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: 52496270 It looks like the person in the portrait is made of rubber.
i almost close the post above then i realized i have the hammer
and i'd really rather not hammer it
My oh my! Bobby woodtooth!!
Don't you remember the user called "Bobby Woodtooth"?
no i do not
should i?
Well, he came here yesterday. And in the same day he got suspended for plagiarism
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In the first day, he got the grand prize!
don't see how it's relevant though
I mean the suspension may be partially unjust. But that's the justice system for ya!
you seem rather hung up on this user
nah. just perplexed
bobby woodtooth sounds like such a fake name
it is a suspension for plagiarism
they plagiarised
and very weirdly tried to cover it up
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Lying is the easiest way to make the truth clearer.
covering something up is what any intellectual would do
I mean Bobby was forthright
> direct and outspoken; straightforward and honest.
i think not
maybe not the honest part but the rest. yes!
i mean he seemed straightforward
oh its jo king! WATCH WHATCA SAY!
xnor? yikes!
wait they both just left
2 hours later…
have we had a challenge to parse an equation yet?
something like "take an equation as a string like x^2 + 2 and a value like 2 and return the result"?
Q: Symbol Search Deleter

john321Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to simply parse and output congruous text in the shortest possible time. Any contiguous characters in between, and including, a given set of arbitrary symbols must be deleted. . EXAMPLE: if one chooses symbols to be: '<', '>', 'e', '^', ' " ' ...

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@totallyhuman Python 3, 56 bytes
Definitely can be golfed.
Q: Popularity of questions, based on post time (and the most useless graph ever)

Redwolf ProgramsBack when I was new to Code Golf SE (then PPCG), a lot of my questions didn't do too well, and I didn't have the experience to tell whether they were good challenged or not. As such, I would often blame it on anything I could, like post time. A few years later, I've started to wonder about wheth...

3 hours later…
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Is there a pure Collatz sequence challenge posted to main?
2 hours later…
Can Maple be added to TIO?
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I read recursive's GitHub username "tomtheisen" as "Tom the Isen". I want to know what exactly is an "Isen"?
TomTheIsEn: (Tom) (The) (Is) (En)glish
: 52498929 Can I at least know the syntax of Maple? Because there isn't documentation on the site.
Indeed, there is absolutely no documentation on the site, we will never know what Maple programs are like unless we buy it.
: 52499015 although we can assume they taste good ;P
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: 52499031 We can assume that if we have it for a high price.
You can get there from the FAQ
It has a 682 page user manual
Seems like plenty of documentation to me!
Also, just an interesting thought for y'all: our bodies are constantly executing natural quines inside of us. This natural quine is called Mitosis
Anyhow, I'mma say goodbye for the night. See y'all tomorrow!
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Mitosis is the process of cell division.
It's basically a process of multiplying by 2.
Analogically, if we multiply a variable of a program by 2, you can't call that a quine.
Umm, how do I do a Hello World program in Maple?
@A_ but in the mitosis case, that variable we're multiplying is the whole cell that is doing the multiplying, = quine
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@dzaima Usually the cell cannot evolve to a complete body while it is multiplied. And in the evolving process evolves to a different organism. ≠ quine
@A_ but the single cell (at least in a single-celled organism) is the whole program, and it alone can copy itself
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@dzaima It can't copy itself while it is in the body that the cell is in other than evolving to a different body.
@A_ single-celled organisms are nothing but a single cell by definition
@Anush unless Dennis can somehow acquire a free license, no.
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@dzaima Maybe we should try implementing Maple separately based on its documentation?
@dzaima Not all single cells are single cell organisms. Some cells are designed to function with other cells.
@A_ but at least the ones that are single cell organisms are quines
@A_ That seems illegal
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@dzaima I guess quines aren't supposed to produce source code that execute at the same time it is created.
@cairdcoinheringaahing by what? Octave copied MATLAB, Mathics copied Mathematica, etc, so unless the maple docs say anything against using them to create a new language, i don't think it should be illegal
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

someoneSolve the Levenshtein distance traveling salesman problem fastest-code Note: don't miss the fastest-code tag! The Levenshtein distance between two strings is the smallest number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions and substitutions) necessary to make them equal. You are given ...

@dzaima Idk, it just seems iffy to be able to just create your own Maple, especially if you need a license to use it in the first place
Any feedback on this challenge?
Is mathics any good?
It seems worryingly outdated
Q: Proportion of strings with ascending letters

TheSimpliFireChallenge Make n strings, each with three distinct letters, chosen randomly with equal probability. Print the proportion of strings k/n where k is the number of strings such that all three characters are in ascending order. Input The only input is n (and thus it must be a positive integer)....

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

KrishnaArranging Coins Ashley has a bunch of coins she wants to arrange into staircases. She starts with a row of 1 coin which goes on top of a row of 2 coins, then 3 coins and so on. Each row should have exactly 1 more coin than the row above it. Your task is to determine the number of complete rows o...

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@mschauer Reopening.
I'm a little sleep-deprived, so all I got out of that conversation was that we probably can't add the human body to TIO
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@JoKing We were talking about one-cell organisms, not the human body here.
@JoKing Only probably though
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@JoKing We know everything on TIO is from the human body, why not add it to TIO too?
I was looking at the close reasons, have we ever closed a challenge for being primarily opinion-based?
It would have to be on-topic, not too broad, and have an objective winning criteria, but still be primarily opinion-based
maybe some old pop-con?
but even then, that was kinda the whole point right?
Q: Lorem Ipsum Generator

Lyndon WhiteLorem Ipsum is placeholder text used when preparing layout without wanted to have content already filled. One of its key features over using some arbitrary text is that it is nonsense. It isn't even valid latin (though it is close). This prevents anyone being shown the layout from becoming distr...

Wow. @JoKing was right with the pop-con idea :P
How did you find that?
@cairdcoinheringaahing search for pop-cons, and manually go trough closed ones :p
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Uri GrantaSyllable counter for English words code-golf natural-language string Challenge Write code that, given an English word, outputs the number of syllables it has. Scoring will be determined by a combination of code length and accuracy. Rules Accuracy of solutions should be measured against thi...

1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Alexey BurdinDraw a hexagonal grid n×m of ascii hexagons ____ / \ / \ \ / \____/ with numbers somewhere within each of them, such as numbers goes in snail order starting in the center (but without empty hexagons): ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ / \ ...

2 hours later…
Q: The html and css ONLYYY challenge!

Tom MinorCan you come up with a solution that uses ONLY HTML and in-line CSS? The answer with the least bytes will win a 50 reputation bounty! This is a challenge that has never been executed before. In this challenge you are ONLY allowed to use HTML and limited CSS. By limited, I mean you can only use...

Remember, a 50 reputation bounty will be awarded to the person whom has the answer with the least amount of bytes!
wait what?
there's two questions with identical URLs
wait nvm they're different now
I am starting to wonder if EdgyNerd is "Bobby Woodtooth" all along
What do you have to say for yourself Edgy Nerd?
Just Kidding, just an errant thought. Anyways, does anyone want to try the HTML and CSS ONLYYYY challenge?
@TomMinor You are aware you have two CGCC accounts right? one and two
@TomMinor You can ask the mods to merge the accounts.
This is my main account i have had for 3 years
I have 93 reputation on the SE network
@TomMinor But you don't have it associated with your two accounts on CGCC
I know, that is because I have no desire to join code golf.

Those two accounts are actually not even completely signed up. No password. Just posting as a guest
They are throw away accounts
But for some reason, even if you post as a guest, it still makes you an account. just not entirely signed up.
Like if you log out, you have to go through the account recover process because they are guest accounts
But I just make a new guest account
But I will never actually JOIN code golf
also why does everyone abbreviate code golf cgcc. it is just cg
on a side note, you can see both accounts are unregistered. thats what i meant by "guest account"
@TomMinor The site is Code Golf and Coding Challenges
It used to be Programming Puzzles and Code Golf, which is why a lot of users use PPCG
Q: How many characters, would you say, are in the program that outputs exactly how long it is, in English words, in a given programming language?

caird coinheringaahingRelated/Inspiration You are to write a pristine program which outputs its own length, in word format in English. However, you should aim to make your program as long as possible. You are to take no input (unless impossible, in which case you may take empty input), and to output the length of you...

Could a mod temporarily lock this question, as it's been vandalised 3 times in the past 24 hours?
I say no
Its a bad idea
@TomMinor Why?
oh this is the guy that kept vandalizing it:
wait, he asked the question
hi all
yeah dont lock it
if he asked it, he can do whatever he wants
its his question
@TomMinor no, suspending/locking is the standard response to someone vandalizing their own question in SE
Users deleting the entire contents of their own questions counts as vandalism and we (SE) don't allow that.
CMC Filter standard input to only return lines that have only ascii a-z, are 4 characters long and have all characters distinct
it is not vandalizing. if one askes a question. they would be able to get rid of it at any time.
because he wrote the question after all
as in ASCII 97 - 122
> All materials displayed or performed on the public Network, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, tools, photographs, images, illustrations, software or source code, audio and video, and animations (collectively “Network Content”) (other than Network Content posted by individual “Subscriber Content”) are the property of Stack Overflow
Stack Exchange own our content, not us
Whatever. I am on Nax 'vi-vim-nvim' team
I could make the a challenge on main if no one here is interested of course :)
@Anush I don't think it would do well on main
Anush, did you know that daily naps are healthy for you? I suggest you go take one. I just took my nap!
@TomMinor there have been a couple other cases on this site that someone else has vandalized their questions, and the response has always been to suspend the user/disassociate the question
@cairdcoinheringaahing "not us" -> "not we"
@TomMinor thanks. Top advice
@cairdcoinheringaahing any reason?
It boils down to "Filter elements which meet this criteria" and the criteria seem rather arbitrary
Why 4 characters long for instance?
@cairdcoinheringaahing well that could be n if it would help
Redo it as "Filter elements which only have unique/distinct characters" and it might be more interesting IMO
too easy! :)
It's no less easier than the original CMC
let's stick with the CMC for now
More things to do != harder to do
@Anush the question is "pointless"/multipart, and could just as well be "take one string and give bool if it's a-z & length 4 & unique", and all the criteria are arbitrary & trivial, = boring
@dzaima that's one way to look at it!
@dzaima they are exactly what we needed if you recall
which I did by stringing together grep and sed statements
any progress on our problem?
@Anush i gave up when i realized dzaima/apl was a bit too slow for my liking :p
that's too sad!
Q: Complying PHP and JS

Nax 'vi-vim-nvim'How does this work? Do you do HTML? I tried complying the CSS. It did not work So, my question is, how do you get together the code but without doing the criterion?

@DJMcMayhem ^ Possibly same user as the one vandalizing their question.
3 hours later…
Q: I have test-battery but no php?

Nax 'vi-vim-nvim'I did the html. I did the css! I did the javascript, but where is the REST? I tried to do the php and nothing worked! Please tell me, WHERE IS THE PHP????

@TomMinor If you have no desire to join CGCC, then why are you here and attempting to post questions? Especially without checking if they are on-topic before posting
@JoKing I am not quite sure what you mean. Can you please elaborate or clarify?

The only questions I have posted are the challenges of HTML and CSS which for some reason no one wanted to do.
@TomMinor That reason is primarily that they are in no way interesting challenges coupled with the fact that they are very, very under-specced and the fact that, by our definition, HTML & CSS are not programming languages.
Most of which I warned you about before you posted it. You also tried to post it again with a new account, despite the first being closed
The first was closed? I honestly had no idea as they were both throwaway accounts

The second post was not identical to the first. Although it had the same underlying challenge, I added two clarifications that disambiguated some misleading parts users were finding before.
We really need to do something about our lack of moderators. This is getting to be a lot of work for @DJMcMayhem to handle alone. Do we need SE to call an election or can we call one ourselves?
there is also mego and doorknob?
lol, trying to leave out the other ones?
@TomMinor Mego has quit.
@TomMinor Yep. Just because SE hasn't remove his diamond, doesn't mean he'll still moderate:
Q: It's time for me to leave

MegoOn October 27th, I decided that the following requirements must be met by November 1st for my continued involvement with the Stack Exchange network: The forced relicensing from CC-BY-SA 3.0 to CC-BY-SA 4.0 must either be validated as legal by a lawyer or legal team experienced in copyright law ...

but he still has the diamond so TECHNICALLY he is still a mod
@TomMinor But they have still quit, it's just SE hasn't updated their moderator status yet
@TomMinor Mego is gone and Doorknob is inactive.
Doorknob could come back
I say if we get a new mod. bobby woodtooth ought to be it
that guy is kind of cool to be honest
I mean, he seemd pretty smart
@TomMinor In the context of workload, we only have one, but then again, I think some of the other SEs are down to zero.
could you have an SE with zero mods? thats IMPOSSIBLE!
CMP: Would you want to be a mod on SE?
@TomMinor Thanks for confirming you're a troll; I wasn't entirely sure.
@Shaggy I've reached out to SE about an election, but unfortunately they don't want to run one over the holiday season. I don't know exactly what the plan is, but you can probably expect an election coming up sometime soon
Soon... Ish
So, 6-8 weeks…
@Adám On SE? Feck no! But in the interests of helping a community I love, I'd be willing to fill in for a few months here until an election could be held.
@DJMcMayhem Holiday season?
@Adám I barely trust myself with a dupe hammer
Oh, you mean Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving-new years
An election takes long enough that part of it would end up during Thanksgiving
Christ, it's going to be a long few months so! If there's anything at all I can do in the meantime to help you out, I'm always a ping away.
The trolls are few and far between, I'll survive
But thanks
@Shaggy Yeah, this was the user I was talking about. Mostly because they showed up in chat talking about the vandalisation about 15 minutes before the new user was created
@Adám I'm actually very curious to people's response to this
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, me too. I meant it very seriously.
What happens if an election is held, but all candidates are unworthy. Do the ones with the least few votes automatically become mods, or is there some kind of threshold?
@Adám I don't know if some step along the way holds "veto power"
Whether that's SE or the current mod team
@DJMcMayhem If there is one… two sites have no active mods.

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