I don't like curry. Help me reverse the effects of this evil question - Make me some curry - by uncurrying functions.
Given a blackbox curried function, output its uncurried equivalent.
The curried function will take a single argument and output either another curried function or a value of...
"VPN defeats the entire point of the entire internet"
nobody is 100% trustworthy, that's just how the world works
well yes anything with a login, you probably want to go through a bit more effort, use letsencrypt directly rather than via cloudflare
still multiple things you're relying on, as mentioned above. vps host, isp, heck, maybe even nameservers, and of course any third party you allow on your website
@ASCII-only DNS is supposed to be federated – but yes, the root nameservers could be considered a single point of failure.
Of course, OpenNIC exists…
@ASCII-only Yes and no. Most things you outsource don't get a cryptographic certificate letting them impersonate you for months after you stop using their stuff.
In theory, if Cloudflare went evil (or, more realistically, got breached), they could do a lot of damage.
@ASCII-only Unless you run your own servers, that's unavoidable.
And you can encrypt the secret stuff and only decrypt it on your personal box if you like.
With Cloudflare, everything goes through Cloudflare (unless you do JavaScript-based client-side encryption on top of TLS, which will make the users of your website unhappy… and which Cloudflare could theoretically disable anyway, if they went evil).
Plus, with a VPS, nobody's going to get control of all VPSs by breaching a single VPS provider.
@thedefault. The fact that you can port almost any answer from the newer to the older suggests they're duplicates
The newer one allows you to do it in non-O(n) space, but given that most answers on the old one are completely unaffected by that means that the older one is basically a "superset" of the newer one, but is a much poorer question
I briefly thought the older question was supposed to be answered with the xor of all elements, but then I realized "What if each ball is repeated exactly twice?" is just a question inside the question, but then I realized that the question is not about numbers, but then I realized it didn't mention strings until you edited it.
@thedefault. Yeah, I edited it to use strings since that's what all the answers were using, but I guess any "container" elements would work. The second question was the reason I VTCed as unclear/too broad in the first place, but even after my edits, I realised that it was too unclear to be fixed by me, rather than the OP
In accordance with our meta agreement, since one candidate received more votes than the others, we have a new featured language! Throughout January 2021, our Language of the Month will be:
What's a Language of the Month?
See the meta post for nominations. In short, during January, those w...
What do you get when you cross Pascal's Triangle and the Fibonacci sequence? Well, that's what you have to find out!
Create a triangle that looks like this:
1 1
2 2 2
3 5 5 3
5 10 14 10 5
8 20 32 32 20 8
Basically, instead of each cell bein...
Okay I'm just going to buy some lighter fluid and burn my server, I think it's haunted
http://redwolfprograms.com, http://www.redwolfprograms.com, and https://www.redwolfprograms.com all go to the right website, but https://redwolfprograms.com sends me to my other website
ohh shit... I've been hearing this random plucking noise in my headphones all day and driving myself insane trying to fix my Windows notification sounds... it was SE chat
Right, I'm thinking about posting thispop-con tomorrow. So far, all other suggested scoring criteria have had major flaws, but I'm open to hearing any and all improvements and criticism up until an unknown point tomorrow
@pxeger I've done that before... but then again, I've got enough rep to see the deleted sandbox post so that I can fish my answer out of the comment I made on it...
Novelty of a state
If a state is factored (that is, can be represented as list of atoms - for example: a standard Sudoku can be represented as a 9x9 matrix where each atom/cell is a number), the novelty of a state informally represents the level of novelty of its atoms when compared to a list of ...