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I think so
oh wait, leading zeroes in y matter :/
Because addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are defined entirely over all x'y, you can construct any x'y via those 4 and any other x'y
oh good point
> ²×⁽LÐ÷ȷ14÷⁴÷5÷⁵ị“¤Fðẏẏż“?A⁺ẏẏż“¬ŀż“8Ƙż“¡uþ³⁾ẉṿÆ“¡’¤;⁵ị“ÞṠlT“¡ṁæ-“;ØḲ“ȧ¹“ṫD“}»¤
dear god this is ugly, why did i ever do this to myself
TFW string problems in jelly
It looks like what happens when you try to open a zip file in notepad ._.
For example, -6'5 = 35/3 can instead by expressed as 3'45by decomposing it to 11 + 2 * 1/3 = 0'11 + 0'2 * 6'7
The issue is when you get fractions whose denominator is a non-integer multiple of 3
yeah then you'd need non-integer second component, unless i'm misunderstanding something
I think that, through subtraction, you can always decompose the denominator into multiples of 3. For example, -5/8 = 5 * 1 / (1 - 9) = 0'5 * 0'1 / (0'1 - 0'9)
what would the final quote notation of that be though
Working that out now :P
Haven't had to do long division by hand for a while :P
Ok, so the division algorithm requires a radix point for denominators that aren't multiples of 3 :/
> Any 0s at the end of the divisor just tell where the radix point goes in the result
So it's definitely not a bijection
ah. unfortunate
@HyperNeutrino so i guess i was right rip
Doesn't affect the challenge in any way, just means I spent an hour trying to calculate a test case I couldn't calculate :P
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI I was just to prove that the UI was simple enough for a 2yo to use. Unfortunately, I got drunk on a screwdriver, and missed my presentation :-(
How did you get drunk as a 2yo?
That seems somewhat irresponsible
> drunk on a screwdriver
OJ and vodka
Cocktail names can get weird :P
It'd be somewhat more impressive if a drunk 2yo could use the UI, right?
apparently it makes the alcohol more or less unable to be tasted? supposedly
@HyperNeutrino TBF the point of any vodka cocktail is to make something alcoholic, but not taste of vodka
also yeah I hope I'm reading something wrong here; alcohol consumption is not recommended for 2-y/os probably
Looks like Adám used to be pretty unprofessional when he was young and drunken foolish.
@ChartZBelatedly huh. interesting :P
@ChartZBelatedly Correction: power of three, not multiple
Well, multiple is right too :P
No, 1 can be a denominator which is a power but not a multiple of 3
i think it's more of "number whose prime factorization only contains 3 and 37"
Why 37?
@ChartZBelatedly Oh, right
i'm stupid ignore me
can a number like 99 not be a denominator?
I am also stupid :P
Yes multiple of 3, but also 1
@ChartZBelatedly It was a mistake. The conference was mainly for adults. Someone offered my parents to fetch "some juice for the baby"… When I fell asleep, they suspected the drink, and a quick whiff confirmed what had happened.
@Adám Whoever got that drink is sus as hell :P
well then o.O
You're saying they wanted to sabotage the demo, to sell their own competing product?
that does make me wonder - if the point of a screwdriver is to not taste of alcohol but still have the effect of alcohol, why would there be some at a product demo; isn't it disadvantageous for anyone to be drunk, which is the only point of an alcoholic drink that doesn't offer the taste of it?
why are like 75% of "im dumb" from me and ascii lmao
@Adám I'm saying that someone offering to get "some juice for the baby" and coming back with something alcoholic is a bit weird
Maybe it was a backup in case the two-year old got drunk: "Look, you can use the UI even when you're drunk!"
'twas the '80s…
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI So does NSP :(
9 mins ago, by Redwolf Programs
It'd be somewhat more impressive if a drunk 2yo could use the UI, right?
We need a motivational speaker here.
@ChartZBelatedly how does that not have more search results
@HyperNeutrino SE chat search is broken
@RedwolfPrograms I'd also be impressed by the 2 year old, but yeah :P
> 3470 messages found
Looks a bit suspicious
Exhibit B seems to be working
@RedwolfPrograms Which means something's up with how they're searching.
Yeah, but exhibit B works when exhibit A doesn't. That's exhibit B
Time to try an SQL injection!
Weird, both :P and :p only return ones with :P
I.e. punctuation is ignored.
do punctuation marks just not matter
it seems that searching for "P" gives... exactly the same number of results as ":P"
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI '); DROP TABLE Messages --
I.e. empty searches are ignored.
Doesn't the -- go after?
You'd be commenting out your injected script
Idk SQL :P
Just type some words in caps, then get mad that your query isn't working, that's all the SQL I know
Lowercase SQL looks nice IMO
@ChartZBelatedly Wait, is that why SQL uses all-caps? Because people got angry at it?
but if you want to type in lowercase you might as well use a sensible language
i usually do sql in lowercase
because i'm too lazy to press shift or caps lock
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI no, I've had that issue with Firefox for some time now
and also it looks ugly to me :P
I just use title case so everyone hates me equally
@Neil is it only mods, multiple people, or just me?
@RedwolfPrograms even better use alternating case: sElEcT * FrOm users
or maybe sElEcT * fRoM mEsSaGeS..hey I got ninja'd
i mean if you name your tables alternating case
@HyperNeutrino it's worse for some mods than others
you are truly evil
I already did that
It helps against SQL injection :p
@HyperNeutrino It only happens to long names with a zoom > 100%
@RedwolfPrograms the fact that you say this makes it even worse somehow
@Adám time to change my name to "a" i guess xD
If you I use 150% zoom on Chrome, your username becomes "Hype" :P
For me it's "Hyper"
Then at 175 it's "Hyp"
TIL the CSS px unit is not a pixel
It's defined to be 1/96th of an inch
But it's more complicated then that for a lot of stuff
For some reason, at 500% zoom (for me at least), everyone's name becomes just a couple of characters (mine is "Cha", HN is "H ♦") except for Redwolf, who is still "Redwolf Programs :/
Also, chat's unusable at this level of zoom, in case anyone was wondering :P
Can confirm
It's probably worse on my 1366x768, too
(I'm "Red" at 500% zoom, but you're still ChartZ Belatedly)
Whaddaya know, going to 100% fixed it.
Same here :P
Makes my eyes hurt, though, so I'm going back to 110%
Looks like Firefox cuts off entire words instead of letters at a time.
@HyperNeutrino, could you put a space in your name so I can see Hyper? :P
changed my name to hyper-neutrino, not sure if that'll help
That's worse :P
okay so it displays as "HyperNeutrino" on the left side but when i click to expand my profile it's right
@hyper-neutrino Thanks, that's better for me
wait hold on
are chat message owner display names saved at the time of sending and not updated by id
They aren't updated in the transcript
I see hyper​ ♦ now
But they are over here
nope caching was just being weird even though i force reloaded. strange
reasons to become a mod: you can force refresh your profile to update your chat username immediately without having to wait for caching :D
That's the only reason folks :P
i don't want to be hyper-neutrino on main site tho
i could change my username on some random community and swap my parent but then my parent site is wrong
Change your username to hyper-neutrino on a different site, then reassociate your parent
I mean, you could just stay with HyperNeutrino, since it's not that big a deal
Hyper Neutrino wouldn't be bad
i'll just keep hyper-neutrino since it's my username on some places and it's my github as well
i've never put a space in between before IIRC, lol
the only variants i've used are hyper-neutrino, hyper_neutrino, hyperneutrino, AltNeutrino (very uncreative name for alt accounts), and just Neutrino since overwatch username length limit is one shorter than "HyperNeutrino" >:-(
caird coinheringaahing wouldn't go down well on Overwatch then :P
A 12 character limit?
I'd consider 16 to be unreasonable...
@hyper-neutrino Hyperν
@RedwolfPrograms yeah it was kinda annoying :c
CMQ: Favorite username? (yours or someone else's)
caird coinheringaahing :P
i second caird coinheringaahing
i third caird coinheringaahing especially for the really strange backstory xd
I put fourth a vote for "caird coinheringaahing" too :P
On the other hand, ChartZ Belatedly gave me my rap name :P
so it looks like we'll probably be going ahead with having more ROs; just gonna wait to see if Doorknob gives a response (though I doubt it; he seems like he's been very busy). how many more ROs do y'all think we should have (i'm thinking 4), and should we have a questionnaire like the mod election did or just nominations -> voting?
@hyper-neutrino Might want to make a meta question for this instead of asking in chat
I like 4, and I think nominations -> voting should be enough, it isn't as major as the mod elections (plus it's what happened last time, so that should probably work)
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI Meta usually takes longer to pick up substantial feedback and the room is active right now; also it's possible that it changes based on nomination counts anyway
also this has happened before so I will probably stick to that (like Lil Chart Z said)
@hyper-neutrino Fair enough
Aside: ChartZ should name themselves Lil Chart Z when their 30 days are over :P
doorknob hasn't been in chat for over 200 days. :(
I was going to go back to caird (April 6th FYI), but Lil Chart Z is looking attractive ngl :P
what's the username limit here; once per 30 days?
i forget what it was that had like, thrice within every 90 day period or something
Although mods can change other user's usernames at will
Supposedly I can change my own username more than once in 30 days too then, but idk :P
Oct 8 '19 at 16:04, by caird coinheringaahing
@DJMcMayhem Would you mind changing this user's username back to JHTBot?
yep seems like i can
How I found out that mods can change usernames - I got DJ to mess around with the chatbot's username :P
>is me
>uses vivaldi
>has web page open
>closes laptop to go do other stuff
>comes back to laptop a bit later
>opens laptop
>web page is zoomed in and can't be zoomed back out without closing the page
turns out if you want to do green text on SE chat you need to do fixed font
@Lyxal Is this a bug with Vivaldi?
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI Hi there! 👋👋👋
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI probably
Oh crap. @hyper-neutrino I just realised that, because trailing 0s after the quote are significant, 9'0 ≠ 9' (9'0 = -10, 9' = -1) ಠ_ಠ
Ugh, quote notation's complicated
@Lyxal Ha, this wouldn't happen if you used Firefox!
Or wget and quick thinking
You'd have various other bugs to worry about.
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI too mainstream
@ChartZBelatedly oh. rip, this is confusing
@Lyxal greentext doesn't have the space after the > traditionally anyway
>this works as intended
Mar 22 at 22:23, by Redwolf Programs
@ChartZBelatedly I am a JSON viewer
Which means I need someway that answers can take either 1 or 2 arguments (or take a string, bleh)
@hyper-neutrino can you edit that for me then?
because I can't edit it
4 mins have passed
uh... lemme go to sandbox, that doesn't seem to do what i wanted it to
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, I love it :P
Gonna add quote notation to Whispers :P
>be me
>try to work on math assignment
>input x^n into calculator
>press the down arrow to go down
>the screen explodes
>forced to switch to chrome
@hyper-neutrino What's your secret?
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI only works on one line
>one line text maybe.
also unsure why strikethrough didn't work for you there
chat's markdown has always been... kind of funky
Formatting doesn't work multiline
Nothing works when I'm around :((
@ChartZBelatedly odd. very odd, especially since blockquote somehow does work even though it's not supposed to...
And the >s don't go away
If there's a quote, how are those still there?
it's only one > to turn the entire message blockquote
@UnrelatedString Right, but the first > hasn't disappeared.
> chat is weird - Einstein
45 mins ago, by ChartZ Belatedly
@HyperNeutrino SE chat search is broken
s/chat search//
s/SE chat search //
s/SE chat search/life
@hyper-neutrino You doing all right, buddy?
s/SE chat search is broken/is not JoKing
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI no, my name broke in half and it's being held together by a thread
oh hi Mr. Xcoder :D missed you joining amidst SE chat being broken xd
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI hey that's my job
@Lyxal I guess you were around then, then.
@pxeger imagine needing to pay for github pro.
made by student gang
Imagine actually knowing how git and github work and not just using it like fancy google drive
@RedwolfPrograms There's an xkcd, but I can't find it
I feel called out
i've finally somewhat gotten the hang of how to not mess things up using git after countless years of fixing merge conflicts every time i attempt to push
I would sign up for the student pack of GitHub Pro, but my school's email doesn't let emails from outside our organization, so GitHub can't verify it.
CMQ: Should I update my github pfp to say the funny word?
And my transcript's too embarassing to show them.
I have no idea how to do merges from the command line
so avoiding conflicts is more an issue of paranoia than competence
Every time I have a conflict or something, I just google stuff, try random commands, delete stuff, stash it, etc. until it stops giving me errors. I still don't know how to resolve conflicts, honestly.
step 1: try to pull
step 2: try to commit
step 3: everything is on fire
step 4: go into every file and look for the <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
step 5: remove things until it looks okay
step 6: push
step 7: realize you deleted the newer version and overwrote the last hour of changes
step 8: cry
I use IntelliJ's local history instead of Git, honestly :(
Mar 19 '18 at 16:44, by caird coinheringaahing
ಠ_ಠ Never mind, I mistyped my username facefloor
That's what happened the last time I used git
I don't blame you, your username is pretty hard to spell :P
best solution is to only ever use github's website interface
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI ...
@ChartZBelatedly tf do you get facefloor from caird? ;p
@UnrelatedString I know, I know, but it's just so much easier.
imagine having a stable choice of language 😎
@ChartZBelatedly "reposted" ftfy
It gets even worse when you're trying to edit something with someone else at the same time, so you upload your repository to Floobits and then you need to pull from GitHub and Floobits every time you do something and then push to both places each time and when you have a merge you find the latest version in both places and copy it to a separate folder and manually edit in the changes and then commit and then realize it doesn't work and then you throw the laptop out the window and follow it down
Jelly only has "uniformly random" randomness builtins. What's a good way to use this to get a random integer from -99 to 99, but in a normal distribution? So the integers between -5ish and 5 have a much higher chance than -96, 98 or 93?
Dunno about normal, but distributions that look similar are pretty easy
Doesn't have to be exactly normal, just skewed towards smaller numbers (by magnitude)
You can make a list of a bunch of numbers and take the median
Or the smallest/largest if you want it skewed toward those
if you want to skew it towards larger numbers you could take a logarithm or something
Yeah, or square it for smaller ones I guess
There's a ton of ways to do it honestly
I figured that the easiest way in Jelly would be to just repeat the elements of a list more or less times, depending on how close they are to the middle, then grab a random integer from that, so I did that
Thanks for the suggestions tho!
there's probably a way you could map a uniformly random real number into a normal distribution over a range but i don't know enough stats to figure out how one would do that :P
you could approximate the normal distribution by, well, averaging a large number of simpler distributions
e.g. sum 9 random integers from -11 to 11 or sum 11 random integers from -9 to 9
(am I imagining the phrase "central limit theorem"?)
@Neil You're not, that is a thing
depends on what you want the variance to be, of course
stats requires too much brain for me ;-;
That's why you take a one-semester class during a pandemic and look for answers online :P
@hyper-neutrino I'm asking this to get some good test cases for my other quote notation challenge, which I'm going to have to work out by hand :P
Honestly, I would probably have enjoyed it more had I not slept through the first few weeks thinking it would be easy.
i think i'm required to take some sort of stats course at some point :P
I like brain (at least math wise) :P
@ChartZBelatedly Did you drop a word there?
> stats requires too much brain for me ;-;
@ChartZBelatedly Oh, I see
Going off the similar word style
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ChartZ BelatedlyQuote a rational number Quote notation is a way of expressing rational integers in a precise, finite manner, based on the concept of \$p\$-adic numbers, and written in the form \$x'y\$, where \$x\$ is a non-negative integer and \$y\$ is a (potentially omitted) finite decimal number. The quote (\$...

Should I interpret that as "I like applying my brainpower," or "I like brains?"
...the first one. hides zombie bite
So, editing the questions over a longer period of time to avoid flooding meta doesn't seem to have had much effect, because a total of one post was modified between when i started editing and when i finished, plus maybe the list of endless bounties and sandbox, which get pushed back to the top quite frequently anyway
@hyper-neutrino TBF, you edited them all within 24 hours, Meta isn't that active :P
yeah; i would've needed to split it up over probably a few days to a week, and if it's not that active, i probably won't bump down anything important anyway lmao
also if i noticed someone raise a new meta question or something important happened, i could've just put in a blank edit to push it back up lol
the part of me that hates myself enjoys challenges wants to solve the stack exchange streak challenge in jelly lol
I understand the feeling all too well :P
Which is why there is now an Enigma machine written in Jelly, give it a shot :P
well i'll see you all in 3 years when i figure out how to convert the format into something jelly can use
@ChartZBelatedly wonder what alan turing would say if you showed him it
@rak1507 "What the fuck is this?" probably :P
@rak1507 "Why am I alive?"
That moment when you go to follow someone on github only to accidentally unfollow them
Any last feedback? Specifically, any opinions about continued fraction input vs. plain fraction input?
I think maybe the continued fraction input is simpler, but either seem fine
@Bubbler Looks good to me
Thinking about posting this in a bit, any glaring issues?
@ChartZBelatedly Looks good to me
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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