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@Skidsdev @ConorO'Brien why not the r/programminglanguages official discord
1 hour later…
@JoKing 384 is also possible without that ;)
doesn't matter too much, though
2 hours later…
It's annoying how programs that store your password often don't allow you to look at it.
So instead of just looking at it, I have to make a fake server to get it.
um... how is the password "stored"?
and is it a website?
In a config file somewhere, I presume.
In this case it's an email client.
I found a nice pop3 server Python script, so it went pretty smoothly.
sounds like a total security fail to me...
Just had to disable a few security settings.
@EriktheOutgolfer How do you expect it to work?
salted hash
The email client needs to know my email password so it can authenticate with the mail server.
oh, so it's an actual downloaded program
in this case, I'd say that there's little to no harm storing the password locally
what would be concerning is storing the password in plaintext in the server
Speaking of logins... I tried to create a Twitter account a few days ago, and guess what? My account was auto-suspended for "suspicious behaviors" before I could even read one tweet.
The sad part is I only wanted to use it for reading only.
sounds like somebody in your IP range has been naughty...?
Wasn't even using my VPN...
I mean your real IP range
like, neighbors
Sure that's possible, I'm just saying, I did the most I could to avoid being a suspicious IP, lol.
you need a Twitter account to read tweets?
@Neil The point is to make it easier to follow people.
@NathanMerrill Son of a gun
@Veskah Here's to hoping Firefox doesn't follow
@NathanMerrill And maybe Chredge won't either. Google needs to show ads to make a profit. Microsoft doesn't. This would be an excellent opportunity to gain an edge (!) against Chrome's near-monopoly. In fact, Microsoft would implicitly be able to hurt Google by helping people to block their ads.
Is that API part of Chrome or chromium?
because, I could see it difficult to add it back in if it is in Chromium
because it likely has lots of hooks that would be difficult to put on top of chromium
@NathanMerrill Amen to that!
Ha ha, sharing your screen with your boss when you have TNB and PP&CG tabs open
Edgy on Purpose
@Adám AnotherMicrosoftBrowser
@Adám Duct Tape. It's like Chrome.™
@Adám Internet Explorer 12
@MilkyWay90 programming languages
@ASCII-only didn't know they had one tbh
2 hours later…
@mınxomaτ I finally took the time to learn to use a deep learning library and tried to implement this.
It is really fun to play around with:)
made a post
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SkidsdevFinding distinct road sections I was recently working on a grid-based road procedural generator, and thought of a neat idea for a new challenge: The Task Given a square (equal width and height) 2d array in which each item is one of 2 distinct values (of your choice): grass and road (I will use...

Q: Incremental Ranges!

Comrade SparklePonyYour task is to, given two positive integers,x and n, return the first x numbers in the incremental ranges sequence. The incremental range sequence first generates a range from one to n inclusive. For example, if n was 3, it would generate the list [1,2,3]. It then repeatedly appends the last n...

1 hour later…
@primo Cool answer for pi^1/pi. (you probably already know, but it fails for n=2175, which I don't like about the challenge)
NB. I don't suggest you try and fix it
i was planning on adding a solution with faster convergence as a post-fix
ln(pi)/pi = lim (pi^n)/(2n agm(pi^n,4)) n -> infty
arithmetic-geometric mean
@H.PWiz quadratic convergence. conveniently, pi can also be computed in terms of agm, if ln(2) is known: wolframalpha.com/input/…
ln(2) can aslo be computed with quadratic convergence, which would make e the bottle neck, despite being super-linear
@primo I messed about with your solution for a while, but only managed to add 7 bytes. Might be interesting though: tio.run/##LY6xCgMhEET7@4qUuiKrlyYo@znCrYo5w4WQLfLrxiNphuHNK2Z/…
Probably less confusing if you move q* down from line 5 to line 6
@H.PWiz i initially planned to use Lambert's formula for pi, but it was slightly longer: tio.run/…
produces 4/pi
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrDraw an Image on the screen efficiently code-golf Imagine you have a special rectangular screen made of square pixels. It consists of \$n\$ rows and \$m\$ columns. For every row and every column there is one swich (so \$n + m\$ switches in total). To turn a certain pixel on - let's say at posi...

Q: Here's your site design preview!

CatijaThree great discussions and 6-8 weeks later, I'm here to introduce you to your new site design! Thank you to everyone who contributed ideas to the discussion -- there were many great points of inspiration for our designer, Lisa. Special recognition to DJMcMayhem's suggestion of Conway's Game of L...

I think I broke the Featured on Meta box again... Sorry. If it's not fixed in a couple of hours, I'll get someone to unbreak it. :/
@NewMetaPosts I'll be the first to point out that our header contains the substring "Owo" :P
I hope the background is animated:)
HAHA. I think we'd probably get throttled if it were... :P If that's a sincere hope, I'm sorry to crush it but it's static.
@Catija It's OK, we're pretty used to the featured box being broken
Why is there a person with a tie that is too long hanging upside down in our new logo?
@NewMetaPosts I'll be the first to say (at least in chat) the design is amazing, I love it.
@flawr It's clearly a pen nib printing a period.
Was just about to say I love the Medal/Exclaimation mark portmentaeu
Speaking of the featured box... I think we're going to be activating that info box we use on Christianity for the purpose of linking to your sandbox... can y'all think about what the best wording for it would be?
@Skidsdev mexcalamation mark?
@Catija So a small, permanent "featured box" style notice to ask people to post challenges in the sandbox first?
@Poke Exclaimation Medal, of course
@Skidsdev oh i like that better :]
@Skidsdev Yep!
with the two vertical bars but a single period it is a sesqui-exclamation mark
@flawr sesqui-exclamation medal*
If a interrogation mark and a bang share their period (‽) it is called an interrobang. Clearly, this is an exclamation mark and a bang sharing a period, so it is a exclamobang.
@Adám but it's also a medal
or just a bangbang
@Catija That would also be a great place to mention we don't do code troubleshooting
Or SO-style programming hlep
@DJMcMayhem If we're turning it on, y'all can think about what you want it to say... maybe start a meta about it? You're much better able to decide what to say there than I am.
@Catija I think the first paragraph of the sandbox post is quite good, something like:
> The Sandbox is a place where you can get feedback on prospective challenges befor you post them on the main page. This is very useful as writing clear and fully specified challenges on the first try is difficult. There is a much better chance of a your challenge being well received if you post it in the Sandbox first.
@DJMcMayhem Except help to shorten code.
@Adám "Exclamobang" sounds like something I'd see in an Adam West Batman series.
@NewMetaPosts comment on the logo: it looks was influenced by the likes of this suggestion but it seemed to be pretty unpopular?
(maybe it can be golfed a little bit)
@AdmBorkBork You mean Adám West? ;)
or maybe Adm West
That's obviously correct, because it's golfier.
@Adám Adam Left? :P
@Poke Adm West
Adm Backspace
Well that's totally pointing north for me right now ;[
@flawr That's just "Ad"
@Poke Wait, is your screen flat on the table?
sometimes i thought it would be a fun idea to have an ASCII character that deltes the previous ones
You mean ^H? :P
@flawr That's ASCII 8
@Adám IT COULD BE (but no... it's not)
@Poke Then you're facing east.
@DJMcMayhem yes but thats not a character that you can type, that is an instruction, isn't it?
@Adám As one does
@flawr You can type it in a terminal
but can you delete this charcter and get the original one back?
Ah, no not really
@Catija something something css animation with keyframes on a loop?
Something something jquery interactive something turing complete something something tetris
you wouldn't even need jquery :]
or javascript
well you'd need a ton of frames to make an accurate GOL
I think they want to prevent people from abusing GOL for mining bitcoin, because of all communities on the internet PPCG is probably the first one to try that.
@flawr mmm yeah probably
@flawr Challenge idea: Golf a bitcoin miner in GOL.
is it just me or does the site title in the design look a bit elongated due to the smaller padding
@Poke did you realize you wrote message number 50499999?
@flawr userscript idea: simulated GoL in PPCG background
@flawr That's not something I check very often :P
so no
@Poke If the world only has oscillators, it is doable.
@Downgoat Why not real CSS GoL hand-cranked by all user clicks on the page?
@Adám would require an absurd amount of DOM nodes but maybe not impossible
Who needs performance or usability when we can have a running GOL background?
I'm disappointed that after all the effort I went to make some vaguely imaginative suggestions we've ended up with vanilla GoL.
@flawr hm, am i the only one who sees the upside-down logo as something inappropriate to mention here
@ngn oh god
I suggest an improvement
@PeterTaylor I think there were two outcomes here: (1) Designer reads vague instructions, builds run-of-the-mill GoL. (2) Designer reads vague instructions, doesn't know anything about GoL, but runs with it and builds something that isn't like GoL at all.
You'd need somebody that is both a designer, and it intimately familiar with our world to really get something unique.
@Skidsdev aw man
@NathanMerrill lol
@PeterTaylor Our highest-scoring (and most well-known) challenge is about GoL, so imo it's thematically appropriate
is anyone interested in a tool like this (except the line erases itself every time)?

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