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@ChartZBelatedly damnit, i'm literally one place off the voters page
@JoKing Only need 15 votes to push ovs off :P
@rak1507 Yeah, that's the one I based this off of, although I should probably switch it up a bit so as to not make it trivial
I wonder which one it is...
I think it's brainfrick
okay this is just cruel
Whoever decided to star all of the messages in my bot testing room, you do now that ROs can cancel stars right? And that I'm the RO there? :P
@ChartZBelatedly do you think that's gonna stop me? I thought you would have known that I am more than willing to invest time into futile activities by now.
@Lyxal I will kick you, and 3 kicks leads to a chat suspension IIRC
I'm not in the room
How what?
and I haven't posted anything
how you gonna kick someone not there?
Just leaving a blanket warning for anyone who likes the look of that star button :P
protip: star while caird is asleep
I live in the perfect timezone to do so
I should make the bot an RO :P
Automated kicking on a star shouldn't be hard (fun fact: when a message is starred, any chatbots can see exactly who starred it)
@ChartZBelatedly You can only kick-mute a user if they've chatted in the room in the past 24 hours,
Stars live forever
I'm just gonna be annoying @ChartZBelatedly. Feel free to ignore me.
You can't tempt me to speak, I know you're trying to kick me :)
@user :) stay strong comrade
@user Nah, I'm just trying to get the event keys for various different actions
@Lyxal Thanks, I will, but you must carry on for me, for my vote allowance is used up for today.
@ChartZBelatedly Oh ok
@user ... so's mine
Kicking notifies mods, so don't want to do that :P
@rak1507 I have almost four and a quarter points per ascii-art answer on average
@ChartZBelatedly I downvoted twice in 2018, and that's it
2 hours later…
John McCarthy even wrote a science fiction story!
@usr hi!
@Lyxal The first 4 paragraphs are extremely funny.
Because the mistress's helper robot is doing something very helpful by looking after her child, but the mistress does not want it to help at all.
Something that only LISP programmers are capable of thinking of.
@usr I can't access that :(
``Mistress, your baby is doing poorly. He needs your attention.''

``Stop bothering me, you fucking robot.''

``Mistress, the baby won't eat. If he doesn't get some human love, the Internet pediatrics book says he will die.''

``Love the fucking baby, yourself.''
That's an extract of the story, because I obviously can't copy-paste the entire story here
@ust What’s the book about, exactly?
Do you know the title?
Oh, I found it
To be fair, the mother is high (and drunk, apparently).
I love how he snuck a snippet of a LISP into it
It’s not very well written scifi, but it’s somewhat interesting (^ warning: profanity above)
4 hours later…
Q: Repayment calculator

maribalance = int(input('Enter credit card balance:')) rate= float (input('Enter the annual credit card interest rate as a decima:')) month=0 while month < 12: annual_apr = (balance / 100) * rate monthly_apr= annual_apr /12 min_repayment = balance / 100 total_month = min_repayment ...

i have never heard of the announcer badge but i guess i got it
ah so it's some kind of secret badge
That's to do with link referrals isn't it?
got it for this
Q: How to optimize this solution?

Abhinav Shukla0 I was practicing on HackerEarth and I got this question. Convert number A to D A to B is : Calculate Prime Factors and DO the product of all prime factors B to C is : Calculate Divisors of B and DO the product of all the divisors. C to D is : Calculate the divisors and Do return the number of d...

time to install factor
7 hours later…
hello I have a survey question
where (what general region of the world) would you like me to host my Try It Online alternative in?
How significantly will different regions change it?
well if you have bad internet you will get a better experience by having it close to you with lower ping and higher bandwidth
so if you have have fast internet, the answer is: not much
@Deadcode Thank you for adding an explanation to my cyclops answer. You explain what the regex does well. However, I think that the commented code could be made more elucidating. I had a go at explaining it myself, but I'm also not completely happy with my explanation (I think it's too long). Would you take a look? https://pastebin.com/c9D77mU9.
Note that it is formatted for stack exchange, so it would be best viewed in an edit preview.
@H.PWiz Alrighty!
@pxeger I guess I'm in the latter group so I don't need to answer, but it's awesome you're considering hosting a TIO alternative :) It'd be great to have a TIO that can be updated.
@H.PWiz Not finished yet, but one suggestion I'd have is to say something like "n is at least as big as 1011…1_b where the number of trailing 1s is at least 1" instead of just "n is at least as big as 1011…1_b", and instead of "more precisely" you could say "more technically", because both versions are equally precise, are they not?
I wasn't sure that it was obvious what was meant by "n is at least as big as 1011…1_b". So I used the word precise to pin down on the fact that the number of bits should be the same in n as in 1011…1_b. I'm not sure that the number of trailing ones is important. When n is small the second condition fails. (Although if the number of conditions can be reduced in a nice way, this could be beneficial)
In bash+utils, say you want lines which contain a set of characters, in any order. Afaict, this can't be done with grep because adding multiple -e gives the logical OR of the expressions. In awk, you can do awk '/a/&&/b/&&/c/' if you want all lines that contain all the characters abc in any order. Which is cumbersome for large character sets. Can we do better? Is it even possible to achieve with grep?
do you mean to find the lines which contain all of those characters, or to determine whether a given line contains all of those characters?
@pxeger all lines which contain all the characters.
@usr That story is oddly prescient. "the President said,``Surely, parents will not want their children to become emotionally dependent on robots, no matter how much labor that might save.'' This, as with many Presidential pronouncements, was somewhat over-optimistic." Just s/robot/ipad and the prediction is dead on.
Dynamically generating the chained greps is an interesting idea.
1 hour later…
can I get any opinions on this: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/20613/97857
seems borderline
that's why I want opinions
that's my opinion
with generic regex you could do ^(?=.*a)(?=.*b)(?=.*c)
bash doesn't have very short access to complex regexes
Since we're on the topic of proposed I/O methods, what about this and this?
I think if those were allowed it would make using cellular automata in normal challenges feasible
@pxeger If the renaming/naming command is part of your program, then it's already being counted towards your byte total, and I don't see any problem with this. But in what circumstance would this even be useful? The program getting using arg0 as an argument would have to be a subprogram of the main one that renames it. And unless the main program actually writes its subprogram to file, it'd be one-use, right?
So maybe a better question is if one-use programs should be allowed, where cleanup is necessary to get them able to run a second time
If the program does its own cleanup though, again I see no problem with this...
@Deadcode The renaming would be done outside the program
Well then why is it even being asked? It's obviously not allowable
Why's that obvious?
@RedwolfPrograms And you're not the asker, so how can you assume that?
Because I read it...
Because if the renaming command is not being counted towards the byte total, it'd allow storing as much data as you like at no further cost
It's a method of input
Ohhh right. Silly me
Okay, I see how it's a legitimate question. And I'd lean towards no.
@pxeger down under
1 hour later…
Morning y'all
What is the weather for every one today?
Don't know about temperature, haven't been outside at all
Well down here it's rain
It should be autumn there soon, right?
It is autumn
Been so for 14 days now
idk what the weather is like here, but probably cold
@RedwolfPrograms I take it y'all in America have a spring in your step
Winter's over, so it should be 100°F in about a week :p
37°C in America during spring?
We don't get that until summer
Spring where I am lasts about two weeks, then we're back to summer :/
damn, 37 c is insanely hot
we don't get 37 c in scotland ever
To be fair it usually doesn't hit 100 until later in the summer, but it gets into the high 90s (35°C or so) rather fast
35°c is still objectively bad
yea if it was 35c in scotland I think we'd all melt, but then again I suppose you have air con and stuff like that
@RedwolfPrograms but then again it was 32°c yesterday
I don't necessarily mind the heat so much, more the humidity and mosquitos
Two summers ago it was so hot all the time that mosquitoes didn't get a chance to even breed
Or it could have been last summer
Either way, there was a mosquitoeless January and February recently
@pxeger It doesn't really matter, latency between any highly populated regions probably won't be higher than 250ms, I'd recommend North America but Europe would probably be good too (NA would probably be slightly faster for Australia).
in that case you should go with europe just to inconvenience lyxal as much as possible
It's only like a 20ms difference :p
every little counts
Put it in Svalbard, it's an awful place to host a website but it makes it immediately more awesome
They've got undersea cables to Europe anyway I think
Q: Golfing Languages

user14342237What's the point of golfing languages? Are there rules concerning them? I imagine you can just make a little compiler that interprets any single character as the exact solution to any problem.

Q: Golfing Languages

user14342237What's the point of golfing languages? Are there rules concerning them? I imagine you can just make a little compiler that interprets any single character as the exact solution to any problem.

if you delete an answer, do you still keep the rep?
@rak1507 If it's older than 60 days, yes

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