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@JonathanFrech Done
3 hours later…
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think we should add a best of 2020 tag/add "Best of 2020" to the post itself, cause bounties don't show their description after their exposure period.
4 hours later…
@Razetime Potentially, but the nominations/voting posts should stay up after Best Of is over so people can always see which posts won. And bounties are shown in the revisions of a question after the bounty’s awarded
oh interesting
I was just wondering how we would keep the award visible after the bounty period is over
Q: Circles on the grid

Peter KageyThis problem will have you analyzing circles drawn on the grid, with the gridlines drawn at integer values of \$x\$ and \$y\$. Let \$\varepsilon\$ be a very small number (think, \$\epsilon = 0.0001\$). If we paint a filled-in circle of radius \$\varepsilon\$ centered at the origin, it will requir...

7 hours later…
hello @HyperNeutrino I understand why you removed my answer but I was just wondering why you didn't just edit it to remove the invalid answer and leave the other one
anyone here ever used scikit-learn?
1 hour later…
well, I have used it, but what are you trying to do?
@thedefault. I think I solved my immediate problem and now have a new one :)
In C, is there a way I can convert a signed integer to an unsigned one without a warning, if I know the signed integer is positive?
Never mind
int a;
unsigned int b;
b = * (unsigned int *) &a;
b = (unsigned int) a worked for me, is there a reason for all the pointer stuff?
that's a bit-for-bit reinterpretation, I was assuming that, since you asked, a cast wouldn't work
Oh, okay. I don't know much about C :p
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SchlotterDivisor chains Definition A simple path in the divisor graph of {1,...,n} is a sequence of distinct numbers between 1 and n such that if k immediately follows m, then either k divides m or m divides k. Task (1) Return a list of integers that represents the lexicographically earliest longest, simp...

@pxeger Being 100% not HN, the likeliest thing to happen was a flag was raised and HN went by what the flag said, rather than what the answer was. Again, not being HN, this may be completely wrong tho
I just converted a whole 500 line program to lowercase and didn't notice. I've closed my editor since then so I can't undo.
@RedwolfPrograms Python has (almost) no issue with this :P
neither does APL
is there a coding genius here who can see the answer to stackoverflow.com/questions/65634161/… ?
any help hugely appreciated
I've now gotten my Node JS version of a Python program I wrote to to be 87× faster lol
And the Node JS program actually has more features
@RedwolfPrograms But is it faster than the PyPy version of your Python program? >:-)
@wizzwizz4 I can't figure out how to install PIL with PyPy
@RedwolfPrograms pip install pillow doesn't work?
Does it error?
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "compare.py", line 1, in <module>
    from PIL import Image
ImportError: No module named PIL
pypy -m pip install pillow?
/usr/bin/pypy: No module named pip
pypy -m ensurepip
ensurepip is disabled in Debian/Ubuntu for the system python.
(with some more stuff)
pypy -m ensurepip --user
Same thing.
pypy <(wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py)
assert os.path.exists(pyc_path)
I doubt PyPy is 80 times faster than the normal interpreter, anyway
Hi @wizzwizz4
Thank you for your comment although I didn't understand it
@Anush Those identifiers didn't come from nowhere.
I assume they came from calling repr(...) on something.
Can you see how my code is different from the Titanic code? That's what really confused me
If you can find a way to override that (probably by __class__-smashing the objects themselves), you should fix the problem.
@Anush Look at the top box in the image.
Your code isn't different, except that you're not going to the bottom layer.
But the Titanic has for example sex, value = female
@Anush I'm pretty sure that's about the data structure it's looking at.
My tree doesn't show anything like that.
I was expecting one, value = b or similar
Try verbose=True.
@wizzwizz4 why would it be different data structure?
(Also, you shouldn't have spaces around = in kwargs, according to PEP-8.)
@wizzwizz4 I am on my phone but could you try that?
@Anush No clue. I don't actually understand the problem, and I've never used catboost before.
Please :)
@Anush I don't have catboost. I don't even know what it is.
Ah.. Do you have Linux?
Yeah, but Debian doesn't have it.
pip install catboost will install it
I'm running low on space… but okay.
Definitely on mobile, I see. :-p
You will need pandas too
pip install pandas
@wizzwizz4 yes!
pandas 1.2.0 has requirement numpy>=1.16.5, but you'll have numpy 1.16.4 which is incompatible.
That's just fussy
pip install numpy -U
But I bet it was compatible
@Anush Doesn't work.
It might well be compatible, but it's refusing to be imported.
What is it with installing Python packages today?
That's python life
Sorry, I can't help. :-(
Wait what didn't work??
@Anush Updating numpy.
It just didn't.
@wizzwizz4 what went wrong?
File "/site-packages/pandas/compat/numpy/__init__.py", line 21, in <module>
    f"this version of pandas is incompatible with numpy < {_min_numpy_ver}\n"
ImportError: this version of pandas is incompatible with numpy < 1.16.5
your numpy version is 1.16.4.
Please upgrade numpy to >= 1.16.5 to use this pandas version
@Anush Task failed successfully.
What happened with
It just didn't do anything when I said “please install a version >=1.16.5”.
pip install numpy -U ?
$ pip3 install numpy>=1.16.5
Just pip install numpy -U will do
@Anush Why did that work?
It just upgrades numpy
Now you can install pandas
Did catboost install ok?
How do you get the graphical representation?
Do you have jupyter notebook or lab?
Nah; I just used .view().
And I got Sex, value=female
Great. That is the Titanic example
Can you try my example?
That was.
No my example is the one at the top of the question.
I know.
Ah ok. There are no Titanics in it :)
Or Sex variables
@Anush There are. Look at your question.
Argh... Let me fix the question
@wizzwizz4 ok that was a copy and paste disaster. Can you try it now please
@cairdcoinheringaahing As the flagger, I didn't read the answer closely enough to notice that the second submission didn't use Unary (nor would I have noticed that the first submission did use Unary if it hadn't been brought up in the comments)
@wizzwizz4 sorry for the confusion earlier. I hope it's ok now. I hate copy and paste in Linux
@pxeger Sorry, I incorrectly assumed that both were the same I/O/approach and the first half was just a golf on the second half, since I see people include the original version after major golfs that don't necessarily change the concept.
my bad; not familiar with zsh and I should've taken a closer look at the TIO links or asked
Q: Win a K vs KQ endgame

79037662Summary The goal of this challenge is to create a program or function which will win a Chess game with a King and Queen against a lone King. The user will specify distinct three squares on a standard 8x8 chessboard, representing the locations of the computer's King, the computer's Queen, and the ...

Hi all
Is anyone about?
@Anush Don't ask to ask, just ask. If you've got a question or something, just ask it and someone will answer it if/when they can. Otherwise, it just creates noise
I just got a desktop notification from Youtube and instinctively checked my SE inbox lol
@RedwolfPrograms why? Does YouTube notifications make the same noise as my fridge?
No, it's because I was reading the skeptics.se post on the moon landing "hoax" and usually reading comments about something so stupid only happens on YT
Mood landing
That's what it's called.
@RedwolfPrograms The only correct response to "moon mood landing faked haha" is "wait, you believe in the moon?"
@RedwolfPrograms I saw you change it to moom temporarily
Thats even worse
Note to self: wait 2 minutes before pointing out spelling mistakes.
@cairdcoinheringaahing good point
Would anyone be kind enough to see if they can reproduce the examples I give in stackoverflow.com/q/65634161/2287805 please?
I want to make sure I have fixed the question properly
Of course any answers would also be awesome!

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