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A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DavideThe speed of Trilobaccis The challenge is inspired by this beautiful one: Speed of Lobsters. And it's similar to this other one: Is it a lobster number?. The word Trilobacci is a blend of Tribonacci and Lobster. About tribonacci, quoting Wikipedia: The tribonacci numbers are like the Fibonacci n...

Q: Count unrooted, unlabeled binary trees of n nodes

BubblerAn unrooted binary tree is an unrooted tree (a graph that has single connected component and contains no cycles) where each vertex has exactly one or three neighbors. It is used in bioinformatics to show evolutionary relationships between species. If such a tree has \$n\$ internal nodes, it neces...

2 hours later…
@Bubbler which one?
oh I see
Morning @Razetime!
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
..somehow that challenge is full of answers with nonstandard I/O
happens a lot with old challenges lol
Q: Find the minimum edit distance between two strings

Peter OlsonExplanation The edit distance between two strings is a function of the minimum possible number of insertions, deletions, or substitutions to convert one word into another word. Insertions and deletions cost 1, and substitutions cost 2. For example, the distance between AB and A is 1, because d...

Q: Őőőőőőő, are you there?

SztupYDescription While support is getting better and better for people to write in various scripts around the world using unicode, and now you can even write in emojis as well, unfortunately most fonts[citation needed] are still missing Latin characters based on the double acute accent, which is requ...

I wanna find a js way to do this
@Razetime I think it will only be possible after this FontMetrics API gets finalized
So the short answer is you can't, at least right now
@Bubbler I'm thinking of computed font style
font-style: "<fontname>,<font guaranteed to have those chars>"
and then check if the computed style is the same
I think the computed style just gives the raw CSS property, not the font(s) actually used
3 hours later…
Wow quiet today
1 hour later…
Q: How likely is this mutation?

WhitehotIn my previous bioinformatics challenge, I asked you to mutate a DNA sequence. This time, I'd like you to evaluate how likely a mutation, or a series of mutations, is. The two types of substitutions are transitions and transversions, and due to the chemical structure of DNA bases, transitions are...

2 hours later…
Wait, I just noticed I'm 98% of the way to my first tag badge!
@RedwolfPrograms I swear definitely got a score of 98 in !
counts edits on fingers and has to buy more fingers
(BTW, I haven't looked at your profile yet)
@RedwolfPrograms Good thing is that SE chat allows edits up to 120 times.
Otherwise, I guess I'll just have to bear with a badly-written message. :)
You only have 2 minutes to edit a message, that's an edit every second
Oh neat, Google has a new thing where they put Q&A sites in boxes at the top of the screen when you google a question
CGCC is one of them
Feels wrong seeing Quora next to actually good Q&A sites
CMQ: What's the worst Quora question/answer you've seen?
The first result when you google nth digit of e is in 05AB1E
We no longer need schools, we now have the best fact
@user too many to list here
quora is pretty hard not to find terrible questions on
@Razetime Fair enough
So uh...I just saw a comment on another SE, and went to reply because it was incorrect, and it was mine
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Alex briesSssh i'm Whisper In honuor of the language of this month, Whispers, output Wisspers intro lyrics (with a small modification) Rules: The lyrics has to be outputed exactly as stated below Use of external resources is not allowed Use any language, Standard code golf rules apply. The shortest submis...

A: Which Ninjutsu am I casting?

Andreas TPython 3 (Cython), 17 bytes I=input() exec(I) As "any kind of input format" with "arbitrary values" is allowed, I choose for "Ten" the string: import re;"!TEN";signs = [0 if "!"+"TEN" == i else 1 if "!"+"CHI" == i else 2 for i in re.findall(r"!\w\w\w", I)];print("Fuma Shuriken") if len(signs) =...

CRWQ *: this is probably illegal under some standard loophole, but which?
* real world question, assuming we're in the real world
Roll a die, pick the standard loophole with that number, and it probably applies.
maybe something about not including redundant info in input format?
Maybe this
This definitely does
This also probably applies
Second one seems most specific for this type of thing. Instant downvote.
@RedwolfPrograms That one's the exact loophole :P
I feel like suggesting they just use exec for a 4 byte answer, even though I know it's not valid :D
Python, 0 bytes (input is appended to end of program)
^ Now that is an answer I would love/hate to see
Has the gradscript stopped showing the leaderboard for anyone else?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm getting the leaderboard
Weird, it seems as though my userscripts are different on this browser (my desktop) than on my laptop browser, despite them being fully synced :/
You know how they changed the size of h1 and the line height a few months ago? I don't think they really committed to it. Here's my proposal
@RedwolfPrograms that's not enough, has to be 100vh
Yeah but it doesn't fit on the screen :p. I had to zoom out four times just to take that screeshot
zooming out
@RedwolfPrograms Reminds me of lower school, writing a piece of homework then setting the font size at 200 for a letter per page :P
I'd always use 12pt like I was supposed to, but half the other students just set it to 18pt with triple line height (and usually got away with it somehow)
@RedwolfPrograms yahoo answers is somehow worse
but less popular
@RedwolfPrograms Use 8pt. but print it on A5 paper :P
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Redwolf ProgramsDetermine if a dot(comma) program halts code-golf decision-problem halting-problem Dotcomma is a simple esolang I made a while ago that only uses four operators: [.,]. In this challenge, you'll interpret a dotcomma program consisting only of [.]. This means there is no input, output, or queue, m...

Can one person downvote this? I've got an odd amount of reputation.
five people downvote it
Noooooo it takes an even amount of reputation :(
Thanks anyway :p
@RedwolfPrograms Go downvote an answer, it's -1 rep
Yeah, trying to find one of yours I dislike :p
@RedwolfPrograms Well, I'm on 23377 so a downvote puts me on 23375 :p
That loophole answer is now the 4th most downvoted on the site
@RedwolfPrograms I obliged, but why do you want downvotes?
Wait I didn't need it downvoted anymore
...It's a little late to remove my downvote now :\
1 hour later…
@RedwolfPrograms Do you have a repository or something with all your userscripts together?
No, I guess I should make one
If anyone wants to use some of their delete votes, here's a list of recent, negatively scored closed questions that could do with be deleted
Oh nice, that invalid answer got deleted.
can someone write an esolang in not python pls? thx
@Wezl Done :p
Python's got a lot more useful features compared to JS for esolang development
mostly I just meant to express my frustration {:(
@RedwolfPrograms what are these?
Arbitrary precision ints by default, lots of useful libraries, and probably more
JS is workable, but if I knew any other languages well enough I'd definitely use those instead
I'm 5 edits away from Copy Editor, and I can't find any proper things to edit :/
Edit my squareroot question so user can un-downvote it :p
mostly I'm just angry at python for being 45+ MBs while qjs is like 1 or 2 (and it optionally has big ints)
...and then I find the program I'm using is written in python 2
anyone interested in doing this in ALPACA?
1 hour later…
Morning y'all
What's good?
the weather, it's snowing
Snow comprises individual ice crystals that grow while suspended in the atmosphere—usually within clouds—and then fall, accumulating on the ground where they undergo further changes. It consists of frozen crystalline water throughout its life cycle, starting when, under suitable conditions, the ice crystals form in the atmosphere, increase to millimeter size, precipitate and accumulate on surfaces, then metamorphose in place, and ultimately melt, slide or sublimate away. Snowstorms organize and develop by feeding on sources of atmospheric moisture and cold air. Snowflakes nucleate around particles...
^^^ that's snow ;D
It looks like it's gonna be a hot one today down under
It's a little cold here rn
Coldest night of the year here IIRC
I've heard it might snow again, but I very much doubt that
The sky is a nice shade of light gray, though
@Wezl Not at all. This is:
TIL the reason my Minecraft server was so laggy is because I gave it too much RAM, and didn't leave enough for disk cache :/
@Adám Nah, that's nothing. 3 weeks ago, we had 2.5m in 2 days where I was :P
We got 4 inches last month and that was the most I'd ever seen :p
@RedwolfPrograms TBF I was living in an Austrian ski resort at the time, they tend to get a lot of snow :P
I just googled it, apparently Jan. 10th set a record for most snow here
It beat the previous record of...0.3 inches
\o/ Just did my 500th edit, now I'm just waiting on my Copy Editor badge!
@cairdcoinheringaahing I used to live in Montreal. I'd get up a couple of times every night to shovel away the snow, because if I let it collect throughout the night, I wouldn't be able to get out of my door in the morning.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nice!
@Adám I can believe it :P My balcony got so much snow in 2 nights that it was practically unusable for the next month
my snow is nice and tame. It completely disappears, then reappears one day later, so we get breaks
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nice photo collection here.
@Adám A bunch of them weren't loading for me and just showed empty white squares and I legitimately thought "Oh that;s a funny way to show how much snow there was" before realising :/
Might be interesting to see them sorted by sum of challenge scores
@RedwolfPrograms I'm not good enough at SQL for that :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Wait, I'm number 12‽ How did that happen?
@Adám I guess you write a lot of challenges
I don't think of myself as a big challenge writer.
Also, at 100 challenges (technically 100 days of challenges), you get the Socratic badge. Calvin's got it twice
Leaky and Beta Decay are the only ones with 100+ challenges without the badge
It is all coming together now… It was exactly during such a winter in Montreal that I first told my boss about PPCG and he told me to golf during work hours.
it's been very successful with getting me interested in APL
He was visiting Montreal. We were in the outdoor hot tub (while it was snowing) and jumped in the snow. I guess Dyalog corporate culture is… familial?
Adám's Dyalog advertising is getting more subtle :P
@Adám sounds like a dream job
paid to code golf!
CMC: Given a list representation of a tree, parenthesize it. e.g. [1, "&", [[2, "|", 3], "&", 4]] -> (1 & ((2 | 3) & 4)
JS, 48 bytes: f=t=>Array.isArray(t)?"("+t.map(f).join` `+")":t
Wait no
Wait, can we assume it's only numbers and strings in the tree?
Integers and characters
Ah, so you can save at least 11 bytes
ಠ_ಠ I hate the way Jelly handles strings
JS, 37 bytes: f=t=>t.map?"("+t.map(f).join` `+")":t
Jelly, 10 bytes: Try it online!
@RedwolfPrograms If it helps you save a byte, spaces aren't required
Would commas be allowed?
No, it does have to resemble an actual expression

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