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Have you ever thought of where the earned money of SE goes?
The money goes to supporting the sites to prevent advertisements, which is why SE desparately needs money and treats its users terribly.
So, don't leave this site yet! Don't take this too seriously, we are just having a game.
I am looking for an internet chatroom on computer science/software engineering education. I am part of a community that has this project that accidentally serves as a way to educate people about computer science, I want to promote that end, and I also want people to consult with.
@a'_' a game that involves publicly shaming a former moderator who was dedicated to her community. That don't sound like a very fun game to me!
@Jono2906 Because they are eagerly hoping to earn money to make the SE network a better place.
@a'_' then that's a sadistic and cruel way to make money. Monica has gone through tons of stress and public humiliation as a result of false statements from the SE network. I mean, Dennis and Mego resigned over this issue for goodness sake!
@Jono2906 This action probably resulted from SE (somehow) bankrupting, and they need more economical schemes to earn more money. Having moderators resigning is probably a consequence of the scheme.
@a'_' so you're telling me that you support what SE has done?
@Jono2906 I am just trying to comfort myself about SE's actions.
I am also trying to give a possible explanation to why SE made this decision. CMQ: are there any other explanations for why SE came up stressing moderators?
I think it's quite simple. SE cares more about its public image on social media like Twitter than the communities it hosts.
@a'_' I see. That's alright then.
@a'_' also, it's more of a disrespect towards the people who volunteer to help ensure that the SE network stays an enjoyable place. Add a complete mismanagement of the situation to the mix ("shipping on Fridays") and you have yourself what's happened recently.
The whole thing has been very saddening and frustrating. Quite a rough transition from having mentors, so to speak, to overlords.
5 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

a'_'Equal size generator code-golf arithmetic integer You are given 4 positive integers: volume of the first container(v1), volume of the second container(v2), volume of the liquid in the first container(l1), and volume of the liquid in the second container(l2). Move some of the liquid from containe...

@a'_' Any further feedback upon this?
@Deadcode since you know much about regex, would you happen to know, for gnu sed regex (so gnu's regex library), the tiebreaker for equal-length regexes starting at the same position in an alternation?
basically the two following substitutions give the same result even if i swap the alternatives tio.run/##S0oszvj/…
@a'_' apart from my edits, I would say the following: 1) some more test cases would be great, 2) are we moving liquid from container 2 to 1 or 1 to 2 [in my edits, I've made it 1 to 2, although I feel like you want 2 to 1]
@Jono2906 1) I would try to randomly generate some more. 2) I guess 1 to 2 is better and more direct.
@a'_' cool. Interesting challenge BTW!
(I thought the challenge is terribly explained. Turns out that they already understand it.)
@KritixiLithos Interesting... I haven't used sed enough to see something like that happen, but JavaScript, Perl and PCRE certainly do not behave like that. I'm guessing ERE is doing a DFA optimization on the regex, which has the effect of sorting alternatives like you're seeing... such that the simpler result gets higher precedence.
@Deadcode thank you for your response, this was more than what ##sed was able to help me, although now i'm curious how exactly the "simplicity" is calculated if that is what's going in the regex engine
3 hours later…
any idea how to make https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/197898/9207 python 2 compatible? I get a = myPool.starmap(dispatchLev, test)
AttributeError: 'Pool' object has no attribute 'starmap'
4 hours later…
A: How high can you count?

a'_'SE search option language (Code Golf Dialect), score 4 The official website provides a language REPL for you to test the program. The output of course does not count this post. bok mEq user:10 is:a yzx

I got a score 4. Anyone interested at improving?
6 messages moved to Trash
@a'_' That's not constructive. Or polite
Apart from saying sorry I could say that the warning is perfect for a song lyric.
hi all
@Anush I got an idea for you: Transliterate Hebrew to English.
@Adám nice!
but without the vowels or with?
With vowels. Without is trivial.
not if you have to guess the vowels!
No, I mean given a text with vowels. Otherwise it is impossible without context.
@Adám right :)
I have no idea how you encode hebrew with vowels but I would love to learn
is it just unicode?
@Anush Encode? Yeah, it is just a stream of Unicode characters, and the vowels are immediately after the consonant they belong with.
ah ok... how would you write them properly with the vowels under/over as appropriate?
You mean in English? Or in Hebrew/Unicode?
I mean in any computer system really
say I want to do it in my favourite programming language
The vowels are in fixed positions (some are below, some are above, and some are inside) and they never move. So the Unicode stream simply has consonants followed by vowels, and the rendering engine positions everything.
oh cool
which rendering engine is this? I mean say I want to do it now in linux
Any Unicode rendering engine. All browsers, Word processors, and text editors have this built in.
Take for example תְּנוּ which consists of 6 Unicode chars: ת and then ּ and then ְ and then נ and then ו and then ּ
very nice
Notice that the dots render "wrong" because they need to combine with the adjacent character.
So the first char becomes th in English, except when followed by a middle dot, which it is in this case, so it becomes t instead.
Then the tiny subscript colon becomes a short vowel, which could be written in English as '
The next is a proper consonant, n
Then we have an ambiguous placeholder which the middle dot immediately following disambiguates to a u
The whole word is t'nu
It isn't an exact science because English is weird (while Hebrew writing unambiguously dictates pronunciation), but I'm sure we could make a system that's not too complicated, while still being somewhat usable. It'll be some work though.
Also, there are a handful of alternatives in how to actually pronounce Hebrew, but we can chose any one or make our own or a compromise.
One "fun" aspect of transliterating Hebrew is discovering how very wrong English editions of Biblical names are.
You mean he's not named Abraham?
Not at all.
The way we say that in our family is approximately written in English as Ahv-ROO-homm.
Isaac is even worse.
We say YITZ-chock with ch as in Scottish loch.
I want to ask a challenge about computing the effective resistance of the edges of a graph....
but as ever I am not 100% sure how to phrase it
1 hour later…
Q: Print out execution time of program

Vojtěch StrnadChallenge Write a complete program that prints out the time it took to execute a certain part of itself. That part must include a process whose total number of operations (and therefore execution time) is dependent on a user-substituted numeric value - this can be denoted in any way in your code...

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