Quote notation[1] is a way of expressing rational integers in a precise, finite manner, based on the concept of \$p\$-adic numbers. The notation is in the form of a string of digits (\$0123456789\$) containing exactly one "quote" (a \$\newcommand{'}[2]{#1\text{'}#2} \text{'}\:\$) and one "radix p...
It would have been so cool to have esolangs.org in a video seen by thousands and thousands of people, because anyone who's interested enough would probably stumble across CGCC (and they'd be the "answer questions in an interesting language with a lot of work put in" type too, not the "I saw this site on hackernews and want to duplicate the challenge I saw but worse")
well now we need one of y'all to become a popular youtuber and then use that as a way to introduce codegolf properly as someone in the community itself, and bring popularity to CGCCSE :P
@OldSandboxPosts Does anyone else feel slightly called out when one of their posts shows up on OSP? Happened yesterday to me and it felt like it was saying "Why haven't you been working on this, huh???" :P
CMC: Given an integer n, return the polynomial with n roots equal to 1, 2, 3, ..., n. e.g. 1 -> x-1, 2 -> x^2-3x+2, 9 -> x^9-45x^8+870x^7-9450x^6+63273x^5-269325x^4+723680x^3-1172700x^2+1026576x-362880
Any reasonable representation of a polynomial is fine
I found a hacky work around for ROs to chat in frozen rooms: edit the room name/description. You can't then edit to audit message, but you can say what you want in the char description :P
posting antifreeze is a good idea if we somehow ever get to that point because this room should never be frozen, so if it somehow does, contact me somewhere else or flag a post on main for me to unfreeze it
This is a special room, as it's our "site room". Most SE sites have a specific room which is for "General discussion for site.stackexchange.com", and they're generally more active as older users are replaced by newer users
For example, The Second Monitor (CR), You Are Here (Travel.SE), The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (SciFi.SE), The Sphinx's Lair (Puzzling.SE), The h Bar (Physics.SE), The Bridge (Arqade), Root Access (Super User), The Water Cooler (IPS.SE)
it's quite clear what you mean, though the commas look kinda out of place to me, but it's not like the format's annoying, cluttery, or misleading. it's just like, a different way of communicating the same info lol
^^ that too. i tihnk that's why i find it most natural to write it without any separator like +
IMHO, yes. Makes it clear it's a flag and not a new langugae called "Vyxal s"
oh another thing is that "Language + stuff" is usually used for extensions
for example, when i use requests, I have to specify "Python 3 + requests" because it's not in the standard lib apparently
so I think for flags it would make sense to say "Vyxal s", since, like unrelated string said, that's how you would actually call it on the command line
Solve the Alien Probe puzzle code-golf array-manipulation
In this TED-Ed video (which I'd recommend watching first), a puzzle is presented. 27 unit cubes must be painted with one of red, green, or purple on each face, so that they can be reassembled into a large 3x3x3 cube that shows...
Given a string, output a Brainfuck program that outputs that string.
Pretty self explanatory.
Code golf, so shortest program in bytes wins.
Pretty sure this is a dupe. Output any program would be extremely boring. Output the shortest would require proof of optimality. So, it shouldn't be code-golf, in which case, it may as well just be a trivial extension of this
well, someone would need to standardize an interpreter first for it to be allowed
ABC could be used as a troll language for some KCs and trivial random challenges but it's really not any more interesting than any other similar language like evil or whatever
and every program is either non-deterministic or static
ABC ABC is an esoteric programming language and it is accumulator based. It has 9 commands:
a - Increment the accumulator
b - Decrement the accumulator
c - Output the accumulator
d - Invert accumulator
r - Set accumulator to a random number between 0 and accumulator
n - Set accumulator to 0
@cairdcoinheringaahing The mods-only room is in fact frozen, since January last year
we just haven't bothered to unfreeze it (though i guess it would be nice to be able to see it on the room listing without explicitly enabling frozen rooms
i feel like it's overall more effort to address questions as quickly as possible while explaining why you didn't use the sandbox than it is to just use the sandbox
Death-onacci sequence (WIP)
The traditional Fibonacci sequence grows forever:
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 ... 1,346,269 ...
and is given by this formula:
f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)
where the initial numbers in the sequence are 0, 1.
However, there's a set of as-yet unnamed sequences, where a previous number ...
How many Faro Shuffles for a cycle? code-golf array-manipulation card-games
Inspired by this video by Matt Parker
A Faro shuffle is a perfect riffle shuffle where the deck is exactly interleaved with its other half. This is how to perform one:
the deck of 52 cards is split into two pi...
Marshall Lochbaum's online BQN REPL has an interesting(and aesthetically pleasing) method of displaying arrays. Your task is to implement a version with simpler rules.
· 2 ┌· 4 ┌·
· 3 · ┌· ...
@AncientSwordRage I'm not sure whether the "first 31" will make answers more interesting that the standard sequence rules or not, it'd be interesting to see
> The answers can use one of the following input/output methods: Given some index n it can return the n-th entry of the list. Given some index n it can return all entries up to the nth one in the sequence. Without taking any index, it can return a (potentially infinite) lazy list or generator that represents the whole sequence.
The Printer Booklet Sequence code-golf sequence integer
You may know of a "booklet" setting often present on printers, where the pages are printed in a way that they can be simply folded down the middle so that the pages are in the right place to form a booklet, as demonstrated in this diagram:
Idea: instead of changing the QWERTY keyboard layout to match the letter frequencies of English, change English to match the ease of use of the letters on the keyboard
Use tr etaoinshrdlcumwfgypbvkjxqzETAOINSHRDLCUMWFGYPBVKJXQZ fjdkrueislghatyqowpvcnbmxzFJDKRUEISLGHATYQOWPVCNBMXZ <<< 'string to translate' to try it out
R jirun jif Urufjffuji Vwjf eikagl eyrjhi jk aeruo jire ufy gduoadof qskt uky ku
@RedwolfPrograms I'd nominate Yggdrasil for your interesting languages bounty, but I want to find a non-trivial example program and it's surprisingly hard :P
Inspired by this challenge, and similar to this and this.
After seeing these, I figured I would continue the trend as there was no inclusive/exclusive sum.
The goal here is to sum an interval of integers, either inclusive and exclusive, and output the total to stdout.
Input format: either a ( or ...
opening it in incognito and expanding the dropdowns when grouping by post shows the exact same screen as it does when i'm logged in with the only difference being that it says +190 in incognito and +191 on my account