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CMQ: Do you have a question you think was underappreciated (in terms of votes/# of answers/etc.)? If so, tell me which one, and I'll be happy to give it a try, see if a new answer can draw some more attention
Q: Implement Multiplicative Fuzzy Logic

AdámInspired by this excellent challenge (from which the bulk of this text is blatantly duct-taped) – and my highschool philosophy project... I define the following operators: Fuzzy Conjunction a ×F b is a × b Fuzzy Division a ÷F b is a ÷ b Fuzzy Negation –F b is 1 – b Fuzzy Disjunction a +F b i...

@Adám Does "extend the language of your choice to include the notation." mean that I can define 4 functions that take the necessary arguments and return the correct results?
I generally like interpreter questions, they're the part of programming that appeals to me
@Wezl I both like and dislike most good questions, as my go-to language for golfing is Jelly :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing That'd only be valid if you can get the required infix syntax into your language. Otherwise the whole thing becomes rather trivial.
I'm thinking about redoing my dotcomma interpreter challenge, I ended up deleting it for some reason but I think it'd be an interesting challenge
@Adám I think I've got a Jelly answer that should work, let me know on my (incoming) answer if not
Will do.
Heh, we need a "Sandbox for proposed answers"…
@Adám Should be posted
Looking at it already.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'd say it is almost acceptable. Can you insert some string substitution preprocessing before you eval-as-Jelly? Then you can actually use ×F etc. in the code.
@Adám Shouldn't be too hard, I'll get on that
@Adám Given that it's getting late here and that Jelly hates 2-letter substitution more than I expected, I might have to give it a proper go tomorrow. I'll delete my answer until I get it tho
No worries. I hope you're having fun at least.
@Adám Oh, bending Jelly to my will is always fun, until I realise I've been copy-pasting the F character the entire time :P
haha, yeah, that's just a normal F.
Well, it's disgustingly hacked together, but it works :D (editing + undeleting now)
Disgustingly hacked together? That's the spirit we all want to see!
I'm including my old version because I quite like it (and it almost meets the challenge spec), but I'll use my disgusting version for my score :)
@Adám Kinda weird question, but can we take input with a trailing space?
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's an interesting question. I've also not specified internal spacing, though all my examples have a single space between tokens. I guess I'll allow it, though I can't imagine it takes a lot of Jelly to append a space, does it?
@Adám It's +2 bytes in Jelly, so not a massive issue if not, but every byte helps :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Added explicit rule about spacing, and also that you can use _ for minus if you're using Jelly.
@Adám Oh yeah, I did kinda assume _ was allowed, but thanks for making it explicit :)
@Adám Still disgustingly hacked together, but now 13 bytes shorter than an hour ago, I've undeleted my answer :P
Upvoted, but ugh, Jelly needs regex support.
Well, if a regex does the job, you just wouldn't use Jelly.
And if a regex does part of the job?
i feel like regex wouldn't fit in jelly's style of doing things
@Bubbler That's just for specific tasks in golfing, and only uses regex as preprocessing too.
@Razetime Could pretty much be implemented as in APL, no? Last two links would make the pattern(s) and the transformation(s)
@Adám yeah but it's just gonna be another two byte builtin which only makes string based tasks less interesting
@Adám that’s something that’s been hit hard by Dennis’ hiatus. There’s been a PR for regex atoms since 2018 that was being worked on
(the QuadR port of APL answer happens to be 21 bytes)
@Bubbler That's very elegant. Post it!
It works great and handles multiple test cases just fine, except that it can't handle newlines in the input properly
@Bubbler Right, but for the "try all test cases" link, you can use ⍎⍤1⎕FMT⍵
9 hours later…
CMQ: What is the longest Jelly answer you have seen/written?
Just saw this one
A very space consuming 14 bytes
@Lyxal Not at all, but I’m kinda busy today, so I’ll take a look when I can :)
@fomin i'm thinking of mounting a second attack on your challenge
if only i knew how to dfa an nfa, the dfa could be used to generate its language
3 hours later…
I know how to do that :)
I think there was a challenge on NFA to DFA too
@ngn ^^^
@Adám Do we have to handle regular negation, or can we change the -500 test case to 0 - 500?
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, negation isn't on the list of required functionality.
@Adám Ok, good. Now I just need to find a way to remove another byte so I can tie with QuadR :P
@ngn the cheesy way to convert nfa to dfa is to have 2^n states where each DFA state is a sum of powers of 2 of the states that the nfa might be in at the time
Any way to golf this HTML/CSS/JS?
@Neil right, that can work. for this challenge it's easy to construct of an nfa with 3*(n+1) states, where n is at most 16. so bitmasks can fit in 64 bits.
@Adám all I see is the default template
@Adám rm " around attribute values where possible
@JohnDvorak What? Isn't it populated with some HTML?
@JohnDvorak try reload. i got the default template the first time too.
... how does that (fail to) work?
font:monospace should work?
1 hour later…
@ngn How did you get in with the automata?
@Anush i'm still struggling :)
Ah.. Is it the conversion to DFA that is the problem?
@Anush i have a dfa (not necessarily correct) already. now i'm trying to count the possible outputs without generating them.
but i'm getting fewer than expected for "obenquillo" :(
@Adám can you get away with onload or at least onloadend instead of onreadystagechange?
<code><input style="font:inherit" is slightly shorter I guess
@ngn ah. Can you try it with the empty string?
join`\n` ("template string")
@Neil No.
@Anush it prints "1"
If it doesn't work for that you know you are in trouble :)
@ngn that's bad
It sounds be 95 + 95*95
huh, why not, need to support IE9 or something?
I am talking about the number of strings within edit distance 2 of the empty string
(side note: is the result HTML, if not, use innerText)
@Anush i got so carried away with these automata, i forgot what challenge i'll use them for :)
with(new XMLHttpRequest()){...} might save some bytes
Ooh, "with" exists. Nice.
@Neil Actually, it does. Something had gone stuck.
@Anush +1 for the empty string itself, i think
well that's all I can think of offhand
@Neil Such golf, very hack.
@Neil @Adám are the parens after new XMLHttpRequest required?
@ngn Apparently not :-)
@Anush now i'm much closer but still missing some
@ngn :)
@Anush can you give me another test case?
@Neil Thank you so much. You inspired me to even more golfs.
2 hours later…
@ngn does the empty string work now? You could try the single letter a. I can make some more complicated ones in about 12 hours

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