translate to see pages I think
So stuff that uses JS or forms probably wouldn't work
ohh that makes sense
@cairdcoinheringaahing i think it seems to mostly be about specifications of what "random" requires or allows
i'm assuming you want to add a tag wiki
Atleast I am not in China that prob have better firewall then my school
wait when I try that link the search works, meaning that it must be somehow blocked by your school
Fun fact: if I edit 11 more tag wikis on meta, I'll have edited the wikis of 50% of the tags on meta
it worked with vpn :)
My school's smart enough to block those
my school laptop is locked in my closet
I don't trust the administration with any of the weird software they put on that thing
I just use a personal one
@knosmos It crashed my school computer, so I am using my own now
* Sort of
@okie lyxal.pythonanywhere.com/oeis?seq=1,2,3,4,5
would it not be easier to just use fractions.Fraction
maybe i don't get what this is doing
oh wait are you using regex to allow coding in normal python but numbers get converted into fractions?
@okie lyxal.pythonanywhere.com/oeis?seq= for browsing the OEIS without visting OEIS. sequence number for actual sequences and comma separated terms for sequence search
i'm stupid (go away lyxal)
i thought my headphones weren't working
never occurred to me that the video i was looking at might just not have audio...
@hyper-neutrino you're not "stupid (go away lyxal)", you're hyper-neutrino
Happens to me a lot with YT ads
@hyper-neutrino The number of times I've typed "For questions about ..." because the tag wikis mangle anything else :/
oh yeah what happened with your request to stop mangling everything
Same thing as most feature requests; it got lost into the void
(aka, nothing)
@hyper-neutrino Would you mind asking around in TL? Link
have done so, will let you know if/when i get an update
@cairdcoinheringaahing even with SE providing better responses and actions, things are still likely to take a considerable amount of time; even for just a response like deferral, it's likely to take closer to the timeframe of 6-8 (insert unit of time) than just 2 weeks
if it's gone too long without any notices you can modflag it requesting status-review if you believe it should be added, but 2 weeks is definitely too soon to be pushing for a response yet
@hyper-neutrino Well, I can't say I expected more, but at least that's a response
@cairdcoinheringaahing granted, this response is from another mod, not a CM, though i doubt i'll get a different response
TBH i was approximately expecting this anyway, lol. given it's not particularly important or crucial and it's a feature-request and not a bug. apparently SO had a feature request to change 5 words which took 2 years to happen, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I should've proposed this 10 years ago, back when SE was paying attention to s
never mind, it's apparently unlikely to even be noticed by SE without status review so i've flagged it as the other mod suggested in tl
Question: How old is the joke 'I'm not joking, I'm (username)'?
assuming dad jokes are about as old as dads... millenia
@Ausername Lyxal has been making that specific joke since around the time JoKing was elected as mod (Sep '20)
i can't tell if it feels like it's been longer or shorter since i became a mod
insert overquoted message about time being on drugs
> Sicut sagittam tempus muscas.
@Adám fruit flies like a banana
(idk how to translate that)
(google translate doesn't seem to like latin)
@lyxal Thx for your help, but princess is in another castle! That was epic of you to modify your site to help me, and Niko appreciate that, but I already used vpn to solve the problem
atleast my ipad can use that tho
btw, 2 new spam account appeared
> Fructus volat amo musa.
ah. thanks
Now I'm not sure if you got the joke or not.
eh, i'm not sure either :P
the two meanings i can think of are the literal meaning that time flies like an arrow = time goes fast, or the joke of time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana
Sicut sagittam tempus muscas. = Like an arrow [are] time flies (i.e. clock insects).
Fructus volat amo musa. = Fruit flies (i.e. causes the flight of) banana-love.
Ah. So the joke is you swapped the "like"s. but google translate doesn't identify the difference :P
TIL fruit flies have hairy eyeballs
that's something i probably could've gone through life without learning. but that's interesting :p

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