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Can someone explain why I have both nodejs and node installed on my server lol
And I just checked and the version nodejs uses is like two years old...I wonder if I can uninstall it without breaking everything
Seems like you can, I just ran sudo apt remove nodejs, nothing has caught on fire and node still works.
@RedwolfPrograms hopefully not a timebomb
@Neil oh no where
@Anush fastest code is rare anywhere else because a person needs to time stuff
largely because there's a pretty big spread of languages used
@RedwolfPrograms *yet
If I were you, I'd start running while you have the chance
3 hours later…
Q: On editing somebody else's off-topic question to make it on-topic without the owner's word

Magic Octopus UrnRecently a user joined the site asking a question that was an equivalent of the routinely closed, "hey guys please solve my homework for me". Here's the specific question I'm talking about. An existing user then proceeded to edit the question to make it more fitted to our site, and I voted to reo...

2 hours later…
@Razetime ccgc FTW again :)
@Anush coding challenges and garbage collection
@Anush code colf and goding challenges
1 hour later…
Q: Draw an ASCII hexagon of side length n

wimGiven a positive integer \$n\$ output an ASCII hexagon with diagonal side length \$n\$, as pictured (note there are \$2n\$ _ characters on the top edge) Examples: \$n = 1\$ __ / \ \__/ \$n = 2\$ ____ / \ / \ \ / \____/ \$n = 5\$ __________ / \ / ...

2 hours later…
hi @wizzwizz4
and all
@Lyxal that's cruel!
(and quite funny)
"coding and code golf challenges"
@Anush how so?
mocking my mistake..but I don't mind
Even though I wasnt the first to do so
he started it :)
you can make up by telling me how I can grep a word list for 5 letter words
Looks like I ain't making anything up to you
I haven't the foggiest what grep is
ah ok.. how can you use a computer and not know what grep is?
Windows only?
Golfing languages don't lend themselves to grep
grep -E '^[[:alpha:]]{4}$' words it seems
my best guess for grep is "GNU Regular Expression Program"
@thedefault. another non-linux user?
no, I'm a linux user
@Anush topanswers.xyz/codegolf has fastest code, iirc.
you must use grep then surely
@wizzwizz4 true... but they have weeks between posts
it's very low throughput
I should try a post there and see how it goes
Q: Reccomendations for programming for grade 9 student

penseeWhat is the material or path to learning competitive programming? How does one in the grade-9 start ? What books are recommended

@UnrelatedString Surprised you're still using Brachylog after all these months of me not updating anything :)
now I want a poll for how many people have used grep in the last week in the chatroom
@Fatalize :)
-GLaDOS voice- It's been a long time
Were you the one wanting to implement a declarative golfing language? Or am I thinking of someone else
i'm still working on it lmao
it's at like the third complete overhaul of the concept
at this point it's just Jelly with backtracking, if Jelly with backtracking was a single file containing nothing but a verbose tokenizer
I think ais523 also had plans to do this but I think he's too much of a perfectionist like you
This is my secret to implementing Brachylog: I just went for it so loads of things are bad in it
but at least there'ssomething
My biggest "regret" is definitely the way arguments are passed in predicates
and it also helps that you mostly overhauled it to go from ASCII to code page after you already had experience with the ASCII version
that way you could get some things right the first time... the second time
It looks good and is terse when it's a erlation between only 2 variables, but when there are more it's so annoying to have to use lists
But I couldn't think of a simple short solution for it so I just didn't bother changing it
The ASCII version was definitely a monstrosity, both in terms of the language itself, and the implementation of the interpreter
Re-implementing everything in Prolog with a cutom code page was definitely the best decision
the whole single-list-variable paradigm does have some nice consequences like + doing double duty conceptually as add two numbers and as sum a list
Yeah in some cases it's good, in others it's terrible
Actually not that obvious to find a terser yet readable solution to this
That discussion reminded me of that satisfying Brachylog commit message
ahah nice
...the first thing I thought of before I clicked the link was the one time I commented out an entire file by accident
Oh I didn't even remember that I reimplemented it in Prolog befoer changing the code page
any python people know how to sample from a random distribution? I have a Counter which gives counts for every letter and I want to sample according to that distribution
isn't that random.choices with weights?
yeah sounds like it
the Brachylog intro vid has almost 1k views wtf
@thedefault. oh that sounds good. thanks
it's not even up-to-date
I'm not sure I ever even watched it
hmm.. I don't think random choice allows weights does it?
yes, I fixed that, only choices accepts them, according to the documentation
oh it does
that must be newish
3.6 it seems.. not that new
i'm on python 3.6 and choices accepts
oh it was added literally in 3.6
I am writing some simple code and it's very tempting to pose each part as a CMC so I can see how terrible I am at coding :)
@Anush Implementation by committee; I don't see the problem with that.
CMC: Sort a list of strings matching ^[A-Z]+$ into Excel column name order e.g. ["AA", "Z"] becomes ["Z", "AA"]
so we sort first by length, then alphabetically?
@Neil l.sort(key=lambda s:(len(s),s))
@wizzwizz4 smh that's not golfed
Brachylog, 2 bytes: lᵒ
@ASCII-only It's Python; i doubt you can beat that.
Except by 1 character.
Happy now? :-p
(first Brachylog thing I wrote in months)
@wizzwizz4 I don't see fastest-code at topanswers.xyz/tags?community=codegolf
@Fatalize what's that button on TIO in the video next to the share button?
I'm not sure what it is.
Cause it ain't there no nore
@Anush Look at the challenge types. There's a speed competition there. (Note that code golf is also not in the list of tags.)
@wizzwizz4 oh cool
i remember i hit the old threshold for seeing deleted posts within like a week or two of cg&cc leaving beta and increasing its thresholds
CMC print zero, one, two, three ... nine. That is the names of the numbers from zero to nine
@Razetime gosh darn that stupid y combinator
leaving the Brachylog video on by accident while I looked for the button in TIO's commit history reminded me, it's always strange to run into a Brachylog answer that was written after the jump from ASCII but before ; replaced : as the pairing operator
@Anush Every golfing language, 58 bytes: "zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine"
@Razetime that's no good :)
@Razetime you forgot Jelly's special quote characters
works in most of em
so what is the smallest range where you can do something cleverer?
Mathematica, IntegerName@Range[0,9], of course
zero... twenty?
@thedefault. very nice :)
@Anush doubtful
@UnrelatedString zero... hundred?
hundred, yes
wait, do we need to separate them with commas, or can we just output a list?
yeah sounds right
@thedefault. just output them
but thats too big for CMC
@Razetime almost every golfing language
I want to know the smallest interesting range :)
Shaking my head at razetime
anyways for the original range, Jelly, 25 bytes: “¢¤Ƙƒ⁺6j¹;Ċ-ḶṃżṃgɼṘƑUẏ{»
@UnrelatedString that's a good improvement!
it's always tempting to use the built in string list syntax but it's never as good for dictionary compression as just compressing spaces in
05AB1E 64 bytes
Prints the exact message you told me to print
"zero, one, two, three ... "“¥Š“". That "“€ˆ€€Œî€‚€€Žµ€š¡×€„¥Š“J
for 05ab1e the shortest interesting range is zero, is that interesting? (“¡×)
@Lyxal :)
I assume this must have been a challenge already at some point
there is a challenge for taking a number as input and outputting it in english within some similarly limited range
hmm. then I really do need to work out what an interesting range is
I guess one to ninety-nine?
sixty-nine to four hundred and twenty
Ha got'em
I'm just so hilarious
Two funny numbers in a single message
honestly 16 to 99 could be an interesting choice of range
This room has the best bookmarks
@Neil very nice!
@UnrelatedString lisp, 20 bytes
I'm surprised the numbers from 0 to 10 don't contain the letter a (and also that joining them with a is shorter than joining them with a space)
challenge posted
sadly already existed as a challenge
figured as much
@Lyxal didn't screw up that badly
@Lyxal I honestly don't remember at all
all the icon tells me is that the icon reminds me of the ubuntu logo
also I tried wayback machine and it did not exactly work
@thedefault. Charcoal has special compression if the string contains only characters from one of uppercase; lowercase; digits; space and newline, but if you have characters from more than one set the compression isn't as good
...okay, somehow I got the language list to load, but the snapshot I picked was after the button disappeared
tried the very first snapshot
looks like the mystery button is for "Community"
2 hours later…
Regarding categories for "Best of" for 2020, are there categories involving multiple people?
@user We've had "Best Collaborative Effort" before, but it always has the issue of "how do we award the bounty to multiple people?"
There's no need to award a bounty, though, is there?
That's usually what the reward/prize is for winning a category
CMC: Given the name of a positive integer (one, seven, ten etc.) output if it's odd or even
format for the first ~1000?
is there an 'and' in 'one hundred and three' for example
@cairdcoinheringaahing I thought it was just to show people cool answers and stuff. And the people involved would probably get upvotes.
@rak1507 You can decide the format, so long as it's consistent and is obviously "the name" of it
@user Nah, see the bounties bit at the end of the question? That's cause normally we award +500 rep bounties to the winners
May I ask what happened to "Best Collaborative Effort"? I can't find it
A: Best of PPCG 2019 — Call for Categories

ngnMost Collaborative Answer goes to one that incorporates significant ideas from as many users as possible

@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh, I see. Perhaps it could be split between the users (on different answers of theirs)?
@user Potentially. If you want to (re)post it, go ahead, just be prepared to have that conversation about the fairest way to reward those involved
@cairdcoinheringaahing Thanks!
Looks like it didn't go anywhere, unfortunately
Man, the Winter Bash stats always surprise me as to just how many people participate
@user Yeah, that's another issue, is that we don't really "collaborate" with answers on the site
Like, if I suggest a golf, I wouldn't think of that as "collaborating" with the OP
@cairdcoinheringaahing Eh, what the heck, I'll repost it and let the community vote on it
@user Sounds good to me. Worst case scenario is that it doesn't move into the nominations post :)
I wasn't exactly thinking of collaboration really, anything with multiple people golfing. I saw three users golfing in R going back and forth once, which is what made me think of this
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think I have a 56/65 (chars/bytes) in python up to a million
but I'm not sure
We've currently got 10 answers on the Best of CGCC, and more are potentially incoming. Currently, the bounties offered is unlikely to cover that with 500 to each winner. If you're willing to give up some of your rep to reward the best posts from this year, please reply to this message, comment on the post or edit yourself into the meta question.
Can we get a couple of stars on ^ so it sticks around for a little bit?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Mathematica: OddQ@*Interpreter["SemanticNumber"]
ffs :')
(outputs inverted, you can use EvenQ if you don't want that)
@rak1507 What's the magic string? How'd you find that?
@thedefault. @* is Mathematica's compose function right?
it's chr(sum(map(ord,'one'))), chr(..., 'three')... etc
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'd be willing to give 500 rep
@RedwolfPrograms Edited in, thanks (cc @user) :)
Also I like that yours says +500, as if you were considering giving -500 :p
I've always formatting rep gains/loses as + or - :P
I see an accept as +15 to the answerer and +2 to me for example :P
We now have 3000+ rep to give away!
@user Well, 2500 and whatever HN offers :)
> Adám Offering 1E4 rep
From last year o.O
@cairdcoinheringaahing I took "good amount" to mean 500+
It'd be great if someone offered 10000 rep though
@user Agreed, but I don't want to pressure anyone specific to offer bounties, I'd rather people be happy to reward instead of feeling like they "should"
CMC: General version of this: Given n, b, d, output the number of integers in [1...n] when end in d in base b
The linked question is b = 10, d = 2
If there's more rep offered that needed, will we just go in descending order by reputation?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Does the strikethrough mean you do want to pressure people? :o
@RedwolfPrograms I'm planning on taking the top N categories, such that each category would result in a +500 bounty to the winner
So currently, with an assumed +3000 reward "pool", we'd have 6 categories, chosen by votes on the category page
Which is why I'd like as much rep offered as possible
@user ...no shifty glance
Did we decide it was best to do most underappreciated as a best of category or a separate thing?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I can't, this year, though. I ran out of rep meanwhile.
@Adám Oh damn, I didn't realise we were so close in rep
Didn't you hit ~40k at one point?
hmm... so python coding problem. I have a list of words of the same length (say length 8). I want to make a probability distribution for the symbols at each index. So 8 probability distributions. What's a nice compact way of doing that?
@Adám NGL if/when I reach that level of rep (i.e. safely clear of 25k) I'm going to find something to give it away for
@Anush I'd transpose the character array and process rows (note: I'm not sure that'd be a good idea)
As long as I can see site analytics, I don't really care how much rep I have
@thedefault. hmm.. so make the list of strings a list of lists and then transpose that? I don't know if it can be a numpy array
There must be an 'nth digit of champernowne's constant' challenge right?
[collections.Counter(word[index] for word in words) for index in range(8)] ?
@rak1507 Maybe not
4 bytes in Jelly tho
yeah, just surprised me there wasn't one
and it even works :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing 5 bytes
I feel like my 5-byte Jelly solution should be 3 bytes: RVṾị@; can it be shortened?
@thedefault. I used DF instead of VṾ, but otherwise I don't think it can :/
Ugh, when you have to add 66% to your byte count because the question requires proper handling of 0
@cairdcoinheringaahing Care to share the link to this question you mentioned? I'd love to have a go at it as well
@user This. See Erik's Jelly answer (I had RVw)
Thanks! I didn't realize that was an old comment
@user Wait, I linked to the wrong question
Thought you were replying to the 66% comment :/
Gimme a second to find that one
Oh ok, that confused me a bit :)
@wizzwizz4 hi
@cairdcoinheringaahing Thanks!
One of my most "how to abuse Jelly" answers ever :P
Abusing things is the true Code Golf way, after all
Yeah :P The overuse of the register was definitely "non-Jelly" programming :P
@user Just an FYI, I think my initial answer was around ~70/80 bytes, before I started the explanation and golfing, so have fun :P
70 bytes for Jelly? Great, that's going to be at least 500 bytes for Scala
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Anyone know how you paste a whole block of Latex into an answer? All I know right now is \$
@user $$
@wizzwizz4 Ah, thanks!

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