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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

if (new Boolean(false)) console.log(true);
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Q: I ain't no Fortunate Prime

ChartZ BelatedlyThe primorial \$p_n\#\$ is the product of the first \$n\$ primes. The sequence begins \$2, 6, 30, 210, 2310\$. A Fortunate number, \$F_n\$, is the smallest integer \$m > 1\$ such that \$p_n\# + m\$ is prime. For example \$F_7 = 19\$ as: $$p_7\# = 2\times3\times5\times7\times11\times13\times17 = 5...

@ChartZBelatedly for 'A black box function which returns the next element of the sequence each time it is queried' does this mean it modifies some internal state?
so f() returns item 1, f() then returns item 2, etc?
or does f(n) return the nth item
@rak1507 Yeah, exactly
if we write it in a language that doesn't handle functions with no arguments, how should we do it
Although, I don't see anything wrong with having an f(n) style black box function
@rak1507 Choose a different approach or language?
lol, ok
So basically take n items from s, then take another and subtract the product of those items from it?
@ChartZBelatedly are we allowed this then
@RedwolfPrograms yeah... seems a bit simple
@RedwolfPrograms Assuming S is increasing, yes, but that won't always be the case
@rak1507 Yeah, sure
@ChartZBelatedly Is there a test case with a decreasing S?
@RedwolfPrograms No, I couldn't find a good sequence with a continually decreasing S
If you have one, I'll happily add it
10 9 8 7 6 ...?
That isn't infinite
are you not allowed negative numbers?
> All elements of S are natural numbers (not including zero) and no element is repeated
ok, yeah, just read that
5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 etc?
Natural numbers ordered by the sum of their bits isn't increasing, so that could work
idk, just thought of something random
@ChartZBelatedly Wait, yes it is, because the powers of 2 always precede everything else
@ChartZBelatedly if the sequence isn't non increasing and it's an infinite list, how can we find the smallest number n greater than some other number m so that n+m is in the list?
if it's infinite and non increasing, there's no way to know whether or not any particular number is in the list
for example, the recaman sequence is conjectured to contain every input, but not proven, so how can we know for sure what the answer is?
Given that it's bounded on the natural numbers, I think that no matter the sequence, there will always be at least one element of the sequence greater than every other element
but you have to find the 'smallest integer m'
Wait my solution isn't working for one of the test cases :/
Taking it back to the Sandbox :/
sorry for my pedantry
No, it's good. Meant it wasn't ready for posting yet, thanks for noticing before it got more answers
I guess from now on I'll try actually solving some challenges in the sandbox, that seems like a good way to find issues
I'll make sure it's not ones I'm going to compete in, though, since that's cheating :p
@RedwolfPrograms Personally, I think its fine so long as you don't keep the code to be ready to post it
@RedwolfPrograms You should learn Scala too, I need more competition and there's a bounty :)
@ChartZBelatedly Not like I won't get instantly outgolfed by Arnauld or xnor by 20 bytes either way :p
Arnauld's Law: However short your code is, Arnauld's is shorter
TIL there's a Haskell County, Texas
And a city called Haskell
It's way northwest of me though
Each of Arnauld's answers are a quantum of code for that solution :P
The US is the best in the world at naming cities after other thing's names
Paris, France? No, Paris, Texas
I was about to mention that one :p
Athens, Greece? No, Athens, Georgia
Georgia? No, Georgia
We also have 35 cities called Fairfield
Edit: Actually, not that one
TIL there's a town in Maryland called Boring, made to honor David Boring.
The guy the city of Houston is named after is (was) my second cousin
I'm not sure if is or was is the correct word since he died like 100 years before I was born
But he was once the president of the Republic of Texas
@RedwolfPrograms funny diagrams?
Like the "I can't believe it's not Kevin"
There's more but I don't remember them
@RedwolfPrograms that took me probably 10 minutes
It wasn't a quick process at all
Those incorrect quotes were made using a generator (which Im pretty sure I linked)
I do admit my western union post was a quick one to make
Just 4 unions and a red circle
@ChartZBelatedly thanks for the adding in the tabs!
@RedwolfPrograms I managed to turn what is usually 131 characters into 703 characters in this weeks cg bio
'12,199' quickly undownvote something @Lyxal
@MitchSchwartz No problem, SE's butchering of tabs is very irritating :/
Hmm cool, I've done 5 reviews today, one in each queue except for Reopen Votes
@rak1507 can't. All my downvotes are locked in and I don't remember what I downvote because I rarely downvote
CMP: When did you last downvote?
March 8th for me
Question, answer, or either?
Mar 5
Huh, the post's actually at +8 now
Controversialness of 1.333
(To see: head to your activity page on your profile, navigate to votes and select "Downvotes")
Oh, I just went to the votes tab and scrolled down :p
@ChartZBelatedly apparently I've only ever cast 1 downvote
Every post I've downvoted must have been later deleted
@Lyxal Idk, when I follow that link, it shows a pretty prominent 404, so I think you downvote a lot :P
@ChartZBelatedly mar 7th
question is on 8/8
The downvote I cast was on a question: it's currently on a net score of -14
I mostly only downvote with another kind of vote (e.g. close or delete)
:( imagine having enough rep for that
@ChartZBelatedly Today
What's the big-O for partitions of a list with n elements? O(2^n)?
I think I downvote a lot more than other people here and upvote a lot less
CMQ: How many vtds have you cast (my count is 62)
@Lyxal Imagine being able to do that :P
I ask that you keep your tounge stuck in when answering.
@Lyxal 0
@Lyxal :P
@ChartZBelatedly nice, ⌊○100
@Lyxal What a tounge?
CMQ: How about undelete votes?
11 (all on my own posts)
@ChartZBelatedly try spelling things on phone
they have autocorrect so it's even less of an excuse
@user I've cast 11 as well!
pretty much whenever I type on my phone I just randomly mash the keyboard and somehow it knows what I want to say
@rak1507 not when it doesn't work
apart from if I ever don't want to say ducking
It doesn't help that I deliberately misspell words
CMQ: What's your upvote:downvote ratio?
Nice round number
What does that mean?
@user 2176:41
Gotta love having a prime number of downvotes :/
@ChartZBelatedly I have a tenth of your upvotes but only ten less downvote than you do
@user What about you?
@user The vast majority of my downvotes are on deleted posts
Wait no I can't read
@ChartZBelatedly 2271:31, so it looks like I upvote more than you, not the other way around
looks like I upvote the least...
Huh, I have 11 deletion/undeletion votes (all on my answers), and 11 close votes
I have 10 more votes than you @user :P
wtf, a guy who has never posted has voted over 20K times
I need 11 more reopen votes to get that to 11 too
@rak1507 Don't you need rep to upvote/downvote?
@user 6742:25
@rak1507 Gnat's a very prolific voter across the network
@user Association bonus
why tho
@rak1507 No idea, never talked to him
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth
@Lyxal That's a lot of upvotes
But, he has 40k+ rep network wide, so he's probably not a spammer :P
@user I voted the most last year
voted 129 times this week?!
@rak1507 The max is 280
I don't think 129 good posts have been made on the site in its entirety!
@rak1507 cries in 700+ posts
@rak1507 yes
that's including answers
@rak1507 :(
@rak1507 );
@rak1507 no one ever said they were new
(that second has a tear coming out the bottom)
And I'm out of votes
Here, have some of mine.
A fun goal: get on the first page of all 4 of the user pages (so all but new users) (sorting by "all time")
Only a mod can do it
Wheat Wizard did it, actually
Currently, that requires: 32.7k+ rep, >3143 votes, >130 edits and a modhood
@ChartZBelatedly I'm 25% done
50% here :P
Need to vote more and win more elections :P
99% done. Now all I need is a little more rep, a few more votes, some edits, and for someone to vote me as mod.
@ChartZBelatedly how's Patch?
@Lyxal Tired :P
Spent the day running after tennis balls :P
Sounds like he had a lot of fun!
Who was he playing tennis against?
@Lyxal Well, he decides that barking is the best course of action if he isn't having fun, so that isn't that rare of an occurrence :P
@user Mainly trees. Bouncing the ball off something is the best way to confuse him
@ChartZBelatedly Oh, yeah. Trees are some of the toughest opponents I've played against. Hell of a return, and they never get tired :)
@user Luckily, trickshots usually work, and their footwork isn't great :P
@ChartZBelatedly I'll have to keep that in mind next time :P
CMQ: What's your favorite sport?
To play or watch?
@user golf :P
@ChartZBelatedly Either, I guess
@user The cricket's been fun to watch recently :P
@ChartZBelatedly Cricket's still going on?
@user Yeah, the India v England T20 was today
Or yesterday, time zones are weird
@ChartZBelatedly Huh, I don't know if I should find that encouraging or discouraging.
I hope India beat y'all
I won;t spoil it beyond saying it was an entertaining match
TBH, I'd describe the last 2 Test matches as entertaining even tho we got thrashed, so I hope that doesn't give anything away
Aw, England won.
Apparently, I joined this site 4 years and 10 minutes ago :P
@user Yep :P
Happy Cake Day?
@ChartZBelatedly happy ppcg/cgcc birthday! hope this site survives for another 4
Ooh, looks like England won by a pretty wide margin (tbh I don't remember much of crickcet anymore)
@rak1507 And gets better
Anyone feel like doing a Programming Language Quiz Mark 3?
@user I'm not sure what's changed since the last one? TIO being a thing was a massive change between Mark 1 and Mark 2, and properly affected answers
Besides there are other cops-and-robbers that could do with reposting :P
I guess so, yeah
@rak1507 That website needs to browse through the Hello World thread for some more languages :P
Adding some compressed strings in golfing languages would be evil :P
lol yep I had haskell ~4 times
> Languages count 75
We have 800+ answers to Hello World, someone get the devs on the phone :P
Ooh, I just got a choice between Idris and Haskell (it was Idris because of a single :)
The choice between LOLCODE and Omgrofl almost got me before I realised that LOLCODE has strings :P
> Your score is 7200!
Took me a couple of tries tho :D
Argh, I keep mixing up Pascal, Ada, and Delphi!
@ChartZBelatedly Nice, I can only go up to 900
@user I got that one too
nearly caught me
@ChartZBelatedly trying multiple times is cheating
Man, I hate Xtend and Fantom and C# all these upstart languages that look like Java
@rak1507 "Trying multiple times is learning" - machine learning algorithms
Finally got to 3700
second try got to 4300
some tricky questions there
I like the Delphi/Pascal misdirect :P
What's the difference between the Prolog and Logtalk snippets, by the way?
@user To watch: None, To Play: I ran track when I was 13 and I was the worst in the district but it was fun :p
That's respectable
@user I like watching basketball and playing tennis, although I suck at both.
tennis is fun, I used to play it quite a lot but I don't any more
Because of COVID or because you're too busy on the golf course? :P
no, because I am now unable to walk due to side effects of cancer treatment (bit of a downer, sorry!)
Oh, I'm so sorry
Are you all right?
cancer wise, yep, all good
That's good to hear
@rak1507 I got 800 first try, then 900, then 3600 :p
yeah, seems like before long you could see every snippet
not enough examples
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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