I've recently investigated the functioning of the Stack Overflow views counter because I wanted to implement something similar (which I did). My ramblings on the matter are here: Dissecting the Stack Overflow views counter
So, how that thing works? Quite simply, as I turned out to be.
Every que...
> So if you have a bot and you would like to run it in a chat room, that's perfectly fine as long as it goes in the appropriate room. Testing the bot should go in the sandbox, and once the bot works correctly, it should go in it's own new room or in an existing room with the permission of that room's owner.
Last I checked, our policy for TNB bots was that it's fine if you have a bot that sits here and watches but bot accounts can't post here. But this was a few years ago and also we could certainly just decide to change that to case-by-case.
Also, if OSP just occasionally oneboxes an answer from Sandbox in, it's really no more clutter than a new instance of Feeds would be :P
Ball game KoTH javascriptking-of-the-hill
Ball game is a game I invented where two players start with 100 energy each. Every turn, each player independently chooses an amount of energy to spend. Whoever spends more energy brings the ball 1 unit closer to their side. If the ball is on someone's si...
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI if it's easy to do so in your country, I'd recommend getting tested for coronavirus; loss of smell is one of the main symptoms, and if you do have it it's important to avoid spreading it
@ChartZBelatedly I feel like that badge is counterproductive; there's no way to delete badges from an account, and that badge is a sort of permanent black mark on an account that makes the user look worse, so it's basically just a strong incentive to not delete incorrect posts that are getting downvoted
@ChartZBelatedly do my answers still show up in late answers? that is an interesting side effect of being locked at 11 rep permanently
@Wezl probably 2? I actively try to avoid badges nowadays (e.g. part of the reason my rep is locked at 11 and not 15 is so that I don't accidentally upvote something and get Supporter)
@MarkGiraffe at the moment, isn't clear whether any particular answer complies with the spec or not, so it'd have to be closed as unclear
one of the commenters said "what's the smallest valid solution" and that's something that you'll need to think about
I suggest it'd work better as a kolmogorov-complexity where you specify the exact output you want the answers to produce
I'm trying to get a proper shape of the ASCII tesseract without stuffing the lines all too much, like a line next to a line parallel, but next to each other, way too much.
I guess the way to think about it is… we're a competitive site, we want people to push their answers to the limits, this means that the best solutions are going to be very close to the limit of what's acceptable, so the best answer is normally going to be right on the edge of what is or isn't an acceptable answer
so, people need a very specific definition of what is and isn't a valid answer
if you give people flexibility in how to draw their tesseracts, they won't use it to make a better-looking or clearer tesseract
they'll use it to create a tiny little blob of characters that can only loosely be considered a tesseract
what you can do is, when you've figured out what the perfect tesseract looks like, put it in the question and ask people to write programs to draw that
but you can't ever leave it up to the answerers, it just won't work
@ais523 It was a joke, since losing your sense of smell/taste is a somewhat well-known symptom :). Fortunately, I haven't actually been showing any symptoms so far, but thanks for your concern.
@ais523 Personally, I won't think less of a user if I see they have Peer Pressure. It's not uncommon (especially as a new user) to post a bad challenge, or invalid answer, and IMO deleting such a post makes the user look better than actively leaving it to clutter the site
But it's definitely one of the more "Why do we have this?" badges, and one of the few that you shouldn't aim for
Given two strings \$ A \$ and \$ B \$ and a positive integer \$ n \$, determine whether \$ B \$ is composed entirely of (possibly overlapping) strict substrings of \$ A \$ of a length of at least \$ n \$.
Test cases
n A B Output
In Conway's Game of Life, there is an infinite square grid of cells, each of which is alive or dead. The pattern changes each "generation". A dead cell with exactly 3 live neighbors (orthogonal or diagonal) becomes a live cell. A live cell only lives to the next generation if it has 2 or 3 live n...
I think upvoting chat messages could be a good idea since there might be something I agree with that I want to acknowledge without adding another message to chat but without putting it onto the starboard for everyone else to see.
Sort of like a way to leave a reaction on a message with short-lived enough relevance to not want to put it on the starboard, without adding clutter.
Personally, I think stars are fine to be used as "I agree with this", and replying "agreed" (or similar) is good enough for when you don't really want to star
make a bot that gives RO to anyone who can find their secret key, and everyone has a unique secret key that they need to find via a large CTF challenge
Hide a message in ASCII art and a PNG (WIP)
cops-and-robbers steganography
Your task is to create a method for hiding information in the combination of a piece of ASCII art and an image. Your method should require both pieces together to hide a given message. You will post three encoded me...
i don't like it as much but it's fine, and also i think i've only ever had it from the small little containers that you get at hotels' complimentary breakfast things
still, having 1/2 cm thickness of peanut butter, no matter the quantity of bread, seems like it would cause it to stick to the roof of your mouth a lot
Yesterday my school ran out of "sandwiches" so I had to get "pizza" and it was bad (those are in quotes because they are only sandwiches and pizza by name)
Jell-O (Jelly) is a variety of gelatin desserts (fruit-flavored gels), puddings, and no-bake cream pies. The original Jell-O gelatin dessert (genericized as jello) is the signature of the brand. Jell-O is a registered trademark of Kraft Heinz and is based in Chicago, Illinois.
The original gelatin dessert began in Le Roy, New York, in 1897 after Pearle Bixby Wait and wife May trademarked the name for a product made from strawberry, raspberry, orange, or lemon flavoring added to sugar and granulated gelatin, which had been patented in 1845. The dessert was especially popular in the first half of...
idk if it's just cuz my parents always overcook things and i always get at least medium well the few times i go out because my parents don't trust food quality but like
the one time i had beef like medium rare or honestly probably closer to rare it was... kinda flavorless and just a chewy chunk of squishy bland meat but i think that's just cuz it was badly made xD
@rak1507 funny thing is it was actually supposed to be a pretty famous place (this was in florence) but like, my entire family agrees it totally sucked and the table next to us also seemed to hate it lmao
here in canada my mom, who works at the library, is making calls to people to book covid-19 vaccination appointments because our public health sector can't handle the load xD
Yeah, imagine all the horrible things that would happen with better healthcare and a higher minimum wage. We might have to tax rich people! The horror!!
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI I maintain that the only reason everyone trash-talks the US is because it's the most prominent country in the world, so it's super easy to find things wrong with it
i mean probably part of the reason the US's politics get around the world so fast is because they have their military in like every place around the world :P
Every time I tell people here that I'm trying to go to uni in the states, the response is always "Why? It's awful there", when in reality the UK is (from my experiences) just as bad (and worse in some places). People just like to ignore bad things about their home countries
i feel like because the US is talked about so much and usually based on its negatives everyone just looks at it and thinks "my country is better so it's good"